2017-07-22 21:43:20 +03:00

1823 lines
80 KiB

/* nvramparser.cpp
Copyright (c) 2016, Nikolaj Schlej. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <map>
#include "nvramparser.h"
#include "parsingdata.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "nvram.h"
#include "ffs.h"
#include "fit.h"
USTATUS NvramParser::parseNvarStore(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Obtain required information from parent file
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
UModelIndex parentFileIndex = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::File);
if (parentFileIndex.isValid() && model->hasEmptyParsingData(parentFileIndex) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(parentFileIndex);
const FILE_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const FILE_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
// Rename parent file
model->setText(parentFileIndex, UString("NVAR store"));
// Get local offset
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
const UByteArray data = model->body(index);
// Parse all entries
UINT32 offset = 0;
UINT32 guidsInStore = 0;
while (1) {
bool msgUnknownExtDataFormat = false;
bool msgExtHeaderTooLong = false;
bool msgExtDataTooShort = false;
bool isInvalid = false;
bool isInvalidLink = false;
bool hasExtendedHeader = false;
bool hasChecksum = false;
bool hasTimestamp = false;
bool hasHash = false;
bool hasGuidIndex = false;
UINT32 guidIndex = 0;
UINT8 storedChecksum = 0;
UINT8 calculatedChecksum = 0;
UINT32 extendedHeaderSize = 0;
UINT8 extendedAttributes = 0;
UINT64 timestamp = 0;
UByteArray hash;
UINT8 subtype = Subtypes::FullNvarEntry;
UString name;
UString guid;
UString text;
UByteArray header;
UByteArray body;
UByteArray tail;
UINT32 guidAreaSize = guidsInStore * sizeof(EFI_GUID);
UINT32 unparsedSize = (UINT32)data.size() - offset - guidAreaSize;
// Get entry header
const NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER* entryHeader = (const NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER*)(data.constData() + offset);
// Check header size and signature
if (unparsedSize < sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER) ||
entryHeader->Signature != NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_SIGNATURE ||
unparsedSize < entryHeader->Size) {
// Check if the data left is a free space or a padding
UByteArray padding = data.mid(offset, unparsedSize);
// Get info
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
if ((UINT32)padding.count(emptyByte) == unparsedSize) { // Free space
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
else {
// Nothing is parsed yet, but the file is not empty
if (!offset) {
msg(UString("parseNvarStore: file can't be parsed as NVAR variables store"), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Add GUID store area
UByteArray guidArea = data.right(guidAreaSize);
// Get info
name = UString("GUID store");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nGUIDs in store: %u",
guidArea.size(), guidArea.size(),
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset + padding.size(), Types::Padding, getPaddingType(guidArea), name, UString(), info, UByteArray(), guidArea, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Contruct generic header and body
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER));
body = data.mid(offset + sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER), entryHeader->Size - sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER));
UINT32 lastVariableFlag = emptyByte ? 0xFFFFFF : 0;
// Set default next to predefined last value
pdata.emptyByte = emptyByte;
pdata.next = lastVariableFlag;
// Entry is marked as invalid
if ((entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_VALID) == 0) { // Valid attribute is not set
isInvalid = true;
// Do not parse further
goto parsing_done;
// Add next node information to parsing data
if (entryHeader->Next != lastVariableFlag) {
subtype = Subtypes::LinkNvarEntry;
pdata.next = entryHeader->Next;
// Entry with extended header
if (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_EXT_HEADER) {
hasExtendedHeader = true;
msgUnknownExtDataFormat = true;
extendedHeaderSize = *(UINT16*)(body.constData() + body.size() - sizeof(UINT16));
if (extendedHeaderSize > (UINT32)body.size()) {
msgExtHeaderTooLong = true;
isInvalid = true;
// Do not parse further
goto parsing_done;
extendedAttributes = *(UINT8*)(body.constData() + body.size() - extendedHeaderSize);
// Variable with checksum
if (extendedAttributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_EXT_CHECKSUM) {
// Get stored checksum
storedChecksum = *(UINT8*)(body.constData() + body.size() - sizeof(UINT16) - sizeof(UINT8));
// Recalculate checksum for the variable
calculatedChecksum = 0;
// Include entry data
UINT8* start = (UINT8*)(entryHeader + 1);
for (UINT8* p = start; p < start + entryHeader->Size - sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER); p++) {
calculatedChecksum += *p;
// Include entry size and flags
start = (UINT8*)&entryHeader->Size;
for (UINT8*p = start; p < start + sizeof(UINT16); p++) {
calculatedChecksum += *p;
// Include entry attributes
calculatedChecksum += entryHeader->Attributes;
hasChecksum = true;
msgUnknownExtDataFormat = false;
tail = body.mid(body.size() - extendedHeaderSize);
body = body.left(body.size() - extendedHeaderSize);
// Entry with authenticated write (for SecureBoot)
if (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_AUTH_WRITE) {
if ((entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_DATA_ONLY)) {// Data only auth. variables has no hash
if ((UINT32)tail.size() < sizeof(UINT64)) {
msgExtDataTooShort = true;
isInvalid = true;
// Do not parse further
goto parsing_done;
timestamp = *(UINT64*)(tail.constData() + sizeof(UINT8));
hasTimestamp = true;
msgUnknownExtDataFormat = false;
else { // Full or link variable have hash
if ((UINT32)tail.size() < sizeof(UINT64) + SHA256_HASH_SIZE) {
msgExtDataTooShort = true;
isInvalid = true;
// Do not parse further
goto parsing_done;
timestamp = *(UINT64*)(tail.constData() + sizeof(UINT8));
hash = tail.mid(sizeof(UINT64) + sizeof(UINT8), SHA256_HASH_SIZE);
hasTimestamp = true;
hasHash = true;
msgUnknownExtDataFormat = false;
// Entry is data-only (nameless and GUIDless entry or link)
if (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_DATA_ONLY) { // Data-only attribute is set
isInvalidLink = true;
UModelIndex nvarIndex;
// Search prevously added entries for a link to this variable
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) {
nvarIndex = index.child(i, 0);
if (model->hasEmptyParsingData(nvarIndex) == false) {
UByteArray nvarData = model->parsingData(nvarIndex);
const NVAR_ENTRY_PARSING_DATA* nvarPdata = (const NVAR_ENTRY_PARSING_DATA*)nvarData.constData();
if (nvarPdata->isValid && nvarPdata->next + model->offset(nvarIndex) - localOffset == offset) { // Previous link is present and valid
isInvalidLink = false;
// Check if the link is valid
if (!isInvalidLink) {
// Use the name and text of the previous link
name = model->name(nvarIndex);
text = model->text(nvarIndex);
if (entryHeader->Next == lastVariableFlag)
subtype = Subtypes::DataNvarEntry;
//isDataOnly = true;
// Do not parse further
goto parsing_done;
// Get entry name
UINT32 nameOffset = (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_GUID) ? sizeof(EFI_GUID) : sizeof(UINT8); // GUID can be stored with the variable or in a separate store, so there will only be an index of it
CHAR8* namePtr = (CHAR8*)(entryHeader + 1) + nameOffset;
UINT32 nameSize = 0;
if (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_ASCII_NAME) { // Name is stored as ASCII string of CHAR8s
text = UString(namePtr);
nameSize = text.length() + 1;
else { // Name is stored as UCS2 string of CHAR16s
text = UString::fromUtf16((CHAR16*)namePtr);
nameSize = (text.length() + 1) * 2;
// Get entry GUID
if (entryHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_GUID) { // GUID is strored in the variable itself
name = guidToUString(*(EFI_GUID*)(entryHeader + 1));
guid = guidToUString(*(EFI_GUID*)(entryHeader + 1), false);
// GUID is stored in GUID list at the end of the store
else {
guidIndex = *(UINT8*)(entryHeader + 1);
if (guidsInStore < guidIndex + 1)
guidsInStore = guidIndex + 1;
// The list begins at the end of the store and goes backwards
const EFI_GUID* guidPtr = (const EFI_GUID*)(data.constData() + data.size()) - 1 - guidIndex;
name = guidToUString(*guidPtr);
guid = guidToUString(*guidPtr, false);
hasGuidIndex = true;
// Include name and GUID into the header and remove them from body
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER) + nameOffset + nameSize);
body = body.mid(nameOffset + nameSize);
UString info;
// Rename invalid entries according to their types
pdata.isValid = TRUE;
if (isInvalid) {
name = UString("Invalid");
subtype = Subtypes::InvalidNvarEntry;
pdata.isValid = FALSE;
else if (isInvalidLink) {
name = UString("Invalid link");
subtype = Subtypes::InvalidLinkNvarEntry;
pdata.isValid = FALSE;
else // Add GUID info for valid entries
info += UString("Variable GUID: ") + guid + UString("\n");
// Add GUID index information
if (hasGuidIndex)
info += usprintf("GUID index: %u\n", guidIndex);
// Add header, body and extended data info
info += usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)",
entryHeader->Size, entryHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size());
// Add attributes info
info += usprintf("\nAttributes: %02Xh", entryHeader->Attributes);
// Translate attributes to text
if (entryHeader->Attributes && entryHeader->Attributes != 0xFF)
info += UString(" (") + nvarAttributesToUString(entryHeader->Attributes) + UString(")");
// Add next node info
if (!isInvalid && entryHeader->Next != lastVariableFlag)
info += usprintf("\nNext node at offset: %Xh", localOffset + offset + entryHeader->Next);
// Add extended header info
if (hasExtendedHeader) {
info += usprintf("\nExtended header size: %Xh (%u)\nExtended attributes: %Xh (",
extendedHeaderSize, extendedHeaderSize,
extendedAttributes) + nvarExtendedAttributesToUString(extendedAttributes) + UString(")");
// Add checksum
if (hasChecksum)
info += usprintf("\nChecksum: %02Xh", storedChecksum) +
(calculatedChecksum ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %02Xh", 0x100 - calculatedChecksum) : UString(", valid"));
// Add timestamp
if (hasTimestamp)
info += usprintf("\nTimestamp: %" PRIX64 "h", timestamp);
// Add hash
if (hasHash)
info += UString("\nHash: ") + UString(hash.toHex().constData());
// Add tree item
UModelIndex varIndex = model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::NvarEntry, subtype, name, text, info, header, body, tail, Movable, index);
// Set parsing data for created entry
model->setParsingData(varIndex, UByteArray((const char*)&pdata, sizeof(pdata)));
// Show messages
if (msgUnknownExtDataFormat) msg(UString("parseNvarStore: unknown extended data format"), varIndex);
if (msgExtHeaderTooLong) msg(usprintf("parseNvarStore: extended header size (%Xh) is greater than body size (%Xh)",
extendedHeaderSize, body.size()), varIndex);
if (msgExtDataTooShort) msg(usprintf("parseNvarStore: extended header size (%Xh) is too small for timestamp and hash",
tail.size()), varIndex);
// Try parsing the entry data as NVAR storage if it begins with NVAR signature
if ((subtype == Subtypes::DataNvarEntry || subtype == Subtypes::FullNvarEntry)
&& *(const UINT32*)body.constData() == NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_SIGNATURE)
// Move to next exntry
offset += entryHeader->Size;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseNvramVolumeBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Obtain required fields from parsing data
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
if (model->hasEmptyParsingData(index) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(index);
const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
// Get local offset
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
UByteArray data = model->body(index);
// Search for first store
USTATUS result;
UINT32 prevStoreOffset;
result = findNextStore(index, data, localOffset, 0, prevStoreOffset);
if (result)
return result;
// First store is not at the beginning of volume body
UString name;
UString info;
if (prevStoreOffset > 0) {
// Get info
UByteArray padding = data.left(prevStoreOffset);
name = UString("Padding");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), name, UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Search for and parse all stores
UINT32 storeOffset = prevStoreOffset;
UINT32 prevStoreSize = 0;
while (!result) {
// Padding between stores
if (storeOffset > prevStoreOffset + prevStoreSize) {
UINT32 paddingOffset = prevStoreOffset + prevStoreSize;
UINT32 paddingSize = storeOffset - paddingOffset;
UByteArray padding = data.mid(paddingOffset, paddingSize);
// Get info
name = UString("Padding");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + paddingOffset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), name, UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Get store size
UINT32 storeSize = 0;
result = getStoreSize(data, storeOffset, storeSize);
if (result) {
msg(UString("parseNvramVolumeBody: getStoreSize failed with error ") + errorCodeToUString(result), index);
return result;
// Check that current store is fully present in input
if (storeSize > (UINT32)data.size() || storeOffset + storeSize > (UINT32)data.size()) {
// Mark the rest as padding and finish parsing
UByteArray padding = data.mid(storeOffset);
// Get info
name = UString("Padding");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
// Add tree item
UModelIndex paddingIndex = model->addItem(localOffset + storeOffset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), name, UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
msg(UString("parseNvramVolumeBody: one of stores inside overlaps the end of data"), paddingIndex);
// Update variables
prevStoreOffset = storeOffset;
prevStoreSize = padding.size();
// Parse current store header
UModelIndex storeIndex;
UByteArray store = data.mid(storeOffset, storeSize);
result = parseStoreHeader(store, localOffset + storeOffset, index, storeIndex);
if (result)
msg(UString("parseNvramVolumeBody: store header parsing failed with error ") + errorCodeToUString(result), index);
// Go to next store
prevStoreOffset = storeOffset;
prevStoreSize = storeSize;
result = findNextStore(index, data, localOffset, storeOffset + prevStoreSize, storeOffset);
// Padding/free space at the end
storeOffset = prevStoreOffset + prevStoreSize;
if ((UINT32)data.size() > storeOffset) {
UByteArray padding = data.mid(storeOffset);
// Add info
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
if (padding.count(emptyByte) == padding.size()) { // Free space
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + storeOffset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
else {
// Nothing is parsed yet, but the file is not empty
if (!storeOffset) {
msg(UString("parseNvramVolumeBody: can't be parsed as NVRAM volume"), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + storeOffset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Parse bodies
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) {
UModelIndex current = index.child(i, 0);
switch (model->type(current)) {
case Types::VssStore:
case Types::FdcStore: parseVssStoreBody(current); break;
case Types::FsysStore: parseFsysStoreBody(current); break;
case Types::EvsaStore: parseEvsaStoreBody(current); break;
case Types::FlashMapStore: parseFlashMapBody(current); break;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::findNextStore(const UModelIndex & index, const UByteArray & volume, const UINT32 localOffset, const UINT32 storeOffset, UINT32 & nextStoreOffset)
UINT32 dataSize = volume.size();
if (dataSize < sizeof(UINT32))
UINT32 offset = storeOffset;
for (; offset < dataSize - sizeof(UINT32); offset++) {
const UINT32* currentPos = (const UINT32*)(volume.constData() + offset);
if (*currentPos == NVRAM_VSS_STORE_SIGNATURE || *currentPos == NVRAM_APPLE_SVS_STORE_SIGNATURE) { //$VSS or $SVS signatures found, perform checks
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: VSS store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid format %02Xh", localOffset + offset, vssHeader->Format), index);
if (vssHeader->Size == 0 || vssHeader->Size == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: VSS store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid size %Xh", localOffset + offset, vssHeader->Size), index);
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_FDC_VOLUME_SIGNATURE) { //FDC signature found
const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER* fdcHeader = (const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER*)currentPos;
if (fdcHeader->Size == 0 || fdcHeader->Size == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: FDC store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid size %Xh", localOffset + offset, fdcHeader->Size), index);
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_APPLE_FSYS_STORE_SIGNATURE || *currentPos == NVRAM_APPLE_GAID_STORE_SIGNATURE) { //Fsys or Gaid signature found
const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER* fsysHeader = (const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER*)currentPos;
if (fsysHeader->Size == 0 || fsysHeader->Size == 0xFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: Fsys store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid size %Xh", localOffset + offset, fsysHeader->Size), index);
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_EVSA_STORE_SIGNATURE) { //EVSA signature found
if (offset < sizeof(UINT32))
const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY* evsaHeader = (const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY*)(currentPos - 1);
if (evsaHeader->Header.Type != NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_STORE) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: EVSA store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid type %02Xh", localOffset + offset - 4, evsaHeader->Header.Type), index);
if (evsaHeader->StoreSize == 0 || evsaHeader->StoreSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: EVSA store candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid size %Xh", localOffset + offset, evsaHeader->StoreSize), index);
// All checks passed, store found
offset -= sizeof(UINT32);
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_MAIN_STORE_VOLUME_GUID_DATA1 || *currentPos == EDKII_WORKING_BLOCK_SIGNATURE_GUID_DATA1) { //Possible FTW block signature found
UByteArray guid = UByteArray(volume.constData() + offset, sizeof(EFI_GUID));
if (guid != NVRAM_MAIN_STORE_VOLUME_GUID && guid != EDKII_WORKING_BLOCK_SIGNATURE_GUID) // Check the whole signature
// Detect header variant based on WriteQueueSize
if (ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize % 0x10 == 0x04) { // Header with 32 bit WriteQueueSize
if (ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize == 0 || ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize == 0xFFFFFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: FTW block candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid body size %Xh", localOffset + offset, ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize), index);
else if (ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize % 0x10 == 0x00) { // Header with 64 bit WriteQueueSize
if (ftw64Header->WriteQueueSize == 0 || ftw64Header->WriteQueueSize >= 0xFFFFFFFF) {
msg(usprintf("findNextStore: FTW block candidate at offset %Xh skipped, has invalid body size %Xh", localOffset + offset, ftw64Header->WriteQueueSize), index);
else // Unknown header
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_SIGNATURE_PART1) {// Phoenix SCT flash map
UByteArray signature = UByteArray(volume.constData() + offset, NVRAM_PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_SIGNATURE_LENGTH);
if (signature != NVRAM_PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_SIGNATURE) // Check the whole signature
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == NVRAM_PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER_SIGNATURE) { // Phoenix SCT CMDB store
const PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER* cmdbHeader = (const PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER*)currentPos;
// Check size
if (cmdbHeader->HeaderSize != sizeof(PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER))
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER_VERSION) {// Intel microcode
if (!INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER_SIZES_VALID(currentPos)) // Check header sizes
// Check reserved bytes
const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER* ucodeHeader = (const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER*)currentPos;
bool reservedBytesValid = true;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < sizeof(ucodeHeader->Reserved); i++)
if (ucodeHeader->Reserved[i] != INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER_RESERVED_BYTE) {
reservedBytesValid = false;
if (!reservedBytesValid)
// All checks passed, store found
else if (*currentPos == OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY_MAGIC) { // SLIC pubkey
if (offset < 4 * sizeof(UINT32))
const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY* pubkeyHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY*)(currentPos - 4);
// Check type
if (pubkeyHeader->Type != OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY_TYPE)
// All checks passed, store found
offset -= 4 * sizeof(UINT32);
else if (*currentPos == OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER_WINDOWS_FLAG_PART1) { // SLIC marker
if (offset >= dataSize - sizeof(UINT64) ||
offset < 26) // Check full windows flag and structure size
const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER* markerHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER*)(volume.constData() + offset - 26);
// Check reserved bytes
bool reservedBytesValid = true;
for (UINT32 i = 0; i < sizeof(markerHeader->Reserved); i++)
if (markerHeader->Reserved[i] != OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER_RESERVED_BYTE) {
reservedBytesValid = false;
if (!reservedBytesValid)
// All checks passed, store found
offset -= 26;
// No more stores found
if (offset >= dataSize - sizeof(UINT32))
nextStoreOffset = offset;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::getStoreSize(const UByteArray & data, const UINT32 storeOffset, UINT32 & storeSize)
const UINT32* signature = (const UINT32*)(data.constData() + storeOffset);
storeSize = vssHeader->Size;
else if (*signature == NVRAM_FDC_VOLUME_SIGNATURE) {
const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER* fdcHeader = (const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER*)signature;
storeSize = fdcHeader->Size;
const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER* fsysHeader = (const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER*)signature;
storeSize = fsysHeader->Size;
else if (*(signature + 1) == NVRAM_EVSA_STORE_SIGNATURE) {
const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY* evsaHeader = (const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY*)signature;
storeSize = evsaHeader->StoreSize;
if (ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize % 0x10 == 0x04) { // Header with 32 bit WriteQueueSize
storeSize = sizeof(EFI_FAULT_TOLERANT_WORKING_BLOCK_HEADER32) + ftwHeader->WriteQueueSize;
else { // Header with 64 bit WriteQueueSize
storeSize = sizeof(EFI_FAULT_TOLERANT_WORKING_BLOCK_HEADER64) + (UINT32)ftw64Header->WriteQueueSize;
else if (*signature == NVRAM_PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_SIGNATURE_PART1) { // Phoenix SCT flash map
const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER* flashMapHeader = (const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER*)signature;
storeSize = sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER) + sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY) * flashMapHeader->NumEntries;
else if (*signature == NVRAM_PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER_SIGNATURE) { // Phoenix SCT CMDB store
storeSize = NVRAM_PHOENIX_CMDB_SIZE; // It's a predefined max size, no need to calculate
else if (*(signature + 4) == OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY_MAGIC) { // SLIC pubkey
const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY* pubkeyHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY*)signature;
storeSize = pubkeyHeader->Size;
else if (*(const UINT64*)(data.constData() + storeOffset + 26) == OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER_WINDOWS_FLAG) { // SLIC marker
const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER* markerHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER*)signature;
storeSize = markerHeader->Size;
else if (*signature == INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER_VERSION) { // Intel microcode, must be checked after SLIC marker because of the same *signature values
const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER* ucodeHeader = (const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER*)signature;
storeSize = ucodeHeader->TotalSize;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseVssStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseVssStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for VSS store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get VSS store header
const VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER* vssStoreHeader = (const VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < vssStoreHeader->Size) {
msg(usprintf("parseVssStoreHeader: VSS store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
vssStoreHeader->Size, vssStoreHeader->Size,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER));
UByteArray body = store.mid(sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER), vssStoreHeader->Size - sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER));
// Add info
bool isSvsStore = (vssStoreHeader->Signature == NVRAM_APPLE_SVS_STORE_SIGNATURE);
UString name = isSvsStore ? UString("SVS store") : UString("VSS store");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: %s\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nFormat: %02Xh\nState: %02Xh\nUnknown: %04Xh",
isSvsStore ? "$SVS" : "$VSS",
vssStoreHeader->Size, vssStoreHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::VssStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFtwStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check store size
msg(UString("parseFtwStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for FTW store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Obtain required information from parent volume
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
UModelIndex parentVolumeIndex = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::Volume);
if (parentVolumeIndex.isValid() && model->hasEmptyParsingData(parentVolumeIndex) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(parentVolumeIndex);
const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
// Get FTW block headers
// Check store size
UINT32 ftwBlockSize;
bool has32bitHeader;
if (ftw32BlockHeader->WriteQueueSize % 0x10 == 0x04) { // Header with 32 bit WriteQueueSize
ftwBlockSize = sizeof(EFI_FAULT_TOLERANT_WORKING_BLOCK_HEADER32) + ftw32BlockHeader->WriteQueueSize;
has32bitHeader = true;
else { // Header with 64 bit WriteQueueSize
ftwBlockSize = sizeof(EFI_FAULT_TOLERANT_WORKING_BLOCK_HEADER64) + (UINT32)ftw64BlockHeader->WriteQueueSize;
has32bitHeader = false;
if (dataSize < ftwBlockSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseFtwStoreHeader: FTW store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
ftwBlockSize, ftwBlockSize,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(headerSize);
UByteArray body = store.mid(headerSize, ftwBlockSize - headerSize);
// Check block header checksum
UByteArray crcHeader = header;
crcFtwBlockHeader->Crc = emptyByte ? 0xFFFFFFFF : 0;
crcFtwBlockHeader->State = emptyByte ? 0xFF : 0;
UINT32 calculatedCrc = crc32(0, (const UINT8*)crcFtwBlockHeader, headerSize);
// Add info
UString name("FTW store");
UString info = UString("Signature: ") + guidToUString(ftw32BlockHeader->Signature, false) +
usprintf("\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nState: %02Xh\nHeader CRC32: %08Xh",
ftwBlockSize, ftwBlockSize,
headerSize, headerSize,
body.size(), body.size(),
ftw32BlockHeader->Crc) +
(ftw32BlockHeader->Crc != calculatedCrc ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %08Xh", calculatedCrc) : UString(", valid"));
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::FtwStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFdcStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < sizeof(FDC_VOLUME_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseFdcStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for FDC store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get Fdc store header
const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER* fdcStoreHeader = (const FDC_VOLUME_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < fdcStoreHeader->Size) {
msg(usprintf("parseFdcStoreHeader: FDC store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
fdcStoreHeader->Size, fdcStoreHeader->Size,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Determine internal volume header size
const EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER* volumeHeader = (const EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_HEADER*)(fdcStoreHeader + 1);
UINT32 headerSize;
if (volumeHeader->Revision > 1 && volumeHeader->ExtHeaderOffset) {
const EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER* extendedHeader = (const EFI_FIRMWARE_VOLUME_EXT_HEADER*)((const UINT8*)volumeHeader + volumeHeader->ExtHeaderOffset);
headerSize = volumeHeader->ExtHeaderOffset + extendedHeader->ExtHeaderSize;
headerSize = volumeHeader->HeaderLength;
// Extended header end can be unaligned
headerSize = ALIGN8(headerSize);
// Add VSS store header
headerSize += sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_STORE_HEADER);
// Add FDC header
headerSize += sizeof(FDC_VOLUME_HEADER);
// Check sanity of combined header size
if (dataSize < headerSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseFdcStoreHeader: FDC store header size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(headerSize);
UByteArray body = store.mid(headerSize, fdcStoreHeader->Size - headerSize);
// Add info
UString name("FDC store");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: _FDC\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)",
fdcStoreHeader->Size, fdcStoreHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size());
// TODO: add internal headers info
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::FdcStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFsysStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < sizeof(APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseFsysStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for Fsys store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get Fsys store header
const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER* fsysStoreHeader = (const APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < fsysStoreHeader->Size) {
msg(usprintf("parseFsysStoreHeader: Fsys store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
fsysStoreHeader->Size, fsysStoreHeader->Size,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER));
UByteArray body = store.mid(sizeof(APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER), fsysStoreHeader->Size - sizeof(APPLE_FSYS_STORE_HEADER) - sizeof(UINT32));
// Check store checksum
UINT32 storedCrc = *(UINT32*)store.right(sizeof(UINT32)).constData();
UINT32 calculatedCrc = crc32(0, (const UINT8*)store.constData(), (const UINT32)store.size() - sizeof(UINT32));
// Add info
bool isGaidStore = (fsysStoreHeader->Signature == NVRAM_APPLE_GAID_STORE_SIGNATURE);
UString name = isGaidStore ? UString("Gaid store") : UString("Fsys store");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: %s\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nUnknown0: %02Xh\nUnknown1: %08Xh\nCRC32: %08Xh",
isGaidStore ? "Gaid" : "Fsys",
fsysStoreHeader->Size, fsysStoreHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
+ (storedCrc != calculatedCrc ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %08Xh", calculatedCrc) : UString(", valid"));
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::FsysStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseEvsaStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check dataSize
if (dataSize < sizeof(EVSA_STORE_ENTRY)) {
msg(UString("parseEvsaStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for EVSA store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get EVSA store header
const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY* evsaStoreHeader = (const EVSA_STORE_ENTRY*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseEvsaStoreHeader: EVSA store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize, evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(evsaStoreHeader->Header.Size);
UByteArray body = store.mid(evsaStoreHeader->Header.Size, evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize - evsaStoreHeader->Header.Size);
// Recalculate checksum
UINT8 calculated = calculateChecksum8(((const UINT8*)evsaStoreHeader) + 2, evsaStoreHeader->Header.Size - 2);
// Add info
UString name("EVSA store");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: EVSA\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nType: %02Xh\nAttributes: %08Xh\nChecksum: %02Xh",
evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize, evsaStoreHeader->StoreSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
evsaStoreHeader->Header.Checksum) +
(evsaStoreHeader->Header.Checksum != calculated ? usprintf("%, invalid, should be %02Xh", calculated) : UString(", valid"));
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::EvsaStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFlashMapStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check data size
if (dataSize < sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseFlashMapStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for FlashMap block header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get FlashMap block header
const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER* flashMapHeader = (const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
UINT32 flashMapSize = sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER) + flashMapHeader->NumEntries * sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY);
if (dataSize < flashMapSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseFlashMapStoreHeader: FlashMap block size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
flashMapSize, flashMapSize,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER));
UByteArray body = store.mid(sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER), flashMapSize - sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_HEADER));
// Add info
UString name("Phoenix SCT flash map");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: _FLASH_MAP\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nNumber of entries: %u",
flashMapSize, flashMapSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::FlashMapStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseCmdbStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < sizeof(PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseCmdbStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for CMDB store header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
if (dataSize < cmdbSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseCmdbStoreHeader: CMDB store size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
cmdbSize, cmdbSize,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get store header
const PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER* cmdbHeader = (const PHOENIX_CMDB_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(cmdbHeader->TotalSize);
UByteArray body = store.mid(cmdbHeader->TotalSize, cmdbSize - cmdbHeader->TotalSize);
// Add info
UString name("CMDB store");
UString info = usprintf("Signature: CMDB\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)",
cmdbSize, cmdbSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size());
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::CmdbStore, 0, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseSlicPubkeyHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check data size
if (dataSize < sizeof(OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY)) {
msg(UString("parseSlicPubkeyHeader: volume body is too small even for SLIC pubkey header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get SLIC pubkey header
const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY* pubkeyHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < pubkeyHeader->Size) {
msg(usprintf("parseSlicPubkeyHeader: SLIC pubkey size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
pubkeyHeader->Size, pubkeyHeader->Size,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY));
// Add info
UString name("SLIC pubkey");
UString info = usprintf("Type: 0h\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: 0h (0)\n"
"Key type: %02Xh\nVersion: %02Xh\nAlgorithm: %08Xh\nMagic: RSA1\nBit length: %08Xh\nExponent: %08Xh",
pubkeyHeader->Size, pubkeyHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::SlicData, Subtypes::PubkeySlicData, name, UString(), info, header, UByteArray(), UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseSlicMarkerHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check data size
if (dataSize < sizeof(OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER)) {
msg(UString("parseSlicMarkerHeader: volume body is too small even for SLIC marker header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get SLIC marker header
const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER* markerHeader = (const OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < markerHeader->Size) {
msg(usprintf("parseSlicMarkerHeader: SLIC marker size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
markerHeader->Size, markerHeader->Size,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER));
// Add info
UString name("SLIC marker");
UString info = usprintf("Type: 1h\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: 0h (0)\n"
"Version: %08Xh\nOEM ID: %s\nOEM table ID: %s\nWindows flag: WINDOWS\nSLIC version: %08Xh",
markerHeader->Size, markerHeader->Size,
header.size(), header.size(),
(const char*)UString((const char*)&(markerHeader->OemId)).left(6).toLocal8Bit(),
(const char*)UString((const char*)&(markerHeader->OemTableId)).left(8).toLocal8Bit(),
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::SlicData, Subtypes::MarkerSlicData, name, UString(), info, header, UByteArray(), UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseIntelMicrocodeHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
// Check data size
if (dataSize < sizeof(INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseIntelMicrocodeHeader: volume body is too small even for Intel microcode header"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get Intel microcode header
const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER* ucodeHeader = (const INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < ucodeHeader->TotalSize) {
msg(usprintf("parseIntelMicrocodeHeader: Intel microcode size %Xh (%u) is greater than volume body size %Xh (%u)",
ucodeHeader->TotalSize, ucodeHeader->TotalSize,
dataSize, dataSize), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = store.left(sizeof(INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER));
UByteArray body = store.mid(sizeof(INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER), ucodeHeader->DataSize);
//TODO: recalculate microcode checksum
// Add info
UString name("Intel microcode");
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\n"
"Date: %08Xh\nCPU signature: %08Xh\nRevision: %08Xh\nChecksum: %08Xh\nLoader revision: %08Xh\nCPU flags: %08Xh",
ucodeHeader->TotalSize, ucodeHeader->TotalSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
// Add tree item
index = model->addItem(localOffset, Types::Microcode, Subtypes::IntelMicrocode, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Fixed, parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseStoreHeader(const UByteArray & store, const UINT32 localOffset, const UModelIndex & parent, UModelIndex & index)
const UINT32 dataSize = (const UINT32)store.size();
const UINT32* signature = (const UINT32*)store.constData();
// Check store size
if (dataSize < sizeof(UINT32)) {
msg(UString("parseStoreHeader: volume body is too small even for store signature"), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Check signature and run parser function needed
// VSS/SVS store
return parseVssStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// FTW store
return parseFtwStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// FDC store
else if (*signature == NVRAM_FDC_VOLUME_SIGNATURE)
return parseFdcStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// Apple Fsys/Gaid store
return parseFsysStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// EVSA store
else if (*(signature + 1) == NVRAM_EVSA_STORE_SIGNATURE)
return parseEvsaStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// Phoenix SCT flash map
return parseFlashMapStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// Phoenix CMDB store
return parseCmdbStoreHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// SLIC pubkey
else if (*(signature + 4) == OEM_ACTIVATION_PUBKEY_MAGIC)
return parseSlicPubkeyHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// SLIC marker
else if (*(const UINT64*)(store.constData() + 26) == OEM_ACTIVATION_MARKER_WINDOWS_FLAG)
return parseSlicMarkerHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
// Intel microcode
// Must be checked after SLIC marker because of the same *signature values
else if (*signature == INTEL_MICROCODE_HEADER_VERSION)
return parseIntelMicrocodeHeader(store, localOffset, parent, index);
msg(usprintf("parseStoreHeader: don't know how to parse a header with signature %08Xh", *signature), parent);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseVssStoreBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Obtain required information from parent volume
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
UModelIndex parentVolumeIndex = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::Volume);
if (parentVolumeIndex.isValid() && model->hasEmptyParsingData(parentVolumeIndex) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(parentVolumeIndex);
const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
// Get local offset
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
const UByteArray data = model->body(index);
// Check that the is enough space for variable header
const UINT32 dataSize = (UINT32)data.size();
if (dataSize < sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
msg(UString("parseVssStoreBody: store body is too small even for VSS variable header"), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
UINT32 offset = 0;
// Parse all variables
while (1) {
bool isInvalid = false;
bool isAuthenticated = false;
bool isAppleCrc32 = false;
UINT32 storedCrc32 = 0;
UINT32 calculatedCrc32 = 0;
UINT64 monotonicCounter = 0;
EFI_TIME timestamp = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
UINT32 pubKeyIndex = 0;
UINT8 subtype = 0;
UString name;
UString text;
EFI_GUID* variableGuid;
CHAR16* variableName = (CHAR16*)L"";
UByteArray header;
UByteArray body;
UINT32 unparsedSize = dataSize - offset;
// Get variable header
const VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER* variableHeader = (const VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER*)(data.constData() + offset);
// Check variable header to fit in still unparsed data
UINT32 variableSize = 0;
if (unparsedSize >= sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER)
&& variableHeader->StartId == NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_START_ID) {
// Apple VSS variable with CRC32 of the data
if (variableHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_APPLE_DATA_CHECKSUM) {
isAppleCrc32 = true;
if (unparsedSize < sizeof(VSS_APPLE_VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
variableSize = 0;
else {
const VSS_APPLE_VARIABLE_HEADER* appleVariableHeader = (const VSS_APPLE_VARIABLE_HEADER*)variableHeader;
variableSize = sizeof(VSS_APPLE_VARIABLE_HEADER) + appleVariableHeader->NameSize + appleVariableHeader->DataSize;
variableGuid = (EFI_GUID*)&appleVariableHeader->VendorGuid;
variableName = (CHAR16*)(appleVariableHeader + 1);
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(VSS_APPLE_VARIABLE_HEADER) + appleVariableHeader->NameSize);
body = data.mid(offset + header.size(), appleVariableHeader->DataSize);
// Calculate CRC32 of the variable data
storedCrc32 = appleVariableHeader->DataCrc32;
calculatedCrc32 = crc32(0, (const UINT8*)body.constData(), body.size());
// Authenticated variable
else if ((variableHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_AUTHENTICATED_WRITE_ACCESS)
|| (variableHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_APPEND_WRITE)
|| (variableHeader->NameSize == 0 && variableHeader->DataSize == 0)) { // If both NameSize and DataSize are zeros, it's auth variable with zero montonic counter
isAuthenticated = true;
if (unparsedSize < sizeof(VSS_AUTH_VARIABLE_HEADER)) {
variableSize = 0;
else {
const VSS_AUTH_VARIABLE_HEADER* authVariableHeader = (const VSS_AUTH_VARIABLE_HEADER*)variableHeader;
variableSize = sizeof(VSS_AUTH_VARIABLE_HEADER) + authVariableHeader->NameSize + authVariableHeader->DataSize;
variableGuid = (EFI_GUID*)&authVariableHeader->VendorGuid;
variableName = (CHAR16*)(authVariableHeader + 1);
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(VSS_AUTH_VARIABLE_HEADER) + authVariableHeader->NameSize);
body = data.mid(offset + header.size(), authVariableHeader->DataSize);
monotonicCounter = authVariableHeader->MonotonicCounter;
timestamp = authVariableHeader->Timestamp;
pubKeyIndex = authVariableHeader->PubKeyIndex;
// Normal VSS variable
if (!isAuthenticated && !isAppleCrc32) {
variableSize = sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER) + variableHeader->NameSize + variableHeader->DataSize;
variableGuid = (EFI_GUID*)&variableHeader->VendorGuid;
variableName = (CHAR16*)(variableHeader + 1);
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER) + variableHeader->NameSize);
body = data.mid(offset + header.size(), variableHeader->DataSize);
// There is also a case of authenticated Apple variables, but I haven't seen one yet
// Check variable state
if (variableHeader->State != NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_ADDED && variableHeader->State != NVRAM_VSS_VARIABLE_HEADER_VALID) {
isInvalid = true;
// Check variable size
if (variableSize > unparsedSize) {
variableSize = 0;
// Can't parse further, add the last element and break the loop
if (!variableSize) {
// Check if the data left is a free space or a padding
UByteArray padding = data.mid(offset, unparsedSize);
// Get info
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", padding.size(), padding.size());
if (padding.count(emptyByte) == padding.size()) { // Free space
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
else { // Padding
// Nothing is parsed yet, but the store is not empty
if (!offset) {
msg(UString("parseVssStoreBody: store can't be parsed as VSS store"), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
return U_SUCCESS;
UString info;
// Rename invalid variables
if (isInvalid) {
name = UString("Invalid");
else { // Add GUID and text for valid variables
name = guidToUString(*variableGuid);
info += UString("Variable GUID: ") + guidToUString(*variableGuid, false) + UString("\n");
text = UString::fromUtf16(variableName);
// Add info
info += usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nState: %02Xh\nAttributes: %08Xh (",
variableSize, variableSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
variableHeader->Attributes) + vssAttributesToUString(variableHeader->Attributes) + UString(")");
// Set subtype and add related info
if (isInvalid)
subtype = Subtypes::InvalidVssEntry;
else if (isAuthenticated) {
subtype = Subtypes::AuthVssEntry;
info += usprintf("\nMonotonic counter: %" PRIX64 "h\nTimestamp: ", monotonicCounter) + efiTimeToUString(timestamp)
+ usprintf("\nPubKey index: %u", pubKeyIndex);
else if (isAppleCrc32) {
subtype = Subtypes::AppleVssEntry;
info += usprintf("\nData checksum: %08Xh", storedCrc32) +
(storedCrc32 != calculatedCrc32 ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %08Xh", calculatedCrc32) : UString(", valid"));
subtype = Subtypes::StandardVssEntry;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::VssEntry, subtype, name, text, info, header, body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
// Move to next variable
offset += variableSize;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFsysStoreBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Get local offset
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
const UByteArray data = model->body(index);
// Check that the is enough space for variable header
const UINT32 dataSize = (UINT32)data.size();
UINT32 offset = 0;
// Parse all variables
while (1) {
UINT32 unparsedSize = dataSize - offset;
UINT32 variableSize = 0;
// Get nameSize and name of the variable
UINT8 nameSize = *(UINT8*)(data.constData() + offset);
bool valid = !(nameSize & 0x80); // Last bit is a validity bit, 0 means valid
nameSize &= 0x7F;
// Check sanity
if (unparsedSize >= nameSize + sizeof(UINT8)) {
variableSize = nameSize + sizeof(UINT8);
UByteArray name;
if (variableSize) {
name = data.mid(offset + sizeof(UINT8), nameSize);
// Check for EOF variable
if (nameSize == 3 && name[0] == 'E' && name[1] == 'O' && name[2] == 'F') {
// There is no data afterward, add EOF variable and free space and return
UByteArray header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize);
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", header.size(), header.size());
// Add EOF tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FsysEntry, Subtypes::NormalFsysEntry, UString("EOF"), UString(), info, header, UByteArray(), UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Add free space
offset += header.size();
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset);
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", body.size(), body.size());
// Add free space tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Get dataSize and data of the variable
const UINT16 dataSize = *(UINT16*)(data.constData() + offset + sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize);
if (unparsedSize >= sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize + sizeof(UINT16) + dataSize) {
variableSize = sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize + sizeof(UINT16) + dataSize;
else {
// Last variable is bad, add the rest as padding and return
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset);
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", body.size(), body.size());
// Add padding tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(body), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Show message
msg(UString("parseFsysStoreBody: next variable appears too big, added as padding"), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Construct header and body
UByteArray header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize + sizeof(UINT16));
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset + sizeof(UINT8) + nameSize + sizeof(UINT16), dataSize);
// Add info
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)",
variableSize, variableSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size());
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FsysEntry, valid ? Subtypes::NormalFsysEntry : Subtypes::InvalidFsysEntry, UString(name.constData()), UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
// Move to next variable
offset += variableSize;
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseEvsaStoreBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Obtain required information from parent volume
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
UModelIndex parentVolumeIndex = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::Volume);
if (parentVolumeIndex.isValid() && model->hasEmptyParsingData(parentVolumeIndex) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(parentVolumeIndex);
const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
// Get local offset
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
const UByteArray data = model->body(index);
// Check that the is enough space for entry header
const UINT32 dataSize = (UINT32)data.size();
UINT32 offset = 0;
std::map<UINT16, EFI_GUID> guidMap;
std::map<UINT16, UString> nameMap;
// Parse all entries
UINT32 unparsedSize = dataSize;
while (unparsedSize) {
UINT32 variableSize = 0;
UString name;
UString info;
UByteArray header;
UByteArray body;
UINT8 subtype;
UINT8 calculated;
const EVSA_ENTRY_HEADER* entryHeader = (const EVSA_ENTRY_HEADER*)(data.constData() + offset);
// Check entry size
variableSize = sizeof(EVSA_ENTRY_HEADER);
if (unparsedSize < variableSize || unparsedSize < entryHeader->Size) {
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset);
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", body.size(), body.size());
if (body.count(emptyByte) == body.size()) { // Free space
// Add free space tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
else {
// Add padding tree item
UModelIndex itemIndex = model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(body), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Show message
msg(UString("parseEvsaStoreBody: variable parsing failed, the rest of unparsed store added as padding"), itemIndex);
variableSize = entryHeader->Size;
// Recalculate entry checksum
calculated = calculateChecksum8(((const UINT8*)entryHeader) + 2, entryHeader->Size - 2);
// GUID entry
if (entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_GUID1 ||
entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_GUID2) {
const EVSA_GUID_ENTRY* guidHeader = (const EVSA_GUID_ENTRY*)entryHeader;
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(EVSA_GUID_ENTRY));
body = data.mid(offset + sizeof(EVSA_GUID_ENTRY), guidHeader->Header.Size - sizeof(EVSA_GUID_ENTRY));
EFI_GUID guid = *(EFI_GUID*)body.constData();
name = guidToUString(guid);
info = UString("GUID: ") + guidToUString(guid, false) + usprintf("\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nType: %02Xh\nChecksum: %02Xh",
variableSize, variableSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
+ (guidHeader->Header.Checksum != calculated ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %02Xh", calculated) : UString(", valid"))
+ usprintf("\nGuidId: %04Xh", guidHeader->GuidId);
subtype = Subtypes::GuidEvsaEntry;
guidMap.insert(std::pair<UINT16, EFI_GUID>(guidHeader->GuidId, guid));
// Name entry
else if (entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_NAME1 ||
entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_NAME2) {
const EVSA_NAME_ENTRY* nameHeader = (const EVSA_NAME_ENTRY*)entryHeader;
header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(EVSA_NAME_ENTRY));
body = data.mid(offset + sizeof(EVSA_NAME_ENTRY), nameHeader->Header.Size - sizeof(EVSA_NAME_ENTRY));
name = UString::fromUtf16((const CHAR16*)body.constData());
info = UString("Name: ") + name + usprintf("\nFull size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nType: %02Xh\nChecksum: %02Xh",
variableSize, variableSize,
header.size(), header.size(),
body.size(), body.size(),
+ (nameHeader->Header.Checksum != calculated ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %02Xh", calculated) : UString(", valid"))
+ usprintf("\nVarId: %04Xh", nameHeader->VarId);
subtype = Subtypes::NameEvsaEntry;
nameMap.insert(std::pair<UINT16, UString>(nameHeader->VarId, name));
// Data entry
else if (entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_DATA1 ||
entryHeader->Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_DATA2 ||
const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY* dataHeader = (const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY*)entryHeader;
// Check for extended header
UINT32 headerSize = sizeof(EVSA_DATA_ENTRY);
UINT32 dataSize = dataHeader->Header.Size - sizeof(EVSA_DATA_ENTRY);
if (dataHeader->Attributes & NVRAM_EVSA_DATA_EXTENDED_HEADER) {
const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY_EXTENDED* dataHeaderExtended = (const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY_EXTENDED*)entryHeader;
headerSize = sizeof(EVSA_DATA_ENTRY_EXTENDED);
dataSize = dataHeaderExtended->DataSize;
variableSize = headerSize + dataSize;
header = data.mid(offset, headerSize);
body = data.mid(offset + headerSize, dataSize);
name = UString("Data");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nType: %02Xh\nChecksum: %02Xh",
variableSize, variableSize,
headerSize, headerSize,
dataSize, dataSize,
+ (dataHeader->Header.Checksum != calculated ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %02Xh", calculated) : UString(", valid"))
+ usprintf("\nVarId: %04Xh\nGuidId: %04Xh\nAttributes: %08Xh (",
+ evsaAttributesToUString(dataHeader->Attributes) + UString(")");
subtype = Subtypes::DataEvsaEntry;
// Unknown entry or free space
else {
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset);
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", body.size(), body.size());
if (body.count(emptyByte) == body.size()) { // Free space
// Add free space tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
else {
// Add padding tree item
UModelIndex itemIndex = model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(body), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Show message
msg(usprintf("parseEvsaStoreBody: unknown variable of type %02Xh found at offset %Xh, the rest of unparsed store added as padding", entryHeader->Type, offset), itemIndex);
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::EvsaEntry, subtype, name, UString(), info, header, body, UByteArray(), Movable, index);
// Move to next variable
offset += variableSize;
unparsedSize = dataSize - offset;
// Reparse all data variables to detect invalid ones and assign name and test to valid ones
for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) {
UModelIndex current = index.child(i, 0);
if (model->subtype(current) == Subtypes::DataEvsaEntry) {
UByteArray header = model->header(current);
const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY* dataHeader = (const EVSA_DATA_ENTRY*)header.constData();
UString guid;
if (guidMap.count(dataHeader->GuidId))
guid = guidToUString(guidMap[dataHeader->GuidId], false);
UString name;
if (nameMap.count(dataHeader->VarId))
name = nameMap[dataHeader->VarId];
// Check for variable validity
if (guid.isEmpty() && name.isEmpty()) { // Both name and guid aren't found
model->setSubtype(current, Subtypes::InvalidEvsaEntry);
model->setName(current, UString("Invalid"));
msg(UString("parseEvsaStoreBody: data variable with invalid GuidId and invalid VarId"), current);
else if (guid.isEmpty()) { // Guid not found
model->setSubtype(current, Subtypes::InvalidEvsaEntry);
model->setName(current, UString("Invalid"));
msg(UString("parseEvsaStoreBody: data variable with invalid GuidId"), current);
else if (name.isEmpty()) { // Name not found
model->setSubtype(current, Subtypes::InvalidEvsaEntry);
model->setName(current, UString("Invalid"));
msg(UString("parseEvsaStoreBody: data variable with invalid VarId"), current);
else { // Variable is OK, rename it
if (dataHeader->Header.Type == NVRAM_EVSA_ENTRY_TYPE_DATA_INVALID) {
model->setSubtype(current, Subtypes::InvalidEvsaEntry);
model->setName(current, UString("Invalid"));
else {
model->setName(current, guid);
model->setText(current, name);
model->addInfo(current, UString("GUID: ") + guid + UString("\nName: ") + name + UString("\n"), false);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseFlashMapBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
// Get parsing data for the current item
UINT32 localOffset = model->offset(index) + model->header(index).size();
const UByteArray data = model->body(index);
const UINT32 dataSize = (UINT32)data.size();
UINT32 offset = 0;
UINT32 unparsedSize = dataSize;
// Parse all entries
while (unparsedSize) {
const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY* entryHeader = (const PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY*)(data.constData() + offset);
// Check entry size
if (unparsedSize < sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY)) {
// Last variable is bad, add the rest as padding and return
UByteArray body = data.mid(offset);
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", body.size(), body.size());
// Add padding tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::Padding, getPaddingType(body), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), body, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Show message
if (unparsedSize < entryHeader->Size)
msg(UString("parseFlashMapBody: next entry appears too big, added as padding"), index);
UString name = guidToUString(entryHeader->Guid);
// Construct header
UByteArray header = data.mid(offset, sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY));
// Add info
UString info = UString("Entry GUID: ") + guidToUString(entryHeader->Guid, false) + usprintf("\nFull size: 24h (36)\nHeader size: 24h (36)\nBody size: 0h (0)\n"
"Entry type: %04Xh\nData type: %04Xh\nMemory address: %08Xh\nSize: %08Xh\nOffset: %08Xh",
// Determine subtype
UINT8 subtype = 0;
switch (entryHeader->DataType) {
subtype = Subtypes::VolumeFlashMapEntry;
subtype = Subtypes::DataFlashMapEntry;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + offset, Types::FlashMapEntry, subtype, name, flashMapGuidToUString(entryHeader->Guid), info, header, UByteArray(), UByteArray(), Movable, index);
// Move to next variable
offset += sizeof(PHOENIX_FLASH_MAP_ENTRY);
unparsedSize = dataSize - offset;
return U_SUCCESS;