grpDM 0 0 463 339 600 16777215 Form Si&ze: Set height and width (H x W) of symbol cmbDM200Size Set height and width (H x W) of symbol 21 Automatic 10 x 10 (Zint 1) 12 x 12 (Zint 2) 14 x 14 (Zint 3) 16 x 16 (Zint 4) 18 x 18 (Zint 5) 20 x 20 (Zint 6) 22 x 22 (Zint 7) 24 x 24 (Zint 8) 26 x 26 (Zint 9) 32 x 32 (Zint 10) 36 x 36 (Zint 11) 40 x 40 (Zint 12) 44 x 44 (Zint 13) 48 x 48 (Zint 14) 52 x 52 (Zint 15) 64 x 64 (Zint 16) 72 x 72 (Zint 17) 80 x 80 (Zint 18) 88 x 88 (Zint 19) 96 x 96 (Zint 20) 104 x 104 (Zint 21) 120 x 120 (Zint 22) 132 x 132 (Zint 23) 144 x 144 (Zint 24) 8 x 18 (Zint 25) 8 x 32 (Zint 26) 12 x 26 (Zint 27) 12 x 36 (Zint 28) 16 x 36 (Zint 29) 16 x 48 (Zint 30) 8 x 48 (DMRE) (Zint 31) 8 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 32) 8 x 80 (DMRE) (Zint 33) 8 x 96 (DMRE) (Zint 34) 8 x 120 (DMRE) (Zint 35) 8 x 144 (DMRE) (Zint 36) 12 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 37) 12 x 88 (DMRE) (Zint 38) 16 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 39) 20 x 36 (DMRE) (Zint 40) 20 x 44 (DMRE) (Zint 41) 20 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 42) 22 x 48 (DMRE) (Zint 43) 24 x 48 (DMRE) (Zint 44) 24 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 45) 26 x 40 (DMRE) (Zint 46) 26 x 48 (DMRE) (Zint 47) 26 x 64 (DMRE) (Zint 48) Automatic Size: Selection criteria when considering automatic sizes Normally DMRE sizes are not considered, but other rectangular versions are (ignored if disabled) Only Squa&re Only consider square versions on automatic symbol size selection, suppressing rectangular versions (ignored if disabled) true Allo&w DMRE Consider Data Matrix Rectangular Extension (DMRE) versions on automatic symbol size selection (ignored if disabled) false Encoding Mode How to process data QLayout::SetMinimumSize S&tandard Process data as normal true GS&1 Data Process data as GS1 General Specifications data, formatted with Application Identifiers (AIs) H&IBC Process data as a Health Industry Barcode (HIBC) Labeler Identification Code (LIC) For Provider Applications Standard (PAS), preface the data with a slash "/" Use separator GS &for GS1 Use Group Separator (ASCII 0x1D) to separate GS1 AIs instead of the preferred FNC1 (ignored if disabled) false &Fast encoding Use a faster but less optimal algorithm for encoding the data false Structured Append Data Matrix supports Structured Append of up to 16 symbols C&ount: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter cmbDMStructAppCount Mark symbol as part of a Structured Append sequence containing a total of this number of symbols Value ranges from 2 to 16 0 0 Mark symbol as part of a Structured Append sequence containing a total of this number of symbols Value ranges from 2 to 16 Disabled 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Qt::Horizontal 10 20 false Inde&x: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter cmbDMStructAppIndex Position of symbol in Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to count (ignored if disabled) false 0 0 Position of symbol in Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to count (ignored if disabled) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Qt::Horizontal 10 20 false File IDs to indicate that symbols belong to the same Structured Append sequence Value of each ID ranges from 1 to 254 (ignored if disabled) I&D: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter spnDMStructAppID false File ID1 to indicate that symbols belong to the same Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to 254 (ignored if disabled) 1 254 1 false File ID2 to indicate that symbols belong to the same Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to 254 (ignored if disabled) 1 254 1 Qt::Vertical 20 0