2024-07-27 17:38:39 +02:00

230 lines
6.6 KiB

package pages
import (
func prepModules(config *configs.Config) {
// If we have files for modprobe
if exists, _ := fileio.FileExist(config.Path.MODPROBE); exists {
// Configure modprobe
// If we have a folder for dracut
if exists, _ := fileio.FileExist(config.Path.DRACUT); exists {
// Configure dracut
// If we have a mkinitcpio.conf file
if exists, _ := fileio.FileExist(config.Path.MKINITCPIO); exists {
// Configure grub2 here as we can make the config without sudo
if config.Bootloader == "grub2" {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Configuring grub2 manually\n")
// Finalize changes
func finalizeNotice(isRoot bool) {
The configuration files have been generated and are located inside the "config" folder
* The "kernel_args" file contains kernel arguments that your bootloader needs
* The "qemu" folder contains files that may be needed for passthrough
* The files inside the "etc" folder must be copied to your system.
<red>Verify that these files are correctly formated/edited!</>
Once all files have been copied, the following steps must be taken:
* bootloader configuration must be updated
* initramfs must be rebuilt
switch isRoot {
case true:
color.Print("This program can do this for you, if desired.\n")
color.Print(`This program can do this for you, however your sudo password is required.
To avoid this:
* press CTRL+C and perform the steps mentioned above manually.
* run ` + os.Args[0] + ` as root.
If you want to go back and change something, choose Back.
NOTE: A backup of the original files from the first run can be found in the backup folder
func finalize(config *configs.Config) {
// Clear the screen
// Write a title
title := color.New(color.BgHiBlue, color.White, color.Bold)
title.Println("Finalizing configuration")
config.IsRoot = os.Getuid() == 0
// Make a choice of going next or back and parse the choice
switch menu.Next("Press Next to continue with sudo using STDIN, ESC to exit or Back to go back.") {
case "next":
case "back":
// Go back
func installPassthrough(config *configs.Config) {
// Get the user data
currentUser, err := user.Current()
if err != nil {
if !config.IsRoot {
// Provide a password prompt
fmt.Printf("[sudo] password for %s: ", currentUser.Username)
bytep, err := term.ReadPassword(syscall.Stdin)
if err != nil {
// Elevate with sudo
// Make an output string
var output string
// Based on the bootloader, setup the configuration
if config.Bootloader == "kernelstub" {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Configuring systemd-boot using kernelstub\n")
// Configure kernelstub
// callee logs the output and checks for errors
} else if config.Bootloader == "grubby" {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Configuring bootloader using grubby\n")
// Configure kernelstub
output = configs.Set_Grubby(config.IsRoot)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", output)
} else if config.Bootloader == "grub2" {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Applying grub2 changes\n")
_ = configs.Set_Grub2(config.IsRoot) // note: we set config.IsRoot earlier
// we'll print the output in the [configs.Set_Grub2] method
// fmt.Printf("%s\n", strings.Join(grub_output, "\n"))
} else {
kernel_args := fileio.ReadFile(config.Path.CMDLINE)
logger.Printf("Unsupported bootloader, please add the below line to your bootloaders kernel arguments\n%s", kernel_args)
// A lot of linux systems support modprobe along with their own module system
// So copy the modprobe files if we have them
modprobeFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/vfio.conf", config.Path.MODPROBE)
// lets hope by now we've already handled any permissions issues...
// TODO: verify that we actually can drop the errors on [fileio.FileExist] call below
if exists, _ := fileio.FileExist(modprobeFile); exists {
// Copy initramfs-tools module to system, note that CopyToSystem will log the command and output
// as well as check for errors
configs.CopyToSystem(config.IsRoot, modprobeFile, "/etc/modprobe.d/vfio.conf")
// Copy the config files for the system we have
initramfsFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/modules", config.Path.INITRAMFS)
dracutFile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/vfio.conf", config.Path.DRACUT)
initramFsExists, initramFsErr := fileio.FileExist(initramfsFile)
dracutExists, dracutErr := fileio.FileExist(dracutFile)
mkinitcpioExists, mkinitcpioErr := fileio.FileExist(config.Path.MKINITCPIO)
for _, err = range []error{initramFsErr, dracutErr, mkinitcpioErr} {
if err == nil {
// we know this error isn't ErrNotExist, so we should throw it and exit
log.Fatalf("Failed to stat file: %s", err)
switch {
case initramFsExists:
// Copy initramfs-tools module to system
configs.CopyToSystem(config.IsRoot, initramfsFile, "/etc/initramfs-tools/modules")
// Copy the modules file to /etc/modules
configs.CopyToSystem(config.IsRoot, config.Path.ETCMODULES, "/etc/modules")
if err = command.ExecAndLogSudo(config.IsRoot, true, "update-initramfs", "-u"); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to update initramfs: %s", err)
case dracutExists:
// Copy dracut config to /etc/dracut.conf.d/vfio
configs.CopyToSystem(config.IsRoot, dracutFile, "/etc/dracut.conf.d/vfio")
// Get systeminfo
sysinfo := uname.New()
if err = command.ExecAndLogSudo(config.IsRoot, true, "dracut", "-f", "-v", "--kver", sysinfo.Release); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to update initramfs: %s", err)
case mkinitcpioExists:
// Copy dracut config to /etc/dracut.conf.d/vfio
configs.CopyToSystem(config.IsRoot, config.Path.MKINITCPIO, "/etc/mkinitcpio.conf")
if err = command.ExecAndLogSudo(config.IsRoot, true, "mkinitcpio", "-P"); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to update initramfs: %s", err)
// Make sure prompt end up on next line