Handle case of multiple ESDs applying to a model by choosing the most recent PostDate

- fixes #4, fixes #5
This commit is contained in:
Timothy Sutton 2013-04-12 17:09:23 -04:00
parent c5ea82bf4a
commit 9d2aad3db3

View file

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import re
import tempfile
import shutil
import optparse
import datetime
from urllib import urlretrieve
from xml.dom import minidom
@ -183,11 +184,6 @@ when running the installer out of 'system32'." % output_dir)
disturl = bc_prod[1]['Distributions']['English']
distfd = urllib2.urlopen(disturl)
dist_data = distfd.read()
# Quick and dirty hack to skip BootCampAutoUnattend we don't yet handle
if re.search('BootCampAutoUnattend', dist_data):
status("BootCampAutoUnattend tag found in %s, skipping because we don't yet handle model-overlapping "
"ESDs properly.." % bc_prod[0])
if re.search(model, dist_data):
pkg_data.append({bc_prod[0]: bc_prod[1]})
model_matches_in_dist = re.findall(re_model, dist_data)
@ -197,14 +193,32 @@ when running the installer out of 'system32'." % output_dir)
status("Distribution supports the following models: %s." % ", ".join(supported_models))
# Ensure we have only one ESD
if len(pkg_data) > 1:
sys.exit("There was more than one SUS pkg available (this should never happen, \
but it's possible if you're using your own SUS and you have both old and current ESDs for \
the same model): %s" % pkg_data.join(", "))
if len(pkg_data) == 0:
sys.exit("Couldn't find a Boot Camp ESD for the model %s in the given software update catalog." % model)
if len(pkg_data) > 1:
# sys.exit("There is more than one ESD product available for this model: %s. "
# "Automically selecting the one with the most recent PostDate.."
# % ", ".join([p.keys()[0] for p in pkg_data]))
print "There is more than one ESD product available for this model:"
# Init latest to be epoch start
latest_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
latest_product = None
for i, p in enumerate(pkg_data):
product = p.keys()[0]
postdate = p[product].get('PostDate')
print "%s: PostDate %s" % (product, postdate)
if postdate > latest_date:
latest_date = postdate
latest_product = product
print "Selecting %s as it's the most recently posted." % latest_product
selected_pkg = None
for p in pkg_data:
if p.keys()[0] == latest_product:
selected_pkg = p
pkg_data = selected_pkg
pkg_data = pkg_data[0]
pkg_data = pkg_data[0]
pkg_id = pkg_data.keys()[0]
pkg_url = pkg_data.values()[0]['Packages'][0]['URL']