# QuickPassthrough A project to simplify setting up GPU passthrough on your Linux host for [QuickEMU](https://github.com/quickemu-project/quickemu)(vfio support not developed yet) and libvirt/virt-manager You can use it by simply running ```bash git clone https://github.com/HikariKnight/quickpassthrough.git cd quickpassthrough ./vfio-setup ``` ## Features * General warning and info about what you will be needing * Enable and configure vfio modules * Configure 2nd GPU for GPU Passthrough * Dump the selected GPU rom (as some cards require a romfile for passthrough to work), however no rom patching support planned. * Enable and configure the correct kernel modules and load them early (initramfs-tools, dracut and mkinitcpio) * Configure kernel arguments for systemd-boot (using kernelstub) * Configure kernel arguments for grub2 * Provides you with the correct kernel arguments to add to your bootloader entry if a supported bootloader is not found ## Contributing I know my bash skills are not great, so help is always welcome! And help is wanted here. If you know bash well, you will be able to help! Just make a pull request to the [dev branch](https://github.com/HikariKnight/quickpassthrough/tree/dev) with your changes! Just remember to add comments to document the work and explain it for people who are less familiar with the bash syntax or anything else you use. 😄 Also if you know English, you can help by just proof reading. English is not my native language, plus I have dyslexia so I often make spelling mistakes. Proof reading is still contribution! ## TODO * ~~Everything~~ * ~~Show general warning to user and inform about making a backup and general expectations~~ * ~~Detect if user has an amd or intel CPU and provide the correct IOMMU kernel args based on that~~ * ~~Tell user to enable IOMMU (VT-d/AMD-v) on their motherboard and bootloader~~ * ~~Integrate ls-iommu and locate graphic cards and see what IOMMU group they are in~~ * ~~Enable and configure vfio modules~~ * ~~Fetch the ID for the GPUs and generate the correct kernel arguments for grub and systemd-boot~~ * ~~Dump the GPU rom, just in case it will be needed for passthrough~~ (no rom patching planned due to complexity) * ~~Get help to actually make the scripts better~~ * A non-hacky menu system? (I will need help by some bash wizards for this) * Coloured highlight/text for important information? * Install vendor_reset kernel module? (maybe far future) * Setup looking-glass? (far future maybe) ---- ### Why bash? I wanted the dependencies to be minimal without the need for compilation and to avoid potential breaking changes in the future (like with the transition from python2 to python3). I know enough bash to make things work, but I am in no way a professional in writing bash scripts as I usually write python and golang. There is also quite a lot of perl usage as I am quite familiar with the perl regex format over something like sed