David Mehren 3b00601872
Inline CSS & JS into HTML export template
Previously, the HTML export template `html.hbs` included CDN links
for the HTML and CSS resources.

This commit enables Webpack to create a new `htmlexport.html` at
build-time, which includes all resources inline.
That template is then used as before by the frontend to be populated
with the rendered note content.

The tradeoff is that each exported .html file is about 5.6 MB in size,
as we need to inline all fonts (icons & emojis).

Signed-off-by: David Mehren <git@herrmehren.de>
2021-08-15 00:09:53 +02:00

1266 lines
39 KiB

/* eslint-env browser, jquery */
/* eslint no-console: ["error", { allow: ["warn", "error"] }] */
/* global moment, serverurl */
import Prism from 'prismjs'
import PDFObject from 'pdfobject'
import S from 'string'
import { saveAs } from 'file-saver'
import escapeHTML from 'escape-html'
import getUIElements from './lib/editor/ui-elements'
import markdownit from 'markdown-it'
import markdownitContainer from 'markdown-it-container'
/* Defined regex markdown it plugins */
import Plugin from 'markdown-it-regexp'
import 'gist-embed'
const ui = getUIElements()
// auto update last change
window.createtime = null
window.lastchangetime = null
window.lastchangeui = {
statusChanged: $('.ui-status-lastchange.changed'),
statusCreated: $('.ui-status-lastchange.created'),
time: $('.ui-lastchange'),
user: $('.ui-lastchangeuser'),
nouser: $('.ui-no-lastchangeuser')
const ownerui = $('.ui-owner')
export function updateLastChange () {
if (!window.lastchangeui) return
if (window.createtime) {
if (window.createtime && !window.lastchangetime) {
} else {
const time = window.lastchangetime || window.createtime
window.lastchangeui.time.attr('title', moment(time).format('llll'))
setInterval(updateLastChange, 60000)
window.lastchangeuser = null
window.lastchangeuserprofile = null
export function updateLastChangeUser () {
if (window.lastchangeui) {
if (window.lastchangeuser && window.lastchangeuserprofile) {
const icon = window.lastchangeui.user.children('i')
icon.attr('title', window.lastchangeuserprofile.name).tooltip('fixTitle')
if (window.lastchangeuserprofile.photo) { icon.attr('style', `background-image:url(${window.lastchangeuserprofile.photo})`) }
} else {
window.owner = null
window.ownerprofile = null
export function updateOwner () {
if (ownerui) {
if (window.owner && window.ownerprofile && window.owner !== window.lastchangeuser) {
const icon = ownerui.children('i')
icon.attr('title', window.ownerprofile.name).tooltip('fixTitle')
const styleString = `background-image:url(${window.ownerprofile.photo})`
if (window.ownerprofile.photo && icon.attr('style') !== styleString) { icon.attr('style', styleString) }
} else {
// get title
function getTitle (view) {
let title = ''
if (md && md.meta && md.meta.title && (typeof md.meta.title === 'string' || typeof md.meta.title === 'number')) {
title = md.meta.title
} else {
const h1s = view.find('h1')
if (h1s.length > 0) {
title = h1s.first().text()
} else {
title = null
return title
// render title
export function renderTitle (view) {
let title = getTitle(view)
if (title) {
title += ' - HedgeDoc'
} else {
title = 'HedgeDoc - Collaborative markdown notes'
return title
// render filename
export function renderFilename (view) {
let filename = getTitle(view)
if (!filename) {
filename = 'Untitled'
return filename
// render tags
export function renderTags (view) {
const tags = []
const rawtags = []
if (md && md.meta && md.meta.tags && (typeof md.meta.tags === 'string' || typeof md.meta.tags === 'number')) {
const metaTags = (`${md.meta.tags}`).split(',')
for (let i = 0; i < metaTags.length; i++) {
const text = metaTags[i].trim()
if (text) rawtags.push(text)
} else {
view.find('h6').each((key, value) => {
if (/^tags/gmi.test($(value).text())) {
const codes = $(value).find('code')
for (let i = 0; i < codes.length; i++) {
const text = codes[i].innerHTML.trim()
if (text) rawtags.push(text)
for (let i = 0; i < rawtags.length; i++) {
let found = false
for (let j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) {
if (tags[j] === rawtags[i]) {
found = true
if (!found) { tags.push(rawtags[i]) }
return tags
function slugifyWithUTF8 (text) {
// remove HTML tags and trim spaces
let newText = S(text).trim().stripTags().s
// replace space between words with dashes
newText = newText.replace(/\s+/g, '-')
// slugify string to make it valid as an attribute
newText = newText.replace(/([!"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@[\\\]^`{|}~])/g, '')
return newText
export function isValidURL (str) {
try {
const url = new URL(str)
return ['http:', 'https:'].includes(url.protocol)
} catch (e) {
return false
// parse meta
export function parseMeta (md, edit, view, toc, tocAffix) {
let lang = null
let dir = null
let breaks = true
if (md && md.meta) {
const meta = md.meta
lang = meta.lang
dir = meta.dir
breaks = meta.breaks
// text language
if (lang && typeof lang === 'string') {
view.attr('lang', lang)
toc.attr('lang', lang)
tocAffix.attr('lang', lang)
if (edit) { edit.attr('lang', lang) }
} else {
if (edit) { edit.removeAttr('lang', lang) }
// text direction
if (dir && typeof dir === 'string') {
view.attr('dir', dir)
toc.attr('dir', dir)
tocAffix.attr('dir', dir)
} else {
// breaks
if (typeof breaks === 'boolean' && !breaks) {
md.options.breaks = false
} else {
md.options.breaks = true
window.viewAjaxCallback = null
// regex for extra tags
const spaceregex = /\s*/
const notinhtmltagregex = /(?![^<]*>|[^<>]*<\/)/
let coloregex = /\[color=([#|(|)|\s|,|\w]*?)\]/
coloregex = new RegExp(coloregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g')
let nameregex = /\[name=(.*?)\]/
let timeregex = /\[time=([:|,|+|-|(|)|\s|\w]*?)\]/
const nameandtimeregex = new RegExp(nameregex.source + spaceregex.source + timeregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g')
nameregex = new RegExp(nameregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g')
timeregex = new RegExp(timeregex.source + notinhtmltagregex.source, 'g')
function replaceExtraTags (html) {
html = html.replace(coloregex, '<span class="color" data-color="$1"></span>')
html = html.replace(nameandtimeregex, '<small><i class="fa fa-user"></i> $1 <i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> $2</small>')
html = html.replace(nameregex, '<small><i class="fa fa-user"></i> $1</small>')
html = html.replace(timeregex, '<small><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> $1</small>')
return html
// dynamic event or object binding here
export function finishView (view) {
// todo list
const lis = view.find('li.raw').removeClass('raw').sortByDepth().toArray()
for (let li of lis) {
let html = $(li).clone()[0].innerHTML
const p = $(li).children('p')
if (p.length === 1) {
html = p.html()
li = p[0]
html = replaceExtraTags(html)
li.innerHTML = html
let disabled = 'disabled'
if (typeof editor !== 'undefined' && window.havePermission()) { disabled = '' }
if (/^\s*\[[xX ]]\s*/.test(html)) {
li.innerHTML = html.replace(/^\s*\[ ]\s*/, `<input type="checkbox" class="task-list-item-checkbox" ${disabled}><label></label>`)
.replace(/^\s*\[[xX]]\s*/, `<input type="checkbox" class="task-list-item-checkbox" checked ${disabled}><label></label>`)
if (li.tagName.toLowerCase() !== 'li') {
li.parentElement.setAttribute('class', 'task-list-item')
} else {
li.setAttribute('class', 'task-list-item')
if (typeof editor !== 'undefined' && window.havePermission()) { $(li).find('input').change(toggleTodoEvent) }
// color tag in list will convert it to tag icon with color
const tagColor = $(li).closest('ul').find('.color')
tagColor.each((key, value) => {
$(value).addClass('fa fa-tag').css('color', $(value).attr('data-color'))
// youtube
.click(function () {
imgPlayiframe(this, '//www.youtube.com/embed/')
// vimeo
.click(function () {
imgPlayiframe(this, '//player.vimeo.com/video/')
.each((key, value) => {
const vimeoLink = `https://vimeo.com/${$(value).attr('data-videoid')}`
type: 'GET',
url: `https://vimeo.com/api/oembed.json?url=${encodeURIComponent(vimeoLink)}`,
jsonp: 'callback',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success (data) {
const image = `<img src="${data.thumbnail_url}" />`
if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback()
// gist
view.find('code[data-gist-id]').each((key, value) => {
if ($(value).children().length === 0) { $(value).gist(window.viewAjaxCallback) }
// sequence diagram
const sequences = view.find('div.sequence-diagram.raw').removeClass('raw')
sequences.each((key, value) => {
let $value
try {
$value = $(value)
const $ele = $(value).parent().parent()
const sequence = $value
theme: 'simple'
const svg = $ele.find('> svg')
svg[0].setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${svg.attr('width')} ${svg.attr('height')}`)
svg[0].setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet')
} catch (err) {
$value.parent().append(`<div class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(err)}</div>`)
// flowchart
const flow = view.find('div.flow-chart.raw').removeClass('raw')
flow.each((key, value) => {
let $value
try {
$value = $(value)
const $ele = $(value).parent().parent()
const chart = window.flowchart.parse($value.text())
chart.drawSVG(value, {
'line-width': 2,
fill: 'none',
'font-size': '16px',
'font-family': "'Andale Mono', monospace"
} catch (err) {
$value.parent().append(`<div class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(err)}</div>`)
// graphviz
const graphvizs = view.find('div.graphviz.raw').removeClass('raw')
graphvizs.each(function (key, value) {
let $value
try {
$value = $(value)
const $ele = $(value).parent().parent()
require.ensure([], function (require) {
const Viz = require('viz.js')
const graphviz = Viz($value.text())
if (!graphviz) throw Error('viz.js output empty graph')
} catch (err) {
$value.parent().append(`<div class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(err)}</div>`)
// mermaid
const mermaids = view.find('div.mermaid.raw').removeClass('raw')
mermaids.each((key, value) => {
const $value = $(value)
const $ele = $(value).closest('pre')
require.ensure([], function (require) {
try {
const mermaid = require('mermaid')
mermaid.startOnLoad = false
mermaid.init(undefined, $ele)
} catch (err) {
let errormessage = err
if (err.str) {
errormessage = err.str
$value.parent().append(`<div class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(errormessage)}</div>`)
// abc.js
const abcs = view.find('div.abc.raw').removeClass('raw')
abcs.each((key, value) => {
let $value
try {
$value = $(value)
const $ele = $(value).parent().parent()
require.ensure([], function (require) {
const abcjs = require('abcjs')
abcjs.renderAbc(value, $value.text())
const svg = $ele.find('> svg')
svg[0].setAttribute('viewBox', `0 0 ${svg.attr('width')} ${svg.attr('height')}`)
svg[0].setAttribute('preserveAspectRatio', 'xMidYMid meet')
} catch (err) {
$value.parent().append(`<div class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(err)}</div>`)
// image href new window(emoji not included)
const images = view.find('img.raw[src]').removeClass('raw')
images.each((key, value) => {
// if it's already wrapped by link, then ignore
const $value = $(value)
$value[0].onload = e => {
if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback()
// blockquote
const blockquote = view.find('blockquote.raw').removeClass('raw')
const blockquoteP = blockquote.find('p')
blockquoteP.each((key, value) => {
let html = $(value).html()
html = replaceExtraTags(html)
// color tag in blockquote will change its left border color
const blockquoteColor = blockquote.find('.color')
blockquoteColor.each((key, value) => {
$(value).closest('blockquote').css('border-left-color', $(value).attr('data-color'))
// slideshare
.each((key, value) => {
type: 'GET',
url: `//www.slideshare.net/api/oembed/2?url=http://www.slideshare.net/${$(value).attr('data-slideshareid')}&format=json`,
jsonp: 'callback',
dataType: 'jsonp',
success (data) {
const $html = $(data.html)
const iframe = $html.closest('iframe')
const caption = $html.closest('div')
const inner = $('<div class="inner"></div>').append(iframe)
const height = iframe.attr('height')
const width = iframe.attr('width')
const ratio = (height / width) * 100
inner.css('padding-bottom', `${ratio}%`)
if (window.viewAjaxCallback) window.viewAjaxCallback()
// speakerdeck
.each((key, value) => {
const url = `https://speakerdeck.com/${$(value).attr('data-speakerdeckid')}`
const inner = $('<a>Speakerdeck</a>')
inner.attr('href', url)
inner.attr('rel', 'noopener noreferrer')
inner.attr('target', '_blank')
// pdf
.each(function (key, value) {
const url = $(value).attr('data-pdfurl')
const inner = $('<div></div>')
PDFObject.embed(url, inner, {
height: '400px'
// syntax highlighting
.each((key, value) => {
const langDiv = $(value)
if (langDiv.length > 0) {
const reallang = langDiv[0].className.replace(/hljs|wrap/g, '').trim()
if (reallang === 'mermaid' || reallang === 'abc' || reallang === 'graphviz') {
const codeDiv = langDiv.find('.code')
let code = ''
if (codeDiv.length > 0) code = codeDiv.html()
else code = langDiv.html()
let result
if (!reallang) {
result = {
value: code
} else if (reallang === 'haskell' || reallang === 'go' || reallang === 'typescript' || reallang === 'jsx' || reallang === 'gherkin') {
code = S(code).unescapeHTML().s
result = {
value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages[reallang])
} else if (reallang === 'tiddlywiki' || reallang === 'mediawiki') {
code = S(code).unescapeHTML().s
result = {
value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.wiki)
} else if (reallang === 'cmake') {
code = S(code).unescapeHTML().s
result = {
value: Prism.highlight(code, Prism.languages.makefile)
} else {
require.ensure([], function (require) {
const hljs = require('highlight.js')
code = S(code).unescapeHTML().s
const languages = hljs.listLanguages()
if (!languages.includes(reallang)) {
result = hljs.highlightAuto(code)
} else {
result = hljs.highlight(reallang, code)
if (codeDiv.length > 0) codeDiv.html(result.value)
else langDiv.html(result.value)
if (codeDiv.length > 0) codeDiv.html(result.value)
else langDiv.html(result.value)
// mathjax
const mathjaxdivs = view.find('span.mathjax.raw').removeClass('raw').toArray()
try {
if (mathjaxdivs.length > 1) {
window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', window.MathJax.Hub, mathjaxdivs])
} else if (mathjaxdivs.length > 0) {
window.MathJax.Hub.Queue(['Typeset', window.MathJax.Hub, mathjaxdivs[0]])
} catch (err) {
// render title
document.title = renderTitle(view)
// only static transform should be here
export function postProcess (code) {
const result = $(`<div>${code}</div>`)
// process style tags
result.find('style').each((key, value) => {
let html = $(value).html()
// unescape > symbel inside the style tags
html = html.replace(/&gt;/g, '>')
// remove css @import to prevent XSS
html = html.replace(/@import url\(([^)]*)\);?/gi, '')
// link should open in new window or tab
// also add noopener to prevent clickjacking
// See details: https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/
result.find('a:not([href^="#"]):not([target])').attr('target', '_blank').attr('rel', 'noopener')
// If it's hashtag link then make it base uri independent
result.find('a[href^="#"]').each((index, linkTag) => {
const currentLocation = new URL(window.location)
currentLocation.hash = linkTag.hash
linkTag.href = currentLocation.toString()
// update continue line numbers
const linenumberdivs = result.find('.gutter.linenumber').toArray()
for (let i = 0; i < linenumberdivs.length; i++) {
if ($(linenumberdivs[i]).hasClass('continue')) {
const startnumber = linenumberdivs[i - 1] ? parseInt($(linenumberdivs[i - 1]).find('> span').last().attr('data-linenumber')) : 0
$(linenumberdivs[i]).find('> span').each((key, value) => {
$(value).attr('data-linenumber', startnumber + key + 1)
// show yaml meta paring error
if (md.metaError) {
let warning = result.find('div#meta-error')
if (warning && warning.length > 0) {
} else {
warning = $(`<div id="meta-error" class="alert alert-warning">${escapeHTML(md.metaError)}</div>`)
return result
window.postProcess = postProcess
const domevents = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(document).concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(document)))).concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(window))).filter(function (i) {
return !i.indexOf('on') && (document[i] === null || typeof document[i] === 'function')
}).filter(function (elem, pos, self) {
return self.indexOf(elem) === pos
export function removeDOMEvents (view) {
for (let i = 0, l = domevents.length; i < l; i++) {
view.find('[' + domevents[i] + ']').removeAttr(domevents[i])
window.removeDOMEvents = removeDOMEvents
function generateCleanHTML (view) {
const src = view.clone()
const eles = src.find('*')
// remove syncscroll parts
eles.removeAttr('data-startline data-endline')
// remove gist content
// disable todo list
src.find('input.task-list-item-checkbox').attr('disabled', '')
// replace emoji image path
src.find('img.emoji').each((key, value) => {
let name = $(value).attr('alt')
name = name.substr(1)
name = name.slice(0, name.length - 1)
$(value).attr('src', `https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/emojify.js/1.1.0/images/basic/${name}.png`)
// replace video to iframe
src.find('div[data-videoid]').each((key, value) => {
const id = $(value).attr('data-videoid')
const style = $(value).attr('style')
let url = null
if ($(value).hasClass('youtube')) {
url = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/'
} else if ($(value).hasClass('vimeo')) {
url = 'https://player.vimeo.com/video/'
if (url) {
const iframe = $('<iframe frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>')
iframe.attr('src', url + id)
iframe.attr('style', style)
return src
export function exportToRawHTML (view) {
const filename = `${renderFilename(ui.area.markdown)}.html`
const src = generateCleanHTML(view)
const html = src[0].outerHTML
const blob = new Blob([html], {
type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8'
saveAs(blob, filename, true)
// extract markdown body to html and compile to template
export function exportToHTML (view) {
const title = renderTitle(ui.area.markdown)
const filename = `${renderFilename(ui.area.markdown)}.html`
const src = generateCleanHTML(view)
// generate toc
const toc = $('#ui-toc').clone()
const tocAffix = $('#ui-toc-affix').clone()
// generate html via template
$.get(`${serverurl}/build/htmlexport.html`, template => {
let html = template.replace('{{{url}}}', serverurl)
html = html.replace('{{title}}', title)
html = html.replace('{{{html}}}', src[0].outerHTML)
html = html.replace('{{{ui-toc}}}', toc.html())
html = html.replace('{{{ui-toc-affix}}}', tocAffix.html())
html = html.replace('{{{lang}}}', (md && md.meta && md.meta.lang) ? `lang="${md.meta.lang}"` : '')
html = html.replace('{{{dir}}}', (md && md.meta && md.meta.dir) ? `dir="${md.meta.dir}"` : '')
const blob = new Blob([html], {
type: 'text/html;charset=utf-8'
saveAs(blob, filename, true)
// jQuery sortByDepth
$.fn.sortByDepth = function () {
const ar = this.map(function () {
return {
length: $(this).parents().length,
elt: this
const result = []
let i = ar.length
ar.sort((a, b) => a.length - b.length)
while (i--) {
return $(result)
function toggleTodoEvent (e) {
const startline = $(this).closest('li').attr('data-startline') - 1
const line = window.editor.getLine(startline)
const matches = line.match(/^[>\s-]*(?:[-+*]|\d+[.)])\s\[([xX ])]/)
if (matches && matches.length >= 2) {
let checked = null
if (matches[1].toLowerCase() === 'x') { checked = true } else if (matches[1] === ' ') { checked = false }
const replacements = matches[0].match(/(^[>\s-]*(?:[-+*]|\d+[.)])\s\[)([xX ])(])/)
window.editor.replaceRange(checked ? ' ' : 'x', {
line: startline,
ch: replacements[1].length
}, {
line: startline,
ch: replacements[1].length + 1
}, '+input')
// remove hash
function removeHash () {
history.pushState('', document.title, window.location.pathname + window.location.search)
let tocExpand = false
function checkExpandToggle () {
const toc = $('.ui-toc-dropdown .toc')
const toggle = $('.expand-toggle')
if (!tocExpand) {
toggle.text('Expand all')
} else {
toggle.text('Collapse all')
// toc
export function generateToc (id) {
const target = $(`#${id}`)
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const toc = new window.Toc('doc', {
level: 3,
top: -1,
class: 'toc',
ulClass: 'nav',
targetId: id,
process: getHeaderContent
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
if (target.text() === 'undefined') { target.html('') }
const tocMenu = $('<div class="toc-menu"></div')
const toggle = $('<a class="expand-toggle" href="#">Expand all</a>')
const backtotop = $('<a class="back-to-top" href="#">Back to top</a>')
const gotobottom = $('<a class="go-to-bottom" href="#">Go to bottom</a>')
toggle.click(e => {
tocExpand = !tocExpand
backtotop.click(e => {
if (window.scrollToTop) { window.scrollToTop() }
gotobottom.click(e => {
if (window.scrollToBottom) { window.scrollToBottom() }
// smooth all hash trigger scrolling
export function smoothHashScroll () {
const hashElements = $("a[href^='#']:not([smoothhashscroll])").toArray()
for (const element of hashElements) {
const $element = $(element)
const hash = element.hash
if (hash) {
$element.on('click', function (e) {
// store hash
const hash = decodeURIComponent(this.hash)
// escape special characters in jquery selector
const $hash = $(hash.replace(/(:|\.|\[|\]|,)/g, '\\$1'))
// return if no element been selected
if ($hash.length <= 0) return
// prevent default anchor click behavior
// animate
$('body, html').stop(true, true).animate({
scrollTop: $hash.offset().top
}, 100, 'linear', () => {
// when done, add hash to url
// (default click behaviour)
window.location.hash = hash
$element.attr('smoothhashscroll', '')
function imgPlayiframe (element, src) {
if (!$(element).attr('data-videoid')) return
const iframe = $("<iframe frameborder='0' webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe>")
$(iframe).attr('src', `${src + $(element).attr('data-videoid')}?autoplay=1`)
$(element).find('img').css('visibility', 'hidden')
const anchorForId = id => {
const anchor = document.createElement('a')
anchor.className = 'anchor hidden-xs'
anchor.href = `#${id}`
anchor.innerHTML = '<i class="fa fa-link"></i>'
anchor.title = id
return anchor
const createHeaderId = (headerContent, headerIds = null) => {
// to escape characters not allow in css and humanize
const slug = slugifyWithUTF8(headerContent)
let id
if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'keep-case') {
id = slug
} else if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'lower-case') {
// to make compatible with GitHub, GitLab, Pandoc and many more
id = slug.toLowerCase()
} else if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'gfm') {
// see GitHub implementation reference:
// https://gist.github.com/asabaylus/3071099#gistcomment-1593627
// it works like 'lower-case', but ...
const idBase = slug.toLowerCase()
id = idBase
if (headerIds !== null) {
// ... making sure the id is unique
let i = 1
while (headerIds.has(id)) {
id = idBase + '-' + i
} else {
throw new Error('Unknown linkifyHeaderStyle value "' + window.linkifyHeaderStyle + '"')
return id
const linkifyAnchors = (level, containingElement) => {
const headers = containingElement.getElementsByTagName(`h${level}`)
for (let i = 0, l = headers.length; i < l; i++) {
const header = headers[i]
if (header.getElementsByClassName('anchor').length === 0) {
if (typeof header.id === 'undefined' || header.id === '') {
header.id = createHeaderId(getHeaderContent(header))
if (!(typeof header.id === 'undefined' || header.id === '')) {
header.insertBefore(anchorForId(header.id), header.firstChild)
export function autoLinkify (view) {
const contentBlock = view[0]
if (!contentBlock) {
for (let level = 1; level <= 6; level++) {
linkifyAnchors(level, contentBlock)
function getHeaderContent (header) {
const headerHTML = $(header).clone()
return headerHTML[0].innerHTML
function changeHeaderId ($header, id, newId) {
$header.attr('id', newId)
const $headerLink = $header.find(`> a.anchor[href="#${id}"]`)
$headerLink.attr('href', `#${newId}`)
$headerLink.attr('title', newId)
export function deduplicatedHeaderId (view) {
// headers contained in the last change
const headers = view.find(':header.raw').removeClass('raw').toArray()
if (headers.length === 0) {
if (window.linkifyHeaderStyle === 'gfm') {
// consistent with GitHub, GitLab, Pandoc & co.
// all headers contained in the document, in order of appearance
const allHeaders = view.find(':header').toArray()
// list of finaly assigned header IDs
const headerIds = new Set()
for (let j = 0; j < allHeaders.length; j++) {
const $header = $(allHeaders[j])
const id = $header.attr('id')
const newId = createHeaderId(getHeaderContent($header), headerIds)
changeHeaderId($header, id, newId)
} else {
// the legacy way
for (let i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) {
const id = $(headers[i]).attr('id')
if (!id) continue
const duplicatedHeaders = view.find(`:header[id="${id}"]`).toArray()
for (let j = 0; j < duplicatedHeaders.length; j++) {
if (duplicatedHeaders[j] !== headers[i]) {
const newId = id + j
const $header = $(duplicatedHeaders[j])
changeHeaderId($header, id, newId)
export function renderTOC (view) {
const tocs = view.find('.toc').toArray()
for (let i = 0; i < tocs.length; i++) {
const toc = $(tocs[i])
const id = `toc${i}`
toc.attr('id', id)
const target = $(`#${id}`)
/* eslint-disable no-unused-vars */
const TOC = new window.Toc('doc', {
level: 3,
top: -1,
class: 'toc',
targetId: id,
process: getHeaderContent
/* eslint-enable no-unused-vars */
if (target.text() === 'undefined') { target.html('') }
export function scrollToHash () {
const hash = location.hash
location.hash = ''
location.hash = hash
function highlightRender (code, lang) {
if (!lang || /no(-?)highlight|plain|text/.test(lang)) { return }
code = S(code).escapeHTML().s
if (lang === 'sequence') {
return `<div class="sequence-diagram raw">${code}</div>`
} else if (lang === 'flow') {
return `<div class="flow-chart raw">${code}</div>`
} else if (lang === 'graphviz') {
return `<div class="graphviz raw">${code}</div>`
} else if (lang === 'mermaid') {
return `<div class="mermaid raw">${code}</div>`
} else if (lang === 'abc') {
return `<div class="abc raw">${code}</div>`
const result = {
value: code
const showlinenumbers = /=$|=\d+$|=\+$/.test(lang)
if (showlinenumbers) {
let startnumber = 1
const matches = lang.match(/=(\d+)$/)
if (matches) { startnumber = parseInt(matches[1]) }
const lines = result.value.split('\n')
const linenumbers = []
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
linenumbers[i] = `<span data-linenumber='${startnumber + i}'></span>`
const continuelinenumber = /=\+$/.test(lang)
const linegutter = `<div class='gutter linenumber${continuelinenumber ? ' continue' : ''}'>${linenumbers.join('\n')}</div>`
result.value = `<div class='wrapper'>${linegutter}<div class='code'>${result.value}</div></div>`
return result.value
export const md = markdownit('default', {
html: true,
breaks: true,
langPrefix: '',
linkify: true,
typographer: true,
highlight: highlightRender
window.md = md
beforeMath: '<span class="mathjax raw">',
afterMath: '</span>',
beforeInlineMath: '<span class="mathjax raw">\\(',
afterInlineMath: '\\)</span>',
beforeDisplayMath: '<span class="mathjax raw">\\[',
afterDisplayMath: '\\]</span>'
md.use(require('markdown-it-emoji'), {
shortcuts: {}
blacklist: {
elements: ['script', 'textarea', 'a', 'pre', 'code', 'svg'],
classes: ['no-emojify']
img_dir: `${serverurl}/build/emojify.js/dist/images/basic`,
ignore_emoticons: true
md.renderer.rules.emoji = (token, idx) => window.emojify.replace(`:${token[idx].markup}:`)
function renderContainer (tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
tokens[idx].attrJoin('role', 'alert')
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'alert')
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', `alert-${tokens[idx].info.trim()}`)
return self.renderToken(...arguments)
md.use(markdownitContainer, 'success', { render: renderContainer })
md.use(markdownitContainer, 'info', { render: renderContainer })
md.use(markdownitContainer, 'warning', { render: renderContainer })
md.use(markdownitContainer, 'danger', { render: renderContainer })
const defaultImageRender = md.renderer.rules.image
md.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw')
return defaultImageRender(...arguments)
md.renderer.rules.list_item_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw')
return self.renderToken(...arguments)
md.renderer.rules.blockquote_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw')
return self.renderToken(...arguments)
md.renderer.rules.heading_open = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) {
tokens[idx].attrJoin('class', 'raw')
return self.renderToken(...arguments)
md.renderer.rules.fence = (tokens, idx, options, env, self) => {
const token = tokens[idx]
const info = token.info ? md.utils.unescapeAll(token.info).trim() : ''
let langName = ''
let highlighted
if (info) {
langName = info.split(/\s+/g)[0]
if (/!$/.test(info)) token.attrJoin('class', 'wrap')
token.attrJoin('class', options.langPrefix + langName.replace(/=$|=\d+$|=\+$|!$|=!$/, ''))
token.attrJoin('class', 'hljs')
token.attrJoin('class', 'raw')
if (options.highlight) {
highlighted = options.highlight(token.content, langName) || md.utils.escapeHtml(token.content)
} else {
highlighted = md.utils.escapeHtml(token.content)
if (highlighted.indexOf('<pre') === 0) {
return `${highlighted}\n`
return `<pre><code${self.renderAttrs(token)}>${highlighted}</code></pre>\n`
// youtube
const youtubePlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const videoid = match[1]
if (!videoid) return
const div = $('<div class="youtube raw"></div>')
div.attr('data-videoid', videoid)
const thumbnailSrc = `//img.youtube.com/vi/${videoid}/hqdefault.jpg`
const image = `<img src="${thumbnailSrc}" />`
const icon = '<i class="icon fa fa-youtube-play fa-5x"></i>'
return div[0].outerHTML
// vimeo
const vimeoPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const videoid = match[1]
if (!videoid) return
const div = $('<div class="vimeo raw"></div>')
div.attr('data-videoid', videoid)
const icon = '<i class="icon fa fa-vimeo-square fa-5x"></i>'
return div[0].outerHTML
// gist
const gistPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const gistid = match[1]
const code = `<code data-gist-id="${gistid}"></code>`
return code
// TOC
const tocPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => '<div class="toc"></div>'
// slideshare
const slidesharePlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const slideshareid = match[1]
const div = $('<div class="slideshare raw"></div>')
div.attr('data-slideshareid', slideshareid)
return div[0].outerHTML
// speakerdeck
const speakerdeckPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const speakerdeckid = match[1]
const div = $('<div class="speakerdeck raw"></div>')
div.attr('data-speakerdeckid', speakerdeckid)
return div[0].outerHTML
// pdf
const pdfPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match
(match, utils) => {
const pdfurl = match[1]
if (!isValidURL(pdfurl)) return match[0]
const div = $('<div class="pdf raw"></div>')
div.attr('data-pdfurl', pdfurl)
return div[0].outerHTML
const emojijsPlugin = new Plugin(
// regexp to match emoji shortcodes :something:
// We generate an universal regex that guaranteed only contains the
// emojies we have available. This should prevent all false-positives
new RegExp(':(' + window.emojify.emojiNames.map((item) => { return RegExp.escape(item) }).join('|') + '):', 'i'),
(match, utils) => {
const emoji = match[1].toLowerCase()
const div = $(`<img class="emoji" alt=":${emoji}:" src="${serverurl}/build/emojify.js/dist/images/basic/${emoji}.png"></img>`)
return div[0].outerHTML
// yaml meta, from https://github.com/eugeneware/remarkable-meta
function get (state, line) {
const pos = state.bMarks[line]
const max = state.eMarks[line]
return state.src.substr(pos, max - pos)
function meta (state, start, end, silent) {
if (start !== 0 || state.blkIndent !== 0) return false
if (state.tShift[start] < 0) return false
if (!get(state, start).match(/^---$/)) return false
const data = []
let line
for (line = start + 1; line < end; line++) {
const str = get(state, line)
if (str.match(/^(\.{3}|-{3})$/)) break
if (state.tShift[line] < 0) break
if (line >= end) return false
try {
md.meta = window.jsyaml.safeLoad(data.join('\n')) || {}
delete md.metaError
} catch (err) {
md.metaError = err
return false
state.line = line + 1
return true
function metaPlugin (md) {
md.meta = md.meta || {}
md.block.ruler.before('code', 'meta', meta, {
alt: []
export default {