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2017-01-13 19:24:56 -05:00
* This source file is part of the bstring string library. This code was
* written by Paul Hsieh in 2002-2015, and is covered by the BSD open source
* license and the GPL. Refer to the accompanying documentation for details
* on usage and license.
* bstrwrap.h
* This file is the C++ wrapper for the bstring functions.
/////////////////// Configuration defines //////////////////////////////
// WATCOM C/C++ has broken STL and std::iostream support. If you have
// ported over STLport, then you can #define BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL to use
// the CBStringList class.
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
# if !defined (BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL) && !defined (BSTRLIB_CANNOT_USE_STL)
# endif
# endif
// By default it assumed that STL has been installed and works for your
// compiler. If this is not the case, then #define BSTRLIB_CANNOT_USE_STL
#if !defined (BSTRLIB_CANNOT_USE_STL) && !defined (BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
// By default it assumed that std::iostream works well with your compiler.
// If this is not the case, then #define BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_IOSTREAM
// By default it is assumed that your compiler can deal with and has enabled
// exception handlling. If this is not the case then you will need to
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "bstrlib.h"
#include "../ubytearray.h"
#ifdef __cplusplus
#if defined(BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
#pragma warning 604 10
#pragma warning 595 10
#pragma warning 594 10
#pragma warning 549 10
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#if defined(__WATCOMC__)
#pragma warning 604 9
#pragma warning 595 9
#pragma warning 594 9
namespace Bstrlib {
#if defined(BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
struct CBStringException : public std::exception {
std::string msg;
CBStringException (const std::string inmsg) : msg(inmsg) {}
virtual ~CBStringException () throw () {}
virtual const char *what () const throw () { return msg.c_str(); }
struct CBStringException {
char * msg;
int needToFree;
CBStringException (const char * inmsg) : needToFree(0) {
if (inmsg) {
msg = (char *) malloc (1 + strlen (inmsg));
if (NULL == msg) msg = "Out of memory";
else {
strcpy (msg, inmsg);
needToFree = 1;
} else {
msg = "NULL exception message";
virtual ~CBStringException () throw () {
if (needToFree) {
free (msg);
needToFree = 0;
msg = NULL;
virtual const char *what () const throw () { return msg; }
#define bstringThrow(er) {\
CBStringException bstr__cppwrapper_exception ("CBString::" er "");\
throw bstr__cppwrapper_exception;\
#define bstringThrow(er) {}
struct CBString;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(disable:4512)
class CBCharWriteProtected {
friend struct CBString;
const struct tagbstring& s;
unsigned int idx;
CBCharWriteProtected (const struct tagbstring& c, int i) : s(c), idx((unsigned int)i) {
if (idx >= (unsigned) s.slen) {
bstringThrow ("character index out of bounds");
inline char operator = (char c) {
if (s.mlen <= 0) {
bstringThrow ("Write protection error");
} else {
if (idx >= (unsigned) s.slen) return '\0';
s.data[idx] = (unsigned char) c;
return (char) s.data[idx];
inline unsigned char operator = (unsigned char c) {
if (s.mlen <= 0) {
bstringThrow ("Write protection error");
} else {
if (idx >= (unsigned) s.slen) return '\0';
s.data[idx] = c;
return s.data[idx];
inline operator unsigned char () const {
if (idx >= (unsigned) s.slen) return (unsigned char) '\0';
return s.data[idx];
struct CBString : public tagbstring {
// Constructors
CBString ();
CBString (char c);
CBString (unsigned char c);
CBString (const char *s);
CBString (int len, const char *s);
CBString (const CBString& b);
CBString (const tagbstring& x);
CBString (char c, int len);
CBString (const void * blk, int len);
#if defined(BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
CBString (const struct CBStringList& l);
CBString (const struct CBStringList& l, const CBString& sep);
CBString (const struct CBStringList& l, char sep);
CBString (const struct CBStringList& l, unsigned char sep);
// Destructor
~CBString ();
// = operator
const CBString& operator = (char c);
const CBString& operator = (unsigned char c);
const CBString& operator = (const char *s);
const CBString& operator = (const CBString& b);
const CBString& operator = (const tagbstring& x);
// += operator
const CBString& operator += (char c);
const CBString& operator += (unsigned char c);
const CBString& operator += (const char *s);
const CBString& operator += (const CBString& b);
const CBString& operator += (const tagbstring& x);
// *= operator
inline const CBString& operator *= (int count) {
this->repeat (count);
return *this;
// + operator
const CBString operator + (char c) const;
const CBString operator + (unsigned char c) const;
const CBString operator + (const unsigned char *s) const;
const CBString operator + (const char *s) const;
const CBString operator + (const CBString& b) const;
const CBString operator + (const tagbstring& x) const;
// * operator
inline const CBString operator * (int count) const {
CBString retval (*this);
retval.repeat (count);
return retval;
// Comparison operators
bool operator == (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator == (const char * s) const;
bool operator == (const unsigned char * s) const;
bool operator != (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator != (const char * s) const;
bool operator != (const unsigned char * s) const;
bool operator < (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator < (const char * s) const;
bool operator < (const unsigned char * s) const;
bool operator <= (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator <= (const char * s) const;
bool operator <= (const unsigned char * s) const;
bool operator > (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator > (const char * s) const;
bool operator > (const unsigned char * s) const;
bool operator >= (const CBString& b) const;
bool operator >= (const char * s) const;
bool operator >= (const unsigned char * s) const;
// Casts
inline operator const char* () const { return (const char *)data; }
inline operator const unsigned char* () const { return (const unsigned char *)data; }
operator double () const;
operator float () const;
operator int () const;
operator unsigned int () const;
// Accessors
inline int length () const {return slen;}
inline unsigned char character (int i) const {
if (((unsigned) i) >= (unsigned) slen) {
bstringThrow ("character idx out of bounds");
return '\0';
return data[i];
inline unsigned char operator [] (int i) const { return character(i); }
inline CBCharWriteProtected character (int i) {
return CBCharWriteProtected (*this, i);
inline CBCharWriteProtected operator [] (int i) { return character(i); }
// Space allocation hint method.
void alloc (int length);
// Search methods.
int caselessEqual (const CBString& b) const;
int caselessCmp (const CBString& b) const;
int find (const CBString& b, int pos = 0) const;
int find (const char * b, int pos = 0) const;
int caselessfind (const CBString& b, int pos = 0) const;
int caselessfind (const char * b, int pos = 0) const;
int find (char c, int pos = 0) const;
int reversefind (const CBString& b, int pos) const;
int reversefind (const char * b, int pos) const;
int caselessreversefind (const CBString& b, int pos) const;
int caselessreversefind (const char * b, int pos) const;
int reversefind (char c, int pos) const;
int findchr (const CBString& b, int pos = 0) const;
int findchr (const char * s, int pos = 0) const;
int reversefindchr (const CBString& b, int pos) const;
int reversefindchr (const char * s, int pos) const;
int nfindchr (const CBString& b, int pos = 0) const;
int nfindchr (const char * b, int pos = 0) const;
int nreversefindchr (const CBString& b, int pos) const;
int nreversefindchr (const char * b, int pos) const;
// Search and substitute methods.
void findreplace (const CBString& find, const CBString& repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplace (const CBString& find, const char * repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplace (const char * find, const CBString& repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplace (const char * find, const char * repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplacecaseless (const CBString& find, const CBString& repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplacecaseless (const CBString& find, const char * repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplacecaseless (const char * find, const CBString& repl, int pos = 0);
void findreplacecaseless (const char * find, const char * repl, int pos = 0);
// Extraction method.
CBString midstr (int left, int len) const;
// Standard manipulation methods.
void setsubstr (int pos, const CBString& b, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void setsubstr (int pos, const char * b, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void insert (int pos, const CBString& b, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void insert (int pos, const char * b, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void insertchrs (int pos, int len, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void replace (int pos, int len, const CBString& b, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void replace (int pos, int len, const char * s, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void remove (int pos, int len);
void trunc (int len);
// Miscellaneous methods.
void format (const char * fmt, ...);
void formata (const char * fmt, ...);
void fill (int length, unsigned char fill = ' ');
void repeat (int count);
void ltrim (const CBString& b = CBString (bsStaticBlkParms (" \t\v\f\r\n")));
void rtrim (const CBString& b = CBString (bsStaticBlkParms (" \t\v\f\r\n")));
inline void trim (const CBString& b = CBString (bsStaticBlkParms (" \t\v\f\r\n"))) {
rtrim (b);
ltrim (b);
void toupper ();
void tolower ();
// Write protection methods.
void writeprotect ();
void writeallow ();
inline bool iswriteprotected () const { return mlen <= 0; }
// Join methods.
#if defined(BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
void join (const struct CBStringList& l);
void join (const struct CBStringList& l, const CBString& sep);
void join (const struct CBStringList& l, char sep);
void join (const struct CBStringList& l, unsigned char sep);
// CBStream methods
int gets (bNgetc getcPtr, void * parm, char terminator = '\n');
int read (bNread readPtr, void * parm);
// QString compatibility methods
CBString toLocal8Bit() const { return *this; }
bool isEmpty() const { return slen == 0; }
void clear() { *this = ""; }
CBString left(int len) const { return midstr(0, len); }
CBString mid(int pos, int len) const { return midstr(pos, len); }
static CBString fromUtf16(const unsigned short* str) { // Naive implementation assuming that only ASCII part of UCS2 is used
CBString msg; while (*str) { msg += *(char*)str; str++; } return msg;
CBString leftJustified(int length) { if (length > slen) { return *this + CBString(' ', length - slen); } return *this; }
extern const CBString operator + (const char *a, const CBString& b);
extern const CBString operator + (const unsigned char *a, const CBString& b);
extern const CBString operator + (char c, const CBString& b);
extern const CBString operator + (unsigned char c, const CBString& b);
extern const CBString operator + (const tagbstring& x, const CBString& b);
inline const CBString operator * (int count, const CBString& b) {
CBString retval (b);
retval.repeat (count);
return retval;
extern std::ostream& operator << (std::ostream& sout, CBString b);
extern std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& sin, CBString& b);
extern std::istream& getline (std::istream& sin, CBString& b, char terminator='\n');
struct CBStream {
friend struct CBStringList;
struct bStream * m_s;
CBStream (bNread readPtr, void * parm);
~CBStream ();
int buffLengthSet (int sz);
int buffLengthGet ();
int eof () const;
CBString readLine (char terminator);
CBString readLine (const CBString& terminator);
void readLine (CBString& s, char terminator);
void readLine (CBString& s, const CBString& terminator);
void readLineAppend (CBString& s, char terminator);
void readLineAppend (CBString& s, const CBString& terminator);
CBString read ();
CBString& operator >> (CBString& s);
CBString read (int n);
void read (CBString& s);
void read (CBString& s, int n);
void readAppend (CBString& s);
void readAppend (CBString& s, int n);
void unread (const CBString& s);
inline CBStream& operator << (const CBString& s) {
this->unread (s);
return *this;
CBString peek () const;
void peek (CBString& s) const;
void peekAppend (CBString& s) const;
#if defined(BSTRLIB_CAN_USE_STL)
struct CBStringList : public std::vector<CBString> {
// split a string into a vector of strings.
void split (const CBString& b, unsigned char splitChar);
void split (const CBString& b, const CBString& s);
void splitstr (const CBString& b, const CBString& s);
void split (const CBStream& b, unsigned char splitChar);
void split (const CBStream& b, const CBString& s);
void splitstr (const CBStream& b, const CBString& s);
} // namespace Bstrlib
using namespace Bstrlib;