Erik Michelson 124b064252
Check for existing notes on POST and dont override them
Previously one could override notes in FreeURL-mode by sending multiple POST requests to the /new/<alias> endpoint. This commit adds a check for an already existing note with the requested alias and returns a HTTP 409 Conflict error in case that happens.

Signed-off-by: Erik Michelson <opensource@erik.michelson.eu>
2021-03-29 23:00:34 +02:00

45 lines
1.3 KiB

const config = require('./config')
module.exports = {
errorForbidden: function (res) {
const { req } = res
if (req.user) {
responseError(res, '403', 'Forbidden', 'oh no.')
} else {
if (!req.session) req.session = {}
if (req.originalUrl !== '/403') {
req.session.returnTo = config.serverURL + (req.originalUrl || '/')
req.flash('error', 'You are not allowed to access this page. Maybe try logging in?')
res.redirect(config.serverURL + '/')
errorNotFound: function (res) {
responseError(res, '404', 'Not Found', 'oops.')
errorBadRequest: function (res) {
responseError(res, '400', 'Bad Request', 'something not right.')
errorConflict: function (res) {
responseError(res, '409', 'Conflict', 'This note already exists.')
errorTooLong: function (res) {
responseError(res, '413', 'Payload Too Large', 'Shorten your note!')
errorInternalError: function (res) {
responseError(res, '500', 'Internal Error', 'wtf.')
errorServiceUnavailable: function (res) {
res.status(503).send('I\'m busy right now, try again later.')
function responseError (res, code, detail, msg) {
res.status(code).render('error.ejs', {
title: code + ' ' + detail + ' ' + msg,
code: code,
detail: detail,
msg: msg,
opengraph: []