grpUltra 0 0 461 237 600 16777215 Form Auto&matic Resizing Size and error correction level will be set based on data true buttonGroupUltraSizeECC false true E&rror Correction Level: Set percentage of capacity to use for error correction codewords buttonGroupUltraSizeECC false 0 Set percentage of capacity to use for error correction codewords ECO - Error Detection Only EC1 - Approx 5% EC2 - Approx 9% EC3 - Approx 17% EC4 - Approx 25% EC5 - Approx 33% Rev&ision: Set revision to use on output cmbUltraRevision Set revision to use on output 1 (default) 2 Encoding Mode How to process data QLayout::SetMinimumSize S&tandard Mode Process data as normal true GS&1 Data Mode Process data as GS1 General Specifications data, formatted with Application Identifiers (AIs) Structured Append Ultracode supports Structured Append of up to 8 symbols C&ount: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter cmbUltraStructAppCount Mark symbol as part of a Structured Append sequence containing a total of this number of symbols Value ranges from 2 to 16 0 0 Mark symbol as part of a Structured Append sequence containing a total of this number of symbols Value ranges from 2 to 8 Disabled 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Qt::Horizontal 10 20 false Inde&x: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter cmbUltraStructAppIndex Position of symbol in Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to count (ignored if disabled) false 0 0 Position of symbol in Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to count (ignored if disabled) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Qt::Horizontal 10 20 false Optional ID (File Number) to indicate that symbols belong to the same Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to 80088 (ignored if disabled) I&D: Qt::AlignLeft|Qt::AlignLeading|Qt::AlignVCenter spnUltraStructAppID false Optional ID (File Number) to indicate that symbols belong to the same Structured Append sequence Value ranges from 1 to 80088 (ignored if disabled) None 0 80088 0 Qt::Vertical QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding 20 10 radUltraEcc toggled(bool) cmbUltraEcc setEnabled(bool) 85 47 331 47