[b]macOS Big Sur[/b] Cursor Theme with [b]HiDPi[/b] Display support. This Cursor is built with [b][url=https://github.com/ful1e5/clickgen]clickgen[/url][/b] and render with the [b][url=https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/]puppeteer[/url][/b]. [i]Available Sizes[/i] [b]22, 24, 28, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 72, 80, 88, 96[/b] [i]Get latest build[/i] @[b][url=https://github.com/ful1e5/apple_cursor/actions]GitHub Actions[/url][/b] [i]Release Notification[/i] at [b][url=https://twitter.com/ful1e5]Twitter[/url][/b](@ful1e5) [b]Linux/X11 installation[/b] Get the latest stable Linux release from the [b][url=https://www.pling.com/p/1408466/#files-panel]Pling[/url][/b]. Unpack [b].tar.gz[/b] file and follow these [b]commands[/b]. [b]Install[/b] [b]For all user:[/b] [code]sudo mv macOSBigSur /usr/share/icons[/code] [b]For local user:[/b] [code]mv macOSBigSur ~/.icons[/code] [b]Uninstall[/b] [b]From all user:[/b] [code]sudo rm -r /usr/share/icons/macOSBigSur[/code] [b]From local user:[/b] [code]rm -r ~/.icons/macOSBigSur[/code] [b]Window installation[/b] [list=1] [*]unzip [b]macOSBigSur_Windows.zip[/b] file[/*] [*]Open [b]macOSBigSur_Windows/[/b] in Explorer, and [b]right-click[/b] on [b]install.inf[/b].[/*] [*]Click 'Install' from the context menu, and authorise the modifications to your system.[/*] [*]Open [i]Control Panel > Personalisation and Appearance > Change mouse pointers[/i], and select [b]MacOSBigSur Cursors[/b].[/*] [*]Click '[b]Apply[/b]'.[/*] [/list] [b]How I help the Creator?[/b] [list=2] [*]Give a [b]Star[/b] or [b]Follow[/b] on [b][url=https://github.com/ful1e5/apple_cursor]GitHub[/url][/b] (issues & PullRequest are welcome).[/*] [*]By giving a [b]Pling[/b] or [b][url=https://www.paypal.me/kaizkhatri]Donation[/url][/b].[/*] [*][b]Download[/b] from[url=https://www.pling.com/p/1408466/] Pling.com[/url] Product page that helps to [b]increases[/b] my [b]monthly payout[/b].[/*] [*][b][url=https://www.pling.com/support]Become Supporter of Pling.com[/url][/b], So we become [b]Full-Time [/b]Libre & FOSS content creator [b];)[/b][/*] [/list] [b]License & Terms[/b] '[b]macOS Big Sur[/b]' Cursor Theme is available under the terms of the [b]GPL-3.0[/b] license.