/* uefifind.cpp Copyright (c) 2014, Nikolaj Schlej. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at http://opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php THE PROGRAM IS DISTRIBUTED UNDER THE BSD LICENSE ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED. */ #include "uefifind.h" UEFIFind::UEFIFind(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { ffsEngine = new FfsEngine(this); model = ffsEngine->treeModel(); initDone = false; } UEFIFind::~UEFIFind() { model = NULL; delete ffsEngine; } UINT8 UEFIFind::init(const QString & path) { UINT8 result; fileInfo = QFileInfo(path); if (!fileInfo.exists()) return ERR_FILE_OPEN; QFile inputFile; inputFile.setFileName(path); if (!inputFile.open(QFile::ReadOnly)) return ERR_FILE_OPEN; QByteArray buffer = inputFile.readAll(); inputFile.close(); result = ffsEngine->parseImageFile(buffer); if (result) return result; initDone = true; return ERR_SUCCESS; } QString UEFIFind::guidToQString(const UINT8* guid) { const UINT32 u32 = *(const UINT32*)guid; const UINT16 u16_1 = *(const UINT16*)(guid + 4); const UINT16 u16_2 = *(const UINT16*)(guid + 6); const UINT8 u8_1 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 8); const UINT8 u8_2 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 9); const UINT8 u8_3 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 10); const UINT8 u8_4 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 11); const UINT8 u8_5 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 12); const UINT8 u8_6 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 13); const UINT8 u8_7 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 14); const UINT8 u8_8 = *(const UINT8*)(guid + 15); return QString("%1-%2-%3-%4%5-%6%7%8%9%10%11").hexarg2(u32, 8).hexarg2(u16_1, 4).hexarg2(u16_2, 4).hexarg2(u8_1, 2).hexarg2(u8_2, 2) .hexarg2(u8_3, 2).hexarg2(u8_4, 2).hexarg2(u8_5, 2).hexarg2(u8_6, 2).hexarg2(u8_7, 2).hexarg2(u8_8, 2); } UINT8 UEFIFind::find(const UINT8 mode, const bool count, const QString & hexPattern, QString & result) { QModelIndex root = model->index(0, 0); QSet > files; result.clear(); UINT8 returned = findFileRecursive(root, hexPattern, mode, files); if (returned) return returned; if (count) { if (files.count()) result.append(QString("%1\n").arg(files.count())); return ERR_SUCCESS; } QPair indexes; Q_FOREACH(indexes, files) { QByteArray data = model->header(indexes.first).left(16); result.append(guidToQString((const UINT8*)data.constData())); // Special case of freeform subtype GUID files if (indexes.second.isValid() && model->subtype(indexes.second) == EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID) { data = model->header(indexes.second).left(sizeof(EFI_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID_SECTION)); result.append(" ").append(guidToQString((const UINT8*)data.constData() + sizeof(EFI_COMMON_SECTION_HEADER))); } result.append("\n"); } return ERR_SUCCESS; } UINT8 UEFIFind::findFileRecursive(const QModelIndex index, const QString & hexPattern, const UINT8 mode, QSet > & files) { if (!index.isValid()) return ERR_SUCCESS; if (hexPattern.isEmpty()) return ERR_INVALID_PARAMETER; // Check for "all substrings" pattern if (hexPattern.count('.') == hexPattern.length()) return ERR_SUCCESS; bool hasChildren = (model->rowCount(index) > 0); for (int i = 0; i < model->rowCount(index); i++) { findFileRecursive(index.child(i, index.column()), hexPattern, mode, files); } QByteArray data; if (hasChildren) { if (mode == SEARCH_MODE_HEADER || mode == SEARCH_MODE_ALL) data.append(model->header(index)); } else { if (mode == SEARCH_MODE_HEADER) data.append(model->header(index)); else if (mode == SEARCH_MODE_BODY) data.append(model->body(index)); else data.append(model->header(index)).append(model->body(index)); } QString hexBody = QString(data.toHex()); QRegExp regexp = QRegExp(QString(hexPattern), Qt::CaseInsensitive); INT32 offset = regexp.indexIn(hexBody); while (offset >= 0) { if (offset % 2 == 0) { if (model->type(index) != Types::File) { QModelIndex ffs = model->findParentOfType(index, Types::File); if (model->type(index) == Types::Section && model->subtype(index) == EFI_SECTION_FREEFORM_SUBTYPE_GUID) files.insert(QPair(ffs, index)); else files.insert(QPair(ffs, QModelIndex())); } else files.insert(QPair(index, QModelIndex())); break; } offset = regexp.indexIn(hexBody, offset + 1); } return ERR_SUCCESS; }