# This is a minimized version from docker/docker-py3-kms/Dockerfile without SQLite support to further reduce image size FROM alpine:3.14 ENV IP ENV PORT 1688 ENV EPID "" ENV LCID 1033 ENV CLIENT_COUNT 26 ENV ACTIVATION_INTERVAL 120 ENV RENEWAL_INTERVAL 10080 ENV HWID RANDOM ENV LOGLEVEL INFO ENV LOGFILE STDOUT ENV LOGSIZE "" COPY ./py-kms /home/py-kms RUN apk add --no-cache --update \ bash \ git \ py3-argparse \ py3-flask \ py3-pygments \ python3-tkinter \ sqlite-libs \ py3-pip \ tzdata \ netcat-openbsd \ build-base python3-dev && \ pip3 install --no-cache peewee tzlocal pytz wheel && \ apk del git build-base python3-dev && \ && addgroup power_users \ && adduser -S py-kms -G users -s /bin/bash \ && usermod -a -G power_users py-kms \ && chown py-kms:users /home/py-kms \ # Fix undefined timezone, in case the user did not mount the /etc/localtime && ln -sf /usr/share/zoneinfo/UTC /etc/localtime WORKDIR /home/py-kms EXPOSE ${PORT}/tcp COPY docker/entrypoint.py /usr/bin/entrypoint.py RUN chmod a+x /usr/bin/entrypoint.py HEALTHCHECK --interval=5m --timeout=3s --start-period=10s --retries=4 CMD echo | nc -t localhost ${PORT} || exit 1 ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/python3", "-u","/usr/bin/entrypoint.py"] CMD["/usr/bin/start.py"]