/* * SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2022 The HedgeDoc developers (see AUTHORS file) * * SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only */ import { promises as fs } from 'fs'; import { join } from 'path'; import request from 'supertest'; import { NotInDBError } from '../../src/errors/errors'; import { User } from '../../src/users/user.entity'; import { TestSetup, TestSetupBuilder } from '../test-setup'; describe('Notes', () => { let testSetup: TestSetup; let user: User; let user2: User; let content: string; let forbiddenNoteId: string; let uploadPath: string; let testImage: Buffer; let agent: request.SuperAgentTest; beforeAll(async () => { testSetup = await TestSetupBuilder.create().build(); forbiddenNoteId = testSetup.configService.get('noteConfig').forbiddenNoteIds[0]; uploadPath = testSetup.configService.get('mediaConfig').backend.filesystem.uploadPath; await testSetup.app.init(); const username1 = 'hardcoded'; const password1 = 'AHardcodedStrongP@ssword123'; const username2 = 'hardcoded2'; const password2 = 'AHardcodedStrongP@ssword12'; user = await testSetup.userService.createUser(username1, 'Testy'); await testSetup.identityService.createLocalIdentity(user, password1); user2 = await testSetup.userService.createUser(username2, 'Max Mustermann'); await testSetup.identityService.createLocalIdentity(user2, password2); content = 'This is a test note.'; testImage = await fs.readFile('test/public-api/fixtures/test.png'); agent = request.agent(testSetup.app.getHttpServer()); await agent .post('/api/private/auth/local/login') .send({ username: username1, password: password1 }) .expect(201); }); afterAll(async () => { await testSetup.app.close(); await testSetup.cleanup(); }); it('POST /notes', async () => { const response = await agent .post('/api/private/notes') .set('Content-Type', 'text/markdown') .send(content) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(201); expect(response.body.metadata?.id).toBeDefined(); expect( await testSetup.notesService.getNoteContent( await testSetup.notesService.getNoteByIdOrAlias( response.body.metadata.id, ), ), ).toEqual(content); }); describe('GET /notes/{note}', () => { it('works with an existing note', async () => { // check if we can succefully get a note that exists await testSetup.notesService.createNote(content, user, 'test1'); const response = await agent .get('/api/private/notes/test1') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body.content).toEqual(content); }); it('fails with an non-existing note', async () => { // check if a missing note correctly returns 404 await agent .get('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); }); describe('POST /notes/{note}', () => { it('works with a non-existing alias', async () => { const response = await agent .post('/api/private/notes/test2') .set('Content-Type', 'text/markdown') .send(content) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(201); expect(response.body.metadata?.id).toBeDefined(); return expect( await testSetup.notesService.getNoteContent( await testSetup.notesService.getNoteByIdOrAlias( response.body.metadata?.id, ), ), ).toEqual(content); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent .post(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}`) .set('Content-Type', 'text/markdown') .send(content) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(400); }); it('fails with a existing alias', async () => { await agent .post('/api/private/notes/test2') .set('Content-Type', 'text/markdown') .send(content) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(409); }); it('fails with a content, that is too long', async () => { const content = 'x'.repeat( (testSetup.configService.get('noteConfig') .maxDocumentLength as number) + 1, ); await agent .post('/api/private/notes/test2') .set('Content-Type', 'text/markdown') .send(content) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(413); }); }); describe('DELETE /notes/{note}', () => { describe('works', () => { it('with an existing alias and keepMedia false', async () => { const noteId = 'test3'; const note = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, noteId, ); await testSetup.mediaService.saveFile(testImage, user, note); await agent .delete(`/api/private/notes/${noteId}`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send({ keepMedia: false, }) .expect(204); await expect( testSetup.notesService.getNoteByIdOrAlias(noteId), ).rejects.toEqual( new NotInDBError(`Note with id/alias '${noteId}' not found.`), ); expect( await testSetup.mediaService.listUploadsByUser(user), ).toHaveLength(0); await fs.rmdir(uploadPath); }); it('with an existing alias and keepMedia true', async () => { const noteId = 'test3a'; const note = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, noteId, ); const upload = await testSetup.mediaService.saveFile( testImage, user, note, ); await agent .delete(`/api/private/notes/${noteId}`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .send({ keepMedia: true, }) .expect(204); await expect( testSetup.notesService.getNoteByIdOrAlias(noteId), ).rejects.toEqual( new NotInDBError(`Note with id/alias '${noteId}' not found.`), ); expect( await testSetup.mediaService.listUploadsByUser(user), ).toHaveLength(1); // Remove /upload/ from path as we just need the filename. const fileName = upload.fileUrl.replace('/uploads/', ''); // delete the file afterwards await fs.unlink(join(uploadPath, fileName)); await fs.rmdir(uploadPath); }); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent.delete(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}`).expect(400); }); it('fails with a non-existing alias', async () => { await agent.delete('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist').expect(404); }); }); describe('GET /notes/{note}/metadata', () => { it('returns complete metadata object', async () => { const noteAlias = 'metadata_test_note'; await testSetup.notesService.createNote(content, user, noteAlias); const metadata = await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${noteAlias}/metadata`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(typeof metadata.body.id).toEqual('string'); expect(metadata.body.aliases[0].name).toEqual(noteAlias); expect(metadata.body.primaryAddress).toEqual(noteAlias); expect(metadata.body.title).toEqual(''); expect(metadata.body.description).toEqual(''); expect(typeof metadata.body.createdAt).toEqual('string'); expect(metadata.body.editedBy).toEqual([]); expect(metadata.body.permissions.owner).toEqual('hardcoded'); expect(metadata.body.permissions.sharedToUsers).toEqual([]); expect(metadata.body.permissions.sharedToUsers).toEqual([]); expect(metadata.body.tags).toEqual([]); expect(typeof metadata.body.updatedAt).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof metadata.body.updateUsername).toEqual('string'); expect(typeof metadata.body.viewCount).toEqual('number'); expect(metadata.body.editedBy).toEqual([]); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}/metadata`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(400); }); it('fails with non-existing alias', async () => { // check if a missing note correctly returns 404 await agent .get('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist/metadata') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); it('has the correct update/create dates', async () => { const noteAlias = 'metadata_test_note_date'; // create a note const note = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, noteAlias, ); // save the creation time const createDate = note.createdAt; const revisions = await note.revisions; const updatedDate = revisions[revisions.length - 1].createdAt; // wait one second await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r, 1000)); // update the note await testSetup.notesService.updateNote(note, 'More test content'); const metadata = await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${noteAlias}/metadata`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(metadata.body.createdAt).toEqual(createDate.toISOString()); expect(metadata.body.updatedAt).not.toEqual(updatedDate.toISOString()); }); }); describe('GET /notes/{note}/revisions', () => { it('works with existing alias', async () => { await testSetup.notesService.createNote(content, user, 'test4'); // create a second note to check for a regression, where typeorm always returned // all revisions in the database await testSetup.notesService.createNote(content, user, 'test4a'); const response = await agent .get('/api/private/notes/test4/revisions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body).toHaveLength(1); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}/revisions`) .expect(400); }); it('fails with non-existing alias', async () => { // check if a missing note correctly returns 404 await agent .get('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist/revisions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); }); describe('DELETE /notes/{note}/revisions', () => { it('works with an existing alias', async () => { const noteId = 'test8'; const note = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, noteId, ); await testSetup.notesService.updateNote(note, 'update'); const responseBeforeDeleting = await agent .get('/api/private/notes/test8/revisions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(responseBeforeDeleting.body).toHaveLength(2); await agent .delete(`/api/private/notes/${noteId}/revisions`) .set('Content-Type', 'application/json') .expect(204); const responseAfterDeleting = await agent .get('/api/private/notes/test8/revisions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(responseAfterDeleting.body).toHaveLength(1); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent .delete(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}/revisions`) .expect(400); }); it('fails with non-existing alias', async () => { // check if a missing note correctly returns 404 await agent .delete('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist/revisions') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); }); describe('GET /notes/{note}/revisions/{revision-id}', () => { it('works with an existing alias', async () => { const note = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, 'test5', ); const revision = await testSetup.revisionsService.getLatestRevision(note); const response = await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/test5/revisions/${revision.id}`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body.content).toEqual(content); }); it('fails with a forbidden alias', async () => { await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${forbiddenNoteId}/revisions/1`) .expect(400); }); it('fails with non-existing alias', async () => { // check if a missing note correctly returns 404 await agent .get('/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist/revisions/1') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); }); describe('GET /notes/{note}/media', () => { it('works', async () => { const alias = 'test6'; const extraAlias = 'test7'; const note1 = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, alias, ); const note2 = await testSetup.notesService.createNote( content, user, extraAlias, ); const response = await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${alias}/media/`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(response.body).toHaveLength(0); const testImage = await fs.readFile('test/private-api/fixtures/test.png'); const upload0 = await testSetup.mediaService.saveFile( testImage, user, note1, ); const upload1 = await testSetup.mediaService.saveFile( testImage, user, note2, ); const responseAfter = await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${alias}/media/`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200); expect(responseAfter.body).toHaveLength(1); expect(responseAfter.body[0].url).toEqual(upload0.fileUrl); expect(responseAfter.body[0].url).not.toEqual(upload1.fileUrl); for (const upload of [upload0, upload1]) { const fileName = upload.fileUrl.replace('/uploads/', ''); // delete the file afterwards await fs.unlink(join(uploadPath, fileName)); } await fs.rm(uploadPath, { recursive: true }); }); it('fails, when note does not exist', async () => { await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/i_dont_exist/media/`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(404); }); it("fails, when user can't read note", async () => { const alias = 'test11'; await testSetup.notesService.createNote( 'This is a test note.', user2, alias, ); // Redact default read permissions const note = await testSetup.notesService.getNoteByIdOrAlias(alias); const everyone = await testSetup.groupService.getEveryoneGroup(); const loggedin = await testSetup.groupService.getLoggedInGroup(); await testSetup.permissionsService.removeGroupPermission(note, everyone); await testSetup.permissionsService.removeGroupPermission(note, loggedin); await agent .get(`/api/private/notes/${alias}/media/`) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(403); }); }); });