Archive of Homebrew Channel things, like WADs, custom colored forwarders, different weird modifications and installers.
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2021-11-12 15:13:50 +01:00 Update 2021-11-12 15:13:50 +01:00

Homebrew Channel Archive

Archive of Homebrew Channel related things, like WADs, custom colored forwarders, different weird modifications and installers.


Branch main contains: Documentation and stuff, including the readme you're currently reading.

Branch hbc-dols contains: Different DOLs that will boot HBC title IDs.

Branch hbc-forwarders contains: Different forwarders by different people. These may contain outdated DOLs.

Branch hbc-installers contains: Different installers that will install various versions of HBC.

Branch hbc-ohbc-forwarders contains: Different forwarders with a new DOL that boots title ID OHBC.

Branch hbc-wads contains vanilla HBC WADs for different versions. Some have a different name and title ID.


Will add more here later, Team Twiizers