Harald Oehlmann 372994d794 Add Data Matrix Rectangular Extension (DMRE) in regular distribution
- add define "DM_DMRE	101" to zint.h as option_3 value
- add option "-dmre" to command line
- add ckeckbutton "Activate DMRE in automatic mode" to qzint
- make dmatrix.c/dmatrix.h aware of option_3 value DM_DMRE and include DMRE in automatic mode
- Use version 2.5 everywere (as already started by Robin)
- common test case for DMRE in automatic mode is numeric input data with 48 digits, which should lead to a symbol of size 8x64
2016-02-27 21:26:52 +01:00

37 lines
978 B

# Linux makefile for zint - requires libzint
# make compiles zint
# make install copies binary to /usr/bin
# make uninstall removes the binary
# make clean cleans up a previous compilation and any object or editor files
CC := gcc
CFLAGS := -D_WIN32 -O2 -fms-extensions -mms-bitfields -fno-exceptions -fomit-frame-pointer -Wall -I../backend
prefix := /mingw
bindir := $(prefix)/bin
all: zint zint_static
windres -O coff --input-format=rc -i $< -o $@
zint: main.c zint.res
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -DZINT_DLL -DPNG_DLL -DZLIB_DLL $(ZINT_VERSION) $? zint.res -o $@ -L../backend -lzint
zint_static: main.c zint.res
$(CC) -static $(CFLAGS) $(ZINT_VERSION) $? zint.res -o $@ -L../backend -lzint -lpng -lz
.PHONY: install uninstall clean dist
rm -f zint *.o *.a *~ *.png *.eps *.svg *.log *.exe *.bak *.res
install -D -p zint $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/zint
rm $(DESTDIR)$(bindir)/zint