#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from pathlib import Path from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union from clickgen.util import LikePath, PNGProvider from applbuild.constants import * def get_config(bitmaps_dir: LikePath) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return configuration of `macOSBigSur` pointers. :bitmaps_dir: (str | Path) Path to .png file's directory. """ png = PNGProvider(bitmaps_dir) config: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, item in X_CURSORS_CFG.items(): x_hot: int = item.get("x_hot", 0) y_hot: int = item.get("y_hot", 0) hotspot: Tuple[int, int] = (x_hot, y_hot) delay: int = item.get("delay", X_DELAY) p: Union[List[Path], Path] = png.get(key) data = { "png": p, "hotspot": hotspot, "delay": delay, } win_data = WIN_CURSORS_CFG.get(key) if win_data: win_key = win_data.get("to") position = win_data.get("position", "center") canvas_size: Tuple[int, int] = win_data.get("canvas_size", CANVAS_SIZE) size: Tuple[int, int] = win_data.get("size", SIZE) win_delay: int = win_data.get("delay", WIN_DELAY) config[key] = { **data, "win_key": win_key, "position": position, "canvas_size": canvas_size, "size": size, "win_delay": win_delay, } else: config[key] = data return config