import * as utils from './utils'; /* config section */ const isMac = CodeMirror.keyMap.default === CodeMirror.keyMap.macDefault; const defaultEditorMode = 'gfm'; const viewportMargin = 20; const jumpToAddressBarKeymapName = isMac ? "Cmd-L" : "Ctrl-L"; export default class Editor { constructor() { this.editor = null; this.defaultExtraKeys = { "F10": function (cm) { cm.setOption("fullScreen", !cm.getOption("fullScreen")); }, "Esc": function (cm) { if (cm.getOption('keyMap').substr(0, 3) === 'vim') return CodeMirror.Pass; else if (cm.getOption("fullScreen")) cm.setOption("fullScreen", false); }, "Cmd-S": function () { return false; }, "Ctrl-S": function () { return false; }, "Enter": "newlineAndIndentContinueMarkdownList", "Tab": function (cm) { var tab = '\t'; // contruct x length spaces var spaces = Array(parseInt(cm.getOption("indentUnit")) + 1).join(" "); //auto indent whole line when in list or blockquote var cursor = cm.getCursor(); var line = cm.getLine(cursor.line); // this regex match the following patterns // 1. blockquote starts with "> " or ">>" // 2. unorder list starts with *+- // 3. order list starts with "1." or "1)" var regex = /^(\s*)(>[> ]*|[*+-]\s|(\d+)([.)]))/; var match; var multiple = cm.getSelection().split('\n').length > 1 || cm.getSelections().length > 1; if (multiple) { cm.execCommand('defaultTab'); } else if ((match = regex.exec(line)) !== null) { var ch = match[1].length; var pos = { line: cursor.line, ch: ch }; if (cm.getOption('indentWithTabs')) cm.replaceRange(tab, pos, pos, '+input'); else cm.replaceRange(spaces, pos, pos, '+input'); } else { if (cm.getOption('indentWithTabs')) cm.execCommand('defaultTab'); else { cm.replaceSelection(spaces); } } }, "Cmd-Left": "goLineLeftSmart", "Cmd-Right": "goLineRight", "Ctrl-C": function (cm) { if (!isMac && cm.getOption('keyMap').substr(0, 3) === 'vim') { document.execCommand("copy"); } else { return CodeMirror.Pass; } }, "Ctrl-*": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '*'); }, "Shift-Ctrl-8": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '*'); }, "Ctrl-_": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '_'); }, "Shift-Ctrl--": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '_'); }, "Ctrl-~": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '~'); }, "Shift-Ctrl-`": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '~'); }, "Ctrl-^": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '^'); }, "Shift-Ctrl-6": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '^'); }, "Ctrl-+": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '+'); }, "Shift-Ctrl-=": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '+'); }, "Ctrl-=": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, '='); }, "Shift-Ctrl-Backspace": (cm) => { utils.wrapTextWith(this.editor, cm, 'Backspace'); } }; this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue = null; } getStatusBarTemplate(callback) { $.get(window.serverurl + '/views/statusbar.html', (template) => { this.statusBarTemplate = template; if (callback) callback(); }); } addStatusBar() { if (!this.statusBarTemplate) { this.getStatusBarTemplate(this.addStatusBar); return; } this.statusBar = $(this.statusBarTemplate); this.statusCursor = this.statusBar.find('.status-cursor'); this.statusFile = this.statusBar.find('.status-file'); this.statusIndicators = this.statusBar.find('.status-indicators'); this.statusIndent = this.statusBar.find('.status-indent'); this.statusKeymap = this.statusBar.find('.status-keymap'); this.statusLength = this.statusBar.find('.status-length'); this.statusTheme = this.statusBar.find('.status-theme'); this.statusSpellcheck = this.statusBar.find('.status-spellcheck'); this.statusPreferences = this.statusBar.find('.status-preferences'); this.statusPanel = this.editor.addPanel(this.statusBar[0], { position: "bottom" }); this.setIndent(); this.setKeymap(); this.setTheme(); this.setSpellcheck(); this.setPreferences(); } setIndent() { var cookieIndentType = Cookies.get('indent_type'); var cookieTabSize = parseInt(Cookies.get('tab_size')); var cookieSpaceUnits = parseInt(Cookies.get('space_units')); if (cookieIndentType) { if (cookieIndentType == 'tab') { this.editor.setOption('indentWithTabs', true); if (cookieTabSize) this.editor.setOption('indentUnit', cookieTabSize); } else if (cookieIndentType == 'space') { this.editor.setOption('indentWithTabs', false); if (cookieSpaceUnits) this.editor.setOption('indentUnit', cookieSpaceUnits); } } if (cookieTabSize) this.editor.setOption('tabSize', cookieTabSize); var type = this.statusIndicators.find('.indent-type'); var widthLabel = this.statusIndicators.find('.indent-width-label'); var widthInput = this.statusIndicators.find('.indent-width-input'); const setType = () => { if (this.editor.getOption('indentWithTabs')) { Cookies.set('indent_type', 'tab', { expires: 365 }); type.text('Tab Size:'); } else { Cookies.set('indent_type', 'space', { expires: 365 }); type.text('Spaces:'); } } setType(); const setUnit = () => { var unit = this.editor.getOption('indentUnit'); if (this.editor.getOption('indentWithTabs')) { Cookies.set('tab_size', unit, { expires: 365 }); } else { Cookies.set('space_units', unit, { expires: 365 }); } widthLabel.text(unit); } setUnit(); => { if (this.editor.getOption('indentWithTabs')) { this.editor.setOption('indentWithTabs', false); cookieSpaceUnits = parseInt(Cookies.get('space_units')); if (cookieSpaceUnits) this.editor.setOption('indentUnit', cookieSpaceUnits) } else { this.editor.setOption('indentWithTabs', true); cookieTabSize = parseInt(Cookies.get('tab_size')); if (cookieTabSize) { this.editor.setOption('indentUnit', cookieTabSize); this.editor.setOption('tabSize', cookieTabSize); } } setType(); setUnit(); }); => { if (':visible')) { widthLabel.addClass('hidden'); widthInput.removeClass('hidden'); widthInput.val(this.editor.getOption('indentUnit'));; } else { widthLabel.removeClass('hidden'); widthInput.addClass('hidden'); } }); widthInput.on('change', () => { var val = parseInt(widthInput.val()); if (!val) val = this.editor.getOption('indentUnit'); if (val < 1) val = 1; else if (val > 10) val = 10; if (this.editor.getOption('indentWithTabs')) { this.editor.setOption('tabSize', val); } this.editor.setOption('indentUnit', val); setUnit(); }); widthInput.on('blur', function () { widthLabel.removeClass('hidden'); widthInput.addClass('hidden'); }); } setKeymap() { var cookieKeymap = Cookies.get('keymap'); if (cookieKeymap) this.editor.setOption('keyMap', cookieKeymap); var label = this.statusIndicators.find('.ui-keymap-label'); var sublime = this.statusIndicators.find('.ui-keymap-sublime'); var emacs = this.statusIndicators.find('.ui-keymap-emacs'); var vim = this.statusIndicators.find('.ui-keymap-vim'); const setKeymapLabel = () => { var keymap = this.editor.getOption('keyMap'); Cookies.set('keymap', keymap, { expires: 365 }); label.text(keymap); this.restoreOverrideEditorKeymap(); this.setOverrideBrowserKeymap(); } setKeymapLabel(); => { this.editor.setOption('keyMap', 'sublime'); setKeymapLabel(); }); => { this.editor.setOption('keyMap', 'emacs'); setKeymapLabel(); }); => { this.editor.setOption('keyMap', 'vim'); setKeymapLabel(); }); } setTheme() { var cookieTheme = Cookies.get('theme'); if (cookieTheme) { this.editor.setOption('theme', cookieTheme); } var themeToggle = this.statusTheme.find('.ui-theme-toggle'); const checkTheme = () => { var theme = this.editor.getOption('theme'); if (theme == "one-dark") { themeToggle.removeClass('active'); } else { themeToggle.addClass('active'); } } => { var theme = this.editor.getOption('theme'); if (theme == "one-dark") { theme = "default"; } else { theme = "one-dark"; } this.editor.setOption('theme', theme); Cookies.set('theme', theme, { expires: 365 }); checkTheme(); }); checkTheme(); } setSpellcheck() { var cookieSpellcheck = Cookies.get('spellcheck'); if (cookieSpellcheck) { var mode = null; if (cookieSpellcheck === 'true' || cookieSpellcheck === true) { mode = 'spell-checker'; } else { mode = defaultEditorMode; } if (mode && mode !== this.editor.getOption('mode')) { this.editor.setOption('mode', mode); } } var spellcheckToggle = this.statusSpellcheck.find('.ui-spellcheck-toggle'); const checkSpellcheck = () => { var mode = this.editor.getOption('mode'); if (mode == defaultEditorMode) { spellcheckToggle.removeClass('active'); } else { spellcheckToggle.addClass('active'); } } => { var mode = this.editor.getOption('mode'); if (mode == defaultEditorMode) { mode = "spell-checker"; } else { mode = defaultEditorMode; } if (mode && mode !== this.editor.getOption('mode')) { this.editor.setOption('mode', mode); } Cookies.set('spellcheck', (mode == "spell-checker"), { expires: 365 }); checkSpellcheck(); }); checkSpellcheck(); //workaround spellcheck might not activate beacuse the ajax loading if (window.num_loaded < 2) { var spellcheckTimer = setInterval(() => { if (window.num_loaded >= 2) { if (this.editor.getOption('mode') == "spell-checker") { this.editor.setOption('mode', "spell-checker"); } clearInterval(spellcheckTimer); } }, 100); } } resetEditorKeymapToBrowserKeymap() { var keymap = this.editor.getOption('keyMap'); if (!this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue) { this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue = CodeMirror.keyMap[keymap][jumpToAddressBarKeymapName]; delete CodeMirror.keyMap[keymap][jumpToAddressBarKeymapName]; } } restoreOverrideEditorKeymap() { var keymap = this.editor.getOption('keyMap'); if (this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue) { CodeMirror.keyMap[keymap][jumpToAddressBarKeymapName] = this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue; this.jumpToAddressBarKeymapValue = null; } } setOverrideBrowserKeymap() { var overrideBrowserKeymap = $('.ui-preferences-override-browser-keymap label > input[type="checkbox"]'); if (":checked")) { Cookies.set('preferences-override-browser-keymap', true, { expires: 365 }); this.restoreOverrideEditorKeymap(); } else { Cookies.remove('preferences-override-browser-keymap'); this.resetEditorKeymapToBrowserKeymap(); } } setPreferences() { var overrideBrowserKeymap = $('.ui-preferences-override-browser-keymap label > input[type="checkbox"]'); var cookieOverrideBrowserKeymap = Cookies.get('preferences-override-browser-keymap'); if (cookieOverrideBrowserKeymap && cookieOverrideBrowserKeymap === "true") { overrideBrowserKeymap.prop('checked', true); } else { overrideBrowserKeymap.prop('checked', false); } this.setOverrideBrowserKeymap(); overrideBrowserKeymap.change(() => { this.setOverrideBrowserKeymap(); }); } init(textit) { this.editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textit, { mode: defaultEditorMode, backdrop: defaultEditorMode, keyMap: "sublime", viewportMargin: viewportMargin, styleActiveLine: true, lineNumbers: true, lineWrapping: true, showCursorWhenSelecting: true, highlightSelectionMatches: true, indentUnit: 4, continueComments: "Enter", theme: "one-dark", inputStyle: "textarea", matchBrackets: true, autoCloseBrackets: true, matchTags: { bothTags: true }, autoCloseTags: true, foldGutter: true, gutters: ["CodeMirror-linenumbers", "authorship-gutters", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"], extraKeys: this.defaultExtraKeys, flattenSpans: true, addModeClass: true, readOnly: true, autoRefresh: true, otherCursors: true, placeholder: "← Start by entering a title here\n===\nVisit /features if you don't know what to do.\nHappy hacking :)" }); this.getStatusBarTemplate(); return this.editor; } getEditor() { return this.editor; } }