#!/bin/sh size=1024 fstype=ext4 label=casper-rw config='' outputfile=persistence.dat print_usage() { echo 'Usage: CreatePersistentImg.sh [ -s size ] [ -t fstype ] [ -l LABEL ] [ -c CFG ]' echo ' OPTION: (optional)' echo ' -s size in MB, default is 1024' echo ' -t filesystem type, default is ext4 ext2/ext3/ext4/xfs are supported now' echo ' -l label, default is casper-rw' echo ' -c configfile name inside the persistence file. File content is "/ union"' echo ' -o outputfile name, default is persistence.dat' echo '' } while [ -n "$1" ]; do if [ "$1" = "-s" ]; then shift size=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-t" ]; then shift fstype=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-l" ]; then shift label=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-c" ]; then shift config=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-o" ]; then shift outputfile=$1 elif [ "$1" = "-h" ] || [ "$1" = "--help" ]; then print_usage exit 0 else print_usage exit 1 fi shift done # check label if [ -z "$label" ]; then echo "The label can NOT be empty." exit 1 fi # check size if echo $size | grep -q "^[0-9][0-9]*$"; then if [ $size -le 1 ]; then echo "Invalid size $size" exit 1 fi else echo "Invalid size $size" exit 1 fi # check file system type # nodiscard must be set for ext2/3/4 # -K must be set for xfs if echo $fstype | grep -q '^ext[234]$'; then fsopt='-E nodiscard' elif [ "$fstype" = "xfs" ]; then fsopt='-K' else echo "unsupported file system $fstype" exit 1 fi if [ "$outputdir" != "persistence.dat" ]; then mkdir -p "$(dirname "$outputfile")" fi # 00->ff avoid sparse file dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=$size | tr '\000' '\377' > "$outputfile" sync freeloop=$(losetup -f) losetup $freeloop "$outputfile" mkfs -t $fstype $fsopt -L $label $freeloop sync if [ -n "$config" ]; then if [ -d ./persist_tmp_mnt ]; then rm -rf ./persist_tmp_mnt fi mkdir ./persist_tmp_mnt if mount $freeloop ./persist_tmp_mnt; then echo '/ union' > ./persist_tmp_mnt/$config sync umount ./persist_tmp_mnt fi rm -rf ./persist_tmp_mnt fi losetup -d $freeloop