//constant vars //settings var debug = false; var version = '0.2.9'; var defaultTextHeight = 18; var viewportMargin = 20; var defaultExtraKeys = { "Enter": "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList" }; var idleTime = 300000; //5 mins var doneTypingDelay = 400; var finishChangeDelay = 400; var cursorActivityDelay = 50; var cursorAnimatePeriod = 100; var supportCodeModes = ['javascript', 'htmlmixed', 'htmlembedded', 'css', 'xml', 'clike', 'clojure', 'ruby', 'python', 'shell', 'php', 'sql', 'coffeescript', 'yaml', 'jade', 'lua', 'cmake', 'nginx', 'perl', 'sass', 'r', 'dockerfile']; var supportHeaders = [ { text: '# h1', search: '#' }, { text: '## h2', search: '##' }, { text: '### h3', search: '###' }, { text: '#### h4', search: '####' }, { text: '##### h5', search: '#####' }, { text: '###### h6', search: '######' }, { text: '###### tags: `example`', search: '###### tags:' } ]; var supportReferrals = [ { text: '[reference link]', search: '[]' }, { text: '[reference]: url "title"', search: '[]:' }, { text: '[^footnote link]', search: '[^]' }, { text: '[^footnote reference]: url "title"', search: '[^]:' }, { text: '^[inline footnote]', search: '^[]' }, { text: '[link text][reference]', search: '[][]' }, { text: '[link text](url "title")', search: '[]()' }, { text: '![image text][reference]', search: '![][]' }, { text: '![image text](url "title")', search: '![]()' } ]; var supportExternals = [ { text: '{%youtube youtubeid %}', search: 'youtube' }, { text: '{%vimeo vimeoid %}', search: 'vimeo' }, { text: '{%gist gistid %}', search: 'gist' } ]; var supportGenerals = [ { command: function () { return moment().format('llll'); }, search: 'time' } ]; var modeType = { edit: {}, view: {}, both: {} } var statusType = { connected: { msg: "CONNECTED", label: "label-warning", fa: "fa-wifi" }, online: { msg: "ONLINE", label: "label-primary", fa: "fa-users" }, offline: { msg: "OFFLINE", label: "label-danger", fa: "fa-plug" } } var defaultMode = modeType.both; //global vars var loaded = false; var isDirty = false; var editShown = false; var visibleXS = false; var visibleSM = false; var visibleMD = false; var visibleLG = false; var isTouchDevice = 'ontouchstart' in document.documentElement; var currentMode = defaultMode; var currentStatus = statusType.offline; var lastInfo = { needRestore: false, cursor: null, scroll: null, edit: { scroll: { left: null, top: null }, cursor: { line: null, ch: null } }, view: { scroll: { left: null, top: null } }, history: null }; var personalInfo = {}; var onlineUsers = []; //editor settings var textit = document.getElementById("textit"); if (!textit) throw new Error("There was no textit area!"); var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textit, { mode: 'gfm', keyMap: "sublime", viewportMargin: viewportMargin, styleActiveLine: true, lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, showCursorWhenSelecting: true, indentUnit: 4, indentWithTabs: true, continueComments: "Enter", theme: "monokai", inputStyle: "textarea", matchBrackets: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, matchTags: { bothTags: true }, autoCloseTags: true, foldGutter: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"], extraKeys: defaultExtraKeys, readOnly: true }); inlineAttachment.editors.codemirror4.attach(editor); defaultTextHeight = parseInt($(".CodeMirror").css('line-height')); //ui vars var ui = { spinner: $(".ui-spinner"), content: $(".ui-content"), toolbar: { shortStatus: $(".ui-short-status"), status: $(".ui-status"), new: $(".ui-new"), pretty: $(".ui-pretty"), download: { markdown: $(".ui-download-markdown") }, save: { dropbox: $(".ui-save-dropbox") }, import: { dropbox: $(".ui-import-dropbox"), clipboard: $(".ui-import-clipboard") }, mode: $(".ui-mode"), edit: $(".ui-edit"), view: $(".ui-view"), both: $(".ui-both") }, area: { edit: $(".ui-edit-area"), view: $(".ui-view-area"), codemirror: $(".ui-edit-area .CodeMirror"), markdown: $(".ui-view-area .markdown-body") } }; //page actions var opts = { lines: 11, // The number of lines to draw length: 20, // The length of each line width: 2, // The line thickness radius: 30, // The radius of the inner circle corners: 0, // Corner roundness (0..1) rotate: 0, // The rotation offset direction: 1, // 1: clockwise, -1: counterclockwise color: '#000', // #rgb or #rrggbb or array of colors speed: 1.1, // Rounds per second trail: 60, // Afterglow percentage shadow: false, // Whether to render a shadow hwaccel: true, // Whether to use hardware acceleration className: 'spinner', // The CSS class to assign to the spinner zIndex: 2e9, // The z-index (defaults to 2000000000) top: '50%', // Top position relative to parent left: '50%' // Left position relative to parent }; var spinner = new Spinner(opts).spin(ui.spinner[0]); //idle var idle = new Idle({ onAway: idleStateChange, onAwayBack: idleStateChange, awayTimeout: idleTime }); ui.area.codemirror.on('touchstart', function () { idle.onActive(); }); function idleStateChange() { emitUserStatus(); updateOnlineStatus(); } loginStateChangeEvent = function () { location.reload(true); } //visibility var wasFocus = false; Visibility.change(function (e, state) { var hidden = Visibility.hidden(); if (hidden) { if (editorHasFocus()) { wasFocus = true; editor.getInputField().blur(); } } else { if (wasFocus) { editor.focus(); wasFocus = false; } } }); //when page ready $(document).ready(function () { idle.checkAway(); checkResponsive(); //if in smaller screen, we don't need advanced scrollbar var scrollbarStyle; if (visibleXS) { scrollbarStyle = 'native'; } else { scrollbarStyle = 'overlay'; } if (scrollbarStyle != editor.getOption('scrollbarStyle')) { editor.setOption('scrollbarStyle', scrollbarStyle); clearMap(); } checkEditorStyle(); changeMode(currentMode); /* we need this only on touch devices */ if (isTouchDevice) { /* cache dom references */ var $body = jQuery('body'); /* bind events */ $(document) .on('focus', 'textarea, input', function () { $body.addClass('fixfixed'); }) .on('blur', 'textarea, input', function () { $body.removeClass('fixfixed'); }); } }); //when page resize var windowResizeDelay = 200; var windowResizeTimer = null; $(window).resize(function () { clearTimeout(windowResizeTimer); windowResizeTimer = setTimeout(function () { windowResize(); }, windowResizeDelay); }); //when page unload $(window).unload(function () { emitRefresh(); }); function windowResize() { checkResponsive(); checkEditorStyle(); if (loaded) { editor.setOption('viewportMargin', Infinity); setTimeout(function () { clearMap(); syncScrollToView(); editor.setOption('viewportMargin', viewportMargin); }, windowResizeDelay); } } function editorHasFocus() { return $(editor.getInputField()).is(":focus"); } //768-792px have a gap function checkResponsive() { visibleXS = $(".visible-xs").is(":visible"); visibleSM = $(".visible-sm").is(":visible"); visibleMD = $(".visible-md").is(":visible"); visibleLG = $(".visible-lg").is(":visible"); if (visibleXS && currentMode == modeType.both) if (editorHasFocus()) changeMode(modeType.edit); else changeMode(modeType.view); emitUserStatus(); } function checkEditorStyle() { var scrollbarStyle = editor.getOption('scrollbarStyle'); if (scrollbarStyle == 'overlay' || currentMode == modeType.both) { ui.area.codemirror.css('height', ''); } else if (scrollbarStyle == 'native') { ui.area.codemirror.css('height', 'auto'); $('.CodeMirror-gutters').css('height', $('.CodeMirror-sizer').height()); } } function showStatus(type, num) { currentStatus = type; var shortStatus = ui.toolbar.shortStatus; var status = ui.toolbar.status; var label = $(''); var fa = $(''); var msg = ""; var shortMsg = ""; shortStatus.html(""); status.html(""); switch (currentStatus) { case statusType.connected: label.addClass(statusType.connected.label); fa.addClass(statusType.connected.fa); msg = statusType.connected.msg; break; case statusType.online: label.addClass(statusType.online.label); fa.addClass(statusType.online.fa); shortMsg = num; msg = num + " " + statusType.online.msg; break; case statusType.offline: label.addClass(statusType.offline.label); fa.addClass(statusType.offline.fa); msg = statusType.offline.msg; break; } label.append(fa); var shortLabel = label.clone(); shortLabel.append(" " + shortMsg); shortStatus.append(shortLabel); label.append(" " + msg); status.append(label); } function toggleMode() { switch (currentMode) { case modeType.edit: changeMode(modeType.view); break; case modeType.view: changeMode(modeType.edit); break; case modeType.both: changeMode(modeType.view); break; } } function changeMode(type) { saveInfo(); if (type) currentMode = type; checkEditorStyle(); var responsiveClass = "col-lg-6 col-md-6 col-sm-6"; var scrollClass = "ui-scrollable"; ui.area.codemirror.removeClass(scrollClass); ui.area.edit.removeClass(responsiveClass); ui.area.view.removeClass(scrollClass); ui.area.view.removeClass(responsiveClass); switch (currentMode) { case modeType.edit: ui.area.edit.show(); ui.area.view.hide(); if (!editShown) { editor.refresh(); editShown = true; } break; case modeType.view: ui.area.edit.hide(); ui.area.view.show(); break; case modeType.both: ui.area.codemirror.addClass(scrollClass); ui.area.edit.addClass(responsiveClass).show(); ui.area.view.addClass(scrollClass); ui.area.view.addClass(responsiveClass).show(); break; } if (currentMode != modeType.view && visibleLG) { //editor.focus(); editor.refresh(); } else { editor.getInputField().blur(); } if (changeMode != modeType.edit) updateView(); restoreInfo(); windowResize(); ui.toolbar.both.removeClass("active"); ui.toolbar.edit.removeClass("active"); ui.toolbar.view.removeClass("active"); var modeIcon = ui.toolbar.mode.find('i'); modeIcon.removeClass('fa-toggle-on').removeClass('fa-toggle-off'); if (ui.area.edit.is(":visible") && ui.area.view.is(":visible")) { //both ui.toolbar.both.addClass("active"); modeIcon.addClass('fa-eye'); } else if (ui.area.edit.is(":visible")) { //edit ui.toolbar.edit.addClass("active"); modeIcon.addClass('fa-toggle-off'); } else if (ui.area.view.is(":visible")) { //view ui.toolbar.view.addClass("active"); modeIcon.addClass('fa-toggle-on'); } } //button actions var noteId = window.location.pathname.split('/')[1]; var url = window.location.origin + '/' + noteId; //pretty ui.toolbar.pretty.attr("href", url + "/pretty"); //download //markdown ui.toolbar.download.markdown.click(function () { var filename = renderFilename(ui.area.markdown) + '.md'; var markdown = editor.getValue(); var blob = new Blob([markdown], { type: "text/markdown;charset=utf-8" }); saveAs(blob, filename); }); //save to dropbox ui.toolbar.save.dropbox.click(function () { var filename = renderFilename(ui.area.markdown) + '.md'; var options = { files: [ { 'url': url + "/download", 'filename': filename } ] }; Dropbox.save(options); }); //import from dropbox ui.toolbar.import.dropbox.click(function () { var options = { success: function (files) { ui.spinner.show(); var url = files[0].link; importFromUrl(url); }, linkType: "direct", multiselect: false, extensions: ['.md', '.html'] }; Dropbox.choose(options); }); //import from clipboard ui.toolbar.import.clipboard.click(function () { //na }); //fix for wrong autofocus $('#clipboardModal').on('shown.bs.modal', function () { $('#clipboardModal').blur(); }); $("#clipboardModalClear").click(function () { $("#clipboardModalContent").html(''); }); $("#clipboardModalConfirm").click(function () { var data = $("#clipboardModalContent").html(); if (data) { parseToEditor(data); $('#clipboardModal').modal('hide'); $("#clipboardModalContent").html(''); } }); function parseToEditor(data) { var parsed = toMarkdown(data); if (parsed) editor.replaceRange(parsed, { line: 0, ch: 0 }, { line: editor.lastLine(), ch: editor.lastLine().length }, '+input'); } function importFromUrl(url) { //console.log(url); if (url == null) return; if (!isValidURL(url)) { alert('Not valid URL :('); return; } $.ajax({ method: "GET", url: url, success: function (data) { parseToEditor(data); }, error: function () { alert('Import failed :('); }, complete: function () { ui.spinner.hide(); } }); } function isValidURL(str) { var pattern = new RegExp('^(https?:\\/\\/)?' + // protocol '((([a-z\\d]([a-z\\d-]*[a-z\\d])*)\\.)+[a-z]{2,}|' + // domain name '((\\d{1,3}\\.){3}\\d{1,3}))' + // OR ip (v4) address '(\\:\\d+)?(\\/[-a-z\\d%_.~+]*)*' + // port and path '(\\?[;&a-z\\d%_.~+=-]*)?' + // query string '(\\#[-a-z\\d_]*)?$', 'i'); // fragment locator if (!pattern.test(str)) { return false; } else { return true; } } //mode ui.toolbar.mode.click(function () { toggleMode(); }); //edit ui.toolbar.edit.click(function () { changeMode(modeType.edit); }); //view ui.toolbar.view.click(function () { changeMode(modeType.view); }); //both ui.toolbar.both.click(function () { changeMode(modeType.both); }); //socket.io actions var socket = io.connect(); //overwrite original event for checking login state var on = socket.on; socket.on = function () { if (!checkLoginStateChanged()) on.apply(socket, arguments); }; var emit = socket.emit; socket.emit = function () { if (!checkLoginStateChanged()) emit.apply(socket, arguments); }; socket.on('info', function (data) { console.error(data); location.href = "./404.html"; }); socket.on('disconnect', function (data) { showStatus(statusType.offline); if (loaded) { saveInfo(); lastInfo.history = editor.getHistory(); } if (!editor.getOption('readOnly')) editor.setOption('readOnly', true); }); socket.on('reconnect', function (data) { //sync back any change in offline emitUserStatus(true); cursorActivity(); socket.emit('online users'); }); socket.on('connect', function (data) { personalInfo['id'] = socket.id; showStatus(statusType.connected); socket.emit('version'); }); socket.on('version', function (data) { if (data != version) location.reload(true); }); socket.on('refresh', function (data) { saveInfo(); var body = data.body; body = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(body); if (body) editor.setValue(body); else editor.setValue(""); if (!loaded) { editor.clearHistory(); ui.spinner.hide(); ui.content.fadeIn(); changeMode(); loaded = true; emitUserStatus(); //send first user status updateOnlineStatus(); //update first online status } else { //if current doc is equal to the doc before disconnect if (LZString.compressToUTF16(editor.getValue()) !== data.body) editor.clearHistory(); else { if (lastInfo.history) editor.setHistory(lastInfo.history); } lastInfo.history = null; } updateView(); if (editor.getOption('readOnly')) editor.setOption('readOnly', false); restoreInfo(); }); socket.on('change', function (data) { data = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(data); data = JSON.parse(data); editor.replaceRange(data.text, data.from, data.to, "ignoreHistory"); isDirty = true; clearTimeout(finishChangeTimer); finishChangeTimer = setTimeout(finishChange, finishChangeDelay); }); socket.on('online users', function (data) { data = LZString.decompressFromUTF16(data); data = JSON.parse(data); if (debug) console.debug(data); onlineUsers = data.users; updateOnlineStatus(); $('.other-cursors').children().each(function (key, value) { var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < data.users.length; i++) { var user = data.users[i]; if ($(this).attr('id') == user.id) found = true; } if (!found) $(this).stop(true).fadeOut("normal", function () { $(this).remove(); }); }); for (var i = 0; i < data.users.length; i++) { var user = data.users[i]; if (user.id != socket.id) buildCursor(user); else personalInfo = user; } }); socket.on('user status', function (data) { if (debug) console.debug(data); for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == data.id) { onlineUsers[i] = data; } } updateOnlineStatus(); if (data.id != socket.id) buildCursor(data); }); socket.on('cursor focus', function (data) { if (debug) console.debug(data); for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == data.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = data; } } if (data.id != socket.id) buildCursor(data); //force show var cursor = $('#' + data.id); if (cursor.length > 0) { cursor.stop(true).fadeIn(); } }); socket.on('cursor activity', function (data) { if (debug) console.debug(data); for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == data.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = data; } } if (data.id != socket.id) buildCursor(data); }); socket.on('cursor blur', function (data) { if (debug) console.debug(data); for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == data.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = null; } } if (data.id != socket.id) buildCursor(data); //force hide var cursor = $('#' + data.id); if (cursor.length > 0) { cursor.stop(true).fadeOut(); } }); var options = { valueNames: ['id', 'name'], item: '
  • \ \ \ \ \
  • ' }; var onlineUserList = new List('online-user-list', options); var shortOnlineUserList = new List('short-online-user-list', options); function updateOnlineStatus() { if (!loaded) return; var _onlineUsers = deduplicateOnlineUsers(onlineUsers); showStatus(statusType.online, _onlineUsers.length); var items = onlineUserList.items; //update or remove current list items for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var found = false; var foundindex = null; for (var j = 0; j < _onlineUsers.length; j++) { if (items[i].values().id == _onlineUsers[j].id) { foundindex = j; found = true; break; } } var id = items[i].values().id; if (found) { onlineUserList.get('id', id)[0].values(_onlineUsers[foundindex]); shortOnlineUserList.get('id', id)[0].values(_onlineUsers[foundindex]); } else { onlineUserList.remove('id', id); shortOnlineUserList.remove('id', id); } } //add not in list items for (var i = 0; i < _onlineUsers.length; i++) { var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { if (items[j].values().id == _onlineUsers[i].id) { found = true; break; } } if (!found) { onlineUserList.add(_onlineUsers[i]); shortOnlineUserList.add(_onlineUsers[i]); } } //sorting sortOnlineUserList(onlineUserList); sortOnlineUserList(shortOnlineUserList); //render list items renderUserStatusList(onlineUserList); renderUserStatusList(shortOnlineUserList); } function sortOnlineUserList(list) { //sort order by isSelf, login state, idle state, alphabet name, color brightness list.sort('', { sortFunction: function (a, b) { var usera = a.values(); var userb = b.values(); var useraIsSelf = (usera.id == personalInfo.id || (usera.login && usera.userid == personalInfo.userid)); var userbIsSelf = (userb.id == personalInfo.id || (userb.login && userb.userid == personalInfo.userid)); if (useraIsSelf && !userbIsSelf) { return -1; } else if(!useraIsSelf && userbIsSelf) { return 1; } else { if (usera.login && !userb.login) return -1; else if (!usera.login && userb.login) return 1; else { if (!usera.idle && userb.idle) return -1; else if (usera.idle && !userb.idle) return 1; else { if (usera.name.toLowerCase() < userb.name.toLowerCase()) { return -1; } else if (usera.name.toLowerCase() > userb.name.toLowerCase()) { return 1; } else { if (usera.color.toLowerCase() < userb.color.toLowerCase()) return -1; else if (usera.color.toLowerCase() > userb.color.toLowerCase()) return 1; else return 0; } } } } } }); } function renderUserStatusList(list) { var items = list.items; for (var j = 0; j < items.length; j++) { var item = items[j]; var userstatus = $(item.elm).find('.ui-user-status'); var usericon = $(item.elm).find('.ui-user-icon'); usericon.css('color', item.values().color); userstatus.removeClass('ui-user-status-offline ui-user-status-online ui-user-status-idle'); if (item.values().idle) userstatus.addClass('ui-user-status-idle'); else userstatus.addClass('ui-user-status-online'); } } function deduplicateOnlineUsers(list) { var _onlineUsers = []; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var user = $.extend({}, list[i]); if (!user.userid) _onlineUsers.push(user); else { var found = false; for (var j = 0; j < _onlineUsers.length; j++) { if (_onlineUsers[j].userid == user.userid) { //keep self color when login if (user.id == personalInfo.id) { _onlineUsers[j].color = user.color; } //keep idle state if any of self client not idle if (!user.idle) { _onlineUsers[j].idle = user.idle; } found = true; break; } } if (!found) _onlineUsers.push(user); } } return _onlineUsers; } var userStatusCache = null; function emitUserStatus(force) { if (!loaded) return; var type = null; if (visibleXS) type = 'xs'; else if (visibleSM) type = 'sm'; else if (visibleMD) type = 'md'; else if (visibleLG) type = 'lg'; personalInfo['idle'] = idle.isAway; personalInfo['type'] = type; for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == personalInfo.id) { onlineUsers[i] = personalInfo; } } var userStatus = { idle: idle.isAway, type: type }; if (force || JSON.stringify(userStatus) != JSON.stringify(userStatusCache)) { socket.emit('user status', userStatus); userStatusCache = userStatus; } } function checkCursorTag(coord, ele) { var curosrtagMargin = 60; var viewport = editor.getViewport(); var viewportHeight = (viewport.to - viewport.from) * editor.defaultTextHeight(); var editorWidth = ui.area.codemirror.width(); var editorHeight = ui.area.codemirror.height(); var width = ele.width(); var height = ele.height(); var left = coord.left; var top = coord.top; var offsetLeft = -3; var offsetTop = defaultTextHeight; if (width > 0 && height > 0) { if (left + width + offsetLeft > editorWidth - curosrtagMargin) { offsetLeft = -(width + 4); } if (top + height + offsetTop > Math.max(viewportHeight, editorHeight) + curosrtagMargin && top - height > curosrtagMargin) { offsetTop = -(height); } } ele[0].style.left = offsetLeft + 'px'; ele[0].style.top = offsetTop + 'px'; } function buildCursor(user) { if (!user.cursor) return; var coord = editor.charCoords(user.cursor, 'windows'); coord.left = coord.left < 4 ? 4 : coord.left; coord.top = coord.top < 0 ? 0 : coord.top; var iconClass = 'fa-user'; switch (user.type) { case 'xs': iconClass = 'fa-mobile'; break; case 'sm': iconClass = 'fa-tablet'; break; case 'md': iconClass = 'fa-desktop'; break; case 'lg': iconClass = 'fa-desktop'; break; } if ($('.other-cursors').length <= 0) { $("
    ").insertAfter('.CodeMirror-cursors'); } if ($('#' + user.id).length <= 0) { var cursor = $(''); cursor.attr('data-line', user.cursor.line); cursor.attr('data-ch', user.cursor.ch); cursor.attr('data-offset-left', 0); cursor.attr('data-offset-top', 0); var cursorbar = $('
    '); cursorbar[0].style.height = defaultTextHeight + 'px'; cursorbar[0].style.borderLeft = '2px solid ' + user.color; var icon = ''; var cursortag = $('
    ' + icon + ' ' + user.name + '
    '); //cursortag[0].style.background = color; cursortag[0].style.color = user.color; cursor.attr('data-mode', 'state'); cursor.hover( function () { if (cursor.attr('data-mode') == 'hover') cursortag.stop(true).fadeIn("fast"); }, function () { if (cursor.attr('data-mode') == 'hover') cursortag.stop(true).fadeOut("fast"); }); function switchMode(ele) { if (ele.attr('data-mode') == 'state') ele.attr('data-mode', 'hover'); else if (ele.attr('data-mode') == 'hover') ele.attr('data-mode', 'state'); } function switchTag(ele) { if (ele.css('display') === 'none') ele.stop(true).fadeIn("fast"); else ele.stop(true).fadeOut("fast"); } var hideCursorTagDelay = 2000; var hideCursorTagTimer = null; function hideCursorTag() { if (cursor.attr('data-mode') == 'hover') cursortag.fadeOut("fast"); } cursor.on('touchstart', function (e) { var display = cursortag.css('display'); cursortag.stop(true).fadeIn("fast"); clearTimeout(hideCursorTagTimer); hideCursorTagTimer = setTimeout(hideCursorTag, hideCursorTagDelay); if (display === 'none') { e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); } }); cursortag.on('mousedown touchstart', function (e) { if (cursor.attr('data-mode') == 'state') switchTag(cursortag); switchMode(cursor); e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); cursor.append(cursorbar); cursor.append(cursortag); cursor[0].style.left = coord.left + 'px'; cursor[0].style.top = coord.top + 'px'; $('.other-cursors').append(cursor); if (!user.idle) cursor.stop(true).fadeIn(); checkCursorTag(coord, cursortag); } else { var cursor = $('#' + user.id); cursor.attr('data-line', user.cursor.line); cursor.attr('data-ch', user.cursor.ch); var cursorbar = cursor.find('.cursorbar'); cursorbar[0].style.height = defaultTextHeight + 'px'; cursorbar[0].style.borderLeft = '2px solid ' + user.color; var cursortag = cursor.find('.cursortag'); cursortag.find('i').removeClass().addClass('fa').addClass(iconClass); cursortag.find(".name").text(user.name); if (cursor.css('display') === 'none') { cursor[0].style.left = coord.left + 'px'; cursor[0].style.top = coord.top + 'px'; } else { cursor.animate({ "left": coord.left, "top": coord.top }, { duration: cursorAnimatePeriod, queue: false }); } if (user.idle && cursor.css('display') !== 'none') cursor.stop(true).fadeOut(); else if (!user.idle && cursor.css('display') === 'none') cursor.stop(true).fadeIn(); checkCursorTag(coord, cursortag); } } //editor actions editor.on('beforeChange', function (cm, change) { if (debug) console.debug(change); }); editor.on('change', function (i, op) { if (debug) console.debug(op); if (op.origin != 'setValue' && op.origin != 'ignoreHistory') { socket.emit('change', LZString.compressToUTF16(JSON.stringify(op))); } isDirty = true; clearTimeout(doneTypingTimer); doneTypingTimer = setTimeout(doneTyping, doneTypingDelay); }); editor.on('focus', function (cm) { for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == personalInfo.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = editor.getCursor(); } } personalInfo['cursor'] = editor.getCursor(); socket.emit('cursor focus', editor.getCursor()); }); var cursorActivityTimer = null; editor.on('cursorActivity', function (cm) { clearTimeout(cursorActivityTimer); cursorActivityTimer = setTimeout(cursorActivity, cursorActivityDelay); }); function cursorActivity() { if (editorHasFocus() && !Visibility.hidden()) { for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == personalInfo.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = editor.getCursor(); } } personalInfo['cursor'] = editor.getCursor(); socket.emit('cursor activity', editor.getCursor()); } } editor.on('blur', function (cm) { for (var i = 0; i < onlineUsers.length; i++) { if (onlineUsers[i].id == personalInfo.id) { onlineUsers[i].cursor = null; } } personalInfo['cursor'] = null; socket.emit('cursor blur'); }); function saveInfo() { var scrollbarStyle = editor.getOption('scrollbarStyle'); var left = $(document.body).scrollLeft(); var top = $(document.body).scrollTop(); switch (currentMode) { case modeType.edit: if (scrollbarStyle == 'native') { lastInfo.edit.scroll.left = left; 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$(document.body).scrollTop(lastInfo.view.scroll.top); break; case modeType.both: var left = lastInfo.edit.scroll.left; var top = lastInfo.edit.scroll.top; editor.scrollIntoView(); editor.scrollTo(left, top); ui.area.view.scrollLeft(lastInfo.view.scroll.left); ui.area.view.scrollTop(lastInfo.view.scroll.top); break; } lastInfo.needRestore = false; } } //view actions var doneTypingTimer = null; var finishChangeTimer = null; var input = editor.getInputField(); //user is "finished typing," do something function doneTyping() { emitRefresh(); updateView(); } function finishChange() { updateView(); } function emitRefresh() { var value = editor.getValue(); socket.emit('refresh', LZString.compressToUTF16(value)); } var lastResult = null; function updateView() { if (currentMode == modeType.edit || !isDirty) return; var value = editor.getValue(); var result = postProcess(md.render(value)).children().toArray(); //ui.area.markdown.html(result); //finishView(ui.area.markdown); partialUpdate(result, lastResult, ui.area.markdown.children().toArray()); if (result && lastResult && result.length != lastResult.length) updateDataAttrs(result, ui.area.markdown.children().toArray()); lastResult = $(result).clone(); finishView(ui.area.view); writeHistory(ui.area.markdown); isDirty = false; clearMap(); buildMap(); } function updateDataAttrs(src, des) { //sync data attr startline and endline for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-startline'); copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-endline'); } } function partialUpdate(src, tar, des) { if (!src || src.length == 0 || !tar || tar.length == 0 || !des || des.length == 0) { ui.area.markdown.html(src); return; } if (src.length == tar.length) { //same length for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-startline'); copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-endline'); var rawSrc = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(src[i]); var rawTar = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[i]); if (rawSrc.outerHTML != rawTar.outerHTML) { //console.log(rawSrc); //console.log(rawTar); $(des[i]).replaceWith(src[i]); } } } else { //diff length var start = 0; var end = 0; //find diff start position for (var i = 0; i < tar.length; i++) { //copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-startline'); //copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-endline'); var rawSrc = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(src[i]); var rawTar = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[i]); if (!rawSrc || !rawTar || rawSrc.outerHTML != rawTar.outerHTML) { start = i; break; } } //find diff end position var srcEnd = 0; var tarEnd = 0; for (var i = 0; i < src.length; i++) { //copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-startline'); //copyAttribute(src[i], des[i], 'data-endline'); var rawSrc = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(src[i]); var rawTar = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[i]); if (!rawSrc || !rawTar || rawSrc.outerHTML != rawTar.outerHTML) { start = i; break; } } //tar end for (var i = 1; i <= tar.length + 1; i++) { var srcLength = src.length; var tarLength = tar.length; //copyAttribute(src[srcLength - i], des[srcLength - i], 'data-startline'); //copyAttribute(src[srcLength - i], des[srcLength - i], 'data-endline'); var rawSrc = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(src[srcLength - i]); var rawTar = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[tarLength - i]); if (!rawSrc || !rawTar || rawSrc.outerHTML != rawTar.outerHTML) { tarEnd = tar.length - i; break; } } //src end for (var i = 1; i <= src.length + 1; i++) { var srcLength = src.length; var tarLength = tar.length; //copyAttribute(src[srcLength - i], des[srcLength - i], 'data-startline'); //copyAttribute(src[srcLength - i], des[srcLength - i], 'data-endline'); var rawSrc = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(src[srcLength - i]); var rawTar = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[tarLength - i]); if (!rawSrc || !rawTar || rawSrc.outerHTML != rawTar.outerHTML) { srcEnd = src.length - i; break; } } //check if tar end overlap tar start var overlap = 0; for (var i = start; i >= 0; i--) { var rawTarStart = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[i - 1]); var rawTarEnd = cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(tar[tarEnd + 1 + start - i]); if (rawTarStart && rawTarEnd && rawTarStart.outerHTML == rawTarEnd.outerHTML) overlap++; else break; } if (debug) console.log('overlap:' + overlap); //show diff content if (debug) { console.log('start:' + start); console.log('tarEnd:' + tarEnd); console.log('srcEnd:' + srcEnd); } tarEnd += overlap; srcEnd += overlap; var repeatAdd = (start - srcEnd) < (start - tarEnd); var repeatDiff = Math.abs(srcEnd - tarEnd) - 1; //push new elements var newElements = []; if (srcEnd >= start) { for (var j = start; j <= srcEnd; j++) { if (!src[j]) continue; newElements.push(src[j].outerHTML); } } else if (repeatAdd) { for (var j = srcEnd - repeatDiff; j <= srcEnd; j++) { if (!des[j]) continue; newElements.push(des[j].outerHTML); } } //push remove elements var removeElements = []; if (tarEnd >= start) { for (var j = start; j <= tarEnd; j++) { if (!des[j]) continue; removeElements.push(des[j]); } } else if (!repeatAdd) { for (var j = start; j <= start + repeatDiff; j++) { if (!des[j]) continue; removeElements.push(des[j]); } } //add elements if (debug) { console.log('ADD ELEMENTS'); console.log(newElements.join('\n')); } if (des[start]) $(newElements.join('')).insertBefore(des[start]); else $(newElements.join('')).insertAfter(des[start - 1]); //remove elements if (debug) console.log('REMOVE ELEMENTS'); for (var j = 0; j < removeElements.length; j++) { if (debug) { console.log(removeElements[j].outerHTML); } if (removeElements[j]) removeElements[j].remove(); } } } function cloneAndRemoveDataAttr(el) { if (!el) return; var rawEl = $(el).clone()[0]; rawEl.removeAttribute('data-startline'); rawEl.removeAttribute('data-endline'); return rawEl; } function copyAttribute(src, des, attr) { if (src && src.getAttribute(attr) && des) des.setAttribute(attr, src.getAttribute(attr)); } if ($('.cursor-menu').length <= 0) { $("
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