# Markdown-It plugins This repository contains plugins for [Markdown-It](https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it) that are used by HedgeDoc. All these plugins are (re)created in typescript. ## License Everything is licensed under MIT ## Usage Install the lib using `yarn install @hedgedoc/markdown-it-plugins` or `npm i @hedgedoc/markdown-it-plugins` ## Development If you want to contribute to this lib then: - Clone this repository - Install the dependencies using `yarn install`. Don't use `npm`! - Make your changes - Make sure that your changes are covered by tests. Use `yarn test` to run all tests - Make sure that your code follows the code style. Use `yarn lint` to check the style - Commit your changes (please use [conventional commits](https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/)) and create a pull request ## markdown-it-image-size A markdown-it plugin for size-specified image markups. This plugin overloads the original image renderer of markdown-it. > This is a typescript port of https://github.com/tatsy/markdown-it-imsize without the local file system support. ### Usage #### Enable plugin ```ts import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it' import { imageSize } from '@hedgedoc/markdown-it-plugins' const md = new MarkdownIt({ html: true, linkify: true, typography: true }).use(imageSize); ``` #### Example ```md ![test](image.png =100x200) ``` is interpreted as ```html


``` ## markdown-it-better-task-lists A markdown-it plugin that renders GitHub-style task-lists. It builds [task/todo lists](https://github.com/blog/1825-task-lists-in-all-markdown-documents) out of Markdown lists with items starting with `[ ]` or `[x]`. This is a typescript port of [markdown-it-task-lists](https://github.com/revin/markdown-it-task-lists). ### Why is this useful? When you have markdown documentation with checklists, rendering HTML checkboxes out of the list items looks nicer than the raw square brackets. ### Usage Use it the same as a normal markdown-it plugin: ```ts import MarkdownIt from 'markdown-it' import { taskLists } from '@hedgedoc/markdown-it-plugins' const parser = new MarkdownIt().use(taskLists) const result = parser.render(` - [ ] Open task - [x] Done task - Not a task `) // markdown string containing task list items ``` The rendered checkboxes are disabled; to change this, set `enabled` property of the plugin options to `true`: ```ts const parser = new MarkdownIt().use(taskLists, { enabled: true }) ``` If you need to know which line in the markdown document the generated checkbox comes set the `lineNumber` property of the plugin options to `true` for the `` tag to be created with a data-line attribute containing the line number: ```ts const parser = new MarkdownIt().use(taskLists, { lineNumber: true }) ``` If you'd like to wrap the rendered list items in a `