/* Zint Barcode Generator - the open source barcode generator Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Robin Stuart This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ /* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later */ //#include #include #include #include #include "scalewindow.h" // Shorthand #define QSL QStringLiteral /* "Standard" dpmm/dpi equivalents */ static int resolution_standard(int inch, int val) { /* Note toss-up between rounding 2400 dpi to 94 or 95 (~94.48818897637795275591) */ static int standards[9][2] = { { 4, 100 }, { 6, 150 }, { 8, 200 }, { 12, 300 }, { 16, 400 }, { 24, 600 }, { 47, 1200 }, { 94, 2400 }, { 189, 4800 }, }; for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (standards[i][inch] == val) { return standards[i][inch ? 0 : 1]; } } return 0; } ScaleWindow::ScaleWindow(BarcodeItem *bc, Zint::QZintXdimDpVars *vars, double originalScale) : m_bc(bc), Valid(false), m_vars(*vars), m_originalScale(originalScale), m_unset(false) { setupUi(this); if (m_bc->bc.noPng()) { cmbFileType->setItemText(0, QSL("Raster (BMP/GIF/PCX/TIF)")); } if (m_bc->bc.symbol() != BARCODE_MAXICODE) { cmbFileType->setItemText(1, QSL("Vector (EMF/EPS/SVG)")); cmbFileType->removeItem(2); // EMF } QSettings settings; #if QT_VERSION < 0x60000 settings.setIniCodec("UTF-8"); #endif QByteArray geometry = settings.value(QSL("studio/scale/window_geometry")).toByteArray(); restoreGeometry(geometry); spnXdim->setValue(m_vars.x_dim); cmbXdimUnits->setCurrentIndex(m_vars.x_dim_units); spnResolution->setValue(m_vars.resolution); cmbResolutionUnits->setCurrentIndex(m_vars.resolution_units); if (m_bc->bc.symbol() == BARCODE_MAXICODE) { cmbFileType->setCurrentIndex(std::min(m_vars.filetype_maxicode, cmbFileType->count() - 1)); } else { cmbFileType->setCurrentIndex(std::min(m_vars.filetype, cmbFileType->count() - 1)); } if (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnXdim->setSingleStep(0.001); } else { spnXdim->setSingleStep(0.01); } if (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnResolution->setSingleStep(50); } else { spnResolution->setSingleStep(1); } set_maxima(); size_msg_ui_set(); QIcon closeIcon(QIcon::fromTheme(QSL("window-close"), QIcon(QSL(":res/x.svg")))); QIcon unsetIcon(QSL(":res/delete.svg")); QIcon okIcon(QIcon(QSL(":res/check.svg"))); btnCancel->setIcon(closeIcon); btnScaleUnset->setIcon(unsetIcon); btnScaleUnset->setEnabled(m_vars.set); btnOK->setIcon(okIcon); connect(btnCancel, SIGNAL(clicked( bool )), SLOT(close())); connect(btnScaleUnset, SIGNAL( clicked( bool )), SLOT(unset_scale())); connect(btnOK, SIGNAL(clicked( bool )), SLOT(okay())); connect(spnXdim, SIGNAL(valueChanged( double )), SLOT(update_scale())); connect(cmbXdimUnits, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged( int )), SLOT(x_dim_units_change())); connect(btnXdimDefault, SIGNAL(clicked( bool )), SLOT(x_dim_default())); connect(spnResolution, SIGNAL(valueChanged( int )), SLOT(update_scale())); connect(cmbResolutionUnits, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged( int )), SLOT(resolution_units_change())); connect(btnResolutionDefault, SIGNAL(clicked( bool )), SLOT(resolution_default())); connect(cmbFileType, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged( int )), SLOT(update_scale())); } ScaleWindow::~ScaleWindow() { QSettings settings; #if QT_VERSION < 0x60000 settings.setIniCodec("UTF-8"); #endif settings.setValue(QSL("studio/scale/window_geometry"), saveGeometry()); } void ScaleWindow::size_msg_ui_set() { msgPrintingScale->setText(QString::asprintf("%.2f", m_bc->bc.scale())); float width_x_dim, height_x_dim; if (m_bc->bc.getWidthHeightXdim((float) m_vars.x_dim, width_x_dim, height_x_dim)) { const char *fmt = cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1 ? "%.3f x %.3f in" : "%.2f x %.2f mm"; msgWidthHeight->setText(QString::asprintf(fmt, width_x_dim, height_x_dim)); } else { msgWidthHeight->clear(); } bool defaultDisable; QWidget *focus = QApplication::focusWidget(); // This doesn't work well due to rounding errors TODO: fix defaultDisable = m_bc->bc.defaultXdim() == (float) get_x_dim_mm(); btnXdimDefault->setEnabled(!defaultDisable); if (focus == btnXdimDefault && defaultDisable) { spnXdim->setFocus(); } defaultDisable = (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 0 && spnResolution->value() == 12) || (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1 && spnResolution->value() == 300); btnResolutionDefault->setEnabled(!defaultDisable); if (focus == btnResolutionDefault && defaultDisable) { spnResolution->setFocus(); } } void ScaleWindow::unset_scale() { m_vars.x_dim = m_bc->bc.getXdimDpFromScale(m_originalScale, get_dpmm(), getFileType()); m_vars.set = 0; if (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnXdim->setValue(m_vars.x_dim / 25.4); } else { spnXdim->setValue(m_vars.x_dim); } m_unset = true; btnScaleUnset->setEnabled(false); } void ScaleWindow::okay() { if (update_vars()) { Valid = true; m_vars.set = m_unset ? 0 : 1; } close(); } void ScaleWindow::update_scale() { float scale = update_vars(); if (scale) { // Need up-to-date `vectorWidth()` and `vectorHeight()` to estimate size including borders, whitespace & text, // so tell main window to encode and it will update UI here via `size_msg_ui_set()` emit scaleChanged(scale); m_unset = false; btnScaleUnset->setEnabled(true); set_maxima(); } } void ScaleWindow::x_dim_units_change() { if (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnXdim->setValue(spnXdim->value() / 25.4); spnXdim->setSingleStep(0.001); } else { spnXdim->setValue(spnXdim->value() * 25.4); spnXdim->setSingleStep(0.01); } update_scale(); } void ScaleWindow::x_dim_default() { if (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnXdim->setValue(m_bc->bc.defaultXdim() / 25.4); } else { spnXdim->setValue(m_bc->bc.defaultXdim()); } update_scale(); } void ScaleWindow::resolution_units_change() { int value; if (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches if ((value = resolution_standard(0, spnResolution->value()))) { spnResolution->setValue(value); } else { spnResolution->setValue((int) roundf(spnResolution->value() * 25.4f)); } spnResolution->setSingleStep(50); } else { if ((value = resolution_standard(1, spnResolution->value()))) { spnResolution->setValue(value); } else { spnResolution->setValue((int) roundf(spnResolution->value() / 25.4f)); } spnResolution->setSingleStep(1); } update_scale(); } void ScaleWindow::resolution_default() { spnResolution->setValue(cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1 ? 300 : 12); update_scale(); } float ScaleWindow::get_x_dim_mm() const { return (float) (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1 ? spnXdim->value() * 25.4 : spnXdim->value()); } float ScaleWindow::get_dpmm() const { return (float) (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1 ? spnResolution->value() / 25.4 : spnResolution->value()); } const char *ScaleWindow::getFileType() const { static const char *filetypes[3] = { "GIF", "SVG", "EMF" }; return filetypes[std::max(std::min(cmbFileType->currentIndex(), 2), 0)]; } void ScaleWindow::set_maxima() { float maxXdim = m_bc->bc.getXdimDpFromScale(200.0f, get_dpmm(), getFileType()); if (cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnXdim->setMaximum(maxXdim / 25.4); } else { spnXdim->setMaximum(maxXdim); } float maxRes = m_bc->bc.getXdimDpFromScale(200.0f, get_x_dim_mm(), getFileType()); if (cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex() == 1) { // Inches spnResolution->setMaximum(maxRes * 25.4); } else { spnResolution->setMaximum(maxRes); } } double ScaleWindow::update_vars() { double scale = (double) m_bc->bc.getScaleFromXdimDp(get_x_dim_mm(), get_dpmm(), getFileType()); if (scale != 0.0) { m_vars.x_dim = spnXdim->value(); m_vars.x_dim_units = cmbXdimUnits->currentIndex(); m_vars.resolution = spnResolution->value(); m_vars.resolution_units = cmbResolutionUnits->currentIndex(); if (m_bc->bc.symbol() == BARCODE_MAXICODE) { m_vars.filetype_maxicode = cmbFileType->currentIndex(); } else { m_vars.filetype = cmbFileType->currentIndex(); } } return scale; } /* vim: set ts=4 sw=4 et : */