/* dmatrix.c - Handles Data Matrix 2-D symbology (IEC16022 ecc 200) */ /* libzint - the open source barcode library Copyright (C) 2008 Robin Stuart This file is a hacked-up copy of: * IEC16022 bar code generation by * Adrian Kennard, Andrews & Arnold Ltd * with help from Cliff Hones on the RS coding * * (c) 2004 Adrian Kennard, Andrews & Arnold Ltd * (c) 2006 Stefan Schmidt This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* The original version of this code is available at: http://www.datenfreihafen.org/projects/iec16022.html */ #define IEC16022_VERSION "0.2" #include #include #include #include #include "dm200.h" #include "common.h" // simple checked response malloc void *safemalloc(int n) { void *p = malloc(n); if (!p) { fprintf(stderr, "Malloc(%d) failed\n", n); exit(1); } return p; } int dmatrix(struct zint_symbol *symbol, unsigned char source[]) { int W = 0, H = 0; int ecc = 0; int barcodelen = 0; char *encoding = 0; int len = 0, maxlen = 0, ecclen = 0; unsigned char *grid = 0; char size[3], eccstr[3]; strcpy(size, ""); strcpy(eccstr, "200"); /* if (strlen(barcode) == 0) { // read from file FILE *f = fopen(infile, "rb"); barcode = safemalloc(4001); if (!f) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: could not open file"); return 8; } barcodelen = fread(barcode, 1, 4000, f); if (barcodelen < 0) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: could not read file"); return 8; } barcode[barcodelen] = 0; // null terminate anyway fclose(f); } else */ barcodelen = strlen(source); if(barcodelen > 780) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: input too long"); return ERROR_TOO_LONG; } // check parameters if (strlen(size) != 0) { char *x = strchr(size, 'x'); W = atoi(size); if (x) H = atoi(x + 1); if (!H) W = H; } if (eccstr) ecc = atoi(eccstr); if (W & 1) { // odd size if (W != H || W < 9 || W > 49) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: invalid Data Matrix size"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPTION; } if (!eccstr) { if (W >= 17) ecc = 140; else if (W >= 13) ecc = 100; else if (W >= 11) ecc = 80; else ecc = 0; } if (ecc && ecc != 50 && ecc != 80 && ecc != 100 && ecc != 140 || ecc == 50 && W < 11 || ecc == 80 && W < 13 || ecc == 100 && W < 13 || ecc == 140 && W < 17) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: invalid ecc value"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPTION; } } else if (W) { // even size if (W < H) { int t = W; W = H; H = t; } if (!eccstr) ecc = 200; if (ecc != 200) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: invalid size for ecc 200"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPTION; } } else { // auto size if (!eccstr) // default is even sizes only unless explicit ecc set to force odd // sizes ecc = 200; } // processing stamps if ((W & 1) || ecc < 200) { // odd sizes strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: odd sizes not supported"); return ERROR_INVALID_OPTION; } else { // even sizes grid = iec16022ecc200(&W, &H, &encoding, barcodelen, source, &len, &maxlen, &ecclen); } // output if (!grid || !W) { strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "error: Data Matrix encoding error"); return ERROR_ENCODING_PROBLEM; } int y; /*for (y = H - 1; y >= 0; y--) { int x; for (x = 0; x < W; x++) printf("%c", grid[W * y + x] ? '*' : ' '); printf("\n"); }*/ symbol->rows = H; symbol->width = W; for(y = H - 1; y >= 0; y--) { int x; for(x = 0; x < W; x++) { if(grid[W * y + x]) { symbol->encoded_data[(H - y) - 1][x] = '1'; } else { symbol->encoded_data[(H - y) - 1][x] = '0'; } } symbol->row_height[(H - y) - 1] = 1; } return 0; }