#!/usr/bin/env python3 # Copyright (c) 2003-2014 CORE Security Technologies # # This software is provided under under a slightly modified version # of the Apache Software License. See the accompanying LICENSE file # for more information. # # Description: # Partial C706.pdf + [MS-RPCE] implementation # # Best way to learn how to use these calls is to grab the protocol standard # so you understand what the call does, and then read the test case located # at https://github.com/CoreSecurity/impacket/tree/master/impacket/testcases/SMB_RPC # # ToDo: # [ ] Take out all the security provider stuff out of here (e.g. RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT) # and put it elsewhere. This will make the coder cleaner and easier to add # more SSP (e.g. NETLOGON) # """ Stripped down version of `https://github.com/CoreSecurity/impacket/blob/master/impacket/dcerpc/v5/rpcrt.py`, modified for Python3. """ from structure import Structure, pack, unpack # MS/RPC Constants MSRPC_REQUEST = 0x00 MSRPC_PING = 0x01 MSRPC_RESPONSE = 0x02 MSRPC_FAULT = 0x03 MSRPC_WORKING = 0x04 MSRPC_NOCALL = 0x05 MSRPC_REJECT = 0x06 MSRPC_ACK = 0x07 MSRPC_CL_CANCEL = 0x08 MSRPC_FACK = 0x09 MSRPC_CANCELACK = 0x0A MSRPC_BIND = 0x0B MSRPC_BINDACK = 0x0C MSRPC_BINDNAK = 0x0D MSRPC_ALTERCTX = 0x0E MSRPC_ALTERCTX_R= 0x0F MSRPC_AUTH3 = 0x10 MSRPC_SHUTDOWN = 0x11 MSRPC_CO_CANCEL = 0x12 MSRPC_ORPHANED = 0x13 # MS/RPC Packet Flags MSRPC_FIRSTFRAG = 0x01 MSRPC_LASTFRAG = 0x02 # For PDU types bind, bind_ack, alter_context, and # alter_context_resp, this flag MUST be interpreted as PFC_SUPPORT_HEADER_SIGN MSRPC_SUPPORT_SIGN = 0x04 #For the #remaining PDU types, this flag MUST be interpreted as PFC_PENDING_CANCEL. MSRPC_PENDING_CANCEL= 0x04 MSRPC_NOTAFRAG = 0x04 MSRPC_RECRESPOND = 0x08 MSRPC_NOMULTIPLEX = 0x10 MSRPC_NOTFORIDEMP = 0x20 MSRPC_NOTFORBCAST = 0x40 MSRPC_NOUUID = 0x80 # Auth Types - Security Providers RPC_C_AUTHN_NONE = 0x00 RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_NEGOTIATE = 0x09 RPC_C_AUTHN_WINNT = 0x0A RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_SCHANNEL = 0x0E RPC_C_AUTHN_GSS_KERBEROS = 0x10 RPC_C_AUTHN_NETLOGON = 0x44 RPC_C_AUTHN_DEFAULT = 0xFF # Auth Levels RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_NONE = 1 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CONNECT = 2 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_CALL = 3 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT = 4 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_INTEGRITY = 5 RPC_C_AUTHN_LEVEL_PKT_PRIVACY = 6 #Reasons for rejection of a context element, included in bind_ack result reason rpc_provider_reason = { 0 : 'reason_not_specified', 1 : 'abstract_syntax_not_supported', 2 : 'proposed_transfer_syntaxes_not_supported', 3 : 'local_limit_exceeded', 4 : 'protocol_version_not_specified', 8 : 'authentication_type_not_recognized', 9 : 'invalid_checksum' } MSRPC_CONT_RESULT_ACCEPT = 0 MSRPC_CONT_RESULT_USER_REJECT = 1 MSRPC_CONT_RESULT_PROV_REJECT = 2 #Results of a presentation context negotiation rpc_cont_def_result = { 0 : 'acceptance', 1 : 'user_rejection', 2 : 'provider_rejection' } #status codes, references: #http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/rpc/rpc/rpc_return_values.asp #http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/randz/protocol/common_return_values.asp #winerror.h #http://www.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9629399/apdxn.htm #*2to3* 0x00000005L -> 0x00000005..... rpc_status_codes = { 0x00000005 : 'rpc_s_access_denied', 0x00000008 : 'Authentication type not recognized', 0x000006D8 : 'rpc_fault_cant_perform', 0x000006C6 : 'rpc_x_invalid_bound', # the arrays bound are invalid 0x000006E4 : 'rpc_s_cannot_support: The requested operation is not supported.', # some operation is not supported 0x000006F7 : 'rpc_x_bad_stub_data', # the stub data is invalid, doesn't match with the IDL definition 0x1C010001 : 'nca_s_comm_failure', # unable to get response from server: 0x1C010002 : 'nca_s_op_rng_error', # bad operation number in call 0x1C010003 : 'nca_s_unk_if', # unknown interface 0x1C010006 : 'nca_s_wrong_boot_time', # client passed server wrong server boot time 0x1C010009 : 'nca_s_you_crashed', # a restarted server called back a client 0x1C01000B : 'nca_s_proto_error', # someone messed up the protocol 0x1C010013 : 'nca_s_out_args_too_big ', # output args too big 0x1C010014 : 'nca_s_server_too_busy', # server is too busy to handle call 0x1C010015 : 'nca_s_fault_string_too_long', # string argument longer than declared max len 0x1C010017 : 'nca_s_unsupported_type ', # no implementation of generic operation for object 0x1C000001 : 'nca_s_fault_int_div_by_zero', 0x1C000002 : 'nca_s_fault_addr_error ', 0x1C000003 : 'nca_s_fault_fp_div_zero', 0x1C000004 : 'nca_s_fault_fp_underflow', 0x1C000005 : 'nca_s_fault_fp_overflow', 0x1C000006 : 'nca_s_fault_invalid_tag', 0x1C000007 : 'nca_s_fault_invalid_bound ', 0x1C000008 : 'nca_s_rpc_version_mismatch', 0x1C000009 : 'nca_s_unspec_reject ', 0x1C00000A : 'nca_s_bad_actid', 0x1C00000B : 'nca_s_who_are_you_failed', 0x1C00000C : 'nca_s_manager_not_entered ', 0x1C00000D : 'nca_s_fault_cancel', 0x1C00000E : 'nca_s_fault_ill_inst', 0x1C00000F : 'nca_s_fault_fp_error', 0x1C000010 : 'nca_s_fault_int_overflow', 0x1C000012 : 'nca_s_fault_unspec', 0x1C000013 : 'nca_s_fault_remote_comm_failure ', 0x1C000014 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_empty ', 0x1C000015 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_closed', 0x1C000016 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_order ', 0x1C000017 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_discipline', 0x1C000018 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_comm_error', 0x1C000019 : 'nca_s_fault_pipe_memory', 0x1C00001A : 'nca_s_fault_context_mismatch ', 0x1C00001B : 'nca_s_fault_remote_no_memory ', 0x1C00001C : 'nca_s_invalid_pres_context_id', 0x1C00001D : 'nca_s_unsupported_authn_level', 0x1C00001F : 'nca_s_invalid_checksum ', 0x1C000020 : 'nca_s_invalid_crc', 0x1C000021 : 'nca_s_fault_user_defined', 0x1C000022 : 'nca_s_fault_tx_open_failed', 0x1C000023 : 'nca_s_fault_codeset_conv_error', 0x1C000024 : 'nca_s_fault_object_not_found ', 0x1C000025 : 'nca_s_fault_no_client_stub', 0x16c9a000 : "rpc_s_mod", 0x16c9a001 : "rpc_s_op_rng_error", 0x16c9a002 : "rpc_s_cant_create_socket", 0x16c9a003 : "rpc_s_cant_bind_socket", 0x16c9a004 : "rpc_s_not_in_call", 0x16c9a005 : "rpc_s_no_port", 0x16c9a006 : "rpc_s_wrong_boot_time", 0x16c9a007 : "rpc_s_too_many_sockets", 0x16c9a008 : "rpc_s_illegal_register", 0x16c9a009 : "rpc_s_cant_recv", 0x16c9a00a : "rpc_s_bad_pkt", 0x16c9a00b : "rpc_s_unbound_handle", 0x16c9a00c : "rpc_s_addr_in_use", 0x16c9a00d : "rpc_s_in_args_too_big", 0x16c9a00e : "rpc_s_string_too_long", 0x16c9a00f : "rpc_s_too_many_objects", 0x16c9a010 : "rpc_s_binding_has_no_auth", 0x16c9a011 : "rpc_s_unknown_authn_service", 0x16c9a012 : "rpc_s_no_memory", 0x16c9a013 : "rpc_s_cant_nmalloc", 0x16c9a014 : "rpc_s_call_faulted", 0x16c9a015 : "rpc_s_call_failed", 0x16c9a016 : "rpc_s_comm_failure", 0x16c9a017 : "rpc_s_rpcd_comm_failure", 0x16c9a018 : "rpc_s_illegal_family_rebind", 0x16c9a019 : "rpc_s_invalid_handle", 0x16c9a01a : "rpc_s_coding_error", 0x16c9a01b : "rpc_s_object_not_found", 0x16c9a01c : "rpc_s_cthread_not_found", 0x16c9a01d : "rpc_s_invalid_binding", 0x16c9a01e : "rpc_s_already_registered", 0x16c9a01f : "rpc_s_endpoint_not_found", 0x16c9a020 : "rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protseq", 0x16c9a021 : "rpc_s_desc_not_registered", 0x16c9a022 : "rpc_s_already_listening", 0x16c9a023 : "rpc_s_no_protseqs", 0x16c9a024 : "rpc_s_no_protseqs_registered", 0x16c9a025 : "rpc_s_no_bindings", 0x16c9a026 : "rpc_s_max_descs_exceeded", 0x16c9a027 : "rpc_s_no_interfaces", 0x16c9a028 : "rpc_s_invalid_timeout", 0x16c9a029 : "rpc_s_cant_inq_socket", 0x16c9a02a : "rpc_s_invalid_naf_id", 0x16c9a02b : "rpc_s_inval_net_addr", 0x16c9a02c : "rpc_s_unknown_if", 0x16c9a02d : "rpc_s_unsupported_type", 0x16c9a02e : "rpc_s_invalid_call_opt", 0x16c9a02f : "rpc_s_no_fault", 0x16c9a030 : "rpc_s_cancel_timeout", 0x16c9a031 : "rpc_s_call_cancelled", 0x16c9a032 : "rpc_s_invalid_call_handle", 0x16c9a033 : "rpc_s_cannot_alloc_assoc", 0x16c9a034 : "rpc_s_cannot_connect", 0x16c9a035 : "rpc_s_connection_aborted", 0x16c9a036 : "rpc_s_connection_closed", 0x16c9a037 : "rpc_s_cannot_accept", 0x16c9a038 : "rpc_s_assoc_grp_not_found", 0x16c9a039 : "rpc_s_stub_interface_error", 0x16c9a03a : "rpc_s_invalid_object", 0x16c9a03b : "rpc_s_invalid_type", 0x16c9a03c : "rpc_s_invalid_if_opnum", 0x16c9a03d : "rpc_s_different_server_instance", 0x16c9a03e : "rpc_s_protocol_error", 0x16c9a03f : "rpc_s_cant_recvmsg", 0x16c9a040 : "rpc_s_invalid_string_binding", 0x16c9a041 : "rpc_s_connect_timed_out", 0x16c9a042 : "rpc_s_connect_rejected", 0x16c9a043 : "rpc_s_network_unreachable", 0x16c9a044 : "rpc_s_connect_no_resources", 0x16c9a045 : "rpc_s_rem_network_shutdown", 0x16c9a046 : "rpc_s_too_many_rem_connects", 0x16c9a047 : "rpc_s_no_rem_endpoint", 0x16c9a048 : "rpc_s_rem_host_down", 0x16c9a049 : "rpc_s_host_unreachable", 0x16c9a04a : "rpc_s_access_control_info_inv", 0x16c9a04b : "rpc_s_loc_connect_aborted", 0x16c9a04c : "rpc_s_connect_closed_by_rem", 0x16c9a04d : "rpc_s_rem_host_crashed", 0x16c9a04e : "rpc_s_invalid_endpoint_format", 0x16c9a04f : "rpc_s_unknown_status_code", 0x16c9a050 : "rpc_s_unknown_mgr_type", 0x16c9a051 : "rpc_s_assoc_creation_failed", 0x16c9a052 : "rpc_s_assoc_grp_max_exceeded", 0x16c9a053 : "rpc_s_assoc_grp_alloc_failed", 0x16c9a054 : "rpc_s_sm_invalid_state", 0x16c9a055 : "rpc_s_assoc_req_rejected", 0x16c9a056 : "rpc_s_assoc_shutdown", 0x16c9a057 : "rpc_s_tsyntaxes_unsupported", 0x16c9a058 : "rpc_s_context_id_not_found", 0x16c9a059 : "rpc_s_cant_listen_socket", 0x16c9a05a : "rpc_s_no_addrs", 0x16c9a05b : "rpc_s_cant_getpeername", 0x16c9a05c : "rpc_s_cant_get_if_id", 0x16c9a05d : "rpc_s_protseq_not_supported", 0x16c9a05e : "rpc_s_call_orphaned", 0x16c9a05f : "rpc_s_who_are_you_failed", 0x16c9a060 : "rpc_s_unknown_reject", 0x16c9a061 : "rpc_s_type_already_registered", 0x16c9a062 : "rpc_s_stop_listening_disabled", 0x16c9a063 : "rpc_s_invalid_arg", 0x16c9a064 : "rpc_s_not_supported", 0x16c9a065 : "rpc_s_wrong_kind_of_binding", 0x16c9a066 : "rpc_s_authn_authz_mismatch", 0x16c9a067 : "rpc_s_call_queued", 0x16c9a068 : "rpc_s_cannot_set_nodelay", 0x16c9a069 : "rpc_s_not_rpc_tower", 0x16c9a06a : "rpc_s_invalid_rpc_protid", 0x16c9a06b : "rpc_s_invalid_rpc_floor", 0x16c9a06c : "rpc_s_call_timeout", 0x16c9a06d : "rpc_s_mgmt_op_disallowed", 0x16c9a06e : "rpc_s_manager_not_entered", 0x16c9a06f : "rpc_s_calls_too_large_for_wk_ep", 0x16c9a070 : "rpc_s_server_too_busy", 0x16c9a071 : "rpc_s_prot_version_mismatch", 0x16c9a072 : "rpc_s_rpc_prot_version_mismatch", 0x16c9a073 : "rpc_s_ss_no_import_cursor", 0x16c9a074 : "rpc_s_fault_addr_error", 0x16c9a075 : "rpc_s_fault_context_mismatch", 0x16c9a076 : "rpc_s_fault_fp_div_by_zero", 0x16c9a077 : "rpc_s_fault_fp_error", 0x16c9a078 : "rpc_s_fault_fp_overflow", 0x16c9a079 : "rpc_s_fault_fp_underflow", 0x16c9a07a : "rpc_s_fault_ill_inst", 0x16c9a07b : "rpc_s_fault_int_div_by_zero", 0x16c9a07c : "rpc_s_fault_int_overflow", 0x16c9a07d : "rpc_s_fault_invalid_bound", 0x16c9a07e : "rpc_s_fault_invalid_tag", 0x16c9a07f : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_closed", 0x16c9a080 : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_comm_error", 0x16c9a081 : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_discipline", 0x16c9a082 : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_empty", 0x16c9a083 : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_memory", 0x16c9a084 : "rpc_s_fault_pipe_order", 0x16c9a085 : "rpc_s_fault_remote_comm_failure", 0x16c9a086 : "rpc_s_fault_remote_no_memory", 0x16c9a087 : "rpc_s_fault_unspec", 0x16c9a088 : "uuid_s_bad_version", 0x16c9a089 : "uuid_s_socket_failure", 0x16c9a08a : "uuid_s_getconf_failure", 0x16c9a08b : "uuid_s_no_address", 0x16c9a08c : "uuid_s_overrun", 0x16c9a08d : "uuid_s_internal_error", 0x16c9a08e : "uuid_s_coding_error", 0x16c9a08f : "uuid_s_invalid_string_uuid", 0x16c9a090 : "uuid_s_no_memory", 0x16c9a091 : "rpc_s_no_more_entries", 0x16c9a092 : "rpc_s_unknown_ns_error", 0x16c9a093 : "rpc_s_name_service_unavailable", 0x16c9a094 : "rpc_s_incomplete_name", 0x16c9a095 : "rpc_s_group_not_found", 0x16c9a096 : "rpc_s_invalid_name_syntax", 0x16c9a097 : "rpc_s_no_more_members", 0x16c9a098 : "rpc_s_no_more_interfaces", 0x16c9a099 : "rpc_s_invalid_name_service", 0x16c9a09a : "rpc_s_no_name_mapping", 0x16c9a09b : "rpc_s_profile_not_found", 0x16c9a09c : "rpc_s_not_found", 0x16c9a09d : "rpc_s_no_updates", 0x16c9a09e : "rpc_s_update_failed", 0x16c9a09f : "rpc_s_no_match_exported", 0x16c9a0a0 : "rpc_s_entry_not_found", 0x16c9a0a1 : "rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_context", 0x16c9a0a2 : "rpc_s_interface_not_found", 0x16c9a0a3 : "rpc_s_group_member_not_found", 0x16c9a0a4 : "rpc_s_entry_already_exists", 0x16c9a0a5 : "rpc_s_nsinit_failure", 0x16c9a0a6 : "rpc_s_unsupported_name_syntax", 0x16c9a0a7 : "rpc_s_no_more_elements", 0x16c9a0a8 : "rpc_s_no_ns_permission", 0x16c9a0a9 : "rpc_s_invalid_inquiry_type", 0x16c9a0aa : "rpc_s_profile_element_not_found", 0x16c9a0ab : "rpc_s_profile_element_replaced", 0x16c9a0ac : "rpc_s_import_already_done", 0x16c9a0ad : "rpc_s_database_busy", 0x16c9a0ae : "rpc_s_invalid_import_context", 0x16c9a0af : "rpc_s_uuid_set_not_found", 0x16c9a0b0 : "rpc_s_uuid_member_not_found", 0x16c9a0b1 : "rpc_s_no_interfaces_exported", 0x16c9a0b2 : "rpc_s_tower_set_not_found", 0x16c9a0b3 : "rpc_s_tower_member_not_found", 0x16c9a0b4 : "rpc_s_obj_uuid_not_found", 0x16c9a0b5 : "rpc_s_no_more_bindings", 0x16c9a0b6 : "rpc_s_invalid_priority", 0x16c9a0b7 : "rpc_s_not_rpc_entry", 0x16c9a0b8 : "rpc_s_invalid_lookup_context", 0x16c9a0b9 : "rpc_s_binding_vector_full", 0x16c9a0ba : "rpc_s_cycle_detected", 0x16c9a0bb : "rpc_s_nothing_to_export", 0x16c9a0bc : "rpc_s_nothing_to_unexport", 0x16c9a0bd : "rpc_s_invalid_vers_option", 0x16c9a0be : "rpc_s_no_rpc_data", 0x16c9a0bf : "rpc_s_mbr_picked", 0x16c9a0c0 : "rpc_s_not_all_objs_unexported", 0x16c9a0c1 : "rpc_s_no_entry_name", 0x16c9a0c2 : "rpc_s_priority_group_done", 0x16c9a0c3 : "rpc_s_partial_results", 0x16c9a0c4 : "rpc_s_no_env_setup", 0x16c9a0c5 : "twr_s_unknown_sa", 0x16c9a0c6 : "twr_s_unknown_tower", 0x16c9a0c7 : "twr_s_not_implemented", 0x16c9a0c8 : "rpc_s_max_calls_too_small", 0x16c9a0c9 : "rpc_s_cthread_create_failed", 0x16c9a0ca : "rpc_s_cthread_pool_exists", 0x16c9a0cb : "rpc_s_cthread_no_such_pool", 0x16c9a0cc : "rpc_s_cthread_invoke_disabled", 0x16c9a0cd : "ept_s_cant_perform_op", 0x16c9a0ce : "ept_s_no_memory", 0x16c9a0cf : "ept_s_database_invalid", 0x16c9a0d0 : "ept_s_cant_create", 0x16c9a0d1 : "ept_s_cant_access", 0x16c9a0d2 : "ept_s_database_already_open", 0x16c9a0d3 : "ept_s_invalid_entry", 0x16c9a0d4 : "ept_s_update_failed", 0x16c9a0d5 : "ept_s_invalid_context", 0x16c9a0d6 : "ept_s_not_registered", 0x16c9a0d7 : "ept_s_server_unavailable", 0x16c9a0d8 : "rpc_s_underspecified_name", 0x16c9a0d9 : "rpc_s_invalid_ns_handle", 0x16c9a0da : "rpc_s_unknown_error", 0x16c9a0db : "rpc_s_ss_char_trans_open_fail", 0x16c9a0dc : "rpc_s_ss_char_trans_short_file", 0x16c9a0dd : "rpc_s_ss_context_damaged", 0x16c9a0de : "rpc_s_ss_in_null_context", 0x16c9a0df : "rpc_s_socket_failure", 0x16c9a0e0 : "rpc_s_unsupported_protect_level", 0x16c9a0e1 : "rpc_s_invalid_checksum", 0x16c9a0e2 : "rpc_s_invalid_credentials", 0x16c9a0e3 : "rpc_s_credentials_too_large", 0x16c9a0e4 : "rpc_s_call_id_not_found", 0x16c9a0e5 : "rpc_s_key_id_not_found", 0x16c9a0e6 : "rpc_s_auth_bad_integrity", 0x16c9a0e7 : "rpc_s_auth_tkt_expired", 0x16c9a0e8 : "rpc_s_auth_tkt_nyv", 0x16c9a0e9 : "rpc_s_auth_repeat", 0x16c9a0ea : "rpc_s_auth_not_us", 0x16c9a0eb : "rpc_s_auth_badmatch", 0x16c9a0ec : "rpc_s_auth_skew", 0x16c9a0ed : "rpc_s_auth_badaddr", 0x16c9a0ee : "rpc_s_auth_badversion", 0x16c9a0ef : "rpc_s_auth_msg_type", 0x16c9a0f0 : "rpc_s_auth_modified", 0x16c9a0f1 : "rpc_s_auth_badorder", 0x16c9a0f2 : "rpc_s_auth_badkeyver", 0x16c9a0f3 : "rpc_s_auth_nokey", 0x16c9a0f4 : "rpc_s_auth_mut_fail", 0x16c9a0f5 : "rpc_s_auth_baddirection", 0x16c9a0f6 : "rpc_s_auth_method", 0x16c9a0f7 : "rpc_s_auth_badseq", 0x16c9a0f8 : "rpc_s_auth_inapp_cksum", 0x16c9a0f9 : "rpc_s_auth_field_toolong", 0x16c9a0fa : "rpc_s_invalid_crc", 0x16c9a0fb : "rpc_s_binding_incomplete", 0x16c9a0fc : "rpc_s_key_func_not_allowed", 0x16c9a0fd : "rpc_s_unknown_stub_rtl_if_vers", 0x16c9a0fe : "rpc_s_unknown_ifspec_vers", 0x16c9a0ff : "rpc_s_proto_unsupp_by_auth", 0x16c9a100 : "rpc_s_authn_challenge_malformed", 0x16c9a101 : "rpc_s_protect_level_mismatch", 0x16c9a102 : "rpc_s_no_mepv", 0x16c9a103 : "rpc_s_stub_protocol_error", 0x16c9a104 : "rpc_s_class_version_mismatch", 0x16c9a105 : "rpc_s_helper_not_running", 0x16c9a106 : "rpc_s_helper_short_read", 0x16c9a107 : "rpc_s_helper_catatonic", 0x16c9a108 : "rpc_s_helper_aborted", 0x16c9a109 : "rpc_s_not_in_kernel", 0x16c9a10a : "rpc_s_helper_wrong_user", 0x16c9a10b : "rpc_s_helper_overflow", 0x16c9a10c : "rpc_s_dg_need_way_auth", 0x16c9a10d : "rpc_s_unsupported_auth_subtype", 0x16c9a10e : "rpc_s_wrong_pickle_type", 0x16c9a10f : "rpc_s_not_listening", 0x16c9a110 : "rpc_s_ss_bad_buffer", 0x16c9a111 : "rpc_s_ss_bad_es_action", 0x16c9a112 : "rpc_s_ss_wrong_es_version", 0x16c9a113 : "rpc_s_fault_user_defined", 0x16c9a114 : "rpc_s_ss_incompatible_codesets", 0x16c9a115 : "rpc_s_tx_not_in_transaction", 0x16c9a116 : "rpc_s_tx_open_failed", 0x16c9a117 : "rpc_s_partial_credentials", 0x16c9a118 : "rpc_s_ss_invalid_codeset_tag", 0x16c9a119 : "rpc_s_mgmt_bad_type", 0x16c9a11a : "rpc_s_ss_invalid_char_input", 0x16c9a11b : "rpc_s_ss_short_conv_buffer", 0x16c9a11c : "rpc_s_ss_iconv_error", 0x16c9a11d : "rpc_s_ss_no_compat_codeset", 0x16c9a11e : "rpc_s_ss_no_compat_charsets", 0x16c9a11f : "dce_cs_c_ok", 0x16c9a120 : "dce_cs_c_unknown", 0x16c9a121 : "dce_cs_c_notfound", 0x16c9a122 : "dce_cs_c_cannot_open_file", 0x16c9a123 : "dce_cs_c_cannot_read_file", 0x16c9a124 : "dce_cs_c_cannot_allocate_memory", 0x16c9a125 : "rpc_s_ss_cleanup_failed", 0x16c9a126 : "rpc_svc_desc_general", 0x16c9a127 : "rpc_svc_desc_mutex", 0x16c9a128 : "rpc_svc_desc_xmit", 0x16c9a129 : "rpc_svc_desc_recv", 0x16c9a12a : "rpc_svc_desc_dg_state", 0x16c9a12b : "rpc_svc_desc_cancel", 0x16c9a12c : "rpc_svc_desc_orphan", 0x16c9a12d : "rpc_svc_desc_cn_state", 0x16c9a12e : "rpc_svc_desc_cn_pkt", 0x16c9a12f : "rpc_svc_desc_pkt_quotas", 0x16c9a130 : "rpc_svc_desc_auth", 0x16c9a131 : "rpc_svc_desc_source", 0x16c9a132 : "rpc_svc_desc_stats", 0x16c9a133 : "rpc_svc_desc_mem", 0x16c9a134 : "rpc_svc_desc_mem_type", 0x16c9a135 : "rpc_svc_desc_dg_pktlog", 0x16c9a136 : "rpc_svc_desc_thread_id", 0x16c9a137 : "rpc_svc_desc_timestamp", 0x16c9a138 : "rpc_svc_desc_cn_errors", 0x16c9a139 : "rpc_svc_desc_conv_thread", 0x16c9a13a : "rpc_svc_desc_pid", 0x16c9a13b : "rpc_svc_desc_atfork", 0x16c9a13c : "rpc_svc_desc_cma_thread", 0x16c9a13d : "rpc_svc_desc_inherit", 0x16c9a13e : "rpc_svc_desc_dg_sockets", 0x16c9a13f : "rpc_svc_desc_timer", 0x16c9a140 : "rpc_svc_desc_threads", 0x16c9a141 : "rpc_svc_desc_server_call", 0x16c9a142 : "rpc_svc_desc_nsi", 0x16c9a143 : "rpc_svc_desc_dg_pkt", 0x16c9a144 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_sa", 0x16c9a145 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_ca", 0x16c9a146 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_sg", 0x16c9a147 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_cg", 0x16c9a148 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_sr", 0x16c9a149 : "rpc_m_cn_ill_state_trans_cr", 0x16c9a14a : "rpc_m_bad_pkt_type", 0x16c9a14b : "rpc_m_prot_mismatch", 0x16c9a14c : "rpc_m_frag_toobig", 0x16c9a14d : "rpc_m_unsupp_stub_rtl_if", 0x16c9a14e : "rpc_m_unhandled_callstate", 0x16c9a14f : "rpc_m_call_failed", 0x16c9a150 : "rpc_m_call_failed_no_status", 0x16c9a151 : "rpc_m_call_failed_errno", 0x16c9a152 : "rpc_m_call_failed_s", 0x16c9a153 : "rpc_m_call_failed_c", 0x16c9a154 : "rpc_m_errmsg_toobig", 0x16c9a155 : "rpc_m_invalid_srchattr", 0x16c9a156 : "rpc_m_nts_not_found", 0x16c9a157 : "rpc_m_invalid_accbytcnt", 0x16c9a158 : "rpc_m_pre_v2_ifspec", 0x16c9a159 : "rpc_m_unk_ifspec", 0x16c9a15a : "rpc_m_recvbuf_toosmall", 0x16c9a15b : "rpc_m_unalign_authtrl", 0x16c9a15c : "rpc_m_unexpected_exc", 0x16c9a15d : "rpc_m_no_stub_data", 0x16c9a15e : "rpc_m_eventlist_full", 0x16c9a15f : "rpc_m_unk_sock_type", 0x16c9a160 : "rpc_m_unimp_call", 0x16c9a161 : "rpc_m_invalid_seqnum", 0x16c9a162 : "rpc_m_cant_create_uuid", 0x16c9a163 : "rpc_m_pre_v2_ss", 0x16c9a164 : "rpc_m_dgpkt_pool_corrupt", 0x16c9a165 : "rpc_m_dgpkt_bad_free", 0x16c9a166 : "rpc_m_lookaside_corrupt", 0x16c9a167 : "rpc_m_alloc_fail", 0x16c9a168 : "rpc_m_realloc_fail", 0x16c9a169 : "rpc_m_cant_open_file", 0x16c9a16a : "rpc_m_cant_read_addr", 0x16c9a16b : "rpc_svc_desc_libidl", 0x16c9a16c : "rpc_m_ctxrundown_nomem", 0x16c9a16d : "rpc_m_ctxrundown_exc", 0x16c9a16e : "rpc_s_fault_codeset_conv_error", 0x16c9a16f : "rpc_s_no_call_active", 0x16c9a170 : "rpc_s_cannot_support", 0x16c9a171 : "rpc_s_no_context_available", } class Exception(Exception): pass ##class DCERPCException(Exception): ## def __init__( self, error_code): ## Exception.__init__(self) ## self.error_code = error_code ## ## def get_error_code( self ): ## return self.error_code ## ## def get_packet( self ): ## return self.packet ## ## def __str__( self ): ## key = self.error_code ## if (rpc_status_codes.has_key(key)): ## error_msg_short = rpc_status_codes[key] ## return 'DCERPC Runtime Error: code: 0x%x - %s ' % (self.error_code, error_msg_short) ## else: ## return 'DCERPC Runtime Error: unknown error code: 0x%x' % (self.error_code) # Context Item class CtxItem(Structure): structure = ( ('ContextID',' 0 else 0)+len(pduData)+len(pad)+len(sec_trailer)'), # 8 ('auth_len',' 0 else 0)'), ('pduData',':'), ('_pad', '_-pad','(4 - ((self._SIZE + (16 if (self["flags"] & 0x80) > 0 else 0) + len(self["pduData"])) & 3) & 3)'), ('pad', ':'), ('_sec_trailer', '_-sec_trailer', '8 if self["auth_len"] > 0 else 0'), ('sec_trailer',':'), ('auth_dataLen','_-auth_data','self["auth_len"]'), ('auth_data',':'), ) def __init__(self, data = None, alignment = 0): Structure.__init__(self,data, alignment) if data is None: self['ver_major'] = 5 self['ver_minor'] = 0 self['flags'] = MSRPC_FIRSTFRAG | MSRPC_LASTFRAG self['type'] = MSRPC_REQUEST self.__frag_len_set = 0 self['auth_len'] = 0 self['pduData'] = '' self['auth_data'] = '' self['sec_trailer'] = '' self['pad'] = '' def get_header_size(self): return self._SIZE + (16 if (self["flags"] & MSRPC_NOUUID) > 0 else 0) def get_packet(self): if self['auth_data'] != '': self['auth_len'] = len(self['auth_data']) # The sec_trailer structure MUST be 4-byte aligned with respect to # the beginning of the PDU. Padding octets MUST be used to align the # sec_trailer structure if its natural beginning is not already 4-byte aligned ##self['pad'] = '\xAA' * (4 - ((self._SIZE + len(self['pduData'])) & 3) & 3) return self.getData() class MSRPCRequestHeader(MSRPCHeader): _SIZE = 24 commonHdr = MSRPCHeader.commonHdr + ( ('alloc_hint',' 0 else 0' ), # 22 ('uuid',':'), # 22 ) def __init__(self, data = None, alignment = 0): MSRPCHeader.__init__(self, data, alignment) if data is None: self['type'] = MSRPC_REQUEST self['ctx_id'] = 0 self['uuid'] = '' class MSRPCRespHeader(MSRPCHeader): _SIZE = 24 commonHdr = MSRPCHeader.commonHdr + ( ('alloc_hint',' 0 else 0'), ('sec_trailer',':'), ('auth_dataLen','_-auth_data','self["auth_len"]'), ('auth_data',':'), ) def __init__(self, data = None, alignment = 0): self.__ctx_items = [] MSRPCHeader.__init__(self,data,alignment) if data is None: self['Pad'] = '' self['ctx_items'] = '' self['sec_trailer'] = '' self['auth_data'] = '' def getCtxItems(self): return self.__ctx_items def getCtxItem(self,index): return self.__ctx_items[index-1] def fromString(self, data): Structure.fromString(self,data) # Parse the ctx_items data = self['ctx_items'] for i in range(self['ctx_num']): item = CtxItemResult(data) self.__ctx_items.append(item) data = data[len(item):] class MSRPCBindNak(Structure): structure = ( ('RejectedReason','