# 2.0 Development Notes This document collects notes and decisions taken during the development of HedgeDoc 2.0. It should be converted to a properly structured documentation, but having unstructured docs is better than having no docs. ## Supported databases We intend to officially support and test these databases: - SQLite (for development and smaller instances) - PostgreSQL - MariaDB ## Special Groups The software provides two special groups which have no explicit users: - `everyone` (Describing that everyone who wants to access a note can do if it is enabled in the config.) - `loggedIn` (Describing all users which are logged in) ## Deleting notes and revisions - The owner of a note may delete it. - By default, this also removes all revisions and all files that were uploaded to that note. - The owner may choose to skip deleting associated uploads, leaving them without a note. - The frontend should show a list of all uploads that will be affected and provide a method of skipping deletion. - The owner of a note may delete all revisions. This effectively purges the edit history of a note. ## Dev Setup - Clone backend and frontend in two folders. - Run `yarn install` in both projects - Start the backend server in watch mode using `yarn start:dev`. The backend is then accessible on port 3000. - Start the frontend dev server using `yarn start`. The frontend is now accessible on port 3001.