
apps actions panel places

Papirus is a free and open source SVG icon theme for Linux, based on [Paper Icon Set]( with a lot of new icons and a few extras, like [Hardcode-Tray support](#hardcoded-tray-icons), [KDE colorscheme support](#kde-colorscheme), [Folder Color support](#folders-color), and [others](#extras). Papirus icon theme is available in six variants: - Papirus (for Arc / Arc Darker) - Papirus Dark (for Arc Dark) - Papirus Light (light theme with Breeze colors) - Papirus Adapta (for Adapta) - Papirus Adapta Nokto (for Adapta Nokto) - ePapirus (for elementary OS and Pantheon Desktop) ## Installation ### Ubuntu and derivatives You can install Papirus from our official [PPA]( ``` sudo add-apt-repository ppa:papirus/papirus sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install papirus-icon-theme ``` or download .deb packages from [here]( ### Debian and derivatives Debian users also can install Papirus from our [PPA](, but the commands will differ: ``` sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/papirus-ppa.list << EOF deb xenial main EOF sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver E58A9D36647CAE7F sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install papirus-icon-theme ``` ### Papirus Installer Use the scripts to install the latest version directly from this repo (independently of your distro): **NOTE:** Use the same script to update icon themes. #### ROOT directory (recommended) ``` wget -qO- | sh ``` #### HOME directory for GTK ``` wget -qO- | DESTDIR="$HOME/.icons" sh ``` #### HOME directory for KDE ``` wget -qO- | DESTDIR="$HOME/.local/share/icons" sh ``` **NOTE:** Qt4 apps require `libqt4-svg` to work correctly. #### Remove ``` wget -qO- | sh ``` ### Unofficial packages Packages in this section are not part of the official repositories. If you have a problem or a question, please contact the package maintainer. | **Distro** | **Maintainer** | **Package** | | :--------- | :---------------- | :--------------------------------------- | | Arch Linux | Felix Yan | `sudo pacman -S papirus-icon-theme` [[link](] | | Arch Linux | Edgard Castro | [papirus-icon-theme-git]( AUR | | Fedora | Dirk Davidis | [papirus-icon-theme]( copr | | Manjaro | Nikola Yanev | [papirus-icon-theme]( | | openSUSE | Konstantin Voinov | [papirus-icon-theme]( OBS [[link](] | | Solus | Joshua Strobl | `sudo eopkg install papirus-icon-theme` | **NOTE:** If you are a maintainer and want to be in the list, please create an issue or make a pull request. ## Hardcoded icons Some software uses an absolute path instead of the icon name in a .desktop file or in the source code which makes them unthemable. ### Hardcoded application icons To deal with hardcoded application icons we recommend using [hardcode-fixer]( Papirus supports most of the applications in the [list]( If [hardcode-fixer]( doesn't support your favorite app yet, please open an issue [here]( or edit your .desktop file manually. ### Hardcoded tray icons To fix hardcoded tray icons Papirus supports [Hardcode-Tray]( script. A list of supported applications is available [here]( **NOTE:** To get Papirus to work right with Hardcode-Tray, use the hardcode-tray option `--conversion-tool RSVGConvert`: ``` sudo -E hardcode-tray --conversion-tool RSVGConvert --size 22 --theme Papirus ``` **Size recommendations:** - Unity 22px - KDE 22px - GNOME 16px ([see]( for more info) - XFCE 22px ([see]( for more info) - Pantheon 24px - Cinnamon 16px ![hardcode-tray]( **BUG on KDE with libappindicator**: Some applications have wrong rendering by default on KDE. For solve this run application with Unity environment option. For example: ``` XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity wire-desktop ``` See more info [here]( and please vote for this bug. ## KDE colorscheme Support for monochrome icons for KDE colorscheme is now available: - Papirus - for dark plasma theme & light color scheme - Papirus Dark - for dark plasma theme & color scheme - Papirus Light - for light plasma theme & color scheme ![kde-color-scheme]( **NOTE:** Non-KDE apps don't support KDE colorscheme on the system tray, but you can replace color manually. ## Folder's color Papirus has [Folder Color]( v0.0.80+ support that allows you to change a color of a folder. Available colors: ![Folder Color Preview]( For KDE, colors of individual folders can be changed using [dolphin-folder-color]( Also, you can use our [papirus-folders]( script to apply the color of folders system-wide. ## Extras - [Papirus theme for LibreOffice]( - [Papirus themes for FileZilla]( - [Papirus theme for SMPlayer]( - [Papirus themes for Claws Mail]( - [Papirus theme for aMule]( ## Recommendations - For GTK, better use icons alongside GTK theme [Arc Themes]( or [Adapta Themes]( - For KDE, better use alongside [Arc KDE]( or [Adapta KDE]( ## Manual fixes
For Cinnamon users For Cinnamon users who want to use Papirus icon theme with [arc-theme]( we recommend fix color icons on panel: ``` sudo sed -i.orig 's/white/#d3dae3/g' /usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/cinnamon/cinnamon.css ``` ![Cinnamon Arc-Dark theme fix]( To deal with blurred panel icons, increase the panel size up to 30px in `Systems Settings` → `Panel` (see [screenshot](
For GNOME 3 users For GNOME users who want use Papirus icon theme with [arc-theme](, we recommend change icons color for panel: ``` sudo sed -i.orig 's/white/#d3dae3/g' /usr/share/themes/Arc-Dark/gnome-shell/gnome-shell.css ``` ![GNOME Arc-Dark theme fix]( Also, we recommend using [AppIndicator/KStatusNotifierItem Support]( extension for appindicator-apps, because patched version of sni-qt for hardcode-tray doesn't work without that on gnome-shell.
For Unity users For Unity users, we recommend installing patched [Notify-OSD]( and changing the icon size to 33px. *~/.notify-osd* file: ``` slot-allocation = dynamic bubble-expire-timeout = 10sec bubble-vertical-gap = 10px bubble-horizontal-gap = 10px bubble-corner-radius = 24px bubble-icon-size = 33px bubble-gauge-size = 6px bubble-width = 240px bubble-background-color = 2f343f bubble-background-opacity = 95% text-margin-size = 10px text-title-size = 100% text-title-weight = bold text-title-color = adb7bf text-title-opacity = 100% text-body-size = 90% text-body-weight = normal text-body-color = eaeaea text-body-opacity = 100% text-shadow-opacity = 50% location = 1 bubble-prevent-fade = 1 bubble-close-on-click = 1 bubble-as-desktop-bg = 0 ``` ![notify-fix]( Also, you can change [Unity launcher icon]( and [unity-tweak-tool icons]( Look into the extra folder in the icon theme.
For Xfce users Here are a few recommendations for Xfce users. #### Thunar File Manager Go to `Edit` → `Preferences...`. Click on `Side Pane` tab. Under `Side Pane`, look for `Icon Size` and set to `Very Small`. ![thunar-prefecences]( #### Notification Area Go to `Settings Manager` → `Panel` → `Items` tab. Select `Notification Area` item and click on `Edit currently selected item` button. Under `Appearance` set the following options: - Set `Maximum icon size (px)` to `24` - Uncheck `Show frame` ![xfce4-notification-area](
For elementary/Pantheon users - With light wallpaper we recommend use non-transparency wingpanel: ``` gsettings set org.pantheon.desktop.wingpanel use-transparency false ```
## Icon request - Application name - Icon name (see desktop-file option **Icon** on `/usr/share/applications`) - Original icon image - Small description and/or a link to the official webpage **NOTE**: We do NOT support Windows/Wine/Crossover or other NOT native Linux-apps. This also applies to discontinued projects!! ## Contribute We welcome user contributions. If you don't know where to start, we've compiled a list of things we would like to see in your pull request: - new icons for missing applications - symbolic links to an existing icon - resolving open issues - spelling, grammar, phrasing - improvements to our scripts Inside [tools/work](tools/work) you will find a step-by-step guide, an environment, and tools that will help you: - [create a new icon](tools/work#create-a-new-icon) from template - [make a symlink to an existing icon](tools/work#make-symlinks-to-an-existing-icon) - [edit an existing icon](tools/work#edit-an-existing-icon) - convert your icon to all variants of the theme We are waiting for your pull requests and would love to see this icon theme become as complete as possible. ## Donate You can support opensource project by voluntary payment: by @varlesh (Alexey Varfolomeev) - Patreon: - PayPal: by @SmartFinn (Sergei Eremenko) - BTC: `1HwE62Zb8PyyY1XAR6Ykweix2ht8NAjvf5` ## License Papirus icon theme is licensed under GNU GPL v3.0