# NOT USE NOW THIS INSTRUCTION, BECAUSE NOT FINISHED!!! # FOR DEVELOPERS and DESIGNERS: It's easy :) First draw icons for Papirus icon theme only! For Papirus Dark use script for change colors. **NOTE:** If you draw monochrome icon for Papirus, please add version for Papirus Dark too! ## Basic concepts Papirus - it's SVG-based icon theme for Linux. Have mix material and flat style. All elements have clear distinction and outlines. Also main feature - it's warm colors tone! PLEASE not use very bright and toxic colors for Papirus!!! ### Main icons Now main icons have sizes 16px, 22px, 24px, 32px and 48px. Also available some 64px icons for Places and Mimes. > Why needed this more sizes for SVG? Because if use single size for all - icons will be blurred. **It's important!!!** For all icons use ONLY template, because this icons alredy have clear SVG code (and some needed objects)! ### Monochrome icons Papirus now support KDE color scheme for monochrome actions, devices, places and panel icons More info about that [here](https://techbase.kde.org/Development/Tutorials/Plasma5/ThemeDetails#Colors) Now support only icons: - actions (16px, 22px, 24px) - devices (16px) - places (16px) - panel (22px, 24px) **It's important!!!** For monochrome icons use ONLY color pallete from template, becuase this icons have CSS style!!! # System Requirements - linux - bash - inkscape - npm - svgo For Debian/Ubuntu/Linux Mint users: ``` sudo apt update sudo apt install inkscape npm sudo npm install -g svgo ``` # How doing this? Open directory **work** and choose need category. On this directory alredy available template files for development. Open on Inkscape template file and draw new icon and save on **work** category dir. For example: ``` work/Papirus/apps/abricotine-48.svg ``` **NOTE**: Please not forgot add size suffix for icon name - it's needed for right work scripts. # Steb by step for Papirus - open template file on Inkscape - delete not needed objects - draw new objects - save file as **name-size.svg** (use lowercase registry for svg) - draw icons for other sizes - run script for clear icon from **tools** For example: ``` ./run_on_dirs.sh work/Papirus/apps ``` - fine, your icon fixed and clear - now you can check icons - if all fine - copy icon to icon theme folder, use script `copy-to-theme.sh`: For example: ``` ./copy-app-to-theme.sh ``` - clear work directory (not delete template files) - all is ready! Now you commited changes to GitHub # Steb by step for Papirus Dark **work/Papirus-Dark** have only monochrome icons with another CSS style. - initially draw icons for **work/Papirus** and run scrip from **tools** `run_on_dirs.sh` - copy files to **work/Papirus-Dark** directory, use script `copy-to-work-dark.sh` - go to **work/Papirus-Dark directory** and run script `convert-color-scheme-to-dark.sh` - now check your work - copy files to Papirus-Dark icon theme, use script `copy-to-theme.sh`