
341 lines
14 KiB
Raw Normal View History

/* nvramparser.cpp
Copyright (c) 2016, Nikolaj Schlej. All rights reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials
are licensed and made available under the terms and conditions of the BSD License
which accompanies this distribution. The full text of the license may be found at
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
2016-11-02 15:40:38 -04:00
#include <map>
#include "nvramparser.h"
#include "parsingdata.h"
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
#include "ustring.h"
#include "utility.h"
#include "nvram.h"
#include "ffs.h"
#include "intel_microcode.h"
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
#include "umemstream.h"
#include "kaitai/kaitaistream.h"
#include "generated/ami_nvar.h"
#include "generated/edk2_vss.h"
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
USTATUS NvramParser::parseNvarStore(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
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UByteArray nvar = model->body(index);
// Nothing to parse in an empty store
if (nvar.isEmpty())
return U_SUCCESS;
try {
const UINT32 localOffset = (UINT32)model->header(index).size();
umemstream is(nvar.constData(), nvar.size());
kaitai::kstream ks(&is);
ami_nvar_t parsed(&ks);
UINT16 guidsInStore = 0;
UINT32 currentEntryIndex = 0;
for (const auto & entry : *parsed.entries()) {
UINT8 subtype = Subtypes::FullNvarEntry;
UString name;
UString text;
UString info;
UString guid;
UByteArray header;
UByteArray body;
UByteArray tail;
// This is a terminating entry, needs special processing
if (entry->_is_null_signature_rest()) {
UINT32 guidAreaSize = guidsInStore * sizeof(EFI_GUID);
UINT32 unparsedSize = (UINT32)nvar.size() - entry->offset() - guidAreaSize;
// Check if the data left is a free space or a padding
UByteArray padding = nvar.mid(entry->offset(), unparsedSize);
// Get info
UString info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)", (UINT32)padding.size(), (UINT32)padding.size());
if ((UINT32)padding.count(0xFF) == unparsedSize) { // Free space
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + entry->offset(), Types::FreeSpace, 0, UString("Free space"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
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else {
// Nothing is parsed yet, but the file is not empty
if (entry->offset() == 0) {
msg(usprintf("%s: file can't be parsed as NVAR variable store", __FUNCTION__), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
// Add tree item
model->addItem(localOffset + entry->offset(), Types::Padding, getPaddingType(padding), UString("Padding"), UString(), info, UByteArray(), padding, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
// Add GUID store area
UByteArray guidArea = nvar.right(guidAreaSize);
// Get info
name = UString("GUID store");
info = usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nGUIDs in store: %u",
(UINT32)guidArea.size(), (UINT32)guidArea.size(),
2016-10-27 12:31:15 -04:00
// Add tree item
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
model->addItem((UINT32)(localOffset + entry->offset() + padding.size()), Types::NvarGuidStore, 0, name, UString(), info, UByteArray(), guidArea, UByteArray(), Fixed, index);
return U_SUCCESS;
2023-02-19 15:24:20 -05:00
// This is a normal entry
const auto entry_body = entry->body();
// Set default next to predefined last value
pdata.emptyByte = 0xFF;
pdata.next = 0xFFFFFF;
pdata.isValid = TRUE;
// Check for invalid entry
if (!entry->attributes()->valid()) {
subtype = Subtypes::InvalidNvarEntry;
name = UString("Invalid");
pdata.isValid = FALSE;
goto processing_done;
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// Check for link entry
if (entry->next() != 0xFFFFFF) {
subtype = Subtypes::LinkNvarEntry;
pdata.next = (UINT32)entry->next();
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// Check for data-only entry (nameless and GUIDless entry or link)
if (entry->attributes()->data_only()) {
// Search backwards for a previous entry with a link to this variable
UModelIndex prevEntryIndex;
if (currentEntryIndex > 0) {
for (UINT32 i = currentEntryIndex - 1; i > 0; i--) {
const auto previousEntry = parsed.entries()->at(i);
if (previousEntry == entry)
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if ((UINT32)previousEntry->next() + (UINT32)previousEntry->offset() == (UINT32)entry->offset()) { // Previous link is present and valid
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prevEntryIndex = index.model()->index(i, 0, index);
// Make sure that we are linking to a valid entry
NVAR_ENTRY_PARSING_DATA pd = readUnaligned((NVAR_ENTRY_PARSING_DATA*)model->parsingData(prevEntryIndex).constData());
if (!pd.isValid) {
prevEntryIndex = UModelIndex();
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// Check if the link is valid
if (prevEntryIndex.isValid()) {
// Use the name and text of the previous entry
name = model->name(prevEntryIndex);
text = model->text(prevEntryIndex);
if (entry->next() == 0xFFFFFF)
subtype = Subtypes::DataNvarEntry;
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else {
subtype = Subtypes::InvalidLinkNvarEntry;
name = UString("InvalidLink");
pdata.isValid = FALSE;
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goto processing_done;
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// Obtain text
if (!entry_body->_is_null_ascii_name()) {
text = entry_body->ascii_name().c_str();
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else if (!entry_body->_is_null_ucs2_name()) {
UByteArray temp;
for (const auto & ch : *entry_body->ucs2_name()->ucs2_chars()) {
temp += UByteArray((const char*)&ch, sizeof(ch));
text = uFromUcs2(temp.constData());
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// Obtain GUID
if (!entry_body->_is_null_guid()) { // GUID is stored in the entry itself
const EFI_GUID g = readUnaligned((EFI_GUID*)entry_body->guid().c_str());
name = guidToUString(g);
guid = guidToUString(g, false);
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else { // GUID is stored in GUID store at the end of the NVAR store
// Grow the GUID store if needed
if (guidsInStore < entry_body->guid_index() + 1)
guidsInStore = entry_body->guid_index() + 1;
// The list begins at the end of the store and goes backwards
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const EFI_GUID g = readUnaligned((EFI_GUID*)(nvar.constData() + nvar.size()) - (entry_body->guid_index() + 1));
name = guidToUString(g);
guid = guidToUString(g, false);
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// This feels hacky, but I haven't found a way to ask Kaitai for raw bytes
header = nvar.mid(entry->offset(), sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER) + entry_body->data_start_offset());
body = nvar.mid(entry->offset() + sizeof(NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER) + entry_body->data_start_offset(), entry_body->data_size());
tail = nvar.mid(entry->end_offset() - entry_body->extended_header_size(), entry_body->extended_header_size());
// Add GUID info for valid entries
if (!guid.isEmpty())
info += UString("Variable GUID: ") + guid + "\n";
// Add GUID index information
if (!entry_body->_is_null_guid_index())
info += usprintf("GUID index: %u\n", entry_body->guid_index());
// Add header, body and extended data info
info += usprintf("Full size: %Xh (%u)\nHeader size: %Xh (%u)\nBody size: %Xh (%u)\nTail size: %Xh (%u)",
entry->size(), entry->size(),
(UINT32)header.size(), (UINT32)header.size(),
(UINT32)body.size(), (UINT32)body.size(),
(UINT32)tail.size(), (UINT32)tail.size());
// Add attributes info
const NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER entryHeader = readUnaligned((NVAR_ENTRY_HEADER*)header.constData());
info += usprintf("\nAttributes: %02Xh", entryHeader.Attributes);
// Translate attributes to text
if (entryHeader.Attributes != 0x00 && entryHeader.Attributes != 0xFF)
info += UString(" (") + nvarAttributesToUString(entryHeader.Attributes) + UString(")");
// Add next node info
if (entry->next() != 0xFFFFFF)
info += usprintf("\nNext node at offset: %Xh", localOffset + entry->offset() + (UINT32)entry->next());
// Add extended header info
if (entry_body->extended_header_size() > 0) {
info += usprintf("\nExtended header size: %Xh (%u)",
entry_body->extended_header_size(), entry_body->extended_header_size());
const UINT8 extendedAttributes = *tail.constData();
info += usprintf("\nExtended attributes: %02Xh (", extendedAttributes) + nvarExtendedAttributesToUString(extendedAttributes) + UString(")");
// Add checksum
if (!entry_body->_is_null_extended_header_checksum()) {
UINT8 calculatedChecksum = 0;
UByteArray wholeBody = body + tail;
// Include entry body
UINT8* start = (UINT8*)wholeBody.constData();
for (UINT8* p = start; p < start + wholeBody.size(); p++) {
calculatedChecksum += *p;
// Include entry size and flags
start = (UINT8*)&entryHeader.Size;
for (UINT8*p = start; p < start + sizeof(UINT16); p++) {
calculatedChecksum += *p;
// Include entry attributes
calculatedChecksum += entryHeader.Attributes;
info += usprintf("\nChecksum: %02Xh, ", entry_body->extended_header_checksum())
+ (calculatedChecksum ? usprintf(", invalid, should be %02Xh", 0x100 - calculatedChecksum) : UString(", valid"));
// Add timestamp
if (!entry_body->_is_null_extended_header_timestamp())
info += usprintf("\nTimestamp: %" PRIX64 "h", entry_body->extended_header_timestamp());
// Add hash
if (!entry_body->_is_null_extended_header_hash()) {
UByteArray hash = UByteArray(entry_body->extended_header_hash().c_str(), entry_body->extended_header_hash().size());
info += UString("\nHash: ") + UString(hash.toHex().constData());
// Add tree item
UModelIndex varIndex = model->addItem(localOffset + entry->offset(), Types::NvarEntry, subtype, name, text, info, header, body, tail, Fixed, index);
// Set parsing data
model->setParsingData(varIndex, UByteArray((const char*)&pdata, sizeof(pdata)));
// Try parsing the entry data as NVAR storage if it begins with NVAR signature
if ((subtype == Subtypes::DataNvarEntry || subtype == Subtypes::FullNvarEntry)
&& body.size() >= 4 && readUnaligned((const UINT32*)body.constData()) == NVRAM_NVAR_ENTRY_SIGNATURE)
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catch (...) {
msg(usprintf("%s: unable to parse AMI NVAR storage", __FUNCTION__), index);
return U_SUCCESS;
USTATUS NvramParser::parseNvramVolumeBody(const UModelIndex & index)
// Sanity check
if (!index.isValid())
2016-10-27 12:31:15 -04:00
// Obtain required fields from parsing data
UINT8 emptyByte = 0xFF;
if (model->hasEmptyParsingData(index) == false) {
UByteArray data = model->parsingData(index);
const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA* pdata = (const VOLUME_PARSING_DATA*)data.constData();
emptyByte = pdata->emptyByte;
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// Get local offset
const UINT32 localOffset = (UINT32)model->header(index).size();
// Get item data
UByteArray volumeBody = model->body(index);
const UINT32 volumeBodySize = (UINT32)volumeBody.size();
// Iterate over all bytes inside the volume body, trying to parse every next byte offset by one of the known parsers
UByteArray padding;
for (UINT32 offset = 0;
offset < volumeBodySize;
offset++) {
bool storeFound = false;
// Try parsing as VSS store
try {
UByteArray vss = volumeBody.mid(offset);
umemstream is(vss.constData(), vss.size());
kaitai::kstream ks(&is);
edk2_vss_t parsed(&ks);
// VSS store at current offset parsed correctly
msg(usprintf("%s: VSS store found at offset: %Xh, paddingSize: %Xh", __FUNCTION__, localOffset + offset, (UINT32)padding.size()), index);
storeFound = true;
offset += parsed.size() - 1;
} catch (...) {
// Parsing failed try something else
//TODO: all other kinds of stores
// if (!storeFound && ...)
// This byte had not been parsed as anything
if (!storeFound)
padding += volumeBody.at(offset);
return U_SUCCESS;