/*************************************************************************** * Copyright (C) 2008 by BogDan Vatra * * bogdan@licentia.eu * * Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Robin Stuart * * * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * * along with this program. If not, see . * ***************************************************************************/ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ /* * For version, see "../backend/zintconfig.h" * For documentation, see "../docs/manual.txt" */ #ifndef QZINT_H #define QZINT_H #include #include #include #include "zint.h" namespace Zint { /* QString version of `struct zint_seg` */ class QZintSeg { public: QString m_text; // `seg->source` and `seg->length` int m_eci; // `seg->eci` QZintSeg(); QZintSeg(const QString& text, const int ECIIndex = 0); // `ECIIndex` is comboBox index (not ECI value) }; struct QZintXdimDpVars; // Forward reference to Printing Scale settings, see end /* Interface */ class QZint : public QObject { Q_OBJECT public: /* Legacy - not used */ enum AspectRatioMode{ IgnoreAspectRatio = 0, KeepAspectRatio = 1, CenterBarCode = 2 }; public: QZint(); ~QZint(); /* Symbology to use (see BARCODE_XXX) */ int symbol() const; // `symbol->symbology` void setSymbol(int symbol); /* Input data encoding. Default UNICODE_MODE */ int inputMode() const; // `symbol->input_mode` void setInputMode(int input_mode); /* Note text/eci and segs are mutally exclusive */ /* Input data (segment 0 text) */ QString text() const; /* Set input data. Note: clears segs */ void setText(const QString& text); /* Input segments. */ std::vector segs() const; /* Set segments. Note: clears text and sets eci */ void setSegs(const std::vector& segs); /* Primary message (Maxicode, Composite) */ QString primaryMessage() const; // `symbol->primary` void setPrimaryMessage(const QString& primaryMessage); /* Symbol height in X-dimensions */ float height() const; // `symbol->height` void setHeight(float height); /* Symbol-specific options (see "../docs/manual.txt") */ int option1() const; // `symbol->option_1` void setOption1(int option_1); /* Symbol-specific options */ int option2() const; // `symbol->option_2` void setOption2(int option); /* Symbol-specific options */ int option3() const; // `symbol->option_3` void setOption3(int option); /* Scale factor when printing barcode, i.e. adjusts X-dimension */ float scale() const; // `symbol->scale` void setScale(float scale); /* Resolution of output in dots per mm (BMP/EMF/PCX/PNG/TIF only) */ float dpmm() const; // `symbol->dpmm` void setDPMM(float dpmm); /* Dotty mode */ bool dotty() const; // `symbol->input_mode | BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE` void setDotty(bool botty); /* Size of dots used in BARCODE_DOTTY_MODE */ float dotSize() const; // `symbol->dot_size` void setDotSize(float dot_size); /* Height in X-dimensions that EAN/UPC guard bars descend */ float guardDescent() const; // `symbol->guard_descent` void setGuardDescent(float guardDescent); /* Structured Append info */ int structAppCount() const; // `symbol->structapp.count` int structAppIndex() const; // `symbol->structapp.index` QString structAppID() const; // `symbol->structapp.id` void setStructApp(const int count, const int index, const QString& id); void clearStructApp(); /* Foreground colour */ QColor fgColor() const; // `symbol->fgcolour` void setFgColor(const QColor& fgColor); /* Background colour */ QColor bgColor() const; // `symbol->bgcolour` void setBgColor(const QColor& bgColor); /* Use CMYK colour space (Encapsulated PostScript and TIF) */ bool cmyk() const; // `symbol->output_options | CMYK_COLOUR` void setCMYK(bool cmyk); /* Type of border above/below/around barcode */ int borderType() const; // `symbol->output_options | BARCODE_BIND | BARCODE_BOX | BARCODE_BIND_TOP` void setBorderType(int borderTypeIndex); /* Size of border in X-dimensions */ int borderWidth() const; // `symbol->border_width` void setBorderWidth(int borderWidth); /* Width in X-dimensions of whitespace to left & right of barcode */ int whitespace() const; // `symbol->whitespace_width` void setWhitespace(int whitespace); /* Height in X-dimensions of whitespace above & below the barcode */ int vWhitespace() const; // `symbol->whitespace_height` void setVWhitespace(int vWhitespace); /* Type of font to use i.e. normal, small, bold or (vector only) small bold */ int fontSetting() const; // `symbol->output_options | SMALL_TEXT | BOLD_TEXT` void setFontSetting(int fontSettingIndex); // Sets from comboBox index void setFontSettingValue(int fontSetting); // Sets literal value /* Show (true) or hide (false) Human Readable Text */ bool showText() const; // `symbol->show_hrt` void setShowText(bool showText); /* Set to true to use GS (Group Separator) instead of FNC1 as GS1 separator (Data Matrix) */ bool gsSep() const; // `symbol->output_options | GS1_GS_SEPARATOR` void setGSSep(bool gsSep); /* Add compliant quiet zones (additional to any specified whitespace) Note: CODE16K, CODE49, CODABLOCKF, ITF14, EAN/UPC have default quiet zones */ bool quietZones() const; // `symbol->output_options | BARCODE_QUIET_ZONES` void setQuietZones(bool quietZones); /* Disable quiet zones, notably those with defaults as listed above */ bool noQuietZones() const; // `symbol->output_options | BARCODE_NO_QUIET_ZONES` void setNoQuietZones(bool noQuietZones); /* Warn if height not compliant and use standard height (if any) as default */ bool compliantHeight() const; // `symbol->output_options | COMPLIANT_HEIGHT` void setCompliantHeight(bool compliantHeight); /* Rotate barcode by angle (degrees 0, 90, 180 and 270) */ int rotateAngle() const; void setRotateAngle(int rotateIndex); // Sets from comboBox index void setRotateAngleValue(int rotateAngle); // Sets literal value /* Extended Channel Interpretation (segment 0 eci) */ int eci() const; // `symbol->eci` void setECI(int ECIIndex); // Sets from comboBox index void setECIValue(int eci); // Sets literal value /* Process parentheses as GS1 AI delimiters (instead of square brackets) */ bool gs1Parens() const; // `symbol->input_mode | GS1PARENS_MODE` void setGS1Parens(bool gs1Parens); /* Do not check validity of GS1 data (except that printable ASCII only) */ bool gs1NoCheck() const; // `symbol->input_mode | GS1NOCHECK_MODE` void setGS1NoCheck(bool gs1NoCheck); /* Reader Initialisation (Programming) */ bool readerInit() const; // `symbol->output_options | READER_INIT` void setReaderInit(bool readerInit); /* Affects error/warning value returned by Zint API (see `getError()` below) */ int warnLevel() const; // `symbol->warn_level` void setWarnLevel(int warnLevel); /* Debugging flags */ bool debug() const; // `symbol->debug` void setDebug(bool debug); /* Symbol output info set by Zint on successful `render()` */ int encodedWidth() const; // Read-only, encoded width (no. of modules encoded) int encodedRows() const; // Read-only, no. of rows encoded float encodedHeight() const; // Read-only, in X-dimensions float vectorWidth() const; // Read-only, scaled width float vectorHeight() const; // Read-only, scaled height /* Legacy property getters/setters */ void setWidth(int width); /* `symbol->option_1` */ int width() const; void setSecurityLevel(int securityLevel); /* `symbol->option_2` */ int securityLevel() const; void setPdf417CodeWords(int pdf417CodeWords); /* No-op */ int pdf417CodeWords() const; void setHideText(bool hide); /* `setShowText(!hide)` */ void setTargetSize(int width, int height); /* No-op */ QString error_message() const; /* Same as `lastError()` */ /* Test capabilities - `ZBarcode_Cap()` */ bool hasHRT(int symbology = 0) const; bool isStackable(int symbology = 0) const; bool isExtendable(int symbology = 0) const; bool isComposite(int symbology = 0) const; bool supportsECI(int symbology = 0) const; bool supportsGS1(int symbology = 0) const; bool isDotty(int symbology = 0) const; bool hasDefaultQuietZones(int symbology = 0) const; bool isFixedRatio(int symbology = 0) const; bool supportsReaderInit(int symbology = 0) const; bool supportsFullMultibyte(int symbology = 0) const; bool hasMask(int symbology = 0) const; bool supportsStructApp(int symbology = 0) const; bool hasCompliantHeight(int symbology = 0) const; /* Whether takes GS1 AI-delimited data */ bool takesGS1AIData(int symbology = 0) const; /* Error or warning returned by Zint on `render()` or `save_to_file()` */ int getError() const; /* Error message returned by Zint on `render()` or `save_to_file()` */ const QString& lastError() const; // `symbol->errtxt` /* Whether `lastError()` set */ bool hasErrors() const; // `symbol->errtxt` /* Encode and print barcode to file `filename`. Only sets `getError()` on error, not on warning */ bool save_to_file(const QString& filename); // `ZBarcode_Print()` /* Encode and display barcode in `paintRect` using `painter`. Note: legacy argument `mode` is not used */ void render(QPainter& painter, const QRectF& paintRect, AspectRatioMode mode = IgnoreAspectRatio); /* Returns the default X-dimension (`ZBarcode_Default_Xdim()`). If `symbology` non-zero then used instead of `symbol()` */ float defaultXdim(int symbology = 0) const; /* Returns the scale to use for X-dimension `x_dim_mm` at `dpmm` for `filetype`. If `symbology` non-zero then used instead of `symbol()` */ float getScaleFromXdimDp(float x_dim_mm, float dpmm, const QString& fileType, int symbology = 0) const; // `ZBarcode_Scale_Xdim()` /* Reverse of `getScaleFromXdimDp()` above, returning the X-dimension or dot density given the scale `scale`. If `symbology` non-zero then used instead of `symbol()` */ float getXdimDpFromScale(float scale, float x_dim_mm_or_dpmm, const QString& fileType, int symbology = 0) const; // `ZBarcode_XdimDp_From_Scale()` /* Set `width_x_dim` and `height_x_dim` with estimated size of barcode based on X-dimension `x_dim`. To be called after a successful `render()`. Returns false if `scale()` zero or render is in error, otherwise true */ bool getWidthHeightXdim(float x_dim, float &width_x_dim, float &height_x_dim) const; /* Return the BARCODE_XXX name of `symbology` */ static QString barcodeName(const int symbology); // `ZBarcode_BarcodeName()` /* Whether Zint library "libzint" built with PNG support or not */ static bool noPng(); // `ZBarcode_NoPng()` /* Version of Zint library "libzint" linked to */ static int getVersion(); // `ZBarcode_Version()` /* Translate settings into Command Line equivalent. Set `win` to use Windows escaping of data. If `autoHeight` set then `--height=` option will not be emitted. If HEIGHTPERROW_MODE set and non-zero `heightPerRow` given then use that for height instead of internal height */ QString getAsCLI(const bool win, const bool longOptOnly = false, const bool barcodeNames = false, const bool noEXE = false, const bool autoHeight = false, const float heightPerRow = 0.0f, const QString& outfile = "", const QZintXdimDpVars *xdimdpVars = nullptr) const; signals: void encoded(); // Emitted on successful `render()` void errored(); // Emitted if an error (not warning) occurred on `render()` private: bool resetSymbol(); // Reset the symbol structure for encoding using member fields void encode(); // `ZBarcode_Encode_and_Buffer_Vector()` or `ZBarcode_Encode_Segs_and_Buffer_Vector()` /* Helper to convert `m_segs` to `struct zint_seg[]` */ int convertSegs(struct zint_seg segs[], std::vector& bstrs); /* Convert `zint_vector_rect->colour` to Qt color */ static Qt::GlobalColor colourToQtColor(int colour); /* `getAsCLI()` helpers */ static void arg_str(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const QString& val); static void arg_int(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const int val, const bool allowZero = false); static void arg_bool(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const bool val); static void arg_color(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const QColor val); static void arg_data(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const QString& val, const bool win); static void arg_seg(QString& cmd, const int seg_no, const QZintSeg& val, const bool win); static void arg_data_esc(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, QString& text, const bool win); static void arg_float(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const float val, const bool allowZero = false); static void arg_structapp(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const int count, const int index, const QString& id, const bool win); static void arg_scalexdimdp(QString& cmd, const char *const opt, const float scale, const float dpmm, const int symbol, const QZintXdimDpVars *xdimdpVars); private: zint_symbol *m_zintSymbol; int m_symbol; int m_input_mode; QString m_text; QString m_primaryMessage; std::vector m_segs; float m_height; int m_option_1; int m_option_2; int m_option_3; float m_dpmm; float m_scale; bool m_dotty; float m_dot_size; float m_guardDescent; struct zint_structapp m_structapp; QColor m_fgColor; QColor m_bgColor; bool m_cmyk; int m_borderType; int m_borderWidth; int m_whitespace; int m_vwhitespace; int m_fontSetting; bool m_show_hrt; bool m_gssep; bool m_quiet_zones; bool m_no_quiet_zones; bool m_compliant_height; int m_rotate_angle; int m_eci; bool m_gs1parens; bool m_gs1nocheck; bool m_reader_init; int m_warn_level; bool m_debug; int m_encodedWidth; int m_encodedRows; float m_encodedHeight; float m_vectorWidth; float m_vectorHeight; QString m_lastError; int m_error; int target_size_horiz; /* Legacy */ int target_size_vert; /* Legacy */ }; /* Printing Scale settings */ struct QZintXdimDpVars { double x_dim = 0.0; // X-dimension in `x_dim_units` int x_dim_units = 0; // 0 for mm, 1 for inches int resolution = 0; // Dot density in `resolution_units` int resolution_units = 0; // 0 for dpmm, 1 for dpi int filetype = 0; // For non-MaxiCode, 0 for GIF (raster), 1 for SVG (vector) int filetype_maxicode = 0; // For MaxiCode only, 0 for GIF (raster), 1 for SVG (vector), 2 for EMF int set = 0; // 1 if explicitly set, 0 if just defaults (in which case the struct isn't applicable to `dpmm()`) /* Helper to return "GIF"/"SVG"(/"EMF") if `msg` false, "raster"/"vector"(/"EMF") otherwise (EMF only if `symbol` is MaxiCode) */ static const char *getFileType(int symbol, const struct QZintXdimDpVars *vars, bool msg = false); }; } /* namespace Zint */ /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */ #endif /* QZINT_H */