import sys import logging import re import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET import itertools import textwrap def to_ranges(iterable): iterable = sorted(set(iterable)) for key, group in itertools.groupby(enumerate(iterable), lambda t: t[1] - t[0]): group = list(group) yield group[0][1], group[-1][1] def text_to_bytes(text): l = [int(h, 16) for h in text.split()] r = list(to_ranges(l)) if len(l) > 6 and len(r) == 1: return eval("range(%s, %s)" % (r[0][0], r[0][1]+1)) return l def text_to_dict(text): b = text_to_bytes(text) return {b[i]: b[i + 1] for i in range(0, len(b), 2)} def traverse_data(element, depth=0): indent = ' ' * depth if element.tag and not element.attrib and element.text and element.text.strip(): print(indent + element.tag + " = " + element.text) else: if element.tag: print(indent + element.tag + ":") if element.attrib: print(indent + ' Attributes:', element.attrib) if element.text and element.text.strip(): print(indent + ' Text:', element.text.strip()) # Recursively traverse the children for child in element: traverse_data(child, depth + 1) def generate_config(config, traverse, add_fatal_errors, full, printer_model): waste_string = [ "main_waste", "borderless_waste", "third_waste", "fourth_waste" ] irc_pattern = [ r'Ink replacement counter %-% (\w+) % \((\w+)\)' ] tree = ET.parse(config) root = tree.getroot() printer_config = {} for printer in root.iterfind(".//printer"): title = printer.attrib.get("title", "") if printer_model not in title: continue specs = printer.attrib["specs"].split(",") "Tag: %s, Attributes: %s, Specs: %s", printer.tag, printer.attrib, printer.attrib['specs'] ) printer_short_name = printer.attrib["short"] printer_long_name = printer.attrib["title"] printer_model_name = printer.attrib["model"] chars = {} for spec in specs: logging.debug("SPEC: %s", spec) for elm in root.iterfind(".//" + spec): if traverse: traverse_data(elm) for item in elm: logging.debug("item.tag: %s", item.tag) if elm.tag == 'EPSON' and item.tag == "status": for st in item: if full and st.tag == 'colors': chars["ink_color_ids"] = {} for color in st: if color.tag == 'color': color_code = "" color_name = "" for color_data in color: if color_data.tag == "code": color_code = color_data.text if color_data.tag == "name": color_name = color_data.text chars["ink_color_ids"][color_code] = color_name if full and st.tag == 'states': chars["status_ids"] = {} for status_id in st: if status_id.tag == 'state': status_code = "" status_name = "" for status_data in status_id: if status_data.tag == "code": status_code = status_data.text if status_data.tag == "text": status_name = status_data.text chars["status_ids"][status_code] = status_name if full and st.tag == 'errors': chars["errcode_ids"] = {} for error_id in st: if error_id.tag == 'error': error_code = "" error_name = "" for error_data in error_id: if error_data.tag == "code": error_code = error_data.text if error_data.tag == "text": error_name = error_data.text chars["errcode_ids"][error_code] = error_name if item.tag == "information": for info in item: if info.tag == "report": chars["stats"] = {} fatal = [] irc = "" for number in info: if number.tag == "fatals" and add_fatal_errors: for n in number: if n.tag == "registers": for j in text_to_bytes(n.text): fatal.append(j) chars["last_printer_fatal_errors"] = ( fatal ) if number.tag in ["number", "period"]: stat_name = "" for n in number: if n.tag == "name": stat_name = n.text if ( n.tag == "registers" and stat_name ): match = False for ircp in irc_pattern: match =, stat_name) if match: color = identifier = f"{}" if "ink_replacement_counters" not in chars: chars["ink_replacement_counters"] = {} if color not in chars["ink_replacement_counters"]: chars["ink_replacement_counters"][color] = {} chars["ink_replacement_counters"][color][identifier] = int(n.text, 16) break if not match: stat_name = stat_name.replace("% BL", "- Black") stat_name = stat_name.replace("% CY", "- Cyan") stat_name = stat_name.replace("% MG", "- Magenta") stat_name = stat_name.replace("% YE", "- Yellow") stat_name = stat_name.replace("%-%", "-") chars["stats"][stat_name] = text_to_bytes(n.text) if item.tag == "waste": for operations in item: if operations.tag == "reset": chars["raw_waste_reset"] = text_to_dict( operations.text ) if operations.tag == "query": count = 0 for counter in operations: waste = {} for ncounter in counter: if ncounter.tag == "entry": if "oids" in waste: waste["oids"] += text_to_bytes( ncounter.text ) else: waste["oids"] = text_to_bytes( ncounter.text ) if ncounter.tag == "max": waste["divider"] = ( int(ncounter.text) / 100 ) if full: for filter in ncounter: waste["filter"] = filter.text chars[waste_string[count]] = waste count += 1 if item.tag == "serial": chars["serial_number"] = text_to_bytes(item.text) if full and item.tag == "headid": chars["headid"] = text_to_bytes(item.text) if full and item.tag == "memory": for mem in item: if mem.tag == "lower": chars["memory_lower"] = int(mem.text, 16) if mem.tag == "upper": chars["memory_upper"] = int(mem.text, 16) if item.tag == "service": for s in item: if s.tag == "factory": chars["read_key"] = text_to_bytes(s.text) if s.tag == "keyword": chars["write_key"] = ( "".join( [ chr(b - 1) for b in text_to_bytes(s.text) ] ) ).encode() if full and s.tag == "sendlen": chars["sendlen"] = int(s.text, 16) if full and s.tag == "readlen": chars["readlen"] = int(s.text, 16) if full: chars["long_name"] = printer_long_name chars["model"] = printer_model_name printer_config[printer_short_name] = chars return printer_config if __name__ == "__main__": import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog='Generate printer configuration from devices.xml' ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--model', dest='printer_model', action="store", help='Printer model. Example: -m XP-205', required=True) parser.add_argument( '-l', '--line', dest='line_length', type=int, help='Set line length of the output (default: 120)', default=120) parser.add_argument( '-i', '--indent', dest='indent', action='store_true', help='Indent output of 4 spaces') parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Print debug information') parser.add_argument( '-t', '--traverse', dest='traverse', action='store_true', help='Traverse the XML, dumping content related to the printer model') parser.add_argument( '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='Print verbose information') parser.add_argument( '-f', '--full', dest='full', action='store_true', help='Generate additional tags') parser.add_argument( '-e', '--errors', dest='add_fatal_errors', action='store_true', help='Add last_printer_fatal_errors') parser.add_argument( '-c', "--config", dest='config_file', type=argparse.FileType('r'), help="use the XML configuration file to generate the configuration", default=0, nargs=1, metavar='CONFIG_FILE' ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) if args.verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if args.config_file: args.config_file[0].close() if args.config_file: config = args.config_file[0].name else: config = "devices.xml" printer_config = generate_config( config=config, traverse=args.traverse, add_fatal_errors=args.add_fatal_errors, full=args.full, printer_model=args.printer_model ) try: import black printer_config = "PRINTER_CONFIG = " + repr(printer_config) mode = black.Mode(line_length=args.line_length, magic_trailing_comma=False) dict_str = black.format_str(printer_config, mode=mode) except Exception: import pprint dict_str = pprint.pformat(printer_config) if args.indent: dict_str = textwrap.indent(dict_str, ' ') print(dict_str)