2023-12-26 19:20:29 +01:00

75 lines
2.5 KiB

package configs
import (
// This function copies the content of /etc/mkinitcpio.conf to the config folder and does an inline replace/insert on the MODULES=() line
func Set_Mkinitcpio() {
// Get the config struct
config := GetConfig()
// Make sure we start from scratch by deleting any old file
if fileio.FileExist(config.Path.MKINITCPIO) {
// Make a regex to get the system path instead of the config path
syspath_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^config`)
sysfile := syspath_re.ReplaceAllString(config.Path.MKINITCPIO, "")
// Make a regex to find the modules line
module_line_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^MODULES=`)
modules_re := regexp.MustCompile(`MODULES=\((.+?)\)`)
vfio_modules_re := regexp.MustCompile(`(vfio_iommu_type1|vfio_pci|vfio_virqfd|vfio|vendor-reset)`)
// Read the mkinitcpio file
mkinitcpio_content := fileio.ReadLines(sysfile)
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Read %s:\n%s", sysfile, strings.Join(mkinitcpio_content, "\n"))
for _, line := range mkinitcpio_content {
// If we are at the line starting with MODULES=
if module_line_re.MatchString(line) {
// Get the current modules
currentmodules := strings.Split(modules_re.ReplaceAllString(line, "${1}"), " ")
// Get the vfio modules we need to use
modules := vfio_modules()
// If vendor-reset is in the current modules
if strings.Contains(line, "vendor-reset") {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("vendor-reset module detected in %s\nMaking sure it will be loaded before vfio", sysfile)
// Add vendor-reset first
modules = append([]string{"vendor-reset"}, modules...)
// Loop through current modules and add anything that isnt vfio or vendor-reset related
for _, v := range currentmodules {
// If what we find is not a vfio module or vendor-reset module
if !vfio_modules_re.MatchString(v) {
// Add module to module list
modules = append(modules, v)
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Replacing line in %s:\n%s\nWith:\nMODULES=(%s)\n", config.Path.MKINITCPIO, line, strings.Join(modules, " "))
// Write the modules line we generated
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("MODULES=(%s)\n", strings.Join(modules, " ")), config.Path.MKINITCPIO)
} else {
// Else just write the line to the config
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", line), config.Path.MKINITCPIO)