import concurrent.futures import logging import os import threading from typing import Optional import requests from cleo.application import Application as BaseApplication from cleo.commands.command import Command from import Style from cleo.helpers import argument, option from click import launch from streamrip import __version__ from .config import Config from .core import RipCore logging.basicConfig(level="WARNING") logger = logging.getLogger("streamrip") outdated = False newest_version: Optional[str] = None class DownloadCommand(Command): name = "url" description = "Download items using urls." arguments = [ argument( "urls", "One or more Qobuz, Tidal, Deezer, or SoundCloud urls", optional=True, multiple=True, ) ] options = [ option( "file", "-f", "Path to a text file containing urls", flag=False, default="None", ), option( "codec", "-c", "Convert the downloaded files to ALAC, FLAC, MP3, AAC, or OGG", flag=False, default="None", ), option( "max-quality", "m", "The maximum quality to download. Can be 0, 1, 2, 3 or 4", flag=False, default="None", ), option( "ignore-db", "-i", description="Download items even if they have been logged in the database.", ), option("config", description="Path to config file.", flag=False), option("directory", "-d", "Directory to download items into.", flag=False), ] help = ( "\nDownload Dreams by Fleetwood Mac:\n" "$ rip url\n\n" "Batch download urls from a text file named urls.txt:\n" "$ rip url --file urls.txt\n\n" "For more information on Quality IDs, see\n" "\n" ) def handle(self): global outdated global newest_version # Use a thread so that it doesn't slow down startup update_check = threading.Thread(target=is_outdated, daemon=True) update_check.start() path, quality, no_db, directory, config = clean_options( self.option("file"), self.option("max-quality"), self.option("ignore-db"), self.option("directory"), self.option("config"), ) assert isinstance(config, str) or config is None config = Config(config) if directory is not None: config.session["downloads"]["folder"] = directory if no_db: config.session["database"]["enabled"] = False if quality is not None: for source in ("qobuz", "tidal", "deezer"): config.session[source]["quality"] = quality core = RipCore(config) urls = self.argument("urls") if path is not None: assert isinstance(path, str) if os.path.isfile(path): core.handle_txt(path) else: self.line( f"File {path} does not exist." ) return 1 if urls: core.handle_urls(";".join(urls)) if len(core) > 0: elif not urls and path is None: self.line("Must pass arguments. See rip url -h.") update_check.join() if outdated: import re self.line( f"\nA new version of streamrip v{newest_version}" " is available! Run pip3 install streamrip --upgrade" " to update.\n" ) md_header = re.compile(r"#\s+(.+)") bullet_point = re.compile(r"-\s+(.+)") code = re.compile(r"`([^`]+)`") issue_reference = re.compile(r"(#\d+)") release_notes = requests.get( "" ).json()["body"] release_notes = md_header.sub(r"
", release_notes) release_notes = bullet_point.sub(r"• \1", release_notes) release_notes = code.sub(r"\1", release_notes) release_notes = issue_reference.sub(r"\1", release_notes) self.line(release_notes) return 0 class SearchCommand(Command): name = "search" description = "Search for an item" arguments = [ argument( "query", "The name to search for", optional=False, multiple=False, ) ] options = [ option( "source", "-s", "Qobuz, Tidal, Soundcloud, Deezer, or Deezloader", flag=False, default="qobuz", ), option( "type", "-t", "Album, Playlist, Track, or Artist", flag=False, default="album", ), ] help = ( "\nSearch for Rumours by Fleetwood Mac\n" "$ rip search 'rumours fleetwood mac'\n\n" "Search for 444 by Jay-Z on TIDAL\n" "$ rip search --source tidal '444'\n\n" "Search for Bob Dylan on Deezer\n" "$ rip search --type artist --source deezer 'bob dylan'\n" ) def handle(self): query = self.argument("query") source, type = clean_options(self.option("source"), self.option("type")) assert isinstance(source, str) assert isinstance(type, str) config = Config() core = RipCore(config) if core.interactive_search(query, source, type): else: self.line("No items chosen, exiting.") class DiscoverCommand(Command): name = "discover" description = "Download items from the charts or a curated playlist" arguments = [ argument( "list", "The list to fetch", optional=True, multiple=False, default="ideal-discography", ) ] options = [ option( "scrape", description="Download all of the items in the list", ), option( "max-items", "-m", description="The number of items to fetch", flag=False, default=50, ), option( "source", "-s", description="The source to download from (qobuz or deezer)", flag=False, default="qobuz", ), ] help = ( "\nBrowse the Qobuz ideal-discography list\n" "$ rip discover\n\n" "Browse the best-sellers list\n" "$ rip discover best-sellers\n\n" "Available options for Qobuz list:\n\n" " • most-streamed\n" " • recent-releases\n" " • best-sellers\n" " • press-awards\n" " • ideal-discography\n" " • editor-picks\n" " • most-featured\n" " • qobuzissims\n" " • new-releases\n" " • new-releases-full\n" " • harmonia-mundi\n" " • universal-classic\n" " • universal-jazz\n" " • universal-jeunesse\n" " • universal-chanson\n\n" "Browse the Deezer editorial releases list\n" "$ rip discover --source deezer\n\n" "Browse the Deezer charts\n" "$ rip discover --source deezer charts\n\n" "Available options for Deezer list:\n\n" " • releases\n" " • charts\n" " • selection\n" ) def handle(self): source = self.option("source") scrape = self.option("scrape") chosen_list = self.argument("list") max_items = self.option("max-items") if source == "qobuz": from streamrip.constants import QOBUZ_FEATURED_KEYS if chosen_list not in QOBUZ_FEATURED_KEYS: self.line(f'Error: list "{chosen_list}" not available') self.line( return 1 elif source == "deezer": from streamrip.constants import DEEZER_FEATURED_KEYS if chosen_list not in DEEZER_FEATURED_KEYS: self.line(f'Error: list "{chosen_list}" not available') self.line( return 1 else: self.line( "Invalid source. Choose either qobuz or deezer" ) return 1 config = Config() core = RipCore(config) if scrape: core.scrape(chosen_list, max_items) return 0 if core.interactive_search( chosen_list, source, "featured", limit=int(max_items) ): else: self.line("No items chosen, exiting.") return 0 class LastfmCommand(Command): name = "lastfm" description = "Search for tracks from a playlist and download them." arguments = [ argument( "urls", " playlist urls", optional=False, multiple=True, ) ] options = [ option( "source", "-s", description="The source to search for items on", flag=False, default="qobuz", ), ] help = ( "You can use this command to download Spotify, Apple Music, and YouTube " "playlists.\nTo get started, create an account at " " Once you have\nreached the home page, " "go to Profile Icon => View profile => " "Playlists => IMPORT\nand paste your url.\n\n" "Download the young & free Apple Music playlist (already imported)\n" "$ rip lastfm\n" ) def handle(self): source = self.option("source") urls = self.argument("urls") config = Config() core = RipCore(config) config.session["lastfm"]["source"] = source core.handle_lastfm_urls(";".join(urls)) class ConfigCommand(Command): name = "config" description = "Manage the configuration file." options = [ option( "open", "-o", description="Open the config file in the default application", flag=True, ), option( "open-vim", "-O", description="Open the config file in (neo)vim", flag=True, ), option( "directory", "-d", description="Open the directory that the config file is located in", flag=True, ), option("path", "-p", description="Show the config file's path", flag=True), option("qobuz", description="Set the credentials for Qobuz", flag=True), option("tidal", description="Log into Tidal", flag=True), option("deezer", description="Set the Deezer ARL", flag=True), option( "music-app", description="Configure the config file for usage with the macOS Music App", flag=True, ), option("reset", description="Reset the config file", flag=True), option( "--update", description="Reset the config file, keeping the credentials", flag=True, ), ] """ Manage the configuration file. config {--o|open : Open the config file in the default application} {--O|open-vim : Open the config file in (neo)vim} {--d|directory : Open the directory that the config file is located in} {--p|path : Show the config file's path} {--qobuz : Set the credentials for Qobuz} {--tidal : Log into Tidal} {--deezer : Set the Deezer ARL} {--music-app : Configure the config file for usage with the macOS Music App} {--reset : Reset the config file} {--update : Reset the config file, keeping the credentials} """ _config: Config def handle(self): import shutil from .constants import CONFIG_DIR, CONFIG_PATH self._config = Config() if self.option("path"): self.line(f"{CONFIG_PATH}") if self.option("open"): self.line(f"Opening {CONFIG_PATH} in default application") launch(CONFIG_PATH) if self.option("reset"): self._config.reset() if self.option("update"): self._config.update() if self.option("open-vim"): if shutil.which("nvim") is not None: os.system(f"nvim '{CONFIG_PATH}'") else: os.system(f"vim '{CONFIG_PATH}'") if self.option("directory"): self.line(f"Opening {CONFIG_DIR}") launch(CONFIG_DIR) if self.option("tidal"): from streamrip.clients import TidalClient client = TidalClient() client.login() self._config.file["tidal"].update(client.get_tokens()) self.line("Credentials saved to config.") if self.option("deezer"): from streamrip.clients import DeezerClient from streamrip.exceptions import AuthenticationError self.line( "Follow the instructions at" "/nathom/streamrip/wiki/Finding-your-Deezer-ARL-Cookie" ) given_arl = self.ask("Paste your ARL here: ").strip() self.line("Validating arl...") try: DeezerClient().login(arl=given_arl) self._config.file["deezer"]["arl"] = given_arl self.line("Sucessfully logged in!") except AuthenticationError: self.line("Could not log in. Double check your ARL") if self.option("qobuz"): import getpass import hashlib self._config.file["qobuz"]["use_auth_token"] = self.confirm("Use Qobuz auth token to authenticate?", default=False) if self._config.file["qobuz"]["use_auth_token"]: self._config.file["qobuz"]["email_or_userid"] = self.ask("Qobuz user id:") self._config.file["qobuz"]["password_or_token"] = getpass.getpass("Qobuz auth token (won't show on screen): ") else: self._config.file["qobuz"]["email_or_userid"] = self.ask("Qobuz email:") self._config.file["qobuz"]["password_or_token"] = hashlib.md5( getpass.getpass("Qobuz password (won't show on screen): ").encode() ).hexdigest() if self.option("music-app"): self._conf_music_app() def _conf_music_app(self): import subprocess import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from pathlib import Path from tempfile import mktemp # Find the Music library folder temp_file = mktemp() music_pref_plist = Path(Path.home()) / Path( "Library/Preferences/" ) # copy preferences to tempdir["cp", music_pref_plist, temp_file]) # convert binary to xml for parsing["plutil", "-convert", "xml1", temp_file]) items = iter(ET.parse(temp_file).getroot()[0]) for item in items: if item.text == "NSNavLastRootDirectory": break library_folder = Path(next(items).text) os.remove(temp_file) # cp ~/library/preferences/ music.plist # plutil -convert xml1 music.plist # cat music.plist | pbcopy self._config.file["downloads"]["folder"] = os.path.join( library_folder, "Automatically Add to Music.localized" ) conversion_config = self._config.file["conversion"] conversion_config["enabled"] = True conversion_config["codec"] = "ALAC" conversion_config["sampling_rate"] = 48000 conversion_config["bit_depth"] = 24 self._config.file["filepaths"]["folder_format"] = "" self._config.file["artwork"]["keep_hires_cover"] = False class ConvertCommand(Command): name = "convert" description = ( "A standalone tool that converts audio files to other codecs en masse." ) arguments = [ argument( "codec", description="FLAC, ALAC, OPUS, MP3, or AAC.", ), argument( "path", description="The path to the audio file or a directory that contains audio files.", ), ] options = [ option( "sampling-rate", "-s", description="Downsample the tracks to this rate, in Hz.", default=192000, flag=False, ), option( "bit-depth", "-b", description="Downsample the tracks to this bit depth.", default=24, flag=False, ), option( "keep-source", "-k", description="Keep the original file after conversion." ), ] help = ( "\nConvert all of the audio files in /my/music to MP3s\n" "$ rip convert MP3 /my/music\n\n" "Downsample the audio to 48kHz after converting them to ALAC\n" "$ rip convert --sampling-rate 48000 ALAC /my/music\n" ) def handle(self): from streamrip import converter CODEC_MAP = { "FLAC": converter.FLAC, "ALAC": converter.ALAC, "OPUS": converter.OPUS, "MP3": converter.LAME, "AAC": converter.AAC, } codec = self.argument("codec") path = self.argument("path") ConverterCls = CODEC_MAP.get(codec.upper()) if ConverterCls is None: self.line( f'Invalid codec "{codec}". See rip convert' " -h." ) return 1 sampling_rate, bit_depth, keep_source = clean_options( self.option("sampling-rate"), self.option("bit-depth"), self.option("keep-source"), ) converter_args = { "sampling_rate": sampling_rate, "bit_depth": bit_depth, "remove_source": not keep_source, } if os.path.isdir(path): import itertools from pathlib import Path from tqdm import tqdm dirname = path audio_extensions = ("flac", "m4a", "aac", "opus", "mp3", "ogg") path_obj = Path(dirname) audio_files = ( path.as_posix() for path in itertools.chain.from_iterable( (path_obj.rglob(f"*.{ext}") for ext in audio_extensions) ) ) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [] for file in audio_files: futures.append( executor.submit( ConverterCls( filename=os.path.join(dirname, file), **converter_args, ).convert ) ) from streamrip.utils import TQDM_BAR_FORMAT for future in tqdm( concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures), total=len(futures), desc="Converting", unit="track", bar_format=TQDM_BAR_FORMAT, ): # Only show loading bar future.result() elif os.path.isfile(path): ConverterCls(filename=path, **converter_args).convert() else: self.line( f'Path "{path}" does not exist.', ) class RepairCommand(Command): name = "repair" description = "Retry failed downloads." options = [ option( "max-items", "-m", flag=False, description="The maximum number of tracks to download}", default="None", ) ] help = "\nRetry up to 20 failed downloads\n$ rip repair --max-items 20\n" def handle(self): max_items = next(clean_options(self.option("max-items"))) config = Config() RipCore(config).repair(max_items=max_items) class DatabaseCommand(Command): name = "db" description = "View and manage rip's databases." arguments = [ argument( "name", description="downloads or failed-downloads." ) ] options = [ option("list", "-l", description="Display the contents of the database."), option("reset", description="Reset the database."), ] _table_style = "box-double" def handle(self) -> None: from . import db from .config import Config config = Config() db_name = self.argument("name").replace("-", "_") self._path = config.file["database"][db_name]["path"] self._db = db.CLASS_MAP[db_name](self._path) if self.option("list"): getattr(self, f"_render_{db_name}")() if self.option("reset"): os.remove(self._path) def _render_downloads(self): from cleo.ui.table import Table id_table = Table(self._io) id_table.set_style(self._table_style) id_table.set_header_title("IDs") id_table.set_headers(list(self._db.structure.keys())) id_table.add_rows(id for id in iter(self._db) if id[0].isalnum()) if id_table._rows: id_table.render() url_table = Table(self._io) url_table.set_style(self._table_style) url_table.set_header_title("URLs") url_table.set_headers(list(self._db.structure.keys())) url_table.add_rows(id for id in iter(self._db) if not id[0].isalnum()) # prevent wierd formatting if url_table._rows: url_table.render() def _render_failed_downloads(self): from cleo.ui.table import Table id_table = Table(self._io) id_table.set_style(self._table_style) id_table.set_header_title("Failed Downloads") id_table.set_headers(["Source", "Media Type", "ID"]) id_table.add_rows(iter(self._db)) id_table.render() STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE = { "None": None, "True": True, "False": False, } class Application(BaseApplication): def __init__(self): super().__init__("rip", __version__) def _run(self, io): if io.is_debug(): from .constants import CONFIG_DIR logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) fh = logging.FileHandler(os.path.join(CONFIG_DIR, "streamrip.log")) fh.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(fh) super()._run(io) def create_io(self, input=None, output=None, error_output=None): io = super().create_io(input, output, error_output) # Set our own CLI styles formatter = io.output.formatter formatter.set_style("url", Style("blue", options=["underline"])) formatter.set_style("path", Style("green", options=["bold"])) formatter.set_style("cmd", Style("magenta")) formatter.set_style("title", Style("yellow", options=["bold"])) formatter.set_style("header", Style("yellow", options=["bold", "underline"])) io.output.set_formatter(formatter) io.error_output.set_formatter(formatter) self._io = io return io @property def _default_definition(self): default_globals = super()._default_definition # as of 1.0.0a3, the descriptions don't wrap properly # so I'm truncating the description for help as a hack default_globals._options["help"]._description = ( default_globals._options["help"]._description.split(".")[0] + "." ) return default_globals def render_error(self, error, io): super().render_error(error, io) io.write_line( "\nIf this was unexpected, please open a Bug Report at " "" ) def clean_options(*opts): for opt in opts: if isinstance(opt, str): if opt.startswith("="): opt = opt[1:] opt = opt.strip() if opt.isdigit(): opt = int(opt) else: opt = STRING_TO_PRIMITIVE.get(opt, opt) yield opt def is_outdated(): global outdated global newest_version r = requests.get("").json() newest_version = r["info"]["version"] # Compare versions curr_version_parsed = map(int, __version__.split(".")) assert isinstance(newest_version, str) newest_version_parsed = map(int, newest_version.split(".")) outdated = False for c, n in zip(curr_version_parsed, newest_version_parsed): outdated = c < n if c != n: break def main(): application = Application() application.add(DownloadCommand()) application.add(SearchCommand()) application.add(DiscoverCommand()) application.add(LastfmCommand()) application.add(ConfigCommand()) application.add(ConvertCommand()) application.add(RepairCommand()) application.add(DatabaseCommand()) if __name__ == "__main__": main()