2024-07-27 17:38:39 +02:00

253 lines
8.4 KiB

package configs
import (
// This function just adds what bootloader the system has to our config.bootloader value
// Preference is given to kernelstub because it is WAY easier to safely edit compared to grub2
func getBootloader(config *Config) {
// Check what bootloader handler we are using
// Check for grub2-mkconfig
_, err := command.Run("which", "grub2-mkconfig")
if err == nil {
// Mark bootloader as grub2
config.Bootloader = "grub2"
// Check for grub2-mkconfig
_, err = command.Run("which", "grub-mkconfig")
if err == nil {
// Mark bootloader as grub2
config.Bootloader = "grub2"
// Check for grubby (used by fedora)
_, err = command.Run("which", "grubby")
if err == nil {
// Mark it as unknown as i do not support it yet
config.Bootloader = "grubby"
// Check for kernelstub (used by pop os)
_, err = command.Run("which", "kernelstub")
if err == nil {
config.Bootloader = "kernelstub"
// This function adds the default kernel arguments we want to the config/cmdline file
// This gives us a file we can read all the kernel arguments this system needs
// in case of an unknown bootloader
func Set_Cmdline(gpu_IDs []string) {
// Get the system info
cpuinfo := cpuid.CPU
// Get the configs
config := GetConfig()
// Write the file containing our kernel arguments to feed the bootloader
fileio.AppendContent("iommu=pt", config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Write the argument based on which cpu the user got
switch cpuinfo.VendorString {
case "AuthenticAMD":
fileio.AppendContent(" amd_iommu=on", config.Path.CMDLINE)
case "GenuineIntel":
fileio.AppendContent(" intel_iommu=on", config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Add the GPU ids for vfio to the kernel arguments
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf(" vfio_pci.ids=%s", strings.Join(gpu_IDs, ",")), config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Set_KernelStub configures systemd-boot using kernelstub.
func Set_KernelStub(isRoot bool) {
// Get the config
config := GetConfig()
// Get the kernel args
kernel_args := fileio.ReadFile(config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Run and log, check for errors
command.ExecAndLogSudo(isRoot, true, "kernelstub", "-a", kernel_args),
"Error, kernelstub command returned exit code 1",
// Set_Grubby configures grub2 and/or systemd-boot using grubby
func Set_Grubby(isRoot bool) string {
// Get the config
config := GetConfig()
// Get the kernel args
kernel_args := fileio.ReadFile(config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Run and log, check for errors
err := command.ExecAndLogSudo(isRoot, true, "grubby", "--update-kernel=ALL", fmt.Sprintf("--args=%s", kernel_args))
common.ErrorCheck(err, "Error, grubby command returned exit code 1")
// Return what we did
return fmt.Sprintf("Executed: sudo grubby --update-kernel=ALL --args=\"%s\"", kernel_args)
func Configure_Grub2() {
// Get the config struct
config := GetConfig()
// Make the config file path
conffile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/grub", config.Path.DEFAULT)
// Make sure we start from scratch by deleting any old file
if exists, _ := fileio.FileExist(conffile); exists {
_ = os.Remove(conffile)
// Make a regex to get the system path instead of the config path
syspath_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^config`)
sysfile := syspath_re.ReplaceAllString(conffile, "")
// Make a regex to find the LINUX lines
cmdline_default_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"(.+)\"$`)
currentargs_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX(_DEFAULT|)=\"(.?|.+)\"$`)
// Make a bool so we know if we edited the default line if both are in the template
default_edited := false
// Read the mkinitcpio file
grub_content := fileio.ReadLines(sysfile)
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Read %s:\n%s\n", sysfile, strings.Join(grub_content, "\n"))
for _, line := range grub_content {
if currentargs_re.MatchString(line) {
// Get the current modules
old_kernel_args := strings.Split(currentargs_re.ReplaceAllString(line, "${2}"), " ")
// Clean up the old arguments by removing vfio related kernel arguments
new_kernel_args := clean_Grub2_Args(old_kernel_args)
// Get the kernel args from our config
kernel_args := fileio.ReadFile(config.Path.CMDLINE)
// Add our kernel args to the list
new_kernel_args = append(new_kernel_args, kernel_args)
// If we are at the line starting with MODULES=
if cmdline_default_re.MatchString(line) {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Replacing line in %s:\n%s\nWith:\nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"%s\"\n", conffile, line, strings.Join(new_kernel_args, " "))
// Write the modules line we generated
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT=\"%s\"\n", strings.Join(new_kernel_args, " ")), conffile)
// Mark the default line as edited so we can skip the non default line
default_edited = true
} else {
// If we have not edited the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line
if !default_edited {
// Write to logger
logger.Printf("Replacing line in %s:\n%s\nWith:\nGRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"%s\"\n", conffile, line, strings.Join(new_kernel_args, " "))
// Write the modules line we generated
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"%s\"\n", strings.Join(new_kernel_args, " ")), conffile)
} else {
// Since we have edited the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line, we will just clean up the non default line
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=\"%s\"\n", strings.Join(clean_Grub2_Args(old_kernel_args), " ")), conffile)
} else {
// Write the line to the file since it does not match our regex
fileio.AppendContent(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", line), conffile)
func clean_Grub2_Args(old_kernel_args []string) []string {
// Make a regex to get the VFIO related kernel arguments removed, if they already existed
vfio_args_re := regexp.MustCompile(`(amd|intel)_iommu=(on|1)|iommu=(pt|on)|vfio_pci.ids=.+|vfio_pci.disable_vga=\d{1}|rd.driver.pre=vfio_pci`)
// Make a stringlist to keep our new arguments
var clean_kernel_args []string
// Loop through current kernel_args and add anything that isnt vfio or vendor-reset related
for _, v := range old_kernel_args {
// If what we find is not a vfio argument
if !vfio_args_re.MatchString(v) {
// Add argument to the list
clean_kernel_args = append(clean_kernel_args, v)
// Return cleaned up arguments
return clean_kernel_args
// Set_Grub2 copies our config to /etc/default/grub and updates grub
func Set_Grub2(isRoot bool) error {
// Get the config
config := GetConfig()
// Get the conf file
conffile := fmt.Sprintf("%s/grub", config.Path.DEFAULT)
// Get the sysfile
sysfile_re := regexp.MustCompile(`^config`)
sysfile := sysfile_re.ReplaceAllString(conffile, "")
// [CopyToSystem] will log the operation
// logger.Printf("Executing command:\nsudo cp -v \"%s\" %s\n", conffile, sysfile)
// Copy files to system, logging and error checking is done in the function
CopyToSystem(isRoot, conffile, sysfile)
// Set a variable for the mkconfig command
var mkconfig string
var grubPath = "/boot/grub/grub.cfg"
var lpErr error
// Check for grub-mkconfig
mkconfig, lpErr = exec.LookPath("grub-mkconfig")
switch {
case errors.Is(lpErr, exec.ErrNotFound) || mkconfig == "":
// Check for grub2-mkconfig
mkconfig, lpErr = exec.LookPath("grub2-mkconfig")
if lpErr == nil && mkconfig != "" {
grubPath = "/boot/grub2/grub.cfg"
break // skip below, we found grub2-mkconfig
if lpErr == nil {
// we know mkconfig is empty despite no error;
// so set an error for [common.ErrorCheck].
lpErr = errors.New("neither grub-mkconfig or grub2-mkconfig found")
common.ErrorCheck(lpErr, lpErr.Error()+"\n")
return lpErr // note: unreachable as [common.ErrorCheck] calls fatal
_, mklog, err := command.RunErrSudo(isRoot, mkconfig, "-o", grubPath)
// tabulate the output, [command.RunErrSudo] logged the execution.
logger.Printf("\t" + strings.Join(mklog, "\n\t"))
common.ErrorCheck(err, "Failed to update /boot/grub/grub.cfg")
// always returns nil as [common.ErrorCheck] calls fatal
// keeping the ret signature, as we should consider passing down errors
// but that's a massive rabbit hole to go down for this codebase as a whole
return err