Plato Mavropoulos d85a7f82dc Added AMI PFAT RSA 3K signed blocks support
Added AMI PFAT nested detection at each file

Added Award BIOS payload naming at each file

Switched Panasonic BIOS LZNT1 external library

Improved Panasonic LZNT1 detection and length

Improved Dell PFS code structure and fixed bugs

Improved code exception handling (raise, catch)

Improved code definitions (PEP8, docs, types)

Fixed some arguments missing from help screens
2024-04-24 01:22:53 +03:00

164 lines
5.4 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# coding=utf-8
VAIO Package Extractor
VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_VAIO_CAB, PAT_VAIO_CFG, PAT_VAIO_CHK, PAT_VAIO_EXT
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
TITLE = 'VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor v4.0'
def is_vaio_pkg(in_file):
""" Check if input is VAIO Packaging Manager """
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(
def vaio_cabinet(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Extract VAIO Packaging Manager executable """
match_cab = # Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF
if not match_cab:
return 1
printer('Detected obfuscated CAB archive!', padding)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image size
cab_size = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start() + 0x8:match_cab.start() + 0xC], 'little') # Get LE XOR CAB size
xor_size = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * 0x4, 'little') # Create CAB size XOR value
cab_size ^= xor_size # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB size
printer('Removing obfuscation...', padding + 4)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Data
cab_data = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start():match_cab.start() + cab_size], 'big') # Get BE XOR CAB data
xor_data = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * cab_size, 'big') # Create CAB data XOR value
cab_data = (cab_data ^ xor_data).to_bytes(cab_size, 'big') # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB data
printer('Extracting archive...', padding + 4)
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_data) # Create temporary CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding + 8, check=True):
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'VAIO CAB', padding + 8, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete temporary CAB archive
return 3
return 2
return 0
def vaio_unlock(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager executable """
match_cfg =
if not match_cfg:
return 1
printer('Attempting to Unlock executable!', padding)
# Initialize VAIO Package Configuration file variables (assume overkill size of 0x500)
cfg_bgn, cfg_end, cfg_false, cfg_true = [match_cfg.start(), match_cfg.start() + 0x500, b'', b'']
# Get VAIO Package Configuration file info, split at new_line and stop at payload DOS header (EOF)
cfg_info = buffer[cfg_bgn:cfg_end].split(b'\x0D\x0A\x4D\x5A')[0].replace(b'\x0D', b'').split(b'\x0A')
printer('Retrieving True/False values...', padding + 4)
# Determine VAIO Package Configuration file True & False values
for info in cfg_info:
if info.startswith(b'ExtractPathByUser='):
cfg_false = bytearray(b'0' if info[18:] in (b'0', b'1') else info[18:]) # Should be 0/No/False
if info.startswith(b'UseCompression='):
cfg_true = bytearray(b'1' if info[15:] in (b'0', b'1') else info[15:]) # Should be 1/Yes/True
# Check if valid True/False values have been retrieved
if cfg_false == cfg_true or not cfg_false or not cfg_true:
printer('Error: Could not retrieve True/False values!', padding + 8)
return 2
printer('Adjusting UseVAIOCheck entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace UseVAIOCheck entry from 1/Yes/True to 0/No/False
vaio_check =[cfg_bgn:])
if vaio_check:
buffer[cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end():cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end() + len(cfg_true)] = cfg_false
printer('Error: Could not find entry UseVAIOCheck!', padding + 8)
return 3
printer('Adjusting ExtractPathByUser entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace ExtractPathByUser entry from 0/No/False to 1/Yes/True
user_path =[cfg_bgn:])
if user_path:
buffer[cfg_bgn + user_path.end():cfg_bgn + user_path.end() + len(cfg_false)] = cfg_true
printer('Error: Could not find entry ExtractPathByUser!', padding + 8)
return 4
printer('Storing unlocked executable...', padding + 4)
# Store Unlocked VAIO Packaging Manager executable
if vaio_check and user_path:
unlock_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}_Unlocked.exe')
with open(unlock_path, 'wb') as unl_file:
return 0
def vaio_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Parse & Extract or Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager """
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
if vaio_cabinet(input_name, input_buffer, extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Extracted!', padding)
elif vaio_unlock(input_name, bytearray(input_buffer), extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Unlocked!', padding)
printer('Error: Failed to Extract or Unlock executable!', padding)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_vaio_pkg, main=vaio_pkg_extract).run_utility()