Sheogorath b5fc6db75d
Rework debug logging
We have various places with overly simple if statements that could be
handled by our logging library. Also a lot of those logs are not marked
as debug logs but as info logs, which can cause confusion during

This patch removed unneeded if clauses around debug logging statements,
reworks debug log messages towards ECMA templates and add some new
logging statements which might be helpful in order to debug things like
image uploads.

Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
2019-06-08 21:27:29 +02:00

309 lines
9.9 KiB

'use strict'
// external modules
var Sequelize = require('sequelize')
var async = require('async')
var moment = require('moment')
var childProcess = require('child_process')
var shortId = require('shortid')
var path = require('path')
// core
var logger = require('../logger')
var dmpWorker = createDmpWorker()
var dmpCallbackCache = {}
function createDmpWorker () {
var worker = childProcess.fork(path.resolve(__dirname, '../workers/dmpWorker.js'), {
stdio: 'ignore'
logger.debug('dmp worker process started')
worker.on('message', function (data) {
if (!data || !data.msg || !data.cacheKey) {
return logger.error('dmp worker error: not enough data on message')
var cacheKey = data.cacheKey
switch (data.msg) {
case 'error':
dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey](data.error, null)
case 'check':
dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey](null, data.result)
delete dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey]
worker.on('close', function (code) {
dmpWorker = null
logger.debug(`dmp worker process exited with code ${code}`)
return worker
function sendDmpWorker (data, callback) {
if (!dmpWorker) dmpWorker = createDmpWorker()
var cacheKey = Date.now() + '_' + shortId.generate()
dmpCallbackCache[cacheKey] = callback
data = Object.assign(data, {
cacheKey: cacheKey
module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) {
var Revision = sequelize.define('Revision', {
id: {
type: DataTypes.UUID,
primaryKey: true,
defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4
patch: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('patch'), '')
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('patch', sequelize.stripNullByte(value))
lastContent: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('lastContent'), '')
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('lastContent', sequelize.stripNullByte(value))
content: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('content'), '')
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('content', sequelize.stripNullByte(value))
length: {
type: DataTypes.INTEGER
authorship: {
type: DataTypes.TEXT('long'),
get: function () {
return sequelize.processData(this.getDataValue('authorship'), [], JSON.parse)
set: function (value) {
this.setDataValue('authorship', value ? JSON.stringify(value) : value)
}, {
classMethods: {
associate: function (models) {
Revision.belongsTo(models.Note, {
foreignKey: 'noteId',
as: 'note',
constraints: false,
onDelete: 'CASCADE',
hooks: true
getNoteRevisions: function (note, callback) {
where: {
noteId: note.id
order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (revisions) {
var data = []
for (var i = 0, l = revisions.length; i < l; i++) {
var revision = revisions[i]
time: moment(revision.createdAt).valueOf(),
length: revision.length
callback(null, data)
}).catch(function (err) {
callback(err, null)
getPatchedNoteRevisionByTime: function (note, time, callback) {
// find all revisions to prepare for all possible calculation
where: {
noteId: note.id
order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (revisions) {
if (revisions.length <= 0) return callback(null, null)
// measure target revision position
where: {
noteId: note.id,
createdAt: {
$gte: time
order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (count) {
if (count <= 0) return callback(null, null)
msg: 'get revision',
revisions: revisions,
count: count
}, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
checkAllNotesRevision: function (callback) {
Revision.saveAllNotesRevision(function (err, notes) {
if (err) return callback(err, null)
if (!notes || notes.length <= 0) {
return callback(null, notes)
} else {
saveAllNotesRevision: function (callback) {
// query all notes that need to save for revision
where: {
$and: [
lastchangeAt: {
$or: {
$eq: null,
$and: {
$ne: null,
$gt: sequelize.col('createdAt')
savedAt: {
$or: {
$eq: null,
$lt: sequelize.col('lastchangeAt')
}).then(function (notes) {
if (notes.length <= 0) return callback(null, notes)
var savedNotes = []
async.each(notes, function (note, _callback) {
// revision saving policy: note not been modified for 5 mins or not save for 10 mins
if (note.lastchangeAt && note.savedAt) {
var lastchangeAt = moment(note.lastchangeAt)
var savedAt = moment(note.savedAt)
if (moment().isAfter(lastchangeAt.add(5, 'minutes'))) {
Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback)
} else if (lastchangeAt.isAfter(savedAt.add(10, 'minutes'))) {
Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback)
} else {
return _callback(null, null)
} else {
Revision.saveNoteRevision(note, _callback)
}, function (err) {
if (err) {
return callback(err, null)
// return null when no notes need saving at this moment but have delayed tasks to be done
var result = ((savedNotes.length === 0) && (notes.length > savedNotes.length)) ? null : savedNotes
return callback(null, result)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
saveNoteRevision: function (note, callback) {
where: {
noteId: note.id
order: [['createdAt', 'DESC']]
}).then(function (revisions) {
if (revisions.length <= 0) {
// if no revision available
noteId: note.id,
lastContent: note.content ? note.content : '',
length: note.content ? note.content.length : 0,
authorship: note.authorship
}).then(function (revision) {
Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
} else {
var latestRevision = revisions[0]
var lastContent = latestRevision.content || latestRevision.lastContent
var content = note.content
msg: 'create patch',
lastDoc: lastContent,
currDoc: content
}, function (err, patch) {
if (err) logger.error('save note revision error', err)
if (!patch) {
// if patch is empty (means no difference) then just update the latest revision updated time
latestRevision.changed('updatedAt', true)
updatedAt: Date.now()
}).then(function (revision) {
Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
} else {
noteId: note.id,
patch: patch,
content: note.content,
length: note.content.length,
authorship: note.authorship
}).then(function (revision) {
// clear last revision content to reduce db size
content: null
}).then(function () {
Revision.finishSaveNoteRevision(note, revision, callback)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
finishSaveNoteRevision: function (note, revision, callback) {
savedAt: revision.updatedAt
}).then(function () {
return callback(null, revision)
}).catch(function (err) {
return callback(err, null)
return Revision