grpMicroPDF 0 0 532 251 600 16777215 Form Encoding &Mode: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter cmbMaxiMode 0 0 1 Structured Carrier Message (Mode 2 or 3) Standard Symbol, SEC (Mode 4) Full ECC Symbol (Mode 5) Reader Program, SEC (Mode 6) false P&rimary Message: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter txtMaxiPrimary Format "PPPPPPPPPCCCSSS" where P is postcode of up to 9 digits for Mode 2 or 6 alphanumerics for Mode 3 (will truncate) and C is 3-digit country code S is 3-digit service class (ignored if disabled) false 0 0 Primary Message Here! false Enable S&CM Prefix Prefix Secondary Carrier Message with "[)>\R01\Gvv" where "vv" is version given below (ignored if disabled) false SCM Pre&fix Version: Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignVCenter spnMaxiSCMVV Version "vv" to place at end of SCM prefix (default 96) (ignored if disabled) false 0 99 96 Qt::Vertical 20 40