/* uefiextract_main.cpp Copyright (c) 2018, LongSoft. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. */ #include #include #include #include #include "../version.h" #include "../common/basetypes.h" #include "../common/ustring.h" #include "../common/filesystem.h" #include "../common/ffsparser.h" #include "../common/ffsreport.h" #include "../common/guiddatabase.h" #include "ffsdumper.h" #include "uefidump.h" enum ReadType { READ_INPUT, READ_OUTPUT, READ_MODE, READ_SECTION }; int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { initGuidDatabase("guids.csv"); if (argc > 1) { // Check that input file exists USTATUS result; UByteArray buffer; UString path = getAbsPath(argv[1]); result = readFileIntoBuffer(path, buffer); if (result) return result; // Hack to support legacy UEFIDump mode. if (argc == 3 && !std::strcmp(argv[2], "unpack")) { UEFIDumper uefidumper; return (uefidumper.dump(buffer, UString(argv[1])) != U_SUCCESS); } // Create model and ffsParser TreeModel model; FfsParser ffsParser(&model); // Parse input buffer result = ffsParser.parse(buffer); if (result) return result; // Show ffsParser's messages std::vector > messages = ffsParser.getMessages(); for (size_t i = 0; i < messages.size(); i++) { std::cout << messages[i].first.toLocal8Bit() << std::endl; } // Get last VTF std::vector, UModelIndex > > fitTable = ffsParser.getFitTable(); if (fitTable.size()) { std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; std::cout << " Address | Size | Ver | CS | Type / Info " << std::endl; std::cout << "---------------------------------------------------------------------------" << std::endl; for (size_t i = 0; i < fitTable.size(); i++) { std::cout << fitTable[i].first[0].toLocal8Bit() << " | " << fitTable[i].first[1].toLocal8Bit() << " | " << fitTable[i].first[2].toLocal8Bit() << " | " << fitTable[i].first[3].toLocal8Bit() << " | " << fitTable[i].first[4].toLocal8Bit() << " | " << fitTable[i].first[5].toLocal8Bit() << std::endl; } } // Create ffsDumper FfsDumper ffsDumper(&model); // Dump only leaf elements, no report if (argc == 3 && !std::strcmp(argv[2], "dump")) { return (ffsDumper.dump(model.index(0, 0), path + UString(".dump")) != U_SUCCESS); } else if (argc > 3 || (argc == 3 && std::strcmp(argv[2], "all") != 0 && std::strcmp(argv[2], "report") != 0)) { // Dump specific files, without report std::vector inputs, outputs; std::vector modes; std::vector sectionTypes; ReadType readType = READ_INPUT; for (int i = 2; i < argc; i++) { const char *arg = argv[i]; if (!std::strcmp(arg, "-i")) { readType = READ_INPUT; continue; } else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "-o")) { readType = READ_OUTPUT; continue; } else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "-m")) { readType = READ_MODE; continue; } else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "-t")) { readType = READ_SECTION; continue; } if (readType == READ_INPUT) { inputs.push_back(arg); } else if (readType == READ_OUTPUT) { outputs.push_back(getAbsPath(arg)); } else if (readType == READ_MODE) { if (!std::strcmp(arg, "all")) modes.push_back(FfsDumper::DUMP_ALL); else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "body")) modes.push_back(FfsDumper::DUMP_BODY); else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "header")) modes.push_back(FfsDumper::DUMP_HEADER); else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "info")) modes.push_back(FfsDumper::DUMP_INFO); else if (!std::strcmp(arg, "file")) modes.push_back(FfsDumper::DUMP_FILE); else return U_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else if (readType == READ_SECTION) { char *converted = const_cast(arg); UINT8 sectionType = (UINT8)std::strtol(arg, &converted, 16); if (converted == arg) return U_INVALID_PARAMETER; sectionTypes.push_back(sectionType); } } if (inputs.empty() || (!outputs.empty() && inputs.size() != outputs.size()) || (!modes.empty() && inputs.size() != modes.size()) || (!sectionTypes.empty() && inputs.size() != sectionTypes.size())) return U_INVALID_PARAMETER; USTATUS lastError = U_SUCCESS; for (size_t i = 0; i < inputs.size(); i++) { UString outPath = outputs.empty() ? path + UString(".dump") : outputs[i]; FfsDumper::DumpMode mode = modes.empty() ? FfsDumper::DUMP_ALL : modes[i]; UINT8 type = sectionTypes.empty() ? FfsDumper::IgnoreSectionType : sectionTypes[i]; result = ffsDumper.dump(model.index(0, 0), outPath, mode, type, inputs[i]); if (result) { std::cout << "Guid " << inputs[i].toLocal8Bit() << " failed with " << result << " code!" << std::endl; lastError = result; } } return lastError; } // Create ffsReport FfsReport ffsReport(&model); std::vector report = ffsReport.generate(); if (report.size()) { std::ofstream file; file.open((path + UString(".report.txt")).toLocal8Bit()); for (size_t i = 0; i < report.size(); i++) file << report[i].toLocal8Bit() << '\n'; } // Dump all non-leaf elements, with report, default if (argc == 2) { return (ffsDumper.dump(model.index(0, 0), path + UString(".dump")) != U_SUCCESS); } else if (argc == 3 && !std::strcmp(argv[2], "all")) { // Dump every element with report return (ffsDumper.dump(model.index(0, 0), path + UString(".dump"), FfsDumper::DUMP_ALL) != U_SUCCESS); } else if (argc == 3 && !std::strcmp(argv[2], "report")) { // Skip dumping return 0; } } // If parameters are different, show version and usage information std::cout << "UEFIExtract " PROGRAM_VERSION << std::endl << std::endl << "Usage: UEFIExtract imagefile - generate report and dump only leaf tree items into .dump folder." << std::endl << " UEFIExtract imagefile all - generate report and dump all tree items." << std::endl << " UEFIExtract imagefile unpack - generate report and dump all tree items in one dir." << std::endl << " UEFIExtract imagefile dump - only generate dump, no report needed." << std::endl << " UEFIExtract imagefile report - only generate report, no dump needed." << std::endl << " UEFIExtract imagefile GUID_1 ... [ -o FILE_1 ... ] [ -m MODE_1 ... ] [ -t TYPE_1 ... ] -" << std::endl << " Dump only FFS file(s) with specific GUID(s), without report." << std::endl << " Type is section type or FF to ignore. Mode is one of: all, body, header, info, file." << std::endl << "Return value is a bit mask where 0 at position N means that file with GUID_N was found and unpacked, 1 otherwise." << std::endl; return 1; }