********************************************************************** * PLEASE NOTE: This is just a simple guide to getting Zint working. * * More complete documentation is available from the project website: * * >>> http://www.zint.org.uk <<< * ********************************************************************** The easiest way to configure compilation is to take advantage of the CMake utilities. You will need to install CMake first. If no Qt libraries are installed then CMake will not attempt to build the Zint Barcode Studio GUI. Similarly if libpng is not detected then CMake will not attempt to compile PNG image support. This method is recommened in most cases, the notable exception being MinGW. Once CMake is installed follow these steps: cd build cmake .. make make install The command line program can be accessed by typing: zint {options} -d {data} Notice that the data needs to be entered after all other options. Any options given after the data will be ignored. The GUI can be accessed by typing: zint-qt The MakeFile Method: MakeFiles are provided for some systems although this method is now deprecated. It compiles and installs the library and CLI only. If you have installed Zint using this method before please note that the binaries will now install to a different location than version 2.3.0 or earlier (/usr/bin rather than /usr/local/bin and /usr/lib rather than /usr/local/lib). This makes installation easier on Red Hat based systems (RHEL, CentOS, Fedora etc.) and on BSD-like systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD etc.) and is more correctly in line with the LSB. *** UNINSTALL ANY PREVIOUS VERSION OF ZINT BEFORE USING THIS METHOD *** To compile using this method simply run: make make install If compiling on MinGW substitute the Makefile.mingw files for the default Makefiles in both the /frontend and /backend folders. MS Windows: Compiling on Cygwin and MinGW are covered above. Compiling with MS Visual Studio is more involved! Full instructions are currently not ready for publication but will be placed on the project website as soon as possible. Mac OSX: Efforts are currently under way to ease compiling on OSX using the CMake method. It may be possible to compile Zint using methods similar to those given above, but this has not been thoroughly tested yet. If you have any success with compiling Zint on OSX then please get in touch. An install binary for OSX is also in development.