% README.macos 2024-01-18 % Tested on macOS 12.7.2 Monterey VirtualBox (thanks to https://github.com/myspaghetti/macos-virtualbox) 1. Prerequisites for building zint and zint-qt ============================================== Start a terminal. First if not already installed, install the developer command line tools xcode-select --install This can take a (very) long time. Once done, check for updates by selecting "System Preferences" > "Software Update", and clicking "Advanced" and "OK" (with all the checkboxes set) to trigger the check. If updates are found, install. This can also take a long time. With the latest versions of the command line tools, "/usr/include" no longer has the standard C include files. Set SDKROOT to overcome this (https://stackoverflow.com/a/60002595/664741) export SDKROOT=$(xcrun --sdk macosx --show-sdk-path) Install Homebrew (unless already installed) /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)" Install CMake, libpng and Qt5 (git, make, cc & c++ should already be available with command line tools) brew install cmake brew install libpng brew install qt5 Add the Qt5 bin directory to the PATH export PATH='/usr/local/opt/qt@5/bin':"$PATH" Clone the latest zint source git clone https://git.code.sf.net/p/zint/code zint 2. Build ======== The rest is standard CMake cd zint mkdir build cd build cmake .. make sudo make install This installs into "/usr/local". You can then move the GUI "/usr/local/bin/zint-qt.app" into the main "/Applications" folder if you wish. 3. CMake options ================ See "README.linux".