--- title: "Papermod - Features" date: 2020-09-16T11:30:03+05:30 showToc: true hidemeta: true TocOpen: true weight: 2 aliases: ['/papermod-features'] tags: ['PaperMod'] author: "Aditya Telange" --- ## Assets (js/css) The following is enabled by default - [minification](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/minification/) - makes the assets size smallest as possible. - [bundling](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/bundling/) - bundles all the styles in one single asset - [fingerprint/intergity](https://gohugo.io/hugo-pipes/fingerprint/) check. --- ## Default Theme light/dark ```yml params: defaultTheme: light ``` or ```yml params: defaultTheme: dark ``` or ```yml params: defaultTheme: auto # to switch between dark or light according to browser theme ``` --- ## Archives Layout Add vars below to page-variables ```yml layout: "archives" ``` ex: [here](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/exampleSite/content/archives.md) ![](https://i.ibb.co/cNWc7GZ/paper-mod-archives.png) --- ## Home-Info Mode Use 1st entry as some Information add following to config file ```yml params: homeInfoParams: Title: Hi there wave Content: Can be Info, links, about... socialIcons: # optional - name: "" url: "" - name: "" url: "" ``` ex. [here](https://github.com/adityatelange/hugo-PaperMod/blob/exampleSite/config.toml#L14) ![](https://i.ibb.co/zsq6fLr/papermod-homeinfo.png) --- ## Profile Mode Shows Index/Home page as Full Page with Social Links and Image add following to config file ```yml params: profileMode: enabled: true title: "" # optional default will be site title imageUrl: "<image link>" # optional imageTitle: "<title of image as alt>" # optional buttons: - name: Archive url: "/archive" - name: Github url: "https://github.com/" socialIcons: # optional - name: "<platform>" url: "<link>" - name: "<platform 2>" url: "<link2>" ``` ![](https://i.ibb.co/K0HVPBd/paper-mod-profilemode.png) --- ## [Draft](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/usage/#draft-future-and-expired-content) Page indication adds `[draft]` mark to indicate draft pages. --- ## Cover for a Post In post's page-variables add : ```yml cover = "<absolute image url>" # can also paste direct link from external site ex. https://i.ibb.co/K0HVPBd/paper-mod-profilemode.png ``` ![](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/21258296/93084795-3579ae80-f6b2-11ea-98c1-eee4061eb836.png) ## Scroll-to-Top Button Displays a Scroll-to-Top button in right-bottom corner --- ## Share Buttons on post Displays Share Buttons at Bottom of each post to show share buttons add ```yml params: ShowShareButtons: true ``` ![](https://i.ibb.co/sPN8bgd/paper-mod-share-butons.png) --- ## Show post reading time Displays Reading Time (the estimated time, in minutes, it takes to read the content.) To show reading time add ```yml Params: ShowReadingTime: true ``` --- ## Show Table of Contents on blog post Displays ToC on blog-pages To show ToC add following to page-variables ```yml ShowToc: true ``` To keep Toc Open by default on a post add following to page-variables: ```yml TocOpen: true ``` --- ## Comments to add comments, create a html file `layouts/partials/comments.html` and paste code provided by your comments provider also in config add this ```yml params: comments: true ``` more : read [this](https://gohugo.io/content-management/comments/) --- ### Scroll-Bar themed --- ### Smooth Scroll between in-page links