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#!/usr/bin/env python3 -B
# coding=utf-8
VAIO Package Extractor
VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor
Copyright (C) 2019-2024 Plato Mavropoulos
import os
from common.comp_szip import is_szip_supported, szip_decompress
from common.path_ops import make_dirs
from common.patterns import PAT_VAIO_CAB, PAT_VAIO_CFG, PAT_VAIO_CHK, PAT_VAIO_EXT
from common.system import printer
from common.templates import BIOSUtility
from common.text_ops import file_to_bytes
TITLE = 'VAIO Packaging Manager Extractor v4.0'
def is_vaio_pkg(in_file):
""" Check if input is VAIO Packaging Manager """
buffer = file_to_bytes(in_file)
return bool(
def vaio_cabinet(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Extract VAIO Packaging Manager executable """
match_cab = # Microsoft CAB Header XOR 0xFF
if not match_cab:
return 1
printer('Detected obfuscated CAB archive!', padding)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image size
cab_size = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start() + 0x8:match_cab.start() + 0xC], 'little') # Get LE XOR CAB size
xor_size = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * 0x4, 'little') # Create CAB size XOR value
cab_size ^= xor_size # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB size
printer('Removing obfuscation...', padding + 4)
# Determine the Microsoft CAB image Data
cab_data = int.from_bytes(buffer[match_cab.start():match_cab.start() + cab_size], 'big') # Get BE XOR CAB data
xor_data = int.from_bytes(b'\xFF' * cab_size, 'big') # Create CAB data XOR value
cab_data = (cab_data ^ xor_data).to_bytes(cab_size, 'big') # Perform XOR 0xFF and get actual CAB data
printer('Extracting archive...', padding + 4)
cab_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}')
with open(cab_path, 'wb') as cab_file:
cab_file.write(cab_data) # Create temporary CAB archive
if is_szip_supported(cab_path, padding + 8, check=True):
if szip_decompress(cab_path, extract_path, 'VAIO CAB', padding + 8, check=True) == 0:
os.remove(cab_path) # Successful extraction, delete temporary CAB archive
return 3
return 2
return 0
def vaio_unlock(name, buffer, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager executable """
match_cfg =
if not match_cfg:
return 1
printer('Attempting to Unlock executable!', padding)
# Initialize VAIO Package Configuration file variables (assume overkill size of 0x500)
cfg_bgn, cfg_end, cfg_false, cfg_true = [match_cfg.start(), match_cfg.start() + 0x500, b'', b'']
# Get VAIO Package Configuration file info, split at new_line and stop at payload DOS header (EOF)
cfg_info = buffer[cfg_bgn:cfg_end].split(b'\x0D\x0A\x4D\x5A')[0].replace(b'\x0D', b'').split(b'\x0A')
printer('Retrieving True/False values...', padding + 4)
# Determine VAIO Package Configuration file True & False values
for info in cfg_info:
if info.startswith(b'ExtractPathByUser='):
cfg_false = bytearray(b'0' if info[18:] in (b'0', b'1') else info[18:]) # Should be 0/No/False
if info.startswith(b'UseCompression='):
cfg_true = bytearray(b'1' if info[15:] in (b'0', b'1') else info[15:]) # Should be 1/Yes/True
# Check if valid True/False values have been retrieved
if cfg_false == cfg_true or not cfg_false or not cfg_true:
printer('Error: Could not retrieve True/False values!', padding + 8)
return 2
printer('Adjusting UseVAIOCheck entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace UseVAIOCheck entry from 1/Yes/True to 0/No/False
vaio_check =[cfg_bgn:])
if vaio_check:
buffer[cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end():cfg_bgn + vaio_check.end() + len(cfg_true)] = cfg_false
printer('Error: Could not find entry UseVAIOCheck!', padding + 8)
return 3
printer('Adjusting ExtractPathByUser entry...', padding + 4)
# Find and replace ExtractPathByUser entry from 0/No/False to 1/Yes/True
user_path =[cfg_bgn:])
if user_path:
buffer[cfg_bgn + user_path.end():cfg_bgn + user_path.end() + len(cfg_false)] = cfg_true
printer('Error: Could not find entry ExtractPathByUser!', padding + 8)
return 4
printer('Storing unlocked executable...', padding + 4)
# Store Unlocked VAIO Packaging Manager executable
if vaio_check and user_path:
unlock_path = os.path.join(extract_path, f'{name}_Unlocked.exe')
with open(unlock_path, 'wb') as unl_file:
return 0
def vaio_pkg_extract(input_file, extract_path, padding=0):
""" Parse & Extract or Unlock VAIO Packaging Manager """
input_buffer = file_to_bytes(input_file)
input_name = os.path.basename(input_file)
make_dirs(extract_path, delete=True)
if vaio_cabinet(input_name, input_buffer, extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Extracted!', padding)
elif vaio_unlock(input_name, bytearray(input_buffer), extract_path, padding) == 0:
printer('Successfully Unlocked!', padding)
printer('Error: Failed to Extract or Unlock executable!', padding)
return 1
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':
BIOSUtility(title=TITLE, check=is_vaio_pkg, main=vaio_pkg_extract).run_utility()