Sergei Eremenko c3447af784 Update tools
2017-05-13 22:43:28 +03:00

91 lines
2.7 KiB

#!/bin/sed -rf
# Written in 2016 by Sergei Eremenko <>
# To the extent possible under law, the author(s) have dedicated all copyright
# and related and neighboring rights to this software to the public domain
# worldwide. This software is distributed without any warranty.
# You should have received a copy of the CC0 Public Domain Dedication along
# with this software. If not, see
# <>.
# Description:
# This script removes unused attributes and removes attributes with default
# values from elements.
# Details
# Usage:
# sed -r -i -f _clean_attrs.sed FILE...
# remove unused attributes
s/[ ]aria-label="[^"]*"//gI
# delete default ids
s/[ ]id="circle[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
s/[ ]id="defs[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
s/[ ]id="g[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
s/[ ]id="path[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
s/[ ]id="rect[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
s/[ ]id="svg[0-9][^ ]*"//gI
# properties in a style attribute has higher priority
/style=/ {
/fill:[^;"]/ s/[ ]fill="[^"]+"//gI
/[^-]opacity:[^;"]/ s/[ ]opacity="[^"]+"//gI
# remove attributes with default values
s/[ ]alignment-baseline="auto"//gI
s/[ ]baseline-shift="baseline"//gI
s/[ ]clip-path="none"//gI
s/[ ]clip-rule="nonzero"//gI
s/[ ]clip="auto"//gI
s/[ ]color-interpolation-filters="linearRGB"//gI
s/[ ]color-interpolation="sRGB"//gI
s/[ ]color-profile="auto"//gI
s/[ ]color-rendering="auto"//gI
s/[ ]cursor="auto"//gI
s/[ ]direction="ltr"//gI
s/[ ]display="inline"//gI
s/[ ]dominant-baseline="auto"//gI
s/[ ]enable-background="accumulate"//gI
s/[ ]fill-opacity="[1-9][0-9.]*"//gI
s/[ ]fill-rule="nonzero"//gI
s/[ ]fill="(#000|#000000|black)"//gI
s/[ ]filter="none"//gI
s/[ ]flood-color="(#000|#000000|black)"//gI
s/[ ]flood-opacity="[1-9][0-9.]*"//gI
s/[ ]font-size-adjust="none"//gI
s/[ ]font-size="medium"//gI
s/[ ]font-stretch="normal"//gI
s/[ ]font-style="normal"//gI
s/[ ]font-variant="normal"//gI
s/[ ]font-weight="normal"//gI
s/[ ]glyph-orientation-horizontal="0deg"//gI
s/[ ]glyph-orientation-vertical="auto"//gI
s/[ ]image-rendering="auto"//gI
s/[ ]kerning="auto"//gI
s/[ ]letter-spacing="normal"//gI
s/[ ]marker-end="none"//gI
s/[ ]marker-mid="none"//gI
s/[ ]marker-start="none"//gI
s/[ ]mask="none"//gI
s/[ ]opacity="[1-9][0-9.]*"//gI
s/[ ]pointer-events="visiblePainted"//gI
s/[ ]shape-rendering="auto"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-dasharray="none"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-dashoffset="0"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-linecap="butt"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-linejoin="miter"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-miterlimit="4"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-opacity="[1-9][0-9.]*"//gI
s/[ ]stroke-width="1"//gI
s/[ ]stroke="none"//gI
s/[ ]text-anchor="start"//gI
s/[ ]text-decoration="none"//gI
s/[ ]text-rendering="auto"//gI
s/[ ]unicode-bidi="normal"//gI
s/[ ]visibility="visible"//gI
s/[ ]word-spacing="normal"//gI
s/[ ]writing-mode="lr-tb"//gI