#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Epson Printer Configuration via SNMP (TCP/IP) - GUI """ import sys import re import threading import ipaddress import inspect from datetime import datetime import socket import traceback import logging import webbrowser import black import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk, Menu from tkinter.scrolledtext import ScrolledText import tkinter.font as tkfont from tkcalendar import DateEntry # Ensure you have: pip install tkcalendar from tkinter import simpledialog, messagebox import pyperclip from epson_print_conf import EpsonPrinter from find_printers import PrinterScanner VERSION = "3.0" NO_CONF_ERROR = ( "[ERROR] Please select a printer model and a valid IP address," " or press 'Detect Printers'.\n" ) CONFIRM_MESSAGE = ( "Confirm Action", "Please copy and save the codes in the [NOTE] shown on the screen." " They can be used to restore the initial configuration" " in case of problems.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to proceed?" ) def get_printer_models(input_string): # Tokenize the string tokens = re.split(" |/", input_string) if not len(tokens): return [] # Define the words to remove (uppercase, then case insensitive) remove_tokens = {"EPSON", "SERIES"} # Process tokens processed_tokens = [] non_numeric_part = "" pre_model = "" for token in tokens: upper_token = token.upper() # Remove tokens that match remove_tokens if any(word == upper_token for word in remove_tokens): continue if not any(char.isdigit() for char in token): # no alphanum inside pre_model = pre_model + token + " " continue # Identify the non-numeric part of the first token if not token.isnumeric() and not non_numeric_part: non_numeric_part = "".join(c for c in token if not c.isdigit()) # if token is numeric, prepend the non-numeric part if token.isnumeric(): processed_tokens.append(f"{pre_model}{non_numeric_part}{token}") else: processed_tokens.append(f"{pre_model}{token}") if not processed_tokens and pre_model: processed_tokens.append(pre_model.strip()) return processed_tokens class MultiLineInputDialog(simpledialog.Dialog): def __init__(self, parent, title=None, text=""): self.text=text super().__init__(parent, title) def body(self, frame): # Add a label with instructions self.label = tk.Label(frame, text=self.text) self.label.pack(pady=5) # Create a Text widget for multiline input self.textbox = tk.Text(frame, height=5, width=50) self.textbox.configure(font=("TkDefaultFont")) self.textbox.pack() return self.textbox def apply(self): # Get the input from the Text widget self.result = self.textbox.get("1.0", tk.END).strip() class ToolTip: def __init__( self, widget, text="widget info", wrap_length=10, destroy=True ): self.widget = widget self.text = text self.wrap_length = wrap_length self.tooltip_window = None # Check and remove existing bindings if they exist if destroy: self.remove_existing_binding("") self.remove_existing_binding("") self.remove_existing_binding("") # Set new bindings widget.bind("", self.enter, "+") # Show the tooltip on hover widget.bind("", self.leave, "+") # Hide the tooltip on leave widget.bind("", self.leave, "+") # Hide tooltip on mouse click def remove_existing_binding(self, event): # Check if there's already a binding for the event if self.widget.bind(event): self.widget.unbind(event) # Remove the existing binding def enter(self, event=None): if self.tooltip_window or not self.text: return x, y, width, height = self.widget.bbox("insert") x += self.widget.winfo_rootx() + 20 y += self.widget.winfo_rooty() + 20 self.tooltip_window = tw = tk.Toplevel(self.widget) tw.wm_overrideredirect(True) # Calculate the position for the tooltip screen_width = self.widget.winfo_screenwidth() screen_height = self.widget.winfo_screenheight() tw.geometry(f"+{x}+{y + height + 2}") # Default position below the widget label = tk.Label( tw, text=self.wrap_text(self.text), justify="left", background="LightYellow", relief="solid", borderwidth=1, ) label.pack(ipadx=1) # Check if the tooltip goes off the screen tw.update_idletasks() # Ensures the tooltip size is calculated tw_width = tw.winfo_width() tw_height = tw.winfo_height() if x + tw_width > screen_width: # If tooltip goes beyond screen width x = screen_width - tw_width - 5 if (y + height + tw_height > screen_height): # If tooltip goes below screen height y = y - tw_height - height - 2 # Position above the widget tw.geometry(f"+{x}+{y}") def leave(self, event=None): if self.tooltip_window: self.tooltip_window.destroy() self.tooltip_window = None def wrap_text(self, text): words = text.split() lines = [] current_line = [] for word in words: if len(current_line) + len(word.split()) <= self.wrap_length: current_line.append(word) else: lines.append(" ".join(current_line)) current_line = [word] if current_line: lines.append(" ".join(current_line)) return "\n".join(lines) class BugFixedDateEntry(DateEntry): """ Fixes a bug on the calendar that does not accept mouse selection with Linux Fixes a drop down bug when the DateEntry widget is not focused """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) def drop_down(self): self.focus_set() # Set focus to the DateEntry widget super().drop_down() if self._top_cal is not None and not self._calendar.winfo_ismapped(): self._top_cal.lift() class EpsonPrinterUI(tk.Tk): def __init__( self, model: str = None, hostname: str = None, conf_dict={}, replace_conf=False ): super().__init__() self.title("Epson Printer Configuration - v" + VERSION) self.geometry("500x500") self.minsize(500, 500) self.printer_scanner = PrinterScanner() self.ip_list = [] self.ip_list_cycle = None self.conf_dict = conf_dict self.replace_conf = replace_conf self.text_dump = "" self.mode = black.Mode(line_length=200, magic_trailing_comma=False) self.printer = None # configure the main window to be resizable self.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) FRAME_PAD = 10 PAD = (3, 0) PADX = 4 PADY = 5 # main Frame main_frame = ttk.Frame(self, padding=FRAME_PAD) main_frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) main_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) main_frame.rowconfigure(4, weight=1) # Number of rows row_n = 0 # [row 0] Container frame for the two LabelFrames Power-off timer and TI Received Time model_ip_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame, padding=PAD) model_ip_frame.grid(row=row_n, column=0, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) model_ip_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Allow column to expand model_ip_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Allow column to expand # BOX printer model selection model_frame = ttk.LabelFrame( model_ip_frame, text="Printer Model", padding=PAD ) model_frame.grid( row=0, column=0, pady=PADY, padx=(0, PADX), sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) model_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=0) model_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Model combobox self.model_var = tk.StringVar() if ( "internal_data" in conf_dict and "default_model" in conf_dict["internal_data"] ): self.model_var.set(conf_dict["internal_data"]["default_model"]) if model: self.model_var.set(model) ttk.Label(model_frame, text="Model:").grid( row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W, padx=PADX ) self.model_dropdown = ttk.Combobox( model_frame, textvariable=self.model_var, state="readonly" ) self.model_dropdown["values"] = sorted(EpsonPrinter( conf_dict=self.conf_dict, replace_conf=self.replace_conf ).valid_printers) self.model_dropdown.grid( row=0, column=1, pady=PADY, padx=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) ToolTip( self.model_dropdown, "Select the model of the printer, or press 'Detect Printers'.\n" "Press F2 to dump the parameters associated to the printer model.", ) self.model_dropdown.bind("", self.printer_config) # BOX IP address ip_frame = ttk.LabelFrame( model_ip_frame, text="Printer IP Address", padding=PAD ) ip_frame.grid( row=0, column=1, pady=PADY, padx=(PADX, 0), sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) ip_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=0) ip_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # IP address entry self.ip_var = tk.StringVar() if ( "internal_data" in conf_dict and "hostname" in conf_dict["internal_data"] ): self.ip_var.set(conf_dict["internal_data"]["hostname"]) if hostname: self.ip_var.set(hostname) ttk.Label(ip_frame, text="IP Address:").grid( row=0, column=0, sticky=tk.W, padx=PADX ) self.ip_entry = ttk.Entry(ip_frame, textvariable=self.ip_var) self.ip_entry.grid( row=0, column=1, pady=PADY, padx=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) self.ip_entry.bind("", self.next_ip) ToolTip( self.ip_entry, "Enter the IP address, or press 'Detect Printers'" " (you can also enter part of the IP address" " to speed up the detection)," " or press F2 more times to get the next local IP address," " which can then be edited" " (by removing the last part before pressing 'Detect Printers').", ) # Create a custom style for the button to center the text style = ttk.Style() style.configure("Centered.TButton", justify='center', anchor="center") # [row 1] Container frame for the two LabelFrames Power-off timer and TI Received Time row_n += 1 container_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame, padding=PAD) container_frame.grid( row=row_n, column=0, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) container_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) # Allow column to expand container_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Allow column to expand # BOX Power-off Timer (minutes) po_timer_frame = ttk.LabelFrame( container_frame, text="Power-off Timer (minutes)", padding=PAD ) po_timer_frame.grid( row=0, column=0, pady=PADY, padx=(0, PADX), sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) po_timer_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=0) # Button column on the left po_timer_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Entry column po_timer_frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=0) # Button column on the right # Configure validation command for numeric entry validate_cmd = self.register(self.validate_number_input) # Power-off timer (minutes) - Get Button button_width = 7 self.get_po_minutes = ttk.Button( po_timer_frame, text="Get", width=button_width, command=self.get_po_mins, ) self.get_po_minutes.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.W ) # Power-off timer (minutes) - minutes Entry self.po_timer_var = tk.StringVar() self.po_timer_entry = ttk.Entry( po_timer_frame, textvariable=self.po_timer_var, validate="all", validatecommand=(validate_cmd, "%P"), width=6, justify="center", ) self.po_timer_entry.grid( row=0, column=1, pady=PADY, padx=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) ToolTip( self.po_timer_entry, "Enter a number of minutes.", destroy=False ) # Power-off timer (minutes) - Set Button self.set_po_minutes = ttk.Button( po_timer_frame, text="Set", width=button_width, command=self.set_po_mins, ) self.set_po_minutes.grid( row=0, column=2, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.E ) # BOX TI Received Time (date) ti_received_frame = ttk.LabelFrame( container_frame, text="TI Received Time (date)", padding=PAD ) ti_received_frame.grid( row=0, column=1, pady=PADY, padx=(PADX, 0), sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) ti_received_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=0) # Button column on the left ti_received_frame.columnconfigure(1, weight=1) # Calendar column ti_received_frame.columnconfigure(2, weight=0) # Button column on the right # TI Received Time - Get Button self.get_ti_received = ttk.Button( ti_received_frame, text="Get", width=button_width, command=self.get_ti_date, ) self.get_ti_received.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.W ) # TI Received Time - Calendar Widget self.date_entry = BugFixedDateEntry( ti_received_frame, date_pattern="yyyy-mm-dd" ) self.date_entry.grid( row=0, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) self.date_entry.delete(0, "end") # blank the field removing the current date ToolTip( self.date_entry, "Enter a valid date with format YYYY-MM-DD.", destroy=False ) # TI Received Time - Set Button self.set_ti_received = ttk.Button( ti_received_frame, text="Set", width=button_width, command=self.set_ti_date, ) self.set_ti_received.grid( row=0, column=2, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=tk.E ) # [row 2] Query Buttons row_n += 1 button_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame, padding=PAD) button_frame.grid(row=row_n, column=0, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) button_frame.columnconfigure((0, 1, 2), weight=1) # expand columns # Query Printer Status self.status_button = ttk.Button( button_frame, text="Printer Status", command=self.printer_status, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.status_button.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=PADX, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Query list of cartridge types self.web_interface_button = ttk.Button( button_frame, text="Printer Web interface", command=self.web_interface, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.web_interface_button.grid( row=0, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Query firmware version self.firmware_version_button = ttk.Button( button_frame, text="Firmware version", command=self.firmware_version, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.firmware_version_button.grid( row=0, column=2, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # [row 3] Tweak Buttons row_n += 1 tweak_frame = ttk.Frame(main_frame, padding=PAD) tweak_frame.grid(row=row_n, column=0, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E)) tweak_frame.columnconfigure((0, 1, 2, 3, 4), weight=1) # expand columns # Detect Printers self.detect_button = ttk.Button( tweak_frame, text="Detect\nPrinters", command=self.start_detect_printers, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.detect_button.grid( row=0, column=0, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Detect Access Keys self.detect_access_key_button = ttk.Button( tweak_frame, text="Detect\nAccess Keys", command=self.detect_access_key, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.detect_access_key_button.grid( row=0, column=1, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Read EEPROM self.read_eeprom_button = ttk.Button( tweak_frame, text="Read\nEEPROM", command=self.read_eeprom, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.read_eeprom_button.grid( row=0, column=2, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Write EEPROM self.write_eeprom_button = ttk.Button( tweak_frame, text="Write\nEEPROM", command=self.write_eeprom, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.write_eeprom_button.grid( row=0, column=3, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # Reset Waste Ink Levels self.reset_button = ttk.Button( tweak_frame, text="Reset Waste\nInk Levels", command=self.reset_waste_ink, style="Centered.TButton" ) self.reset_button.grid( row=0, column=4, padx=PADX, pady=PADX, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E) ) # [row 4] Status display (including ScrolledText and Treeview) row_n += 1 status_frame = ttk.LabelFrame(main_frame, text="Status", padding=PAD) status_frame.grid( row=row_n, column=0, pady=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S) ) status_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) status_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # ScrolledText widget self.status_text = ScrolledText( status_frame, wrap=tk.WORD, font=("TkDefaultFont") ) self.status_text.grid( row=0, column=0, pady=PADY, padx=PADY, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S), ) self.status_text.bind("", self.focus_next) self.status_text.bind("", self.focus_previous) self.status_text.bind("", lambda e: "break") # disable editing text self.status_text.bind( "", lambda event: self.copy_to_clipboard(self.status_text), ) # self.status_text.bind("", lambda e: "break") # also disable the mouse # Create a frame to contain the Treeview and its scrollbar self.tree_frame = tk.Frame(status_frame) self.tree_frame.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) self.tree_frame.columnconfigure(0, weight=1) self.tree_frame.rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # Style configuration for the treeview style = ttk.Style(self) treeview_font = style.lookup("Treeview.Heading", "font") # For the treeview, if the treeview_font is a tuple, split into components if isinstance(treeview_font, tuple): treeview_font_name, treeview_font_size = ( treeview_font[0], treeview_font[1], ) else: # If font is not a tuple, it might be a font string or other format. treeview_font_name, treeview_font_size = tkfont.Font().actual( "family" ), tkfont.Font().actual("size") style.configure( "Treeview.Heading", font=(treeview_font_name, treeview_font_size - 4, "bold"), background="lightblue", foreground="darkblue", ) # Create and configure the Treeview widget self.tree = ttk.Treeview(self.tree_frame, style="Treeview") self.tree.grid(column=0, row=0, sticky=(tk.W, tk.E, tk.N, tk.S)) # Create a vertical scrollbar for the Treeview tree_scrollbar = ttk.Scrollbar( self.tree_frame, orient="vertical", command=self.tree.yview ) tree_scrollbar.grid(column=1, row=0, sticky=(tk.N, tk.S)) # Configure the Treeview to use the scrollbar self.tree.configure(yscrollcommand=tree_scrollbar.set) # Create a context menu self.context_menu = Menu(self, tearoff=0) self.context_menu.add_command( label="Copy this item", command=self.copy_selected_item ) self.context_menu.add_command( label="Copy all items", command=self.copy_all_items ) self.context_menu.add_command( label="Print all items", command=self.print_items ) # Bind the right-click event to the Treeview self.tree.bind("", self.show_context_menu) # Hide the Treeview initially self.tree_frame.grid_remove() self.model_var.trace('w', self.change_widget_states) self.ip_var.trace('w', self.change_widget_states) self.change_widget_states() def focus_next(self, event): event.widget.tk_focusNext().focus() return("break") def focus_previous(self, event): event.widget.tk_focusPrev().focus() return("break") def change_widget_states(self, index=None, value=None, op=None): """ Enable or disable buttons when IP address and printer model change """ ToolTip(self.get_ti_received, "") ToolTip(self.get_po_minutes, "") ToolTip(self.read_eeprom_button, "") ToolTip(self.write_eeprom_button, "") ToolTip(self.reset_button, "") if self.ip_var.get(): if not self.model_var.get(): self.reset_button.state(["disabled"]) self.status_button.state(["!disabled"]) self.firmware_version_button.state(["!disabled"]) self.web_interface_button.state(["!disabled"]) self.detect_access_key_button.state(["!disabled"]) self.printer = None else: self.reset_button.state(["disabled"]) self.status_button.state(["disabled"]) self.read_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) self.write_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) self.firmware_version_button.state(["disabled"]) self.web_interface_button.state(["disabled"]) self.detect_access_key_button.state(["disabled"]) if self.ip_var.get() and self.model_var.get(): self.printer = EpsonPrinter( conf_dict=self.conf_dict, replace_conf=self.replace_conf, model=self.model_var.get(), hostname=self.ip_var.get() ) if not self.printer: return if not self.printer.parm: self.reset_printer_model() return self.read_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) ToolTip( self.read_eeprom_button, "Feature not defined in the printer configuration." ) self.write_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) ToolTip( self.write_eeprom_button, "Feature not defined in the printer configuration." ) if self.printer and self.printer.parm: if "read_key" in self.printer.parm: self.read_eeprom_button.state(["!disabled"]) ToolTip(self.read_eeprom_button, "") if "write_key" in self.printer.parm: self.write_eeprom_button.state(["!disabled"]) ToolTip( self.write_eeprom_button, "Ensure you really want this before pressing this key." ) if self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("Power off timer"): self.po_timer_entry.state(["!disabled"]) self.get_po_minutes.state(["!disabled"]) self.set_po_minutes.state(["!disabled"]) ToolTip(self.get_po_minutes, "") else: self.po_timer_entry.state(["disabled"]) self.get_po_minutes.state(["disabled"]) self.set_po_minutes.state(["disabled"]) ToolTip( self.get_po_minutes, "Feature not defined in the printer configuration." ) if self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("First TI received time"): self.date_entry.state(["!disabled"]) self.get_ti_received.state(["!disabled"]) self.set_ti_received.state(["!disabled"]) ToolTip(self.get_ti_received, "") else: self.date_entry.state(["disabled"]) self.get_ti_received.state(["disabled"]) self.set_ti_received.state(["disabled"]) ToolTip( self.get_ti_received, "Feature not defined in the printer configuration." ) if self.printer.reset_waste_ink_levels(dry_run=True): self.reset_button.state(["!disabled"]) ToolTip( self.reset_button, "Ensure you really want this before pressing this key." ) else: self.reset_button.state(["disabled"]) ToolTip( self.reset_button, "Feature not defined in the printer configuration." ) else: self.status_button.state(["disabled"]) self.read_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) self.write_eeprom_button.state(["disabled"]) self.po_timer_entry.state(["disabled"]) self.get_po_minutes.state(["disabled"]) self.set_po_minutes.state(["disabled"]) self.date_entry.state(["disabled"]) self.get_ti_received.state(["disabled"]) self.set_ti_received.state(["disabled"]) self.update_idletasks() def next_ip(self, event): ip = self.ip_var.get() if self.ip_list_cycle == None: self.ip_list = self.printer_scanner.get_all_printers(local=True) self.ip_list_cycle = 0 if not self.ip_list: return self.ip_var.set(self.ip_list[self.ip_list_cycle]) self.ip_list_cycle += 1 if self.ip_list_cycle >= len(self.ip_list): self.ip_list_cycle = None def copy_to_clipboard(self, text_widget): try: text = text_widget.selection_get() pyperclip.copy(text) except tk.TclError: pass return "break" def handle_printer_error(self, e): self.show_status_text_view() if isinstance(e, TimeoutError): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] printer is unreachable or offline.\n" ) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] {e}\n{traceback.format_exc()}\n" ) def get_po_mins(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update() return if not self.printer: return if not self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("Power off timer"): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR]: Missing 'Power off timer' in configuration\n", ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return try: po_timer = self.printer.stats()["stats"]["Power off timer"] self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Power off timer: {po_timer} minutes.\n" ) self.po_timer_var.set(po_timer) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def get_current_eeprom_values(self, values, label): try: org_values = ', '.join( "" if v is None else f"{k}: {int(v, 16)}" for k, v in zip( values, self.printer.read_eeprom_many(values, label=label) ) ) if org_values: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[NOTE] Current EEPROM values for {label}: {org_values}.\n" ) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f'[ERROR] Cannot read EEPROM values for "{label}"' ': invalid printer model selected.\n' ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return False self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return True except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return False def set_po_mins(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if not self.printer: return if not self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("Power off timer"): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR]: Missing 'Power off timer' in configuration\n", ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return po_timer = self.po_timer_var.get() self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() if not po_timer.isnumeric(): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Please Use a valid value for minutes.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return try: if not self.get_current_eeprom_values( self.printer.parm["stats"]["Power off timer"], "Power off timer" ): self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Set Power off timer: {po_timer} minutes.\n" ) response = messagebox.askyesno(*CONFIRM_MESSAGE, default='no') if response: try: self.printer.write_poweroff_timer(int(po_timer)) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[WARNING] Set Power off timer aborted.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def get_ti_date(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if not self.printer: return if not self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("First TI received time"): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR]: Missing 'First TI received time' in configuration\n", ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return try: date_string = datetime.strptime( self.printer.stats( )["stats"]["First TI received time"], "%d %b %Y" ).strftime("%Y-%m-%d") self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] First TI received time (YYYY-MM-DD): {date_string}.\n", ) self.date_entry.set_date(date_string) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def set_ti_date(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if not self.printer: return if not self.printer.parm.get("stats", {}).get("First TI received time"): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR]: Missing 'First TI received time' in configuration\n", ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return date_string = self.date_entry.get_date() try: if not self.get_current_eeprom_values( self.printer.parm["stats"]["First TI received time"], "First TI received time" ): self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Set 'First TI received time' (YYYY-MM-DD) to: " f"{date_string.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}.\n", ) response = messagebox.askyesno(*CONFIRM_MESSAGE, default='no') if response: try: self.printer.write_first_ti_received_time( date_string.year, date_string.month, date_string.day ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[WARNING] Change of 'First TI received time' aborted.\n", ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def validate_number_input(self, new_value): # This function will be called with the new input value if new_value == "" or new_value.isdigit(): return True else: return False def show_status_text_view(self): """Show the status frame and hide the Treeview.""" self.tree_frame.grid_remove() self.status_text.grid() def show_treeview(self): """Show the Treeview and hide the status frame.""" self.status_text.grid_remove() self.tree_frame.grid() def printer_status(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() model = self.model_var.get() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Please enter a valid IP address, or " "press 'Detect Printers'.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return printer = EpsonPrinter( conf_dict=self.conf_dict, replace_conf=self.replace_conf, model=model, hostname=ip_address ) if not printer: return try: self.text_dump = black.format_str( f'"{printer.model}": ' + repr(printer.stats()), mode=self.mode ) self.show_treeview() # Configure tags self.tree.tag_configure("key", foreground="black") self.tree.tag_configure("key_value", foreground="dark blue") self.tree.tag_configure("value", foreground="blue") self.tree.heading("#0", text="Status Information", anchor="w") # Populate the Treeview self.tree.delete(*self.tree.get_children()) self.populate_treeview("", self.tree, printer.stats()) # Expand all nodes self.expand_all(self.tree) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def reset_printer_model(self): self.show_status_text_view() if self.model_var.get(): self.status_text.insert( tk.END, '[ERROR]: Unknown printer model ' f'"{self.model_var.get()}"\n', ) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, '[ERROR]: Select a valid printer model.\n' ) self.config(cursor="") self.update() self.model_var.set("") def printer_config(self, cursor=True): """ Pressing F2 dumps the printer configuration """ model = self.model_var.get() printer = EpsonPrinter( conf_dict=self.conf_dict, replace_conf=self.replace_conf, model=model ) if not printer: return if not printer.parm: self.reset_printer_model() return try: self.text_dump = black.format_str( f'"{printer.model}": ' + repr(printer.parm), mode=self.mode ) self.show_treeview() # Configure tags self.tree.tag_configure("key", foreground="black") self.tree.tag_configure("key_value", foreground="dark blue") self.tree.tag_configure("value", foreground="blue") self.tree.heading("#0", text="Printer parameters", anchor="w") # Populate the Treeview self.tree.delete(*self.tree.get_children()) self.populate_treeview("", self.tree, printer.parm) # Expand all nodes self.expand_all(self.tree) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.update_idletasks() def read_eeprom(self): def parse_list_input(input_str): try: # Remove any character before ":" if not including digits colon_index = input_str.find(':') if colon_index != -1 and not any( char.isdigit() for char in input_str[:colon_index] ): input_str = input_str[colon_index + 1:] # Remove any unwanted characters like brackets, if present input_str = input_str.strip('{}[]()') # Remove trailing ".", if present input_str = input_str.rstrip('.') parts = input_str.split(',') addresses = [] for part in parts: part = part.strip() if '-' in part: # Handle range like '2-10' start, end = map(int, part.split('-')) addresses.extend(range(start, end + 1)) # Generate sequence between start and end else: # Handle individual addresses addresses.append(int(part)) return addresses except ValueError: # Show an error if the input is not valid messagebox.showerror( "Invalid Input for Read EEPROM", "Please enter a valid list of integers." ) return None def get_input(): # Create a popup to accept the list input dialog = MultiLineInputDialog( self, "Read EEPROM values", "Enter a comma-separated list of addresses to\n" "be read (e.g. 22, 23, 59 or [171, 170, 169, 168]).\n" "Use hyphen to represent a range (e.g., 1, 3-10, 13):" ) if dialog.result: addresses = parse_list_input(dialog.result) if addresses: return addresses return None def get_values(addresses): try: values = ', '.join( "" if v is None else f"{k}: {int(v, 16)}" for k, v in zip( addresses, self.printer.read_eeprom_many( addresses, label="read_EEPROM" ) ) ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if values: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] EEPROM values: {values}.\n" ) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f'[ERROR] Cannot read EEPROM values' ': invalid printer model selected.\n' ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return addresses = get_input() if addresses is not None: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() self.after(100, lambda: get_values(addresses)) def detect_access_key(self): def run_detection(): """ Process: - detect the read_key - extract the serial number - use the last character of the serial number to validate the write_key - produce an ordered list of all the known write_key - validate the write_key against any of the known values """ current_log_level = logging.getLogger().getEffectiveLevel() logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.ERROR) if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if not self.printer: self.printer = EpsonPrinter( hostname=self.ip_var.get() ) self.printer.parm = {'read_key': None} # Detect the read_key self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Detecting the read_key...\n" ) self.update_idletasks() read_key = None try: read_key = self.printer.brute_force_read_key() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Detected read_key: {read_key}.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if not read_key: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] Could not detect read_key.\n" ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return # Extract the serial number self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Detecting the serial number...\n" ) self.update_idletasks() last_ser_num_addr = None if not self.printer.parm: self.printer.parm = {'read_key': read_key} if ( 'read_key' not in self.printer.parm or self.printer.parm['read_key'] is None ): self.printer.parm['read_key'] = read_key if self.printer.parm['read_key'] != read_key: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] You selected a model with the wrong read_key " f"{self.printer.parm['read_key']} instead of " f"{read_key}. Using the correct one now.\n" ) self.printer.parm['read_key'] = read_key hex_bytes, matches = self.printer.find_serial_number(range(2048)) if not matches: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] Cannot detect the serial number.\n" ) elif len(matches) != 1: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] More than one pattern appears to be" " a serial number:\n" ) for match in matches: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f'[ERROR] - found pattern "{match.group()}"' f" at address {match.start()}\n" ) else: serial_number = matches[0].group() serial_number_address = matches[0].start() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f'[INFO] Detected serial number "{serial_number}"' f" at address {serial_number_address}.\n" ) last_ser_num_addr = serial_number_address + 9 last_ser_num_value = int(hex_bytes[last_ser_num_addr], 16) if last_ser_num_addr is None: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Could not detect serial number.\n" ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return # Produce an ordered list of all the known write_key write_key_list = self.printer.write_key_list(read_key) # Validate the write_key against any of the known values old_write_key = None if 'write_key' in self.printer.parm: old_write_key = self.printer.parm['write_key'] found_write_key = None valid = False for write_key in write_key_list: self.printer.parm['write_key'] = write_key try: valid = self.printer.validate_write_key( last_ser_num_addr, last_ser_num_value, label="test_write_eeprom" ) assert valid is not None except AssertionError: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Write operation failed. Check whether the" " serial number is changed and restore it manually.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if valid is None: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Operation interrupted with errors.\n" ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return if valid is False: continue found_write_key = write_key self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Detected write_key: {found_write_key}\n" ) if old_write_key and old_write_key != found_write_key: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Found write key is different from" f" the selected one: {old_write_key}\n" ) self.printer.parm['write_key'] = old_write_key # List conforming models rk_kist = [] wk_kist = [] rwk_kist = [] for p, v in self.printer.PRINTER_CONFIG.items(): if not v: continue if v.get("read_key") == read_key: rk_kist.append(p) if v.get("write_key") == found_write_key: wk_kist.append(p) if ( v.get("read_key") == read_key and v.get("write_key") == found_write_key ): rwk_kist.append(p) if rk_kist: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Models with same read_key: {rk_kist}\n" ) if wk_kist: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Models with same write_key: {wk_kist}\n" ) if rwk_kist: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Models with same access keys: {rwk_kist}\n" ) self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[INFO] Detect operation completed.\n" ) break if not found_write_key: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[ERROR] Unable to detect the write key by validating" " against any of the known ones.\n" ) logging.getLogger().setLevel(current_log_level) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() # Confirmation message self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) return response = messagebox.askyesno( "Confirm Action", "Warning: this is a brute force operation, which takes several\n" "minutes to complete.\n\n" "Results will be shown in the status box.\n\n" "Make sure not to switch off the printer while the process" " is running and disable the auto power-off timer.\n\n" "Are you sure you want to proceed?", default='no' ) if response: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Starting the operation, please wait...\n" ) self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() self.after(100, lambda: run_detection()) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[WARNING] Detect access key aborted.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def web_interface(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update() return if not self.printer: return try: ret = webbrowser.open(ip_address) if ret: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] The browser is being opened.\n" ) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] Cannot open browser.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[ERROR] Cannot open web browser: {e}\n" ) finally: self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def firmware_version(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update() return if not self.printer: return try: firmware_version = self.printer.get_firmware_version() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Firmware version: {firmware_version}.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def write_eeprom(self): def parse_dict_input(input_str): try: # Remove any character before ":" if not including digits colon_index = input_str.find(':') if colon_index != -1 and not any( char.isdigit() for char in input_str[:colon_index] ): input_str = input_str[colon_index + 1:] # Remove any unwanted characters like brackets, if present input_str = input_str.strip('{}[]()') # Remove trailing ".", if present input_str = input_str.rstrip('.') parts = input_str.split(',') result_dict = {} for part in parts: part = part.strip() if ':' not in part: raise ValueError() # Handle key: value pairs key, value = map(str.strip, part.split(':', 1)) result_dict[int(key)] = int(value) return result_dict except ValueError: messagebox.showerror( "Invalid input for Write EEPROM", "Please enter a valid comma-separated sequence " "of 'address: value', like 24: 0, 25: 0, 30: 0 " "using decimal numbers." ) return {} def get_input(): # Create a popup to accept the dictionary input dialog = MultiLineInputDialog( self, "Write EEPROM values", "Warning: this is a dangerous operation.\nContinue only " "if you are very sure of what you do.\n\n" "Enter a comma-separated sequence of 'address: value'\n" "(like 24: 0, 25: 0, 30: 0) using decimal numbers:" ) if dialog.result: dict_addr_val = parse_dict_input(dialog.result) if dict_addr_val: return dict_addr_val return None def dialog_write_values(dict_addr_val): try: if not self.get_current_eeprom_values( dict_addr_val.keys(), "the entered addresses" ): self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() response = messagebox.askyesno(*CONFIRM_MESSAGE, default='no') if response: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() self.after(200, lambda: write_eeprom_values(dict_addr_val)) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[WARNING] Write EEPROM aborted.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def write_eeprom_values(dict_addr_val): try: for oid, value in dict_addr_val.items(): if not self.printer.write_eeprom( oid, value, label="write_eeprom" ): return False except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Write EEPROM completed.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) return dict_addr_val = get_input() if dict_addr_val is not None: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Going to write EEPROM: {dict_addr_val}.\n" ) self.after(200, lambda: dialog_write_values(dict_addr_val)) def reset_waste_ink(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.show_status_text_view() ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if ( not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address) or not self.printer or not self.printer.parm or "read_key" not in self.printer.parm or "write_key" not in self.printer.parm ): self.status_text.insert(tk.END, NO_CONF_ERROR) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return try: if "raw_waste_reset" in self.printer.parm: if not self.get_current_eeprom_values( self.printer.parm["raw_waste_reset"].keys(), "Raw waste reset" ): self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return for i in self.printer.parm: if i.endswith("_waste") and "oids" in self.printer.parm[i]: if not self.get_current_eeprom_values( self.printer.parm[i]["oids"], i.replace("_", " ").capitalize() ): self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() return response = messagebox.askyesno(*CONFIRM_MESSAGE, default='no') if not self.printer: return if response: try: self.printer.reset_waste_ink_levels() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[INFO] Waste ink levels have been reset." " Perform a power cycle of the printer now.\n" ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[WARNING] Waste ink levels reset aborted.\n" ) self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def start_detect_printers(self): self.show_status_text_view() self.status_text.insert( tk.END, "[INFO] Detecting printers... (this might take a while)\n" ) # run printer detection in new thread, as it can take a while threading.Thread(target=self.detect_printers_thread).start() def detect_printers_thread(self, cursor=True): if cursor: self.config(cursor="watch") self.update() current_function_name = inspect.stack()[0][3] method_to_call = getattr(self, current_function_name) self.after(100, lambda: method_to_call(cursor=False)) return self.detect_button.config(state=tk.DISABLED) # disable button while processing self.show_status_text_view() try: printers = self.printer_scanner.get_all_printers( self.ip_var.get().strip() ) if len(printers) > 0: if len(printers) == 1: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Found printer '{printers[0]['name']}' " f"at {printers[0]['ip']} " f"(hostname: {printers[0]['hostname']})\n", ) self.ip_var.set(printers[0]["ip"]) for model in get_printer_models(printers[0]["name"]): if model in EpsonPrinter( conf_dict=self.conf_dict, replace_conf=self.replace_conf ).valid_printers: self.model_var.set(model) break if self.model_var.get() == "": self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f'[ERROR] Printer model unknown.\n' ) self.model_var.set("") else: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] Found {len(printers)} printers:\n" ) for printer in printers: self.status_text.insert( tk.END, f"[INFO] {printer['name']} found at {printer['ip']}" f" (hostname: {printer['hostname']})\n", ) else: self.status_text.insert(tk.END, "[WARN] No printers found.\n") except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) finally: self.detect_button.config(state=tk.NORMAL) # enable button after processing self.config(cursor="") self.update_idletasks() def _is_valid_ip(self, ip): try: ip = ipaddress.ip_address(ip) return True except ValueError: return False def is_simple_type(self, data): return isinstance(data, (str, int, float, bool)) def contains_parentheses(self, data): """Check if a string representation contains parentheses.""" if isinstance(data, (list, tuple, set)): for item in data: if isinstance(item, (tuple, list, set)): return True if isinstance(item, str) and ("(" in item or ")" in item): return True return False def populate_treeview(self, parent, treeview, data): if isinstance(data, dict): for key, value in data.items(): if isinstance(value, (dict, list, set, tuple)): node = treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=key, tags=("key",) ) self.populate_treeview(node, treeview, value) else: treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=f"{key}: {value}", tags=("key_value"), ) elif isinstance(data, list): if all( self.is_simple_type(item) for item in data ) and not self.contains_parentheses(data): treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=", ".join(map(str, data)), tags=("value",), ) else: for item in data: if isinstance(item, (dict, list, set, tuple)): self.populate_treeview(parent, treeview, item) else: treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=str(item), tags=("value",) ) elif isinstance(data, set): if not self.contains_parentheses(data): treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=", ".join(map(str, data)), tags=("value",), ) else: for item in data: treeview.insert( parent, "end", text=str(item), tags=("value",) ) elif isinstance(data, tuple): treeview.insert(parent, "end", text=str(data), tags=("value",)) else: treeview.insert(parent, "end", text=str(data), tags=("value",)) def expand_all(self, treeview): def recursive_expand(item): treeview.item(item, open=True) children = treeview.get_children(item) for child in children: recursive_expand(child) root_children = treeview.get_children() for child in root_children: recursive_expand(child) def show_context_menu(self, event): """Show the context menu.""" # Select the item under the cursor item = self.tree.identify_row(event.y) if item: self.tree.selection_set(item) self.context_menu.post(event.x_root, event.y_root) def copy_selected_item(self): """Copy the selected Treeview item text to the clipboard.""" selected_item = self.tree.selection() if selected_item: item_text = self.tree.item(selected_item[0], "text") self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(item_text) def copy_all_items(self): """Copy all items to the clipboard.""" self.clipboard_clear() self.clipboard_append(self.text_dump) def print_items(self): """Send items to the printer.""" exit_packet_mode = b'\x00\x00\x00\x1b\x01@EJL 1284.4\n@EJL \n' initialize_printer = b"\x1B\x40" form_feed = b"\f" self.clipboard_append(self.text_dump) ip_address = self.ip_var.get() if not self._is_valid_ip(ip_address): return try: with socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) as sock: sock.connect((ip_address, 9100)) sock.sendall( exit_packet_mode + initialize_printer + b"Printer configuration\n" + self.text_dump.encode('utf-8') + form_feed ) except Exception as e: self.handle_printer_error(e) def main(): import argparse import pickle parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( epilog='epson_print_conf GUI' ) parser.add_argument( '-m', '--model', dest='model', action="store", help='Printer model. Example: -m XP-205', default=None ) parser.add_argument( '-a', '--address', dest='hostname', action="store", help='Printer host name or IP address. (Example: -a', default=None ) parser.add_argument( '-P', "--pickle", dest='pickle', type=argparse.FileType('rb'), help="Load a pickle configuration archive saved by parse_devices.py", default=None, nargs=1, metavar='PICKLE_FILE' ) parser.add_argument( '-O', "--override", dest='override', action='store_true', help="Replace the default configuration with the one in the pickle " "file instead of merging (default is to merge)", ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--debug', dest='debug', action='store_true', help='Print debug information' ) args = parser.parse_args() if args.debug: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) conf_dict = {} if args.pickle: conf_dict = pickle.load(args.pickle[0]) return EpsonPrinterUI( model=args.model, hostname=args.hostname, conf_dict=conf_dict, replace_conf=args.override ) if __name__ == "__main__": try: main().mainloop() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nInterrupted.") sys.exit(0)