'--model' option can now be given multiple times

This commit is contained in:
Timothy Sutton 2013-09-24 20:12:19 -04:00
parent ca5d10895d
commit 845a8d72c3

View file

@ -109,8 +109,10 @@ def main():
scriptdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])) scriptdir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
o = optparse.OptionParser() o = optparse.OptionParser()
o.add_option('-m', '--model', help="System model identifier to use \ o.add_option('-m', '--model', action="append",
(otherwise this machine's model is used).") help="System model identifier to use (otherwise this machine's \
model is used). This can be specified multiple times to download \
multiple models in a single run.")
o.add_option('-i', '--install', action="store_true", o.add_option('-i', '--install', action="store_true",
help="After the installer is downloaded, perform the install automatically. \ help="After the installer is downloaded, perform the install automatically. \
Can be used on Windows only.") Can be used on Windows only.")
@ -148,170 +150,173 @@ when running the installer out of 'system32'." % output_dir)
if opts.install: if opts.install:
status("Ignoring '--model' when '--install' is used. The Boot Camp " status("Ignoring '--model' when '--install' is used. The Boot Camp "
"installer won't allow other models to be installed, anyway.") "installer won't allow other models to be installed, anyway.")
model = opts.model models = opts.model
else: else:
model = getMachineModel() models = [getMachineModel()]
status("Using Mac model '%s'." % model) if len(models) > 1:
status("Using Mac models: %s." % ', '.join(models))
sucatalog_url = SUCATALOG_URL
# check if we defined anything in brigadier.plist
config_plist = None
plist_path = os.path.join(scriptdir, 'brigadier.plist')
if os.path.isfile(plist_path):
config_plist = plistlib.readPlist(plist_path)
status("Config plist was found at %s but it could not be read. \
Verify that it is readable and is an XML formatted plist." % plist_path)
if config_plist:
if 'CatalogURL' in config_plist.keys():
sucatalog_url = config_plist['CatalogURL']
urlfd = urllib2.urlopen(sucatalog_url)
data = urlfd.read()
p = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data)
allprods = p['Products']
# Get all Boot Camp ESD products
bc_prods = []
for (prod_id, prod_data) in allprods.items():
if 'ServerMetadataURL' in prod_data.keys():
bc_match = re.search('BootCamp', prod_data['ServerMetadataURL'])
if bc_match:
bc_prods.append((prod_id, prod_data))
# Find the ESD(s) that applies to our model
pkg_data = []
supported_models = []
re_model = "([a-zA-Z]{4,12}[1-9]{1,2}\,[1-6])"
for bc_prod in bc_prods:
if 'English' in bc_prod[1]['Distributions'].keys():
disturl = bc_prod[1]['Distributions']['English']
distfd = urllib2.urlopen(disturl)
dist_data = distfd.read()
if re.search(model, dist_data):
pkg_data.append({bc_prod[0]: bc_prod[1]})
model_matches_in_dist = re.findall(re_model, dist_data)
for supported_model in model_matches_in_dist:
status("Model supported in package distribution file at %s." % disturl)
status("Distribution supports the following models: %s." % ", ".join(supported_models))
# Ensure we have only one ESD
if len(pkg_data) == 0:
sys.exit("Couldn't find a Boot Camp ESD for the model %s in the given software update catalog." % model)
if len(pkg_data) > 1:
# sys.exit("There is more than one ESD product available for this model: %s. "
# "Automically selecting the one with the most recent PostDate.."
# % ", ".join([p.keys()[0] for p in pkg_data]))
print "There is more than one ESD product available for this model:"
# Init latest to be epoch start
latest_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
latest_product = None
for i, p in enumerate(pkg_data):
product = p.keys()[0]
postdate = p[product].get('PostDate')
print "%s: PostDate %s" % (product, postdate)
if postdate > latest_date:
latest_date = postdate
latest_product = product
print "Selecting %s as it's the most recently posted." % latest_product
selected_pkg = None
for p in pkg_data:
if p.keys()[0] == latest_product:
selected_pkg = p
pkg_data = selected_pkg
else: else:
pkg_data = pkg_data[0] status("Using Mac model: %s." % ', '.join(models))
pkg_id = pkg_data.keys()[0] for model in models:
pkg_url = pkg_data.values()[0]['Packages'][0]['URL'] sucatalog_url = SUCATALOG_URL
# check if we defined anything in brigadier.plist
config_plist = None
plist_path = os.path.join(scriptdir, 'brigadier.plist')
if os.path.isfile(plist_path):
config_plist = plistlib.readPlist(plist_path)
status("Config plist was found at %s but it could not be read. \
Verify that it is readable and is an XML formatted plist." % plist_path)
if config_plist:
if 'CatalogURL' in config_plist.keys():
sucatalog_url = config_plist['CatalogURL']
# make a sub-dir in the output_dir here, named by product
landing_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'BootCamp-' + pkg_id) urlfd = urllib2.urlopen(sucatalog_url)
if os.path.exists(landing_dir): data = urlfd.read()
status("Final output path %s already exists, removing it..." % landing_dir) p = plistlib.readPlistFromString(data)
if platform.system() == 'Windows': allprods = p['Products']
# using rmdir /qs because shutil.rmtree dies on the Doc files with foreign language characters
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', landing_dir]) # Get all Boot Camp ESD products
bc_prods = []
for (prod_id, prod_data) in allprods.items():
if 'ServerMetadataURL' in prod_data.keys():
bc_match = re.search('BootCamp', prod_data['ServerMetadataURL'])
if bc_match:
bc_prods.append((prod_id, prod_data))
# Find the ESD(s) that applies to our model
pkg_data = []
supported_models = []
re_model = "([a-zA-Z]{4,12}[1-9]{1,2}\,[1-6])"
for bc_prod in bc_prods:
if 'English' in bc_prod[1]['Distributions'].keys():
disturl = bc_prod[1]['Distributions']['English']
distfd = urllib2.urlopen(disturl)
dist_data = distfd.read()
if re.search(model, dist_data):
pkg_data.append({bc_prod[0]: bc_prod[1]})
model_matches_in_dist = re.findall(re_model, dist_data)
for supported_model in model_matches_in_dist:
status("Model supported in package distribution file at %s." % disturl)
status("Distribution supports the following models: %s." % ", ".join(supported_models))
# Ensure we have only one ESD
if len(pkg_data) == 0:
sys.exit("Couldn't find a Boot Camp ESD for the model %s in the given software update catalog." % model)
if len(pkg_data) > 1:
# sys.exit("There is more than one ESD product available for this model: %s. "
# "Automically selecting the one with the most recent PostDate.."
# % ", ".join([p.keys()[0] for p in pkg_data]))
print "There is more than one ESD product available for this model:"
# Init latest to be epoch start
latest_date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
latest_product = None
for i, p in enumerate(pkg_data):
product = p.keys()[0]
postdate = p[product].get('PostDate')
print "%s: PostDate %s" % (product, postdate)
if postdate > latest_date:
latest_date = postdate
latest_product = product
print "Selecting %s as it's the most recently posted." % latest_product
selected_pkg = None
for p in pkg_data:
if p.keys()[0] == latest_product:
selected_pkg = p
pkg_data = selected_pkg
else: else:
shutil.rmtree(landing_dir) pkg_data = pkg_data[0]
status("Making directory %s.." % landing_dir) pkg_id = pkg_data.keys()[0]
os.mkdir(landing_dir) pkg_url = pkg_data.values()[0]['Packages'][0]['URL']
arc_workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bootcamp-unpack_") # make a sub-dir in the output_dir here, named by product
pkg_dl_path = os.path.join(arc_workdir, pkg_url.split('/')[-1]) landing_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, 'BootCamp-' + pkg_id)
if os.path.exists(landing_dir):
status("Fetching Boot Camp product at URL %s." % pkg_url) status("Final output path %s already exists, removing it..." % landing_dir)
urlretrieve(pkg_url, filename=pkg_dl_path) if platform.system() == 'Windows':
# using rmdir /qs because shutil.rmtree dies on the Doc files with foreign language characters
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
we_installed_7zip = False
sevenzip_binary = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'] + "\\", 'Program Files', '7-Zip', '7z.exe')
# fetch and install 7-Zip
if not os.path.exists(sevenzip_binary):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
sevenzip_msi_dl_path = os.path.join(tempdir, SEVENZIP_URL.split('/')[-1])
urlretrieve(SEVENZIP_URL, filename=sevenzip_msi_dl_path)
status("Downloaded 7-zip to %s." % sevenzip_msi_dl_path)
status("We need to install 7-Zip..")
retcode = subprocess.call(['msiexec', '/qn', '/i', sevenzip_msi_dl_path])
status("7-Zip install returned exit code %s." % retcode)
we_installed_7zip = True
# BootCamp.pkg (xar) -> Payload (gzip) -> Payload~ (cpio) -> WindowsSupport.dmg
for arc in [pkg_dl_path,
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Payload'),
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Payload~')]:
dmg2iso_path = getDmg2Img()
dmg_extract_cmd = [dmg2iso_path, '-v',
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.dmg'),
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.iso')]
sevenzipExtract(os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.iso'),
if we_installed_7zip:
status("Cleaning up the 7-Zip install...")
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'msiexec', '/qn', '/x', sevenzip_msi_dl_path])
if opts.install:
status("Installing Boot Camp...")
if not opts.keep_files:
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', landing_dir]) subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', landing_dir])
# clean up the temp dir always status("Making directory %s.." % landing_dir)
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', arc_workdir]) os.mkdir(landing_dir)
arc_workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="bootcamp-unpack_")
pkg_dl_path = os.path.join(arc_workdir, pkg_url.split('/')[-1])
status("Fetching Boot Camp product at URL %s." % pkg_url)
urlretrieve(pkg_url, filename=pkg_dl_path)
if platform.system() == 'Windows':
we_installed_7zip = False
sevenzip_binary = os.path.join(os.environ['SYSTEMDRIVE'] + "\\", 'Program Files', '7-Zip', '7z.exe')
# fetch and install 7-Zip
if not os.path.exists(sevenzip_binary):
tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
sevenzip_msi_dl_path = os.path.join(tempdir, SEVENZIP_URL.split('/')[-1])
urlretrieve(SEVENZIP_URL, filename=sevenzip_msi_dl_path)
status("Downloaded 7-zip to %s." % sevenzip_msi_dl_path)
status("We need to install 7-Zip..")
retcode = subprocess.call(['msiexec', '/qn', '/i', sevenzip_msi_dl_path])
status("7-Zip install returned exit code %s." % retcode)
we_installed_7zip = True
# BootCamp.pkg (xar) -> Payload (gzip) -> Payload~ (cpio) -> WindowsSupport.dmg
for arc in [pkg_dl_path,
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Payload'),
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Payload~')]:
dmg2iso_path = getDmg2Img()
dmg_extract_cmd = [dmg2iso_path, '-v',
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.dmg'),
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.iso')]
sevenzipExtract(os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'WindowsSupport.iso'),
if we_installed_7zip:
status("Cleaning up the 7-Zip install...")
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'msiexec', '/qn', '/x', sevenzip_msi_dl_path])
if opts.install:
status("Installing Boot Camp...")
if not opts.keep_files:
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', landing_dir])
# clean up the temp dir always
subprocess.call(['cmd', '/c', 'rmdir', '/q', '/s', arc_workdir])
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
status("Expanding flat package...")
subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/pkgutil', '--expand', pkg_dl_path,
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'pkg')])
status("Extracting Payload...")
subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/tar', '-xz', '-C', arc_workdir, '-f', os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'pkg', 'Payload')])
output_file = os.path.join(landing_dir, 'WindowsSupport.dmg')
shutil.move(os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Library/Application Support/BootCamp/WindowsSupport.dmg'),
status("Extracted to %s." % output_file)
elif platform.system() == 'Darwin': # If we were to also copy out the contents from the .dmg we might do it like this, but if you're doing this
status("Expanding flat package...") # from OS X you probably would rather just burn a disc so we'll stop here..
subprocess.call(['/usr/sbin/pkgutil', '--expand', pkg_dl_path, # mountxml = getCommandOutput(['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'attach',
os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'pkg')]) # os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Library/Application Support/BootCamp/WindowsSupport.dmg'),
status("Extracting Payload...") # '-mountrandom', '/tmp', '-plist', '-nobrowse'])
subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/tar', '-xz', '-C', arc_workdir, '-f', os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'pkg', 'Payload')]) # mountplist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(mountxml)
output_file = os.path.join(landing_dir, 'WindowsSupport.dmg') # mntpoint = mountplist['system-entities'][0]['mount-point']
shutil.move(os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Library/Application Support/BootCamp/WindowsSupport.dmg'), # shutil.copytree(mntpoint, output_dir)
output_file) # subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'eject', mntpoint])
status("Extracted to %s." % output_file) shutil.rmtree(arc_workdir)
# If we were to also copy out the contents from the .dmg we might do it like this, but if you're doing this
# from OS X you probably would rather just burn a disc so we'll stop here..
# mountxml = getCommandOutput(['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'attach',
# os.path.join(arc_workdir, 'Library/Application Support/BootCamp/WindowsSupport.dmg'),
# '-mountrandom', '/tmp', '-plist', '-nobrowse'])
# mountplist = plistlib.readPlistFromString(mountxml)
# mntpoint = mountplist['system-entities'][0]['mount-point']
# shutil.copytree(mntpoint, output_dir)
# subprocess.call(['/usr/bin/hdiutil', 'eject', mntpoint])
status("Done.") status("Done.")