
2674 lines
64 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<ui version="4.0" >
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2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
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2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="windowTitle" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>Zint Barcode Studio</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="windowIcon" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
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2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
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2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
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2009-05-03 02:36:51 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabGeneral" >
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2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="title" >
<string>Data to Encode</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="txtData" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Your Data Here!</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpComposite" >
<property name="enabled" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="geometry" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="title" >
<string>Composite Code</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QTextEdit" name="txtComposite" >
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<string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;meta name="qrichtext" content="1" />&lt;style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
&lt;/style>&lt;/head>&lt;body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
&lt;p style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Your Data Here!&lt;/p>&lt;/body>&lt;/html></string>
<property name="acceptRichText" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblComposite" >
<property name="enabled" >
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<string>&amp;2D Component Data:</string>
<property name="buddy" >
<widget class="QWidget" name="layoutWidget" >
<property name="geometry" >
<layout class="QHBoxLayout" name="horizontalLayout_2" >
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="chkComposite" >
<property name="text" >
<string>&amp;Add 2D Component</string>
<spacer name="horizontalSpacer" >
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<property name="sizeHint" stdset="0" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblCompType" >
<property name="enabled" >
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<string>Component T&amp;ype:</string>
<property name="buddy" >
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbCompType" >
<property name="enabled" >
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2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpMaxiCode" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
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2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblMaxiMode" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Encoding Mode:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbMaxiMode" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="currentIndex" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Structured Carrier Message (Mode 2 or 3)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>Standard Symbol, SEC (Mode 4)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>Full ECC Symbol (Mode 5)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>Reader Program, SEC (Mode 6)</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblMaxiPrimary" >
2009-04-28 03:22:46 -04:00
<property name="enabled" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Primary Data:</string>
<widget class="QLineEdit" name="txtMaxiPrimary" >
2009-04-28 03:22:46 -04:00
<property name="enabled" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="geometry" >
2009-04-28 03:22:46 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>Primary Data Here!</string>
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabOptions" >
<property name="geometry" >
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<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpC128" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="title" >
<string>Code 128</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblC128" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;meta name="qrichtext" content="1" />&lt;style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
&lt;/style>&lt;/head>&lt;body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
&lt;p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">Note: Composite symbols require a&lt;/p>
&lt;p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">GS1-128 linear component.&lt;/p>&lt;/body>&lt;/html></string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC128Stand" >
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<property name="checked" >
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<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
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<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Subset &amp;C Supression</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC128HIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>&amp;HIBC 128</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpPDF417" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="title" >
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblPDFWords" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Ma&amp;ximum Codeword Lengh:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<property name="buddy" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblPDFCols" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Number of Data Columns:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblPDFECC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Error Correction Capacity:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="codewords" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="minimum" >
<property name="maximum" >
<property name="value" >
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<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<string>2 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>4 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>8 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>16 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>32 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>64 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>128 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>256 words</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>512 words</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbPDFCols" >
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<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
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<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radPDFHIBC" >
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<string>HIBC PDF417</string>
2008-10-07 10:28:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpAztec" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Aztec Code</string>
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<string>Automatic Resizing</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radAztecSize" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Adjust Size To:</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radAztecECC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Add Minimum Error Correction:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbAztecECC" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>10% + 3 words</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>23% + 3 words</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>36% + 3 words</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>50% + 3 words</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbAztecSize" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>15 x 15*</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>19 x 19*</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>23 x 23*</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>27 x 27*</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>19 x 19</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>23 x 23</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>27 x 27</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>31 x 31</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>37 x 37</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>41 x 41</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>45 x 45</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>49 x 49</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>53 x 53</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>57 x 57</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>61 x 61</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>67 x 67</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>71 x 71</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>75 x 75</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>79 x 79</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>83 x 83</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>87 x 87</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>91 x 91</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>95 x 95</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>101 x 101</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>105 x 105</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>109 x 109</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>113 x 113</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>117 x 117</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>121 x 121</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>125 x 125</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>131 x 131</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>135 x 135</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>139 x 139</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>143 x 143</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>147 x 147</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>151 x 151</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="chkAztecMode" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Encode as GS-1 Data</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblAztecNote" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>&lt;!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-html40/strict.dtd">
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
&lt;html>&lt;head>&lt;meta name="qrichtext" content="1" />&lt;style type="text/css">
p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
&lt;/style>&lt;/head>&lt;body style=" font-family:'Sans Serif'; font-size:9pt; font-weight:400; font-style:normal;">
&lt;p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">* An asterisk indicates a "compact" symbol;&lt;/p>
&lt;p align="center" style=" margin-top:0px; margin-bottom:0px; margin-left:0px; margin-right:0px; -qt-block-indent:0; text-indent:0px;">the rest are "full range" symbols.&lt;/p>&lt;/body>&lt;/html></string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblNoOption" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>No additional settings required for this symbology.</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpMSICheck" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>MSI Plessey</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblMSICheck" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Check Digit:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbMSICheck" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Mod-10 &amp; Mod-10</string>
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Mod-11 &amp; Mod-10</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpC39" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Code 39</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC39Stand" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>No Check Digit</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC39Check" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Mod-43 Check Digit</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC39HIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>HIBC 39</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpMicroPDF" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblMPDFCols" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Number of Data Columns:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbMPDFCols" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radMPDFStand" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radMPDFHIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>HIBC MicroPDF417</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpC16k" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Code 16K</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC16kStand" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Standard Mode</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radC16kGS1" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>GS-1 Data Mode</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpCodablock" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radCodaStand" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Standard Mode</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radCodaGS1" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>GS-1 Data Mode</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radCodaHIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>HIBC Codablock-F</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpDM" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Data Matrix</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbDMMode" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 200 (Recommended)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 000</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 050</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 080</string>
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 100</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>ECC 140</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="label" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Encoding Mode:</string>
<property name="buddy" >
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpDM200" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>ECC 200 Options</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radDM200Stand" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="checked" >
2008-10-11 06:30:35 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radDM200GS1" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>GS-1 Data Mode</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radDM200HIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>HIBC Data Matrix</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbDM200Size" >
<property name="geometry" >
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>10 x 10</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>12 x 12</string>
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>14 x 14</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>16 x 16</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>18 x 18</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>20 x 20</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>22 x 22</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>24 x 24</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<string>26 x 26</string>
2008-09-24 05:38:32 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>32 x 32</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>36 x 36</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>40 x 40</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>44 x 44</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>48 x 48</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>52 x 52</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>64 x 64</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>72 x 72</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>80 x 80</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>88 x 88</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>96 x 96</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>104 x 104</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>120 x 120</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>132 x 132</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>144 x 144</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>8 x 18</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>8 x 32</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>12 x 26</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>12 x 36</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>16 x 36</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>16 x 48</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblDM200Size" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpDMNon200" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Non ECC 200 Options</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblDMNon200Size" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbDMNon200Size" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<string>7 x 7</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>9 x 9</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>11 x 11</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>13 x 13</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>15 x 15</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>17 x 17</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>19 x 19</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>21 x 21</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>23 x 23</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>25 x 25</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>27 x 27</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>29 x 29</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>31 x 31</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>33 x 33</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>35 x 35</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>37 x 37</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>39 x 39</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>41 x 41</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>43 x 43</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>45 x 45</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>47 x 47</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpQR" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>QR Code</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radQRAuto" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Automatic Resizing</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radQRSize" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Adjust Size To:</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radQRECC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Add Error Correction:</string>
<widget class="QCheckBox" name="chkQRHIBC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>HIBC QR Code</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbQRSize" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>21 x 21 (Version 1)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>25 x 25 (Version 2)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>29 x 29 (Version 3)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>33 x 33 (Version 4)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>37 x 37 (Version 5)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>41 x 41 (Version 6)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>45 x 45 (Version 7)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>49 x 49 (Version 8)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>53 x 53 (Version 9)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>57 x 57 (Version 10)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>61 x 61 (Version 11)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>65 x 65 (Version 12)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>69 x 69 (Version 13)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>73 x 73 (Version 14)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>77 x 77 (Version 15)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>81 x 81 (Version 16)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>85 x 85 (Version 17)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>89 x 89 (Version 18)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>93 x 93 (Version 19)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>97 x 97 (Version 20)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>101 x 101 (Version 21)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>105 x 105 (Version 22)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>109 x 109 (Version 23)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>113 x 113 (Version 24)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>117 x 117 (Version 25)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>121 x 121 (Version 26)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>125 x 125 (Version 27)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>129 x 129 (Version 28)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>133 x 133 (Version 29)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>137 x 137 (Version 30)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>141 x 141 (Version 31)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>145 x 145 (Version 32)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>149 x 149 (Version 33)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>153 x 153 (Version 34)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>157 x 157 (Version 35)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>161x 161 (Version 36)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>165 x 165 (Version 37)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>169 x 169 (Version 38)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>173 x 173 (Version 39)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>177 x 177 (Version 40)</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbQRECC" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>~20% (Level L)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>~37% (Level M)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>~55% (Level Q)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>~65% (Level H)</string>
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpMQR" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>MicroQR Code</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radMQRAuto" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Automatic Resizing</string>
<property name="checked" >
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radMQRSize" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Adjust Size To:</string>
<widget class="QRadioButton" name="radMQRECC" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Add Error Correction:</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbMQRSize" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>11 x 11 (Version M1)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>13 x 13 (Version M2)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>15 x 15 (Version M3)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>17 x 17 (Version M4)</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbMQRECC" >
<property name="enabled" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>~20% (Level L)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>~37% (Level M)</string>
<property name="text" >
<string>~55% (Level Q)</string>
2009-05-16 10:19:43 -04:00
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="grpChannel" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="title" >
<string>Channel Code</string>
<widget class="QComboBox" name="cmbChannel" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblChannel" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Number of Channels:</string>
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<widget class="QWidget" name="tabAppear" >
<property name="geometry" >
<attribute name="title" >
<widget class="QGroupBox" name="groupAppear" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="title" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_3" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="heightb" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:15:49 -04:00
<property name="suffix" >
<string> X</string>
<property name="prefix" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="maximum" >
<property name="value" >
<widget class="QLabel" name="label_8" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>Border width:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="bwidth" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2009-05-19 10:15:49 -04:00
<property name="suffix" >
<string> X</string>
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="minimum" >
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<property name="text" >
<string>Border type:</string>
<property name="alignment" >
<widget class="QComboBox" name="btype" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>No border</string>
<property name="text" >
<property name="text" >
<widget class="QPushButton" name="fgcolor" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>Foreground Colour</string>
<widget class="QPushButton" name="bgcolor" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
<property name="text" >
<string>Backgound Colour</string>
<widget class="QSpinBox" name="spnWhitespace" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
2009-05-19 10:15:49 -04:00
<property name="suffix" >
<string> X</string>
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblWhitespace" >
<property name="geometry" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
<property name="text" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
<widget class="QLabel" name="lblScale" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="text" >
<string>Printing Scale:</string>
<widget class="QDoubleSpinBox" name="spnScale" >
<property name="geometry" >
<property name="suffix" >
2009-05-19 10:15:49 -04:00
<property name="decimals" >
<property name="minimum" >
<property name="maximum" >
2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
<property name="singleStep" >
<property name="value" >
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
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2009-05-19 10:05:26 -04:00
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2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00
2009-04-26 18:04:51 -04:00
2008-07-18 10:49:14 -04:00