v0.3 ready

This commit is contained in:
Dmitry Isaenko 2019-03-20 15:51:18 +03:00
parent c3c07b7216
commit 256b1f7d37
5 changed files with 32 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -93,12 +93,13 @@ root # udevadm control --reload-rules && udevadm trigger
### Known bugs
* Unable to interrupt transmission when libusb awaiting for read event (when user sent NSP list but didn't selected anything on NS). Also, sometimes, when network transmission started and nothing received from NS.
* Unable to use it on macOS version lower then Mojave. See: [Failing to claim interface on OSX](https://github.com/developersu/ns-usbloader/issues/2). Could be solved by using different build (different JAR).
#### NOTES
Table 'Status' = 'Uploaded' does not mean that file installed. It means that it has been sent to NS without any issues! That's what this app about.
Handling successful/failed installation is a purpose of the other side application (TinFoil/GoldLeaf). (And they don't provide any feedback interfaces so I can't detect success/failure.)
usb4java since NS-USBloader-v0.2.3 switched to 1.2.0 instead of 1.3.0. This shouldn't impact anyone except users of macOS High Sierra (and Sierra?) where previous versions of NS-USBloader didn't work.
### Translators! Traductores! Übersetzer! Թարգմանիչներ!
If you want to see this app translated to your language, go grab [this file](https://github.com/developersu/ns-usbloader/blob/master/src/main/resources/locale.properties) and translate it.
Upload somewhere (pastebin? google drive? whatever else). [Create new issue](https://github.com/developersu/ns-usbloader/issues) and post a link. I'll grab it and add.
@ -111,6 +112,7 @@ Français by [Stephane Meden (JackFromNice)](https://github.com/JackFromNice)
#### TODO (maybe):
- [x] macOS QA v0.1 (Mojave)
- [x] macOS QA v0.2.2 (Mojave)
- [x] macOS QA v0.2.3-DEV (High Sierra)
- [ ] macOS QA v0.3 (Mojave, High Sierra)
- [x] Windows support
- [x] code refactoring

View file

@ -140,7 +140,7 @@

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@ -184,22 +184,24 @@ public class NSLMainController implements Initializable {
* */
private void uploadBtnAction(){
if ((workThread == null || !workThread.isAlive())){
// Collect files
List<File> nspToUpload;
if ((nspToUpload = tableFilesListController.getFilesForUpload()) == null) {
else {
for (File item: nspToUpload)
logArea.appendText(" "+item.getAbsolutePath()+"\n");
// If USB selected
if (choiceProtocol.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().equals("GoldLeaf") ||
&& choiceNetUsb.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem().equals("USB")
List<File> nspToUpload;
if ((nspToUpload = tableFilesListController.getFilesForUpload()) == null) {
else {
for (File item: nspToUpload)
logArea.appendText(" "+item.getAbsolutePath()+"\n");
usbNetCommunications = new UsbCommunications(nspToUpload, choiceProtocol.getSelectionModel().getSelectedItem());
workThread = new Thread(usbNetCommunications);
@ -209,18 +211,9 @@ public class NSLMainController implements Initializable {
if (SettingsTabController.isNsIpValidate() && !nsIpTextField.getText().matches("^([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])\\.([01]?\\d\\d?|2[0-4]\\d|25[0-5])$"))
if (!ServiceWindow.getConfirmationWindow(resourceBundle.getString("windowTitleBadIp"),resourceBundle.getString("windowBodyBadIp")))
String nsIP = nsIpTextField.getText();
List<File> nspToUpload;
if ((nspToUpload = tableFilesListController.getFilesForUpload()) == null) {
else {
for (File item: nspToUpload)
logArea.appendText(" "+item.getAbsolutePath()+"\n");
if (!SettingsTabController.getExpertModeSelected())
usbNetCommunications = new NETCommunications(nspToUpload, nsIP, false, "", "", "");
else {

View file

@ -34,4 +34,4 @@ netTabDontServeRequestsCb=Don't serve requests
netTabDontServeRequestsDescription=If selected, this computer won't reply to NSP files requests coming from NS (over the net) and use defined host settings to tell TinFoil where should it look for files.
windowTitleErrorPort=Port set incorrectly!
windowBodyErrorPort=Port can't be 0 or greater then 65535.
windowBodyErrorPort=Port can't be 0 or greater than 65535.

View file

@ -20,18 +20,18 @@ tableFileNameLbl=Nom de fichier
contextMenuBtnDeleteAll=Supprimer tout
netTabHostIPLbl=IP de l'ordinateur <-FIX?
NSIPlable=IP de NS: <-FIX?
netTabValidateNSHostNameCb=Always validate NS IP input. <-FIX
windowTitleBadIp=IP address of NS most likely incorrect <-FIX
windowBodyBadIp=Are you sure that you entered NS IP address correctly? <-FIX
netTabExpertModeCb=Expert mode<- FIX
netTabHostPortLbl=port <- fix
netTabAutoDetectIpCb=Auto-detect IP <- FIX
netTabRandSelectPortCb=Randomly get port <- FIX
netTabDontServeRequestsCb=Don't serve requests <- FIX
netTabDontServeRequestsDescription=If selected, this computer won't reply to NSP files requests coming from NS (over the net) and use defined host settings to tell TinFoil where should it look for files. <- Fix
netTabHostExtraLbl=extra <- FIX
windowTitleErrorPort=Port set incorrectly! <- FIX
windowBodyErrorPort=Port can't be 0 or greater then 65535. <- FIX
netTabHostIPLbl=IP de l'ordinateur
NSIPlable=IP de NS:
netTabValidateNSHostNameCb=Toujours v\u00E9rifier que l'adresse IP de NS entr\u00E9e est correcte
windowTitleBadIp=L'adresse IP de NS est probablement incorrecte
windowBodyBadIp=\u00CAtes-vous s\u00FBr que l'adresse IP de NS entr\u00E9e est correcte ?
netTabExpertModeCb=Mode expert
netTabAutoDetectIpCb=D\u00E9tection automatique d'IP
netTabRandSelectPortCb=Obtenir un port al\u00E9atoire
netTabDontServeRequestsCb=Ne pas servir les demandes
netTabDontServeRequestsDescription=Si cette option est s\u00E9lectionn\u00E9e, cet ordinateur ne r\u00E9pond pas aux demandes de fichiers NSP provenant de NS (par le r\u00E9seau) et utilise les param\u00E8tres d\u2019h\u00F4te d\u00E9finis pour indiquer \u00E0 TinFoil o\u00F9 il doit rechercher les fichiers.
windowTitleErrorPort=Port mal configur\u00E9!
windowBodyErrorPort=V\u00E9rifiez que le port est sup\u00E9rieur \u00E0 0 et inf\u00E9rieur ou \u00E9gal \u00E0 65535.