- BMP/EMF/PCX/TIF: fix endianness on big-endian machines (note TIF

now always written as little-endian - simplifies testing)
- READMEs: add date updated
This commit is contained in:
gitlost 2024-01-17 01:45:45 +00:00
parent cf04ac15b0
commit bead450f38
16 changed files with 317 additions and 265 deletions

View file

@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Bugs
also lessens to some degree chances of being victim of OOM killer on Linux)
- GUI: printing scale dialog: set maxima on X-dim and resolution to keep scale
<= 200
- BMP/EMF/PCX/TIF: fix endianness on big-endian machines (note TIF now always
written as little-endian - simplifies testing)
Version 2.13.0 (2023-12-18)

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
% README.bsd 2024-01-17
% Tested on FreeBSD 14.0-RELEASE (with X11 + GNOME installed), OpenBSD 7.4 (with X11) and NetBSD 9.3 (with X11)
1. Prerequisites for building zint

View file

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
Current as of latest clang-tidy-18 from Ubuntu 22.04 apt package (2023-12-26)
% README.clang-tidy 2024-01-17
% Current as of latest clang-tidy-18 from Ubuntu 22.04 apt package
Requires cmake in "build" sub-directory with -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON (for "build/compile_commands.json")
and -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug (so `assert()`s defined), and then make (for Qt generated includes).

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
% README.linux 2024-01-17
% Tested on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS, Ubuntu 22.04 LTS and Fedora Linux 39 (Workstation Edition)
1. Prerequisites for building zint

View file

@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
% README.macos 2014-01-17
% Tested on macOS 12.4 Monterey VirtualBox (thanks to https://github.com/myspaghetti/macos-virtualbox)
1. Prerequisites for building zint and zint-qt

View file

@ -1 +1,2 @@
% README.windows 2014-01-17
See "README" in the "win32" sub-directory.

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* bmp.c - Handles output to Windows Bitmap file */
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -97,23 +97,23 @@ INTERNAL int bmp_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
file_header.header_field = 0x4d42; /* "BM" */
file_header.file_size = (uint32_t) file_size;
file_header.reserved = 0;
file_header.data_offset = (uint32_t) data_offset;
out_le_u16(file_header.header_field, 0x4d42); /* "BM" */
out_le_u32(file_header.file_size, file_size);
out_le_u32(file_header.reserved, 0);
out_le_u32(file_header.data_offset, data_offset);
info_header.header_size = sizeof(bitmap_info_header_t);
info_header.width = symbol->bitmap_width;
info_header.height = symbol->bitmap_height;
info_header.colour_planes = 1;
info_header.bits_per_pixel = bits_per_pixel;
info_header.compression_method = 0; /* BI_RGB */
info_header.image_size = 0;
out_le_u32(info_header.header_size, sizeof(bitmap_info_header_t));
out_le_i32(info_header.width, symbol->bitmap_width);
out_le_i32(info_header.height, symbol->bitmap_height);
out_le_u16(info_header.colour_planes, 1);
out_le_u16(info_header.bits_per_pixel, bits_per_pixel);
out_le_u32(info_header.compression_method, 0); /* BI_RGB */
out_le_u32(info_header.image_size, 0);
resolution = symbol->dpmm ? (int) roundf(stripf(symbol->dpmm * 1000.0f)) : 0; /* pixels per metre */
info_header.horiz_res = resolution;
info_header.vert_res = resolution;
info_header.colours = colour_count;
info_header.important_colours = colour_count;
out_le_i32(info_header.horiz_res, resolution);
out_le_i32(info_header.vert_res, resolution);
out_le_u32(info_header.colours, colour_count);
out_le_u32(info_header.important_colours, colour_count);
/* Open output file in binary mode */
if (!fm_open(fmp, symbol, "wb")) {

View file

@ -200,6 +200,7 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
emr_exttextoutw_t text[6];
float text_fsizes[6];
int text_haligns[6];
int text_bumped_lens[6];
emr_header_t emr_header;
emr_eof_t emr_eof;
@ -303,74 +304,76 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
/* Header */
emr_header.type = 0x00000001; /* EMR_HEADER */
emr_header.size = 108; /* Including extensions */
emr_header.emf_header.bounds.left = emr_header.emf_header.bounds.top = 0;
emr_header.emf_header.bounds.right = sideways ? bounds_pxy : bounds_pxx;
emr_header.emf_header.bounds.bottom = sideways ? bounds_pxx : bounds_pxy;
emr_header.emf_header.frame.left = emr_header.emf_header.frame.top = 0;
emr_header.emf_header.frame.right = sideways ? frame_cmmy : frame_cmmx;
emr_header.emf_header.frame.bottom = sideways ? frame_cmmx : frame_cmmy;
emr_header.emf_header.record_signature = 0x464d4520; /* ENHMETA_SIGNATURE */
emr_header.emf_header.version = 0x00010000;
emr_header.emf_header.handles = (fsize2 != 0.0f ? 5 : 4) + ih_ultra_offset; /* Number of graphics objects */
emr_header.emf_header.reserved = 0x0000;
emr_header.emf_header.n_description = 0;
emr_header.emf_header.off_description = 0;
emr_header.emf_header.n_pal_entries = 0;
emr_header.emf_header.device.cx = sideways ? device_pxy : device_pxx;
emr_header.emf_header.device.cy = sideways ? device_pxx : device_pxy;
emr_header.emf_header.millimeters.cx = sideways ? mmy : mmx;
emr_header.emf_header.millimeters.cy = sideways ? mmx : mmy;
out_le_u32(emr_header.type, 0x00000001); /* EMR_HEADER */
out_le_u32(emr_header.size, 108); /* Including extensions */
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.bounds.left, 0);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.bounds.top, 0);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.bounds.right, sideways ? bounds_pxy : bounds_pxx);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.bounds.bottom, sideways ? bounds_pxx : bounds_pxy);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.frame.left, 0);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.frame.top, 0);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.frame.right, sideways ? frame_cmmy : frame_cmmx);
out_le_i32(emr_header.emf_header.frame.bottom, sideways ? frame_cmmx : frame_cmmy);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.record_signature, 0x464d4520); /* ENHMETA_SIGNATURE */
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.version, 0x00010000);
out_le_u16(emr_header.emf_header.handles, (fsize2 != 0.0f ? 5 : 4) + ih_ultra_offset); /* No. of graphics objs */
out_le_u16(emr_header.emf_header.reserved, 0x0000);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.n_description, 0);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.off_description, 0);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.n_pal_entries, 0);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.device.cx, sideways ? device_pxy : device_pxx);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.device.cy, sideways ? device_pxx : device_pxy);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.millimeters.cx, sideways ? mmy : mmx);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.millimeters.cy, sideways ? mmx : mmy);
/* HeaderExtension1 */
emr_header.emf_header.cb_pixel_format = 0x0000; /* None set */
emr_header.emf_header.off_pixel_format = 0x0000; /* None set */
emr_header.emf_header.b_open_gl = 0x0000; /* OpenGL not present */
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.cb_pixel_format, 0x0000); /* None set */
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.off_pixel_format, 0x0000); /* None set */
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.b_open_gl, 0x0000); /* OpenGL not present */
/* HeaderExtension2 */
emr_header.emf_header.micrometers.cx = sideways ? microny : micronx;
emr_header.emf_header.micrometers.cy = sideways ? micronx : microny;
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.micrometers.cx, sideways ? microny : micronx);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.micrometers.cy, sideways ? micronx : microny);
bytecount = 108;
recordcount = 1;
emr_mapmode.type = 0x00000011; /* EMR_SETMAPMODE */
emr_mapmode.size = 12;
emr_mapmode.mapmode = 0x01; /* MM_TEXT */
out_le_u32(emr_mapmode.type, 0x00000011); /* EMR_SETMAPMODE */
out_le_u32(emr_mapmode.size, 12);
out_le_u32(emr_mapmode.mapmode, 0x01); /* MM_TEXT */
bytecount += 12;
if (rotate_angle) {
emr_setworldtransform.type = 0x00000023; /* EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM */
emr_setworldtransform.size = 32;
emr_setworldtransform.m11 = rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
emr_setworldtransform.m12 = rotate_angle == 90 ? 1.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? 0.0f : -1.0f;
emr_setworldtransform.m21 = rotate_angle == 90 ? -1.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? 0.0f : 1.0f;
emr_setworldtransform.m22 = rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? -1.0f : 0.0f;
emr_setworldtransform.dx = rotate_angle == 90 ? height : rotate_angle == 180 ? width : 0.0f;
emr_setworldtransform.dy = rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? height : width;
out_le_u32(emr_setworldtransform.type, 0x00000023); /* EMR_SETWORLDTRANSFORM */
out_le_u32(emr_setworldtransform.size, 32);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.m11, rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? -1.0f : 0.0f);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.m12, rotate_angle == 90 ? 1.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? 0.0f : -1.0f);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.m21, rotate_angle == 90 ? -1.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? 0.0f : 1.0f);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.m22, rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? -1.0f : 0.0f);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.dx, rotate_angle == 90 ? height : rotate_angle == 180 ? width : 0.0f);
out_le_float(emr_setworldtransform.dy, rotate_angle == 90 ? 0.0f : rotate_angle == 180 ? height : width);
bytecount += 32;
/* Create Brushes */
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.type = 0x00000027; /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.size = 24;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.ih_brush = 0;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.brush_style = 0x0000; /* BS_SOLID */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_bg.type, 0x00000027); /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_bg.size, 24);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_bg.ih_brush, 0);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.brush_style, 0x0000); /* BS_SOLID */
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.color.red = bgred;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.color.green = bggrn;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.color.blue = bgblu;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.color.reserved = 0;
emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.brush_hatch = 0x0006; /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_bg.log_brush.brush_hatch, 0x0006); /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
bytecount += 24;
if (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_ULTRA) {
static const char ultra_chars[] = "0CBMRYGKW";
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].type = 0x00000027; /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].size = 24;
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].ih_brush = 1 + i;
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.brush_style = 0x0000; /* BS_SOLID */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].type, 0x00000027); /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].size, 24);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].ih_brush, 1 + i);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.brush_style, 0x0000); /* BS_SOLID */
if (i == 0) {
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.color.red = fgred;
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.color.green = fggrn;
@ -382,53 +385,53 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.color.reserved = 0;
emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.brush_hatch = 0x0006; /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].log_brush.brush_hatch, 0x0006); /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
bytecount += colours_used * 24;
recordcount += colours_used;
} else {
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.type = 0x00000027; /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.size = 24;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.ih_brush = 1;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.brush_style = 0x0000; /* BS_SOLID */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_fg.type, 0x00000027); /* EMR_CREATEBRUSHINDIRECT */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_fg.size, 24);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_fg.ih_brush, 1);
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.brush_style, 0x0000); /* BS_SOLID */
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.color.red = fgred;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.color.green = fggrn;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.color.blue = fgblu;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.color.reserved = 0;
emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.brush_hatch = 0x0006; /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
out_le_u32(emr_createbrushindirect_fg.log_brush.brush_hatch, 0x0006); /* HS_SOLIDCLR */
bytecount += 24;
emr_selectobject_bgbrush.type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_bgbrush.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_bgbrush.type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_bgbrush.size, 12);
emr_selectobject_bgbrush.ih_object = emr_createbrushindirect_bg.ih_brush;
bytecount += 12;
if (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_ULTRA) {
for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
emr_selectobject_colour[i].type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_colour[i].size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_colour[i].type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_colour[i].size, 12);
emr_selectobject_colour[i].ih_object = emr_createbrushindirect_colour[i].ih_brush;
bytecount += colours_used * 12;
recordcount += colours_used;
} else {
emr_selectobject_fgbrush.type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_fgbrush.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_fgbrush.type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_fgbrush.size, 12);
emr_selectobject_fgbrush.ih_object = emr_createbrushindirect_fg.ih_brush;
bytecount += 12;
/* Create Pens */
emr_createpen.type = 0x00000026; /* EMR_CREATEPEN */
emr_createpen.size = 28;
emr_createpen.ih_pen = 2 + ih_ultra_offset;
emr_createpen.log_pen.pen_style = 0x00000005; /* PS_NULL */
emr_createpen.log_pen.width.x = 1;
emr_createpen.log_pen.width.y = 0; /* ignored */
out_le_u32(emr_createpen.type, 0x00000026); /* EMR_CREATEPEN */
out_le_u32(emr_createpen.size, 28);
out_le_u32(emr_createpen.ih_pen, 2 + ih_ultra_offset);
out_le_u32(emr_createpen.log_pen.pen_style, 0x00000005); /* PS_NULL */
out_le_i32(emr_createpen.log_pen.width.x, 1);
out_le_i32(emr_createpen.log_pen.width.y, 0); /* ignored */
emr_createpen.log_pen.color_ref.red = 0;
emr_createpen.log_pen.color_ref.green = 0;
emr_createpen.log_pen.color_ref.blue = 0;
@ -436,20 +439,20 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
bytecount += 28;
emr_selectobject_pen.type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_pen.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_pen.type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_pen.size, 12);
emr_selectobject_pen.ih_object = emr_createpen.ih_pen;
bytecount += 12;
if (draw_background) {
/* Make background from a rectangle */
background.type = 0x0000002b; /* EMR_RECTANGLE */
background.size = 24;
background.box.top = 0;
background.box.left = 0;
background.box.right = width;
background.box.bottom = height;
out_le_u32(background.type, 0x0000002b); /* EMR_RECTANGLE */
out_le_u32(background.size, 24);
out_le_i32(background.box.top, 0);
out_le_i32(background.box.left, 0);
out_le_i32(background.box.right, width);
out_le_i32(background.box.bottom, height);
bytecount += 24;
@ -458,12 +461,12 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
rect = symbol->vector->rectangles;
this_rectangle = 0;
while (rect) {
rectangle[this_rectangle].type = 0x0000002b; /* EMR_RECTANGLE */
rectangle[this_rectangle].size = 24;
rectangle[this_rectangle].box.top = (int32_t) rect->y;
rectangle[this_rectangle].box.bottom = (int32_t) stripf(rect->y + rect->height);
rectangle[this_rectangle].box.left = (int32_t) rect->x;
rectangle[this_rectangle].box.right = (int32_t) stripf(rect->x + rect->width);
out_le_u32(rectangle[this_rectangle].type, 0x0000002b); /* EMR_RECTANGLE */
out_le_u32(rectangle[this_rectangle].size, 24);
out_le_i32(rectangle[this_rectangle].box.top, rect->y);
out_le_i32(rectangle[this_rectangle].box.bottom, stripf(rect->y + rect->height));
out_le_i32(rectangle[this_rectangle].box.left, rect->x);
out_le_i32(rectangle[this_rectangle].box.right, stripf(rect->x + rect->width));
bytecount += 24;
@ -481,24 +484,24 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
previous_diameter = circ->diameter + circ->width;
radius = emf_mul3dpf(0.5f, previous_diameter);
circle[this_circle].type = 0x0000002a; /* EMR_ELLIPSE */
circle[this_circle].size = 24;
circle[this_circle].box.top = (int32_t) stripf(circ->y - radius);
circle[this_circle].box.bottom = (int32_t) stripf(circ->y + radius);
circle[this_circle].box.left = (int32_t) stripf(circ->x - radius);
circle[this_circle].box.right = (int32_t) stripf(circ->x + radius);
out_le_u32(circle[this_circle].type, 0x0000002a); /* EMR_ELLIPSE */
out_le_u32(circle[this_circle].size, 24);
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.top, stripf(circ->y - radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.bottom, stripf(circ->y + radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.left, stripf(circ->x - radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.right, stripf(circ->x + radius));
bytecount += 24;
if (symbol->symbology == BARCODE_MAXICODE) { /* Drawing MaxiCode bullseye using overlayed discs */
float inner_radius = radius - circ->width;
circle[this_circle].type = 0x0000002a; /* EMR_ELLIPSE */
circle[this_circle].size = 24;
circle[this_circle].box.top = (int32_t) stripf(circ->y - inner_radius);
circle[this_circle].box.bottom = (int32_t) stripf(circ->y + inner_radius);
circle[this_circle].box.left = (int32_t) stripf(circ->x - inner_radius);
circle[this_circle].box.right = (int32_t) stripf(circ->x + inner_radius);
out_le_u32(circle[this_circle].type, 0x0000002a); /* EMR_ELLIPSE */
out_le_u32(circle[this_circle].size, 24);
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.top, stripf(circ->y - inner_radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.bottom, stripf(circ->y + inner_radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.left, stripf(circ->x - inner_radius));
out_le_i32(circle[this_circle].box.right, stripf(circ->x + inner_radius));
bytecount += 24;
@ -512,9 +515,9 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
hex = symbol->vector->hexagons;
this_hexagon = 0;
while (hex) {
hexagon[this_hexagon].type = 0x00000003; /* EMR_POLYGON */
hexagon[this_hexagon].size = 76;
hexagon[this_hexagon].count = 6;
out_le_u32(hexagon[this_hexagon].type, 0x00000003); /* EMR_POLYGON */
out_le_u32(hexagon[this_hexagon].size, 76);
out_le_u32(hexagon[this_hexagon].count, 6);
if (previous_diameter != hex->diameter) {
previous_diameter = hex->diameter;
@ -524,18 +527,18 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
/* Note rotation done via world transform */
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_a.x = (int32_t) hex->x;
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_a.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y + radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_b.x = (int32_t) stripf(hex->x + half_sqrt3_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_b.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y + half_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_c.x = (int32_t) stripf(hex->x + half_sqrt3_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_c.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y - half_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_d.x = (int32_t) hex->x;
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_d.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y - radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_e.x = (int32_t) stripf(hex->x - half_sqrt3_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_e.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y - half_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_f.x = (int32_t) stripf(hex->x - half_sqrt3_radius);
hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_f.y = (int32_t) stripf(hex->y + half_radius);
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_a.x, hex->x);
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_a.y, stripf(hex->y + radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_b.x, stripf(hex->x + half_sqrt3_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_b.y, stripf(hex->y + half_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_c.x, stripf(hex->x + half_sqrt3_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_c.y, stripf(hex->y - half_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_d.x, hex->x);
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_d.y, stripf(hex->y - radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_e.x, stripf(hex->x - half_sqrt3_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_e.y, stripf(hex->y - half_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_f.x, stripf(hex->x - half_sqrt3_radius));
out_le_i32(hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_f.y, stripf(hex->y + half_radius));
hexagon[this_hexagon].bounds.top = hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_d.y;
hexagon[this_hexagon].bounds.bottom = hexagon[this_hexagon].a_points_a.y;
@ -551,12 +554,12 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
if (symbol->vector->strings) {
bold = (symbol->output_options & BOLD_TEXT) && !is_upcean(symbol->symbology);
memset(&emr_extcreatefontindirectw, 0, sizeof(emr_extcreatefontindirectw));
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.type = 0x00000052; /* EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW */
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.size = 104;
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.ih_fonts = 3 + ih_ultra_offset;
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.height = (int32_t) fsize;
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.width = 0; /* automatic */
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.weight = bold ? 700 : 400;
out_le_u32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.type, 0x00000052); /* EMR_EXTCREATEFONTINDIRECTW */
out_le_u32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.size, 104);
out_le_u32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.ih_fonts, 3 + ih_ultra_offset);
out_le_i32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.height, fsize);
out_le_i32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.width, 0); /* automatic */
out_le_i32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.weight, bold ? 700 : 400);
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.char_set = 0x00; /* ANSI_CHARSET */
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.out_precision = 0x00; /* OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS */
emr_extcreatefontindirectw.elw.clip_precision = 0x00; /* CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS */
@ -565,21 +568,21 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
bytecount += 104;
emr_selectobject_font.type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_font.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_font.type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_font.size, 12);
emr_selectobject_font.ih_object = emr_extcreatefontindirectw.ih_fonts;
bytecount += 12;
if (fsize2) {
memcpy(&emr_extcreatefontindirectw2, &emr_extcreatefontindirectw, sizeof(emr_extcreatefontindirectw));
emr_extcreatefontindirectw2.ih_fonts = 4 + ih_ultra_offset;
emr_extcreatefontindirectw2.elw.height = (int32_t) fsize2;
out_le_u32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw2.ih_fonts, 4 + ih_ultra_offset);
out_le_i32(emr_extcreatefontindirectw2.elw.height, fsize2);
bytecount += 104;
emr_selectobject_font2.type = 0x00000025; /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
emr_selectobject_font2.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_font2.type, 0x00000025); /* EMR_SELECTOBJECT */
out_le_u32(emr_selectobject_font2.size, 12);
emr_selectobject_font2.ih_object = emr_extcreatefontindirectw2.ih_fonts;
bytecount += 12;
@ -587,22 +590,22 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
/* Note select aligns counted below in strings loop */
emr_settextalign_centre.type = 0x00000016; /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
emr_settextalign_centre.size = 12;
emr_settextalign_centre.text_alignment_mode = 0x0006 | 0x0018; /* TA_CENTER | TA_BASELINE */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_centre.type, 0x00000016); /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_centre.size, 12);
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_centre.text_alignment_mode, 0x0006 | 0x0018); /* TA_CENTER | TA_BASELINE */
if (halign_left) {
emr_settextalign_left.type = 0x00000016; /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
emr_settextalign_left.size = 12;
emr_settextalign_left.text_alignment_mode = 0x0000 | 0x0018; /* TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_left.type, 0x00000016); /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_left.size, 12);
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_left.text_alignment_mode, 0x0000 | 0x0018); /* TA_LEFT | TA_BASELINE */
if (halign_right) {
emr_settextalign_right.type = 0x00000016; /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
emr_settextalign_right.size = 12;
emr_settextalign_right.text_alignment_mode = 0x0002 | 0x0018; /* TA_RIGHT | TA_BASELINE */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_right.type, 0x00000016); /* EMR_SETTEXTALIGN */
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_right.size, 12);
out_le_u32(emr_settextalign_right.text_alignment_mode, 0x0002 | 0x0018); /* TA_RIGHT | TA_BASELINE */
emr_settextcolor.type = 0x0000018; /* EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR */
emr_settextcolor.size = 12;
out_le_u32(emr_settextcolor.type, 0x0000018); /* EMR_SETTEXTCOLOR */
out_le_u32(emr_settextcolor.size, 12);
emr_settextcolor.color.red = fgred;
emr_settextcolor.color.green = fggrn;
emr_settextcolor.color.blue = fgblu;
@ -619,7 +622,6 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
current_halign = -1;
while (string) {
int utfle_len;
int bumped_len;
if (string->fsize != current_fsize) {
string = string->next;
@ -633,45 +635,45 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
assert(string->length > 0);
utfle_len = emf_utfle_length(string->text, string->length);
bumped_len = emf_bump_up(utfle_len);
if (!(this_string[this_text] = (unsigned char *) malloc(bumped_len))) {
text_bumped_lens[this_text] = emf_bump_up(utfle_len);
if (!(this_string[this_text] = (unsigned char *) malloc(text_bumped_lens[this_text]))) {
for (i = 0; i < this_text; i++) {
strcpy(symbol->errtxt, "641: Insufficient memory for EMF string buffer");
memset(this_string[this_text], 0, bumped_len);
text[this_text].type = 0x00000054; /* EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW */
text[this_text].size = 76 + bumped_len;
text[this_text].bounds.top = 0; /* ignored */
text[this_text].bounds.left = 0; /* ignored */
text[this_text].bounds.right = 0xffffffff; /* ignored */
text[this_text].bounds.bottom = 0xffffffff; /* ignored */
text[this_text].i_graphics_mode = 0x00000002; /* GM_ADVANCED */
text[this_text].ex_scale = 1.0f;
text[this_text].ey_scale = 1.0f;
memset(this_string[this_text], 0, text_bumped_lens[this_text]);
out_le_u32(text[this_text].type, 0x00000054); /* EMR_EXTTEXTOUTW */
out_le_u32(text[this_text].size, 76 + text_bumped_lens[this_text]);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].bounds.top, 0); /* ignored */
out_le_i32(text[this_text].bounds.left, 0); /* ignored */
out_le_i32(text[this_text].bounds.right, 0xffffffff); /* ignored */
out_le_i32(text[this_text].bounds.bottom, 0xffffffff); /* ignored */
out_le_u32(text[this_text].i_graphics_mode, 0x00000002); /* GM_ADVANCED */
out_le_float(text[this_text].ex_scale, 1.0f);
out_le_float(text[this_text].ey_scale, 1.0f);
/* Unhack the guard whitespace `gws_left_fudge`/`gws_right_fudge` hack */
if (upcean && string->halign == 1 && string->text[0] == '<') {
const float gws_left_fudge = symbol->scale < 0.1f ? 0.1f : symbol->scale; /* 0.5 * 2 * scale */
text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x = (int32_t) (string->x + gws_left_fudge);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x, string->x + gws_left_fudge);
} else if (upcean && string->halign == 2 && string->text[0] == '>') {
const float gws_right_fudge = symbol->scale < 0.1f ? 0.1f : symbol->scale; /* 0.5 * 2 * scale */
text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x = (int32_t) (string->x - gws_right_fudge);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x, string->x - gws_right_fudge);
} else {
text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x = (int32_t) string->x;
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.x, string->x);
text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.y = (int32_t) string->y;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.chars = utfle_len;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.off_string = 76;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.options = 0;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.top = 0;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.left = 0;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.right = 0xffffffff;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.bottom = 0xffffffff;
text[this_text].w_emr_text.off_dx = 0;
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.reference.y, string->y);
out_le_u32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.chars, utfle_len);
out_le_u32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.off_string, 76);
out_le_u32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.options, 0);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.top, 0);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.left, 0);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.right, 0xffffffff);
out_le_i32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.rectangle.bottom, 0xffffffff);
out_le_u32(text[this_text].w_emr_text.off_dx, 0);
emf_utfle_copy(this_string[this_text], string->text, string->length);
bytecount += 76 + bumped_len;
bytecount += 76 + text_bumped_lens[this_text];
@ -682,10 +684,10 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
assert(this_text == string_count);
/* Create EOF record */
emr_eof.type = 0x0000000e; /* EMR_EOF */
emr_eof.size = 20; /* Assuming no palette entries */
emr_eof.n_pal_entries = 0;
emr_eof.off_pal_entries = 0;
out_le_u32(emr_eof.type, 0x0000000e); /* EMR_EOF */
out_le_u32(emr_eof.size, 20); /* Assuming no palette entries */
out_le_u32(emr_eof.n_pal_entries, 0);
out_le_u32(emr_eof.off_pal_entries, 0);
emr_eof.size_last = emr_eof.size;
bytecount += 20;
@ -696,8 +698,8 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
/* Put final counts in header */
emr_header.emf_header.bytes = bytecount;
emr_header.emf_header.records = recordcount;
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.bytes, bytecount);
out_le_u32(emr_header.emf_header.records, recordcount);
/* Send EMF data to file */
if (!fm_open(fmp, symbol, "wb")) {
@ -813,7 +815,7 @@ INTERNAL int emf_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, int rotate_angle) {
fm_write(&text[i], sizeof(emr_exttextoutw_t), 1, fmp);
fm_write(this_string[i], emf_bump_up(text[i].w_emr_text.chars), 1, fmp);
fm_write(this_string[i], text_bumped_lens[i], 1, fmp);

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* output.h - Common routines for raster/vector */
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2020-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2020-2024 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -77,6 +77,42 @@ INTERNAL FILE *out_fopen(const char filename[256], const char *mode);
INTERNAL FILE *out_win_fopen(const char *filename, const char *mode);
/* Little-endian output */
#define out_le_u16(b, n) do { \
unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) &(b); \
uint16_t u16 = (uint16_t) (n); \
bp[0] = (unsigned char) (u16 & 0xFF); \
bp[1] = (unsigned char) ((u16 >> 8) & 0xFF); \
} while (0)
#define out_le_u32(b, n) do { \
unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) &(b); \
uint32_t u32 = (uint32_t) (n); \
bp[0] = (unsigned char) (u32 & 0xFF); \
bp[1] = (unsigned char) ((u32 >> 8) & 0xFF); \
bp[2] = (unsigned char) ((u32 >> 16) & 0xFF); \
bp[3] = (unsigned char) ((u32 >> 24) & 0xFF); \
} while (0)
#define out_le_i32(b, n) do { \
unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) &(b); \
int32_t i32 = (int32_t) (n); \
bp[0] = (unsigned char) (i32 & 0xFF); \
bp[1] = (unsigned char) ((i32 >> 8) & 0xFF); \
bp[2] = (unsigned char) ((i32 >> 16) & 0xFF); \
bp[3] = (unsigned char) ((i32 >> 24) & 0xFF); \
} while (0)
#define out_le_float(b, n) do { \
unsigned char *bp = (unsigned char *) &(b); \
float f = n; \
uint32_t *p_u32 = (uint32_t *) &(f); \
bp[0] = (unsigned char) (*p_u32 & 0xFF); \
bp[1] = (unsigned char) ((*p_u32 >> 8) & 0xFF); \
bp[2] = (unsigned char) ((*p_u32 >> 16) & 0xFF); \
bp[3] = (unsigned char) ((*p_u32 >> 24) & 0xFF); \
} while (0)
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __cplusplus */

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* pcx.c - Handles output to ZSoft PCX file */
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2009-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2009-2024 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -60,11 +60,11 @@ INTERNAL int pcx_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
header.version = 5; /* Version 3.0 */
header.encoding = 1; /* Run length encoding */
header.bits_per_pixel = 8; /* TODO: 1-bit monochrome black/white */
header.window_xmin = 0;
header.window_ymin = 0;
header.window_xmax = symbol->bitmap_width - 1;
header.window_ymax = symbol->bitmap_height - 1;
header.horiz_dpi = symbol->dpmm ? (uint16_t) roundf(stripf(symbol->dpmm * 25.4f)) : 300;
out_le_u16(header.window_xmin, 0);
out_le_u16(header.window_ymin, 0);
out_le_u16(header.window_xmax, symbol->bitmap_width - 1);
out_le_u16(header.window_ymax, symbol->bitmap_height - 1);
out_le_u16(header.horiz_dpi, symbol->dpmm ? roundf(stripf(symbol->dpmm * 25.4f)) : 300);
header.vert_dpi = header.horiz_dpi;
for (i = 0; i < 48; i++) {
@ -74,11 +74,11 @@ INTERNAL int pcx_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
header.reserved = 0;
header.number_of_planes = 3 + (fgalpha != 0xFF || bgalpha != 0xFF); /* TODO: 1-bit monochrome black/white */
header.bytes_per_line = bytes_per_line;
out_le_u16(header.bytes_per_line, bytes_per_line);
header.palette_info = 1; /* Colour */
header.horiz_screen_size = 0;
header.vert_screen_size = 0;
out_le_u16(header.palette_info, 1); /* Colour */
out_le_u16(header.horiz_screen_size, 0);
out_le_u16(header.vert_screen_size, 0);
for (i = 0; i < 54; i++) {
header.filler[i] = 0x00;

View file

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
% backend/tests/README 2024-01-17
Zint backend test suite

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2021-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ static void test_colour_get_rgb(const testCtx *const p_ctx) {
unsigned char red = 0, green = 0, blue = 0, alpha = 0, rgb_alpha = 0;
int cyan, magenta, yellow, black;
int have_alpha;
char rgb[16];
char cmyk[16];
char rgb[64];
char cmyk[64];
if (testContinue(p_ctx, i)) continue;

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* tif.c - Aldus Tagged Image File Format support */
libzint - the open source barcode library
Copyright (C) 2016-2023 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Copyright (C) 2016-2024 Robin Stuart <rstuart114@gmail.com>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
@ -69,10 +69,6 @@ static void to_cmyk(const char *colour, unsigned char *cmyk) {
cmyk[4] = alpha;
static int is_big_endian(void) {
return (*((const uint16_t *)"\x11\x22") == 0x1122);
/* TIFF Revision 6.0 https://www.adobe.io/content/dam/udp/en/open/standards/tiff/TIFF6.pdf */
INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pixelbuf) {
unsigned char fg[4], bg[4];
@ -113,6 +109,7 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
int offsets = 0;
int ifd_size;
uint32_t temp32;
uint16_t temp16;
(void) out_colour_get_rgb(symbol->fgcolour, &fg[0], &fg[1], &fg[2], &fg[3]);
(void) out_colour_get_rgb(symbol->bgcolour, &bg[0], &bg[1], &bg[2], &bg[3]);
@ -323,13 +320,9 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
/* Header */
if (is_big_endian()) {
header.byte_order = 0x4D4D; /* "MM" big-endian */
} else {
header.byte_order = 0x4949; /* "II" little-endian */
header.identity = 42;
header.offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
out_le_u16(header.byte_order, 0x4949); /* "II" little-endian */
out_le_u16(header.identity, 42);
out_le_u32(header.offset, free_memory);
fm_write(&header, sizeof(tiff_header_t), 1, fmp);
total_bytes_put = sizeof(tiff_header_t);
@ -422,29 +415,30 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
(void) fm_close(fmp, symbol);
out_le_u32(temp32, temp32);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
fm_seek(fmp, file_pos, SEEK_SET);
/* Image File Directory */
tags[entries].tag = 0x0100; /* ImageWidth */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = symbol->bitmap_width;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0100); /* ImageWidth */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, symbol->bitmap_width);
tags[entries].tag = 0x0101; /* ImageLength - number of rows */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = symbol->bitmap_height;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0101); /* ImageLength - number of rows */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, symbol->bitmap_height);
if (samples_per_pixel != 1 || bits_per_sample != 1) {
tags[entries].tag = 0x0102; /* BitsPerSample */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = samples_per_pixel;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0102); /* BitsPerSample */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, samples_per_pixel);
if (samples_per_pixel == 1) {
tags[entries++].offset = bits_per_sample;
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, bits_per_sample);
} else if (samples_per_pixel == 2) { /* 2 SHORTS fit into LONG offset so packed into offset */
tags[entries++].offset = (bits_per_sample << 16) | bits_per_sample;
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, (bits_per_sample << 16) | bits_per_sample);
} else {
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
@ -452,21 +446,21 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
tags[entries].tag = 0x0103; /* Compression */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = compression;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0103); /* Compression */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, compression);
tags[entries].tag = 0x0106; /* PhotometricInterpretation */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = pmi;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0106); /* PhotometricInterpretation */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, pmi);
tags[entries].tag = 0x0111; /* StripOffsets */
tags[entries].type = 4; /* LONG */
tags[entries].count = strip_count;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0111); /* StripOffsets */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 4); /* LONG */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, strip_count);
if (strip_count == 1) {
tags[entries++].offset = strip_offset[0];
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, strip_offset[0]);
} else {
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
@ -474,78 +468,81 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
if (samples_per_pixel > 1) {
tags[entries].tag = 0x0115; /* SamplesPerPixel */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = samples_per_pixel;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0115); /* SamplesPerPixel */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, samples_per_pixel);
tags[entries].tag = 0x0116; /* RowsPerStrip */
tags[entries].type = 4; /* LONG */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = rows_per_strip;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0116); /* RowsPerStrip */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 4); /* LONG */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, rows_per_strip);
tags[entries].tag = 0x0117; /* StripByteCounts */
tags[entries].type = 4; /* LONG */
tags[entries].count = strip_count;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0117); /* StripByteCounts */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 4); /* LONG */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, strip_count);
if (strip_count == 1) {
tags[entries++].offset = strip_bytes[0];
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, strip_bytes[0]);
} else {
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
free_memory += strip_count * 4;
tags[entries].tag = 0x011a; /* XResolution */
tags[entries].type = 5; /* RATIONAL */
tags[entries].count = 1;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x011a); /* XResolution */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 5); /* RATIONAL */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
free_memory += 8;
tags[entries].tag = 0x011b; /* YResolution */
tags[entries].type = 5; /* RATIONAL */
tags[entries].count = 1;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x011b); /* YResolution */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 5); /* RATIONAL */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
free_memory += 8;
tags[entries].tag = 0x0128; /* ResolutionUnit */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0128); /* ResolutionUnit */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
if (symbol->dpmm) {
tags[entries++].offset = 3; /* Centimetres */
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, 3); /* Centimetres */
} else {
tags[entries++].offset = 2; /* Inches */
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, 2); /* Inches */
if (color_map_size) {
tags[entries].tag = 0x0140; /* ColorMap */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = color_map_size * 3;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0140); /* ColorMap */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, color_map_size * 3);
update_offsets[offsets++] = entries;
tags[entries++].offset = (uint32_t) free_memory;
/* free_memory += color_map_size * 3 * 2; Unnecessary as long as last use */
if (extra_samples) {
tags[entries].tag = 0x0152; /* ExtraSamples */
tags[entries].type = 3; /* SHORT */
tags[entries].count = 1;
tags[entries++].offset = extra_samples;
out_le_u16(tags[entries].tag, 0x0152); /* ExtraSamples */
out_le_u16(tags[entries].type, 3); /* SHORT */
out_le_u32(tags[entries].count, 1);
out_le_u32(tags[entries++].offset, extra_samples);
ifd_size = sizeof(entries) + sizeof(tiff_tag_t) * entries + sizeof(offset);
for (i = 0; i < offsets; i++) {
tags[update_offsets[i]].offset += ifd_size;
out_le_u32(tags[update_offsets[i]].offset, tags[update_offsets[i]].offset + ifd_size);
fm_write(&entries, sizeof(entries), 1, fmp);
out_le_u16(temp16, entries);
fm_write(&temp16, sizeof(entries), 1, fmp);
fm_write(&tags, sizeof(tiff_tag_t), entries, fmp);
out_le_u32(offset, offset);
fm_write(&offset, sizeof(offset), 1, fmp);
total_bytes_put += ifd_size;
if (samples_per_pixel > 2) {
out_le_u16(bits_per_sample, bits_per_sample);
for (i = 0; i < samples_per_pixel; i++) {
fm_write(&bits_per_sample, sizeof(bits_per_sample), 1, fmp);
@ -555,27 +552,29 @@ INTERNAL int tif_pixel_plot(struct zint_symbol *symbol, const unsigned char *pix
if (strip_count != 1) {
/* Strip offsets */
for (i = 0; i < strip_count; i++) {
fm_write(&strip_offset[i], 4, 1, fmp);
out_le_u32(temp32, strip_offset[i]);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
/* Strip byte lengths */
for (i = 0; i < strip_count; i++) {
fm_write(&strip_bytes[i], 4, 1, fmp);
out_le_u32(temp32, strip_bytes[i]);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
total_bytes_put += strip_count * 8;
/* XResolution */
temp32 = symbol->dpmm ? symbol->dpmm : 72;
out_le_u32(temp32, symbol->dpmm ? symbol->dpmm : 72);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
temp32 = symbol->dpmm ? 10 /*cm*/ : 1;
out_le_u32(temp32, symbol->dpmm ? 10 /*cm*/ : 1);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
total_bytes_put += 8;
/* YResolution */
temp32 = symbol->dpmm ? symbol->dpmm : 72;
out_le_u32(temp32, symbol->dpmm ? symbol->dpmm : 72);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
temp32 = symbol->dpmm ? 10 /*cm*/ : 1;
out_le_u32(temp32, symbol->dpmm ? 10 /*cm*/ : 1);
fm_write(&temp32, 4, 1, fmp);
total_bytes_put += 8;

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
% docs/README 2014-01-17
For generation of "docs/manual.pdf" and "docs/manual.txt" from "manual.pmd" using a recent version of pandoc
On Ubuntu/Debian (tested on Ubuntu 22.04)

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
% frontend/tests/README 2024-01-12
Zint frontend test suite

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@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
% win32/README 2024-01-17
Visual Studio 2022