% README.bsd 2024-01-17 % Tested on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE (with X11 + GNOME installed), OpenBSD 7.4 (with X11) and NetBSD 9.3 (with X11) 1. Prerequisites for building zint ================================== Prerequisites are git, cmake, make, gcc (or clang) and, for PNG support, libpng, e.g. FreeBSD su pkg install git cmake gmake gcc graphics/png exit or OpenBSD (make and clang should already be installed): su pkg_add git cmake png exit or NetBSD (make and gcc should already be installed): su pkgin install git cmake png exit Then clone the latest source git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/zint/code zint cd zint 2. Prerequisites for building zint-qt ===================================== On FreeBSD: su pkg install qt5-core qt5-uitools qt5-buildtools qt5-qmake qt5-svg exit On OpenBSD: su pkg_add qtbase qttools qtsvg exit On NetBSD: su pkgin install qt5-qtbase qt5-qttools qt5-qtsvg exit 3. Build ======== The rest is standard CMake (allowing for absence of sudo) mkdir build cd build cmake .. make su make install exit except that on OpenBSD you need to use cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/lib/qt5/cmake .. and on NetBSD cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/pkg/qt5 .. instead. 3. CMake options ================ See "README.linux". Note for running the test suite on FreeBSD, if using the default csh, to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH use: setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${PWD}/backend Also, for Qt5 test on FreeBSD, need: su pkg install qt5-testlib exit