[tool.poetry] name = "streamrip" version = "2.0.5" description = "A fast, all-in-one music ripper for Qobuz, Deezer, Tidal, and SoundCloud" authors = ["nathom "] license = "GPL-3.0-only" readme = "README.md" homepage = "https://github.com/nathom/streamrip" repository = "https://github.com/nathom/streamrip" include = ["src/config.toml"] keywords = ["hi-res", "free", "music", "download"] classifiers = [ "License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License (GPL)", "Operating System :: OS Independent", ] packages = [ { include = "streamrip" } ] [tool.poetry.scripts] rip = "streamrip.rip:rip" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = ">=3.10 <4.0" mutagen = "^1.45.1" tomlkit = "^0.7.2" pathvalidate = "^2.4.1" simple-term-menu = {version = "^1.2.1", platform = 'darwin|linux'} pick = {version = "^2", platform = 'win32|cygwin'} windows-curses = {version = "^2.2.0", platform = 'win32|cygwin'} Pillow = ">=9,<11" deezer-py = "1.3.6" pycryptodomex = "^3.10.1" appdirs = "^1.4.4" m3u8 = "^0.9.0" aiofiles = "^0.7" aiohttp = "^3.9" aiodns = "^3.0.0" aiolimiter = "^1.1.0" pytest-mock = "^3.11.1" pytest-asyncio = "^0.21.1" rich = "^13.6.0" click-help-colors = "^0.9.2" [tool.poetry.urls] "Bug Reports" = "https://github.com/nathom/streamrip/issues" [tool.poetry.dev-dependencies] types-click = "^7.1.2" types-Pillow = "^8.3.1" ruff = "^0.1" black = "^22" isort = "^5.9.3" flake8 = "^3.9.2" setuptools = "^67.4.0" pytest = "^7.4" [tool.pytest.ini_options] minversion = "6.0" addopts = "-ra -q" testpaths = [ "tests" ] log_level = "DEBUG" asyncio_mode = 'auto' log_cli = true [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core>=1.0.0"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api" [tool.ruff.lint] # Enable Pyflakes (`F`) and a subset of the pycodestyle (`E`) codes by default. select = ["E4", "E7", "E9", "F", "I", "ASYNC", "N", "RUF", "ERA001"] ignore = [] # Allow fix for all enabled rules (when `--fix`) is provided. fixable = ["ALL"] unfixable = [] # Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed. dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$" [tool.ruff.format] # Like Black, use double quotes for strings. quote-style = "double" # Like Black, indent with spaces, rather than tabs. indent-style = "space" # Like Black, respect magic trailing commas. skip-magic-trailing-comma = false # Like Black, automatically detect the appropriate line ending. line-ending = "auto"