/* fssops.cpp Copyright (c) 2015, Nikolaj Schlej. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. */ #include "ffsops.h" STATUS FfsOperations::extract(const QModelIndex & index, QString & name, QByteArray & extracted, const UINT8 mode) { // Sanity check if (!index.isValid()) return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Get data from parsing data PARSING_DATA pdata = parsingDataFromQModelIndex(index); // Construct a name for extracted data QString itemName = model->name(index); QString itemText = model->text(index); // Default name name = itemName.replace(' ', '_').replace('/', '_').replace('-', '_'); switch (model->type(index)) { case Types::Volume: if (pdata.volume.hasExtendedHeader) name = guidToQString(pdata.volume.extendedHeaderGuid).replace('-', '_'); break; case Types::NvarEntry: case Types::VssEntry: case Types::FsysEntry: case Types::EvsaEntry: case Types::FlashMapEntry: case Types::File: name = itemText.isEmpty() ? itemName : itemText.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'); break; case Types::Section: { // Get parent file name QModelIndex fileIndex = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::File); QString fileText = model->text(fileIndex); name = fileText.isEmpty() ? model->name(fileIndex) : fileText.replace(' ', '_').replace('-', '_'); // Append section subtype name name += QChar('_') + itemName.replace(' ', '_'); } break; } // Get extracted data if (mode == EXTRACT_MODE_AS_IS) { // Extract as is, with header body and tail extracted.clear(); extracted.append(model->header(index)); extracted.append(model->body(index)); // Handle file tail if (model->type(index) == Types::File) { if (pdata.file.hasTail) extracted.append(pdata.file.tailArray[0]).append(pdata.file.tailArray[1]); } } else if (mode == EXTRACT_MODE_BODY) { name += QObject::tr("_body"); // Extract without header and tail extracted.clear(); extracted.append(model->body(index)); } else if (mode == EXTRACT_MODE_BODY_UNCOMPRESSED) { name += QObject::tr("_body_unc"); // Extract without header and tail, uncompressed extracted.clear(); // There is no need to redo decompression, we can use child items for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) { QModelIndex childIndex = index.child(i, 0); extracted.append(model->header(childIndex)); extracted.append(model->body(childIndex)); } } else return ERR_UNKNOWN_EXTRACT_MODE; return ERR_SUCCESS; } STATUS FfsOperations::replace(const QModelIndex & index, const QString & data, const UINT8 mode) { // Sanity check if (!index.isValid()) return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Get data from parsing data //PARSING_DATA pdata = parsingDataFromQModelIndex(index); if (mode == REPLACE_MODE_AS_IS) { return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else if (mode == REPLACE_MODE_BODY) { return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else return ERR_UNKNOWN_REPLACE_MODE; return ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } STATUS FfsOperations::remove(const QModelIndex & index) { // Sanity check if (!index.isValid()) return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Set remove action model->setAction(index, Actions::Remove); return ERR_SUCCESS; } STATUS FfsOperations::rebuild(const QModelIndex & index) { // Sanity check if (!index.isValid()) return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // On insert action, set insert action for children //if (action == Actions::Insert) // for (int i = 0; i < item->childCount(); i++) // setAction(index.child(i, 0), Actions::Insert); // Set rebuild action model->setAction(index, Actions::Rebuild); // Rebuild parent, if it has no action now QModelIndex parent = index.parent(); if (parent.isValid() && model->type(parent) != Types::Root && model->action(parent) == Actions::NoAction) rebuild(parent); return ERR_SUCCESS; }