Tilman Vatteroth 762a0a850e
fix: Move content into to frontend directory
Doing this BEFORE the merge prevents a lot of merge conflicts.

Signed-off-by: Tilman Vatteroth <git@tilmanvatteroth.de>
2022-11-20 19:48:40 +01:00

191 lines
6.2 KiB

"app": {
"slogan": "写作与分享 Markdown 的最佳平台。",
"title": "Markdown 协作笔记"
"landing": {
"intro": {
"exploreFeatures": "探索所有功能",
"features": {
"collaboration": "实时协作",
"katex": "支持图表与 KaTeX",
"slides": "支持幻灯模式"
"history": {
"noHistory": "无历史记录",
"localHistory": "以下为来自浏览器的历史",
"toolbar": {
"selectTags": "选择标签...",
"searchKeywords": "搜索关键字...",
"sortByTitle": "按标题排序",
"sortByLastVisited": "按时间排序",
"export": "导出历史",
"import": "导入历史",
"clear": "清空历史",
"refresh": "刷新历史"
"modal": {
"clearHistory": {}
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"navigation": {
"intro": "简介",
"history": "历史",
"newGuestNote": "新建访客笔记",
"newNote": "新建笔记"
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"followUs": "在 <0></0>, <1></1>, <2></2>, <3></3> 和 <4></4> 上关注我们",
"privacy": "隐私",
"termsOfUse": "使用条款"
"versionInfo": {
"sourceCode": "源代码"
"profile": {
"deleteUser": "删除帐户",
"exportUserData": "导出用户数据",
"modal": {
"deleteUser": {
"title": "删除帐户",
"message": "您确定要删除帐户吗?",
"subMessage": "您的帐户、您所拥有的笔记、他人笔记中对您帐户的引用都将被删除。"
"editor": {
"help": {
"contacts": {
"title": "联系我们",
"community": "加入社区",
"meetUsOn": "在 {{service}} 上联系我们",
"helpTranslating": "帮助我们翻译",
"reportIssue": "报告问题"
"documents": {
"title": "文档",
"yamlMetadata": "YAML 元数据",
"slideExample": "幻灯范例"
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"title": "速查表",
"example": "范例",
"syntax": "语法",
"underlinedText": "下划线文字",
"highlightedText": "高亮文字",
"externalService": "外部扩展"
"error": {
"locked": {
"title": "这篇笔记已被锁定",
"description": "抱歉,只有所有者可以编辑这篇笔记。"
"limitReached": {
"title": "达到上限",
"description": "抱歉,您的这篇笔记已达到可用的最大长度。",
"advice": "请减少笔记的内容。"
"incompatible": {
"title": "您的客户端版本不兼容。",
"advice": "刷新页面以更新。"
"newVersion": {
"title": "新版本可用!",
"linkText": "在此查看更新记录",
"advice": "刷新页面以体验新功能。"
"userStateChanged": {
"title": "您的用户状态已变更。",
"description": "刷新页面以加载新的用户状态。"
"viewMode": {
"view": "预览",
"both": "双栏"
"darkMode": {},
"editorToolbar": {
"bold": "粗体",
"strikethrough": "删除线",
"header": "标题",
"code": "代码",
"blockquote": "引用",
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"checkList": "清单",
"link": "链接",
"image": "图片",
"uploadImage": "上传图片"
"documentBar": {
"menu": "菜单",
"new": "新建",
"shareLink": "",
"extra": "附加功能",
"revision": "修订版本",
"slideMode": "幻灯模式",
"download": "下载",
"help": "帮助"
"export": {
"rawHtml": "原始 HTML"
"import": {
"clipboard": "剪贴板"
"modal": {
"snippetImport": {
"title": "从 Snippet 导入",
"selectProject": "从可用的项目中选择",
"selectSnippet": "从可用的 Snippet 中选择"
"gistImport": {
"title": "从 Gist 导入",
"insertGistUrl": "在这里粘贴 Gist 网址..."
"snippetExport": {
"title": "导出到 Snippet",
"visibilityLevel": "选择可见层级"
"revision": {
"title": "修订版本",
"revertButton": "还原"
"clipboardImport": {
"title": "从剪贴板导入",
"insertMarkdown": "在这里粘贴 Markdown 或网页内容..."
"deleteNote": {
"question": "您确定要删除这篇笔记吗?",
"warning": "所有用户将失去连接。"
"common": {
"import": "导入",
"export": "导出",
"refresh": "刷新",
"cancel": "取消",
"ok": "好的",
"or": "或"
"login": {
"chooseMethod": "选择方式",
"signInVia": "通过 {{service}} 登录",
"signIn": "登录",
"signOut": "登出",
"register": {
"title": "注册"
"auth": {
"error": {}